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Trump takes aim at Clinton over her husband's infidelities


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" What's next, an attack on Socks the cat for shitting in the White House?"

Not really. Bill and Hillary have already covered that particular range of sleaze.


‘Enabler’ Hillary Clinton haunted by efforts to ‘destroy’ husband’s accusers


Bombshell Report Details EVERY Clinton Sex Assault Victim


’90s Scandals Threaten to Erode Hillary Clinton’s Strength With Women


'If you read I committed suicide don't believe it': Dramatic warning from Clinton 'mistress' who claims Hillary's associates harassed her over 1980s affair with Bill


Bill Clinton's ex-lover opens floodgates on 'Crooked Hillary's' past


Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998


It ain't all spin.

Methinks you've been reading National Enquirer so steadfastly that it's become your Bible. There's a presidential race going on, in case you hadn't noticed. It's not a race for sainthood. The position is open for a tough-minded and compassionate person who can think clearly, knows the issues, knows how to get things done, is mature, is well-liked by foreign leaders, has clear ideas on policy, .......in other words, someone with all the qualities that Trump lacks. To put it another way, the position of POTUS is looking for a person with HRC's qualities.

Believe it or not but I have never looked at a copy of the National Inquirer. I leave that to more radical persons such as yourself.

But I do from time to time read articles published in the NY Times. Guess you missed that link.whistling.gif

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Sorry Trump fans, but here's some actual real news, and it's not from the cesspool of the National Enquirer where you like to dwell. Instead it's from a reputable news source: NPR:

title: Hillary Clinton Has Edge Over Donald Trump In General Election

After Trump fans read it, they can go back to the mud pits and resume throwing mud, which they're adept at (and brings them glee).

Looks like a toss up in three swing states according to Quinnipiac.

Hillary might want to wait on the Oval Office drape order for just a little longer.


In a race marked by wide gender, age and racial gaps, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are running neck and neck in the key presidential Swing States of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, but Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont runs stronger against the likely Republican nominee, according to a Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll released today.
Clinton and Trump both have negative favorability ratings among voters in each state, compared to Sanders' split score, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds. The Swing State Poll focuses on Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania because since 1960 no candidate has won the presidential race without taking at least two of these three states.
The presidential matchups show:
Florida - Clinton at 43 percent, with 42 percent for Trump and Sanders at 44 percent to Trump's 42 percent;
Ohio - Trump edges Clinton 43 - 39 percent, while Sanders gets 43 percent to Trump's 41 percent;
Pennsylvania - Clinton at 43 percent to Trump's 42 percent, while Sanders leads Trump 47 - 41 percent.
"Six months from Election Day, the presidential races between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the three most crucial states, Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, are too close to call," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac Poll.
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Again...As crude as it all seems to you, Trump bringing this up isn't about Bubba's sex life. It's all about Hillary.

I don't get it. What is Trump trying to convey (he's often so unclear, really). Is T saying HRC should have publicly denounced her husband and then dumped him?

The logic is so weird. At least when Trump contradicts himself ("women who seek abortions should be criminalized" Next day: "I didn't mean that.")

it's somewhat clear what a mixed up clueless man he is. Yet attacking a candidate for (what?!) not trashing her husband nearly 20 years ago?!?!

Really. It's hard for me to fathom where Trump is trying to go with it. Whatever it is, he's shooting himself in both hands and feet. Even Kim IL Jung makes more sense.

I can understand your confusion. Let me explain it to you. Hillary comes out for women's rights in public but at home folds to philandering husbands rights and assists in the character attack of her husbands victims. "It is commonly believed by Clinton victims that Hillary was behind the siccing of private investigators on the many women who accused her husband of rape, sexual assault or infidelity in the 1990s."


Ok, assuming your spin is correct, ....then Trump is making an election issue out of Hillary allegedly/possibly hiring private detective(s) to see if her husband was messing around 20 to 30 yrs ago. If that's the worst dirt Trump can try to get to stick to HRC, then it's a pretty sad platform for Trump.

One of Trump's handlers should write him a note with the word 'ISSUES' written on it. How is Trump going to deal with the manifold problems facing America's future? Is he going to bottom feed by personally attacking people for morally questionable things they may or may not have done two decades ago? What's next, an attack on Socks the cat for shitting in the White House?

Political campaigning is like a boxing match where one is trying to land a lot of body blows hoping they have a cumulative effect. They don't expect any to them to result in a knockout on their own.

