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NCPO spokesman insists the junta always respects human rights

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This is why the junta is still not welcome in Australia. This whole gaggle of evil morons who seized the country for their personal gain are the ones tarnishing Thailand's image and has the whole world laughing at them. There are absolutely no human rights in Thailand. The only ones with rights is the military junta. Prayuth said he has the right to shot reporters who don't support the junta and write glorifying articles about him.

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Being arrested, denied bail, and marched in front of a military court, not for writing a post on facebook, not even for liking a post on facebook, but for having one sent to you, as is happening to the mother of Ja New, the student activist, could be construed as a pretty fundemental breach of human rights.

And now "apparently " if you like or share the the story that she replied "ja" to the offending message that was sent to her, you might possibly be arrested also. Because she joined in the conversation more than that. So,the hundreds of people that have commented on that article are all now at risk of being arrested, including her lawyer. Curiouser and curiouser.I feel like

Alice in wonderland.

Just the military junta expressing thier rights to oppress their subjects.
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Obviously, the spokesperson has no clue as to what human rights are. Must have a Thai education. coffee1.gif

This gentleman spent a part of his education in Australia at officer training, this is one reason why he speaks reasonable English. I am sure he has an understanding of human rights as it is perceived by other countries. His personal opinions would be interesting to hear.

I think he would be great as a stand up comedian as he can deliver any line with a straight face.

And you call him a gentleman just because he happened to spend a little time in Australia? Please! He is the mouthpiece for a bunch of junta clowns. In my book, he is a long way from being a gentleman. That title, IMO, must be earned. I know, in England the title can be purchased. However, I am American and I have different values. This guy is a Muppet Puppet, not a gentleman.

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Well, Colonell, let's start with the following two articles then: Read, study, try to understand and then look around you and see what's the reality here in this "country"...

Article 18.

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19.

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

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Obviously, the spokesperson has no clue as to what human rights are. Must have a Thai education. coffee1.gif

This gentleman spent a part of his education in Australia at officer training, this is one reason why he speaks reasonable English. I am sure he has an understanding of human rights as it is perceived by other countries. His personal opinions would be interesting to hear.

I think he would be great as a stand up comedian as he can deliver any line with a straight face.

And you call him a gentleman just because he happened to spend a little time in Australia? Please! He is the mouthpiece for a bunch of junta clowns. In my book, he is a long way from being a gentleman. That title, IMO, must be earned. I know, in England the title can be purchased. However, I am American and I have different values. This guy is a Muppet Puppet, not a gentleman.

Sorry to disappoint you but " gentleman" is not a title which can be purchased in England, rather it is a soubriquet earned by adherence to certain basic standards of behaviour, and is unconnected with someones financial worth or perceived rank.

How does one achieve the position of " Muppet Puppet" in North America's egalitarian society?

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Nice to see The Nation step it up a bit.

But why now?

That IS a good question. During the time that Suthep and his fellow protestors were busy trying to provoke a coup, people with some foresight already said 'be careful what you wish for'.

Really amazing how even pretty recent history is being ignored and total ignorance about the ineffectiveness and general behavior of military regimes the world over becomes apparent.

Now one could say that this regime really has taken it to yet another level (at least compared to the previous Junta back in 2006-2007), but I bet quite a few of Suthep's fellow demonstrators are having second thoughts now. Suthep on the other hand must love how things are progressing. He apparently is exempted from the article 61 mentioned in the nation article...

I guess the Nation has finally woken up, although I believe this isn't the first article published by them, that is highly critical against the junta.

I just hope the author is spared one of those attitude adjustment sessions we hear so much about...

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Nice to see The Nation step it up a bit.

But why now?

That IS a good question. During the time that Suthep and his fellow protestors were busy trying to provoke a coup, people with some foresight already said 'be careful what you wish for'.

Really amazing how even pretty recent history is being ignored and total ignorance about the ineffectiveness and general behavior of military regimes the world over becomes apparent.

