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Another violence in Thailand post


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Never ride a songtao alone late at night! I got taken to a dark and deserted area by a songtao driver. He told me to get out and quickly drove away. I started walking back to the main road and two Thai guys stopped me. One had a homemade gun, the other a knife. They were young and high on yaba. They made the mistake of looking at each other instead of me. I kicked one in the groin, he dropped to his knees as I punched the other in the face, breaking his nose, ...then I ran like hell.

I have also had attempts made to pick my pocket, and have had the necklace snatch attempted two times. Van drivers can also be very obnoxious. One time I was coming back from Bangkok to Jomtien. I was assured I would be taken to Jomtien when I bought the ticket, but got dropped at Bali Hai Pier. When I told the driver to take me to Jomtien as promised he punched me in the face. I chose not to retaliate as there were several other Thai guys there, and they are all very brave and aggressive in a group!

Common theme on this thread regarding violence has been the use of drugs, particularly ya ba.

Under NO circumstances befriend, have anything to do or even so much as talk to someone who knowingly, or is suspected of ya ba use.

There's a good reason meth is called the "crazy drug" in Thai. Stay far, far away from anyone that uses this stuff. Don't attempt to help them - run away from them and let them fend for themselves. I would advise the same in the west.

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I am a victim.

A group of young Thais (around 18 to 22 I guess) wanted to have my new iPad. First it was only one motorbike with 2 ppl on it. I walked in Suk soi 50 to go to 7-11 as they approaching me on motorbike and asking to get my iPad.

I just walked further and didn't give them of course. They stopped and got of the bike starting a fight. I fought back and they got scared and.went away on motorbike.

I thought I'm lucky and went to 7-11. Already forgot about the incident and walked home. Suddenly I heard something from behind and looked back. Then it made boom and they hit me with an iron bar to head. Seems they were hiding in the bushes.

Same.minute 3 other motorbikes came and I was surrounded by 6 Thais. All with iron bars. They hit on me like crazy, shouting like wild animals. After getting 4 or 5 hits to the head blood spread all over my head but that didn't make them stop. They just got more angry and hit me everywhere.

I threw the iPad to the ground and all 6 stormed to it and fled on their bikes.

This attack was.filmed by 4 CCTV and my manager from apartment helped me go to police with it.

Guess what was the outcome? Nothing. Even they had the numbers of at least 2 bikes, nothing happened to them. At least I think so because police never contactede again after.

I went to hospital with last powers I had, there I got 45 stitches to my head and 2 broken fingers were treated.

That's my story...

Year? Time of day? Why were you walking down the street playing on your ipad? Should have kept it at home or at least hidden in your backpack.

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The last time I saw and was a victim of violence myself was when I was returning to Bangkok from Koh Larn having spent a night on the island. A British expat threatened to kill me because I wouldn't move from a pedestrian island( traffic is not allowed there) as I was waiting in the middle of the road trying to safely cross the road. He later drove the mororcycle into me and hit me and my luggage and drove off while screaming profanities at me... I have never seen such level of violence in my whole life and the sheer stupidity of it was kind of disturbing - so now Pattaya is a permanent no go zone for me. I didn't even spend a minute in Pattaya, it happened as I was trying to cross the road to the Pattaya Bus station as I was returning from the Pattaya Pier by taxi.

Prior to that I had a few altercations with mostly only foreigners - I had one Scott from Glasgow who tried to get into fight with me over a very minor dispute - he only notified me that he had a problem by literally charging me and challenging me to a fight. Since I didn't accept the challenge and quitely told him to get lost - no violence actually took place. I have to give this guy some credit, 15 minutes later he approached me and aplogized, I guess it finally sunk to him what an idiot he was for behaving that way.

There was one more serious incident with British and French expats, again, loss of face, people just go ballistic over minor issues these days, violence seems to be the only thing on the mind of too many expats these days, not a lot of people are willing to just talk it out anymore.