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So much for all those polls and pundits predicting a Hillary landslide http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0Y21TN


so much for seeing Trumps tax returns. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-says-he-will-be-the-first-candidate-since-1976-not-to-release-tax-returns-2016-05-11
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Trump talking about marital infidelity, when he was caught banging Marla Marples behind Ivana's back.

Pure as the driven snow eh?


Trump doesn't claim to be ''pure as the driven snow''...which is why he's going after Hillary about this: SHE pretends to be the champion and defender of women's rights etc. yet she stood by as her husband took advantage of other women and treated her like shit and then she ''stuck by her man''. My friends who are strong women DUMP their cheating boyfriends and don't ''need'' a man. Hillary onviously does OR she knows that ''family values'' are important so she gives the masses what they want (which makes her a fake hypocritical she-devil if you ask me)

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Sorry Trump fans, but here's some actual real news, and it's not from the cesspool of the National Enquirer where you like to dwell. Instead it's from a reputable news source: NPR:

title: Hillary Clinton Has Edge Over Donald Trump In General Election

After Trump fans read it, they can go back to the mud pits and resume throwing mud, which they're adept at (and brings them glee).

Clinton has had the edge from the beginning. That's not news

It's news in the sense it's today's tally of probable or likely votes. In July, August, Sept and October, there will be updates on those sorts of things, and those too will be news.

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So much for all those polls and pundits predicting a Hillary landslide http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0Y21TN


so much for seeing Trumps tax returns. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-says-he-will-be-the-first-candidate-since-1976-not-to-release-tax-returns-2016-05-11
Why are other people's tax returns anyone's business? Good to see he has the balls to NOT release them. Why don't you post your returns here for all to see!
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So much for all those polls and pundits predicting a Hillary landslide http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0Y21TN


so much for seeing Trumps tax returns. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-says-he-will-be-the-first-candidate-since-1976-not-to-release-tax-returns-2016-05-11
Why are other people's tax returns anyone's business? Good to see he has the balls to NOT release them. Why don't you post your returns here for all to see!

What about birth certificates? Or his sex life. Or the sex life of the spouse. That's fair game, right?

Lets get him under oath and ask about his blow jobs but lets leave his tax returns/businesses out of it.

Edited by LarryLindsey
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So much for all those polls and pundits predicting a Hillary landslide http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0Y21TN


so much for seeing Trumps tax returns. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-says-he-will-be-the-first-candidate-since-1976-not-to-release-tax-returns-2016-05-11
Why are other people's tax returns anyone's business? Good to see he has the balls to NOT release them. Why don't you post your returns here for all to see!

Because for 40 years of presidential campaigns, there's never been any candidate who refused .....until Trump. It doesn't takes any balls to hide something. It takes deception and lying. Trump claims he can't release his current statement because it's still being processed. That's complete BS. There's no law anywhere that alludes to that. Plus, what about the 2 years prior? Trump is to honesty what a duck is to playing chess. He's a con artist from his toenails on up to his pretty hair.

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Trustworthy Trump lies all the time.

I remember early on in the contest. Macy's Department Store was taking some heat from Hispanics for carrying the Trump branded shirts and ties. (made in China)

Macy's announced they were dropping the Trump items, no longer selling the stuff.

Trump bizzarly tweeted,

"Macy's didn't drop me. I pulled my inventory because I didn't want to see them get hurt, boycotted by Mexican protesters."

Then he tweeted, "Boycott Macy's. They love illegals"

The guy is a shameless liar and fool.

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So much for all those polls and pundits predicting a Hillary landslide http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0Y21TN


so much for seeing Trumps tax returns. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-says-he-will-be-the-first-candidate-since-1976-not-to-release-tax-returns-2016-05-11
Why are other people's tax returns anyone's business? Good to see he has the balls to NOT release them. Why don't you post your returns here for all to see!

Clinton has released hers and all we get from Trump is excuses, what is he hiding, if nothing then it should be no problem. Certainly the feeble excuse he is using about an audit taking place is just that, feeble.

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AP Interview: Trump says he's unlikely to release tax returns before election


That's right. None of anybody's business. So what if Clinton released hers - 99% bogus we're sure just like that slush fund they call the Clinton Foundation.

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Yes Trump is a narcissistic, bombastic blowhard but does he really match the sleaziness of the Clintons.....