Now one could say that this regime really has taken it to yet another level (at least compared to the previous Junta back in 2006-2007), but I bet quite a few of Suthep's fellow demonstrators are having second thoughts now. Suthep on the other hand must love how things are progressing. He apparently is exempted from the article 61 mentioned in the nation article...

I guess the Nation has finally woken up, although I believe this isn't the first article published by them, that is highly critical against the junta.

I just hope the author is spared one of those attitude adjustment sessions we hear so much about...

Lest we forget:


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Obviously, the spokesperson has no clue as to what human rights are. Must have a Thai education. coffee1.gif

This gentleman spent a part of his education in Australia at officer training, this is one reason why he speaks reasonable English. I am sure he has an understanding of human rights as it is perceived by other countries. His personal opinions would be interesting to hear.

I think he would be great as a stand up comedian as he can deliver any line with a straight face.

And you call him a gentleman just because he happened to spend a little time in Australia? Please! He is the mouthpiece for a bunch of junta clowns. In my book, he is a long way from being a gentleman. That title, IMO, must be earned. I know, in England the title can be purchased. However, I am American and I have different values. This guy is a Muppet Puppet, not a gentleman.

Sorry to disappoint you but " gentleman" is not a title which can be purchased in England, rather it is a soubriquet earned by adherence to certain basic standards of behaviour, and is unconnected with someones financial worth or perceived rank.

How does one achieve the position of " Muppet Puppet" in North America's egalitarian society?

JAG, I agree with your definition of Gentleman above. However, it is also based on personal perception. So, while one person may perceive an individual to be a gentleman, that does not mean that all people will perceive him as such. So, in your opinion, this mouthpiece for the junta is a gentleman. You are very welcome to your opinion. I respect your right to your opinion. However, I have a different opinion.

As for the "position" of Muppet Puppet, anyone who has a hankering for the position is welcome to it. I'm sure that no one will raise objections. coffee1.gif

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We just don't know what's happening to those that go missing.

We only hear of AA and those that are released and suddenly passive.

Thais can be cruel .

And the imagination boggles at what some poor people might confront.


Edited by Plutojames88
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Obviously, the spokesperson has no clue as to what human rights are. Must have a Thai education. coffee1.gif

This gentleman spent a part of his education in Australia at officer training, this is one reason why he speaks reasonable English. I am sure he has an understanding of human rights as it is perceived by other countries. His personal opinions would be interesting to hear.

I think he would be great as a stand up comedian as he can deliver any line with a straight face.

And you call him a gentleman just because he happened to spend a little time in Australia? Please! He is the mouthpiece for a bunch of junta clowns. In my book, he is a long way from being a gentleman. That title, IMO, must be earned. I know, in England the title can be purchased. However, I am American and I have different values. This guy is a Muppet Puppet, not a gentleman.

Sorry to disappoint you but " gentleman" is not a title which can be purchased in England, rather it is a soubriquet earned by adherence to certain basic standards of behaviour, and is unconnected with someones financial worth or perceived rank.

How does one achieve the position of " Muppet Puppet" in North America's egalitarian society?

JAG, I agree with your definition of Gentleman above. However, it is also based on personal perception. So, while one person may perceive an individual to be a gentleman, that does not mean that all people will perceive him as such. So, in your opinion, this mouthpiece for the junta is a gentleman. You are very welcome to your opinion. I respect your right to your opinion. However, I have a different opinion.

As for the "position" of Muppet Puppet, anyone who has a hankering for the position is welcome to it. I'm sure that no one will raise objections. coffee1.gif

I tried to define "gentleman" to try to explain why it isn't a title which can be bought in England.

I certainly don't count this fellow as one!

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We just don't know what's happening to those that go missing.

We only hear of AA and those that are released and suddenly passive.

Thais can be cruel .

And the imagination boggles at what some poor people might confront.

No need to go that far back for images of Thai authorities burning people alive.


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Why would any person/ company even contemplate investing here under the current circumstances,dangerous times?

Capitalists don't care, they'll deal with anyone, Israel, Saudi Arabia, China, Burma, Sri Lanka, all massive abusers of human rights and all our friends in trade and business.

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