I had one altercation with a Thai, but I did make him lose face big time I guess, even though I caught him doing something kind of nasty - I should have contacted the authorities instead of trying to explain what he did wrong to the Thai directly, he was high on drugs and alcohol at the time, challenged me to a fight, I didn't budge, so he gave up eventually. No violence took place. I only had to endure about 40 minutes of unspeakable verbal abuse from the Thai in my direction - he didn't take it well that I was trying to lecture him...

There was also one small incident in Samut Prakan, a dog slightly bit me once, but the teeth didn't penetrate the skin, so it was no big deal I guess. Also there was one kid in the neighbourhood who tried to cut me off at the local Tesco Express, I wouldn't let him. So a couple of days later I saw this kid fingering me and shouting "Hey f u Farang"... I was a little surprised by all of it, but didn't think much of it cause I guess it was just a kid.

"High on drugs". Says it all doesn't it? Why do westerners always seem to attract the druggies. Based on this and other similar threads, it is clear that the vast majority of altercations that lead to violence have something to do with drugs and/or alcohol.

As for the dog, what has that got to do with Thailand? Dogs should be approached with caution everywhere.

The kid should go <deleted> himself.

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There was a Thaivisa member who got hit over the head with his own frying pan by burglars while he was typing away on his computer.

I know him well. But robberies happen in every country around the world. And he lived in a very remote area.

I've had a relative threaten me. Absolutely bizarre. Trying to save face when I asked him about a very small scratch in my car after he used it for a month while we were gone.

I've had more problems with foreigners....

How many ROBberies you know in Singapure or Switzerland, Monaco. HK its not country and Macao too but..

So I cant say robberies happen in every country around the world.

craig, NEVER lend your car to a Thai. It never ends well.

ardokano. Those countries you have mentioned are indeed safe. However, did you know that in Singapore, a group of Colombian burglars had gone there for the express purpose of breaking into homes and stealing their possessions? This happened about a year or two ago. Similarly, gang crime involving teenagers occurs from time to time. Crime can happen anywhere but you need to put things into perspective. Thailand is still safer than Cambodia or the Phils when it comes to burglary and even snatch and grab crimes.

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Never in any of the 34 years I have been here. Most "incidents" anywhere in the world depend on a number of factors.

1. If you are displaying openly what appears to be wealth

2. Have an attitude that you are looking for trouble

3. Are alone in a quite prt of the town / city at night and

4. It is obvious you have had more to drink than is reasonable

I have been to too many places to do any of the above. Item 4 does not apply to me as I gave up drink many years ago but that is another story

Sorry none of those apply to my incident.

For number one I dress simple

Number2 I keep to myself seldom bother others for any thing.

number3 My incident happened in my hotel room.

number 4 I donot drink,smoke or do drugs.

So your generalizations do not work all the time sorry.

Ok you are special so let's talk about you. How did it happen in your room? You need to forget the idea you contradict the majority you dont. People get killed in accidents but a lot also get killed by thugs. You cant make things on a person by person basis which you are trying to. That definitely does not work. If you were the center of the universe then you may have a claim but guess what, you are not

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My friend was walking alone suddenly there was a big bright light above his head. 6 big slug like creatures from a space ship started to attack him as they wanted his new i pad and his new Nike trainers and the thousands of bht on full view in his shirt pocket. OK you may not belive me but this story is more belivable than most on this fiction thread???

Edited by jeab1980
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I've been in a few situations in the last 12 years I've been here where I felt insecure but, fortunately, they fizzled out. But I understand violence can easily happen in the current climate. The economy's sour and there's a heckuva lot of political tension under the surface. One half the country's pissed off with the other. It's like two people who hate each other left on a deserted island.

Best thing for foreigners is to mind your own business, smile freely, be unfailingly polite and respectful, and disengage asap from situations which look like they can go south.

But I don't think it's ever us-against-them. Thais are proud that people like us love their country well enough to leave our own and move here. And they were never colonized by the West. So there's no historical animus against us.

That's quite true. As I've said before, while I'm always concerned whenever I hear about a report of violence against a foreigner, in most cases it's not directed at us per se. Rather, it's as another person has pointed out, due to being in the "wrong place at the wrong time" combined with 1) outward shows of wealth 2) perhaps being intoxicated 3) involving taxi/tuk-tuk drivers and other untrustworthy types, often late at night who have something to do with drugs 4) the attitude of foreigners in some cases.