Nowhere near. They are in a class by themselves! smile.png

Trump only makes sense to those that consume right wing news and talk radio. They want to take the USA back to the golden years of 2008. LOL

All they talk about is how Obama is destroying America (You do know he is an illegal alien, communist muslim sent here to take our guns destroy the USA?)

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AP Interview: Trump says he's unlikely to release tax returns before election


That's right. None of anybody's business. So what if Clinton released hers - 99% bogus we're sure just like that slush fund they call the Clinton Foundation.

Her tax records are bogus?

This is an example why you cannot have an intelligent conversation with right wing news consumers.

Edited by LarryLindsey
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Hide the women and children and the weakhearted cause it's gonna get messy watching these two eviscerate each other for the next 5+ months. Hillary really needs to hone her gutter tweetin' skills if she wants to keep up the Trumpster tweeter.

Ah, the politics of blood, guts and disembowelment 2016....

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So much for all those polls and pundits predicting a Hillary landslide http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0Y21TN


so much for seeing Trumps tax returns. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-says-he-will-be-the-first-candidate-since-1976-not-to-release-tax-returns-2016-05-11
Why are other people's tax returns anyone's business? Good to see he has the balls to NOT release them. Why don't you post your returns here for all to see!

Trump has raised other people's tax histories during his campaign. Would only be the decent thing to do to release his now, or are his tax dealings just as shady as he accuses others of?

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So much for all those polls and pundits predicting a Hillary landslide http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0Y21TN


so much for seeing Trumps tax returns. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-says-he-will-be-the-first-candidate-since-1976-not-to-release-tax-returns-2016-05-11
Why are other people's tax returns anyone's business? Good to see he has the balls to NOT release them. Why don't you post your returns here for all to see!

Because for 40 years of presidential campaigns, there's never been any candidate who refused .....until Trump. It doesn't takes any balls to hide something. It takes deception and lying. Trump claims he can't release his current statement because it's still being processed. That's complete BS. There's no law anywhere that alludes to that. Plus, what about the 2 years prior? Trump is to honesty what a duck is to playing chess. He's a con artist from his toenails on up to his pretty hair.

So what if they did...it's not required by law and they were all hack pols with bupkis in terms of assets. For Trump, publishing his income and tax formation could put him at a competitive disadvantage in future business dealings. All you, Mr. Q public, need to know is that he's never been charged with a tax-related crime and as a high-net worth individual, probably has his returns audited annually by the IRS.

I admire the man for telling voyers like you what to do with your curiosity about other people's affairs.

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Why are other people's tax returns anyone's business? Good to see he has the balls to NOT release them. Why don't you post your returns here for all to see!

Because for 40 years of presidential campaigns, there's never been any candidate who refused .....until Trump. It doesn't takes any balls to hide something. It takes deception and lying. Trump claims he can't release his current statement because it's still being processed. That's complete BS. There's no law anywhere that alludes to that. Plus, what about the 2 years prior? Trump is to honesty what a duck is to playing chess. He's a con artist from his toenails on up to his pretty hair.

So what if they did...it's not required by law and they were all hack pols with bupkis in terms of assets. For Trump, publishing his income and tax formation could put him at a competitive disadvantage in future business dealings. All you, Mr. Q public, need to know is that he's never been charged with a tax-related crime and as a high-net worth individual, probably has his returns audited annually by the IRS.

I admire the man for telling voyers like you what to do with your curiosity about other people's affairs.

Yes, up to him to publish yes or no and accept the consequences. But sorry, a statement like 'For Trump, publishing his income and tax formation could put him at a competitive disadvantage in future business dealings' is pure BS.

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All Trump has to do to shut Hillary up is tell the world he will release his tax returns right after she releases her speech transcripts with Goldman Sachs.

On to breaking news. Anybody see this?

Proof the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Chelsea Clinton’s Husband Closing Hedge Fund After Losing 90 Percent Of Its Money
2:19 PM 05/11/2016
Chelsea Clinton’s husband is shutting down a hedge fund he founded after losing 90 percent of investors’ money.
Marc Mezvinsky promoted Eaglevale Hellenic Opportunity as a means to bet on, and profit from, a Greek economic recovery. The fund was a spinoff of Eaglevale Partners, a larger hedge fund founded by Mezvinsky and two colleagues from his days working at Goldman Sachs.
Edited by chuckd
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All Trump has to do to shut Hillary up is tell the world he will release his tax returns right after she releases her speech transcripts with Goldman Sachs.