However, this "not being colonized" thingy is actually rather irrelevant if you ask me. Go to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia or Myanmar, even India and how many people would still hold a grudge for colonization? I think the feeling of artificial guilt is much stronger amongst westerners themselves than among locals in formerly colonized countries. Apart from anything, many locals are not even aware their country was ever colonized (put it down to the lack of education), they don't care and/or are willing to let bygones be bygones. Only in western countries (and China/Japan/the Koreas) are old battles still a source of rage/victimhood or in the case of western countries, guilt. In the case of China and the Koreas it's mostly against Japan, in Japan it's against China and the Koreas, in North Korea it's against Japan/the USA and to a lesser extent Israel.

Never once have I had a discussion with anyone in any of the countries mentioned above (except in China, where the topic always drifted towards what Japan did during the earlier part of last century) about colonization. Nobody seems to care; Laotians/Cambodians/Vietnamese are much more interested in childish things like making fun of the color of your hair or the size of your nose or laughing when you accidentally take a tumble from the second floor of a staircase. Intellectual curiosity is extremely low. Not a big difference to Thailand really.

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i will touch wood and say no.I dont like to tempt providence.But in the years i've been here i have learned that there are ways.

I never go to loud bars in busy areas that cause attention.I dress,not scruffy,but i never wear polo or lacost unless going somewhere safe and will be going and picked up by a friend.I live in a village and although our house is nice i buy Thia style furniture.I drive a 15 year old car and i never pull out lots of cash to pay for goods when there are unknown Thais around me.I like them to think that i am struggling just like them.If we do go for a night out,we take a small bag for clothes and drive the car to the local hospital car park.We then get the bus into the city and a taxi to our hotel.And the same going home.My wife will not wear her jewellery when out and about,in the village.we use the local shop and the owners have got to know us Sometimes i even do a little acting,telling them my pension doesnt come until tomorrow,and can i pay them then,i do the same thing with the local restaurant where we sometimes eat.They always agree and the cafe owner gives me a beer too,but i always pay the next day. We get the farmers leaving us a sample of their field produce,like some veges or sometimes a fish.Our neighbours son works for Chang and he will often bring me home a couple of beers.

All this is very nice,but i always pay back the kindness,or help when i need to.I had to get up at 3 am one night to start my neighbours car with my jump leads,and gave them to him in case he had further need of them while he was away.So,i have to say.Not yet to the OP's question. Not yet!

I think based on some of the stories in this thread you might be safer if you actually drove to your destination rather than catching buses and particularly taxis. The latter have been known to drive people to isolated areas, waiting to assault and rob them. Unless you are going to be drinking more than one or two beers (or glasses of wine) I'd recommend: drive and minimize any walking outside at night.

This has always kept me safe.

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Near 10 year ago i be drunk this my NEW Brit friend and few girl foreigner and Thai abd some another guys i even do not remember.

After few bar "ours" girls try protect one japan girl from agressive Thai guys.

So start beef.

And come some thais more /both side(becouse we have thai girls too)

So final some guys slap girls and ....

Its cost me 35$k.. One day visit my "new" thai friends with uniform to HK meet me and my Chines friend who introduce me this is Thai guy (all i pay).

Broken pinkie, lost phone and etc.

But I get very very good frind from UK.

Get Thai friend with uniform and his help me and my friend alot after.

Get GF (but only for few month, her parents dont want she have not Thai BF).

So all in life happened its for better thinks.

As example simular situation few year ago cost me in China near 5 time more and even near month in prison. And banned entry to China for 3 year in total.

In HK its cost me 4 month prison abd few thousand. And after problem with renew HK id.

And even in US just protect my self

I am not be drunk guys want my stuff and cash. Cost me near 10k

for the lawyer to cancel the charges.sad.png

And more important its broken watch -gift from very close to me friend and his gon. sad.png

So Thai its not to bad.

And can say its safty place.

Even compare with some western country.

WOW you seem to get yourself into trouble in every country you go to. Prison time here, prison time there, banned from one country, lawyer fees in another.

Are you sure you weren't drunk when you wrote this post? You might want to put down the booze and stay away from bars and clubs for a while.

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In 1973 I was out with my future wife at Paradise Pool in Udorn. I had been drinking and decided I wanted some fried rice from a restaurant near by, My future wife told me to take off my baht chain before I went to the restaurant as it was dangerous to wear a gold chain. Oh course I was young and did not listen. On the way back, someone tried to take my chain from behind, I was able to turn around and had him on the ground and was hitting him. Then another Thai came out of he alley and hit my head with a pipe as my friend just stood there. I did get 5 stitches... Lessons learned no gold and new friends when I go out... My home was robbed in 73 as well, but had nothing of value taken as any valuables were on base... No one was home... I did go to the police (things have not changed) about the assault and robbery of the chain, He wanted me to pay him to look into to it... I just walked away!!!

One thing has changed in Thailand. You don't need to pay the police to at least start looking into a crime or writing a report for your insurance company.

What you wrote pretty much describes what happens in Cambodia in 2016. Police there still want money just to get up from their desks. No money = no investigation of any crime, no matter how serious.

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I responded to two Thai guys on a motorcycle as they rode past shouting "F^%k you Farang !"

They U-Turned and got off their bike and squared up for a fight. I was ready.

After facing off, they turned away, got on their bike and rode away... I thought that was it.

5 mins later, 6 Thai Guys rocked up and faced off to me... I saw a large Machete slung over one guys back...

Bugger... I was in trouble...

As they approached me I gave a Wai and an apology... they seemed to shrug their shoulders, turn round, get back on their bikes and rode off...

That was that... I was very lucky... but I remember it and learned from the encounter.

More information please. Why did they shout at you to begin with. Must have been a prior altercation or incident. Personally, I've never had some random stranger I've never previously seen before shout anything at me. Maybe a group of teenagers snickering, while standing around "oh look, farang!" but that's about it. Most Thais don't even know enough English to say "<deleted>".

It's happened to me in the same way. Crossing the road , two thai guys on a bike , passenger shouts "<deleted> you farang.

So I can say for sure it does happen.

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I met a woman thru the interwebthingy chatted from the UK flew out to meet her and the very next day she violently assaulted me in Koh Kood, that was 11 years ago............reminds me I mustnt forget our wedding anniversarylaugh.png

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There was a Thaivisa member who got hit over the head with his own frying pan by burglars while he was typing away on his computer.

I know him well. But robberies happen in every country around the world. And he lived in a very remote area.

I've had a relative threaten me. Absolutely bizarre. Trying to save face when I asked him about a very small scratch in my car after he used it for a month while we were gone.

I've had more problems with foreigners....

How many ROBberies you know in Singapure or Switzerland, Monaco. HK its not country and Macao too but..

So I cant say robberies happen in every country around the world.

Perhaps you should spend a few minutes looking at this


Switzerland ranked 27th at 67 per 100,000 population

Singapore a very good 70th at 4.69

Macao at 53rd at 26.48

HK at 67th at 6.94

Thailand does not appear to be listed, likely due to reporting issues.

So, yes robberies happen all over the world.


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I responded to two Thai guys on a motorcycle as they rode past shouting "<deleted> you Farang !"

They U-Turned and got off their bike and squared up for a fight. I was ready.

After facing off, they turned away, got on their bike and rode away... I thought that was it.

5 mins later, 6 Thai Guys rocked up and faced off to me... I saw a large Machete slung over one guys back...

Bugger... I was in trouble...

As they approached me I gave a Wai and an apology... they seemed to shrug their shoulders, turn round, get back on their bikes and rode off...

That was that... I was very lucky... but I remember it and learned from the encounter.

Where was that ?

In his last dream tongue.png

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I responded to two Thai guys on a motorcycle as they rode past shouting "<deleted> you Farang !"

They U-Turned and got off their bike and squared up for a fight. I was ready.

After facing off, they turned away, got on their bike and rode away... I thought that was it.