On to breaking news. Anybody see this?

Proof the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Chelsea Clinton’s Husband Closing Hedge Fund After Losing 90 Percent Of Its Money
2:19 PM 05/11/2016
Chelsea Clinton’s husband is shutting down a hedge fund he founded after losing 90 percent of investors’ money.
Marc Mezvinsky promoted Eaglevale Hellenic Opportunity as a means to bet on, and profit from, a Greek economic recovery. The fund was a spinoff of Eaglevale Partners, a larger hedge fund founded by Mezvinsky and two colleagues from his days working at Goldman Sachs.

Going after the kids now, eh? Classy.

Stick to the candidates. What about all those people that got screwed in Trumps numerous bankruptcies?

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Why are other people's tax returns anyone's business? Good to see he has the balls to NOT release them. Why don't you post your returns here for all to see!

Because for 40 years of presidential campaigns, there's never been any candidate who refused .....until Trump. It doesn't takes any balls to hide something. It takes deception and lying. Trump claims he can't release his current statement because it's still being processed. That's complete BS. There's no law anywhere that alludes to that. Plus, what about the 2 years prior? Trump is to honesty what a duck is to playing chess. He's a con artist from his toenails on up to his pretty hair.

" It doesn't takes any balls to hide something. It takes deception and lying. "

I am assuming you learned this little gem from watching the Clinton's in operation over the past 30 years?

But tell us, how is Trump's refusal to release his tax records any different than Hillary's refusal to release her speech transcripts?

Your hypocrisy is showing.whistling.gif

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Going after the kids now, eh? Classy.

Corrupt all the way down.

Guess the truth hurts, eh? thumbsup.gif

I thought you would appreciate the attack on politicians children.

Like I said, classy.

I sure Trumps kids are gonna love the attention too. Politicians used to keep the family out of it.

You think some billionaires kids haven't been a bit naughty?

How much coke does his kid sniff/sell? How many girls did he knock up? How many abortions did she have? How many black guys did she gangbang? and there is video?..great!

Now this is the way to pick the leader of the free world.

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According to one poster, NPR is his choice for unbiased facts... and um, snicker, snicker, haha, we all know thats a fact. Hillary has been spouting that the FBI is not investigating her use of a private email server but that it's only "security inquiry". Oh, my, my NPR reporting, just today that James Comey confirmed that the FBI is investigating Ms Clinton.

And the other less important porky pies our illustrious former Secretary of State is infamous for -

When the Clintons came out of the white house "Dead Broke" all the while both the Clintons going on the speaking trail knocking down a half a million bucks per speech. Talk about a gift of gab....

Sniper Fire. Campaigning against B. Hussein Obama in 2008 she claimed coming under sniper fire while arriving in Bosnia... those snipers turned out to be a batch of school children running to meet Hillary... Oh, Hillary... you are so brave.

Clinton claimed all of her grandparents "came over here". Geez, facts can be so unfriendly.

And another whooper, claiming to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary. One small problem though, the explorer didn’t climb Everest until Clinton was 6 years old. Oooops.

Very recently, Clinton claimed to have been turned down by the Marines when she applied in 1975. The Washington Post quickly realized the absurdity that a rising legal star at the time, and soon to be wife of Bill Clinton, would drop everything and ship off with the Marines. They gave her a couple of Pinocchios for her tall tale.

Clearly the most reprehensible lie of them all – Clinton failed to tell the truth about a terrorist attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi. She with the help of Susan Rice, standing over the flag-draped coffins of murdered Americans, that an insensitive YouTube video had incited the violence that occurred that night. Why? Because a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11 – which it was – would have destroyed President Obama’s re-election chances. But hey, at the end of the day it’s worth it to Clinton to tell a politically expedient lie, so long as her party can stay in power.

Yep, the Donald and Hillary are both the sleaziest of sleaze bags... only difference is that Hillary was doing most of her sleazing while on the public dole.

Edited by gudtymchuk
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Clinton is being investigated? Really? Imagine that?

Are you talking about the $60 million failed investigation in 1990s that the taxpayers paid for?

Or are you talking about the vetting in her Senate campaign race? or the scrutiny during her presidential race in 2008, or maybe the investigation when Obama nominated her as Secretary of State?

...or the 8 Benghazzi hearings? ... Shes been cleared right?

Nothings really come up so they are going all the way back to the blue dress and beat that into the ground.

Edited by LarryLindsey
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