5 mins later, 6 Thai Guys rocked up and faced off to me... I saw a large Machete slung over one guys back...

Bugger... I was in trouble...

As they approached me I gave a Wai and an apology... they seemed to shrug their shoulders, turn round, get back on their bikes and rode off...

That was that... I was very lucky... but I remember it and learned from the encounter.

Where was that ?

In his last dream tongue.png



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I responded to two Thai guys on a motorcycle as they rode past shouting "<deleted> you Farang !"

They U-Turned and got off their bike and squared up for a fight. I was ready.

After facing off, they turned away, got on their bike and rode away... I thought that was it.

5 mins later, 6 Thai Guys rocked up and faced off to me... I saw a large Machete slung over one guys back...

Bugger... I was in trouble...

As they approached me I gave a Wai and an apology... they seemed to shrug their shoulders, turn round, get back on their bikes and rode off...

That was that... I was very lucky... but I remember it and learned from the encounter.

Where was that ?

In his last dream tongue.png



If you were serious, I'm sorry and excuse me, I thought/understood you were jokingfacepalm.gif

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I was attacked at nana plaza by a worker that I had never seen and who attacked me before I even saw him. Police came and took him to the police station. I had to take a taxi there. It was the World Cup. As the police did the interview with us, they periodically stopped to watch replays of goals on the TV. They wouldn't charge the attacker even though it was unprovoked and I was still bleeding. They yelled at me when I insisted that I wanted to press charges. Then they called a French bar owner who speaks Thai and English to convince me to forget about it and go away.

So, when I read stories about Thais stabbing farang and getting B500 fines, I am notably sympathetic.

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There was a Thaivisa member who got hit over the head with his own frying pan by burglars while he was typing away on his computer.

I know him well. But robberies happen in every country around the world. And he lived in a very remote area.

I've had a relative threaten me. Absolutely bizarre. Trying to save face when I asked him about a very small scratch in my car after he used it for a month while we were gone.

I've had more problems with foreigners....

How many ROBberies you know in Singapure or Switzerland, Monaco. HK its not country and Macao too but..

So I cant say robberies happen in every country around the world.

Perhaps you should spend a few minutes looking at this


Switzerland ranked 27th at 67 per 100,000 population

Singapore a very good 70th at 4.69

Macao at 53rd at 26.48

HK at 67th at 6.94

Thailand does not appear to be listed, likely due to reporting issues.

So, yes robberies happen all over the world.


Yes, they do. But the difference is that WE ARE BEING TARGETED.

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There was a Thaivisa member who got hit over the head with his own frying pan by burglars while he was typing away on his computer.

I know him well. But robberies happen in every country around the world. And he lived in a very remote area.

I've had a relative threaten me. Absolutely bizarre. Trying to save face when I asked him about a very small scratch in my car after he used it for a month while we were gone.

I've had more problems with foreigners....

How many ROBberies you know in Singapure or Switzerland, Monaco. HK its not country and Macao too but..

So I cant say robberies happen in every country around the world.

Perhaps you should spend a few minutes looking at this


Switzerland ranked 27th at 67 per 100,000 population

Singapore a very good 70th at 4.69

Macao at 53rd at 26.48

HK at 67th at 6.94

Thailand does not appear to be listed, likely due to reporting issues.

So, yes robberies happen all over the world.


Philippines 2007-9.0 2008-7.3 2009 49.0

Its even not fanny.

From where take this is statistic from moon?

And its 2009!!!

If you get 2005 from MACAU as example. Its evry time some shoting. Some fire scoter/bike. Its be gang city.. Now its total different.


And you still do not say any about Monaco.

Its country.

And what happened? You many know?

Robbering some office it not same as robbering in street..

Edited by ardokano
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Ive been attacked numerous times, a couple by pickpocketers that lost face, all was loss of face and the fury it provokes, never confront a theif or a scammer or they attack, once I was just drunk walking home and a thai guy thought it was his duty to punch the drunk farang guy

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Why do you want to know? are you researching a book? doing an article for some a publication

Otherwise whats the point why you want to know?

another crack at someone for no reason. There are 9 pages of responses so others clearly find it an interesting post. More to the point why your reply? If your not interested go read something you are interested in
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Around 1990 I was lecturing at a university in Bangkok and living with a bar girl in an apartment just off Sukhumvit. While I was at work she would gamble at cards and smoke ganja or ya ba every afternoon with the other girls living in the apartment building. She wasn't very bright and of course lost everything every day. I finally had enough and told her "one more time and I will pack your things and put them outside the door." The very next day I came home and she was drunk and gambling with the girls. I packed her things in one of my suitcases and bags and put everything outside the door. A few hours I hear knocking on the door, looked through the spy hole and there she was. I opened the door but blocked it with my body. Her friends had loaned her a butcher knife which she proceeded to wave around. I picked up a kitchen chair but unlike most this one had bottom supports running front to back and not side to side. She walked right up into the chair and stabbed me three times in the abdomen before I could get the door closed. Called the front desk and they sent someone around but her friends had already helped her hide somewhere. Had to open me up at the hospital as one stab nicked my liver while the other two did little damage. Never filled out a police report and never saw or heard from her again. Valuable lesson learned though.

And your "valuable lesson" was what, exactly? Don't be a lowlife idiot? cheesy.gif

No, but seriously...I think this post is a good example of what's behind the vast majority of "violence against farangs" in Thailand: farang men acting with their "small head" and putting themselves in seriously dicey situations that they don't need to (in the case of Thai women doing the violence), or guys trying to be tough and not simply walking away from potential trouble (in the case of Thai men doing the violence).

99.9999% of violent encounters in Thailand can be avoided if one is not a wannabe tough guy dick or one doesn't put oneself in dangerous, lawless situations.

Also, a disclaimer: I'm no stranger to nightlife and hanging with "rough people" in Thailand...but I know when to back away and when to simply get out, so I can live to have fun another day.

What reason would you come on here and call someone you don't know a low life idiot? That's about as cowardly as 6 thai guys beating one man. Maybe the girl was different (as many are) when he first met her. Maybe he took pity on her sob story? Idiot or someone with a heart? Some of these girls after moving into your home can go from Jekyll to Hyde in no time. And they're not easy to remove without some confrontation. I think if I was in that situation I'd simply go and pay the police to come and remove her peaceably. Mind you wouldn't stop her coming back with friends.

Do these people not consider the concequences of stabbing, shooting or killing someone? Maybe prison isn't a bad alternative for some here

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As an expat who's been living here for over 15yrs, it doesn't need much intellect to

know that if you put yourselves in a vulnerable situation then you could easily be taken

advantage of, whether it's violence towards you or financially scammed.

Just remember that you are the foreigner, and that makes you a target for the Thais

who think it's fair game.

In my case, the only Thai's that have scammed me financially over the years are the

ones that are hard to avoid and retreat/retaliate from, without consequences, and yes

they have all been in uniform.

a vulnerable position here can be every time you drive a car or bike here. Doesn't have to happen late at night or outside a bar
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Worst case of violence I saw was a farang abusing a thai. Phuket central mall. Horrible Brit guy. Shaved head, tats. Came out of the cubicle, pants around his ankles...sht down the back of his ass, full frontal naked. The smell. Absolutely violently abused the poor tiny middle aged cleaning lady. Was horrible. I hope she didn't understand English because what he called her was vile. All because he didn't realise you had to take toilet paper in the cubicle with him. I hoped she had 6 brothers or cousins come and visit him. I was ashamed to be part of the human race that day let alone farang.

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Worst case of violence I saw was a farang abusing a thai. Phuket central mall. Horrible Brit guy. Shaved head, tats. Came out of the cubicle, pants around his ankles...sht down the back of his ass, full frontal naked. The smell. Absolutely violently abused the poor tiny middle aged cleaning lady. Was horrible. I hope she didn't understand English because what he called her was vile. All because he didn't realise you had to take toilet paper in the cubicle with him. I hoped she had 6 brothers or cousins come and visit him. I was ashamed to be part of the human race that day let alone farang.

well its not like the 6 brothers could kick the "sheet" out of him is it.

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