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Thailand: Med-school exams cancelled after high-tech cheaters nabbed


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Jeez! If it wasn't bad enough that they supposedly made these entrance tests easier with less questions but Thais are still trying to cheat their way into schools! I hope they ban those students for life for doing this. I just hope my future doesn't require me to see any specialists to keep me alive. I wonder how Thailand thinks they could become the medical hub of ASEA.

Do you think these are the only people who have cheated?? what about the previous 2 or 3 decades?

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This article reflects very poorly on the quality of doctors and medical professionals in this country,

is there anything the locals take seriously enough to study for or is it everything for them is one

big cheating games?........

The article is no reflection on the quality of doctors in this country at all, it does, however, reflect on the quality of 3 students though, that's all (unless you know that all doctors in this country cheated to become qualified and you don't know that, of course)

The University obviously feels the same as you, which is why 3000 of them will have to re-sit, not just 3!

How many of them cheated to get where they all ready are in their education?

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for those of you who look at the Thai healthcare system through rose tinted spectacles - think on......... how many of you practitioners are actually properly qualified????

Indeed, and we haven't even touched upon the topic of CPD yet or glaring lack of it.

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Please,try to remember that private hospitals, private schools, private universities, private this, private that, all have one overwhelming goal, to earn as much money as possible, in the shortest time, with the smallest investment, with the least possible trouble.

While in the same time looking fantastic. I


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some thai doctors are suspect, went in to a clinic with severe stomach pain, explained my doctor had been treating me for high uric acid so it was probably kidney stones but the doctor insisted I had appendicitis so I pointed to my scar and told him they had been removed. He kept insisting on doing the usual press and release test even when I said the pain increases with the pressure and stopped when he released, he wouldnt accept he was wrong, a definite candidate for paying others to sit his exam, I got up and left, what a total moron. Went to the local hospital and they gave me an injection for the pain and eventually I passed a stone, go figure.

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The only surprising thing is that anything was done about it. For those posters unfamiliar with the Thai education system, cheating is absolutely the norm, the schools and colleges turn a blind eye or actively encourage it as it makes results look better and anyone trying to stop it is labelled mean and heartless or a lot worse.

And they would not want to name names because the students might be from an influenced family and would cause trouble for the examiners.When working in India and Indonesia I knew of medical students that had professional exam takers they paid to take their exams while they enjoyed their nights out on the town..

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Please remember, Private Hospitals live or die

On their reputations and the quality of care they

Provide. Most people are willing to pay for good

Care, but the physicians must be capable; if not

The patients will be at another hospital and they

Will be broke or turn into a govt hospital .

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This article reflects very poorly on the quality of doctors and medical professionals in this country,

is there anything the locals take seriously enough to study for or is it everything for them is one

big cheating games?........

Yes, it reflects poorly on an incompetent medical community. In the 5 1/2 years I lived in Thailand, the only doctors I found who knew their arse from their elbow were the ones who had studied in the West. The rest of them don't even know how to diagnose. While they may be good a delivering babies, as long as there are no complications, I would not trust any of the as far as I can throw an elephant. Plus, one never knows whether they really went to college or daddy bought the certificate for them. And, from what I hear, the colleges care a lot more about who the kids learn to know than what they learn. Sad. coffee1.gif Pathetic, really.

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Horror of horrorssad.png

Does that mean that the male doctor who stuck his finger up my bum to check my prostrate was not doing this because he was a doctor, but perhaps doing it just FOR FUN!!????

Well...........was it fun?

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This article reflects very poorly on the quality of doctors and medical professionals in this country,

is there anything the locals take seriously enough to study for or is it everything for them is one

big cheating games?........

The article is no reflection on the quality of doctors in this country at all, it does, however, reflect on the quality of 3 students though, that's all (unless you know that all doctors in this country cheated to become qualified and you don't know that, of course)

I'm sorry but if you think this is a one-off incident then you are unfamiliar with Thai life and how corruption, nepotism and graft are endemic throughout the country and affects EVERY aspect of life here. I've said before many expats - especially retirees even after several years fail to grasp the full significance of how widespread corruption is and how it affects daily life.

One symptom of a corrupt society is that one gets many people in high, responsible positions are are simply incapable of doibng theior job...medicine is no exception...anyone who has worked in Universities or hospitals will know how they are riddled with people who don't have sufficient qualifications or training to do the job they are in.

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Please remember, Private Hospitals live or die

On their reputations and the quality of care they

Provide. Most people are willing to pay for good

Care, but the physicians must be capable; if not

The patients will be at another hospital and they

Will be broke or turn into a govt hospital .

THis is nonsense - they live or die by the market they exist in.....and as that market is totally corrupt they do fine.

The fact is, it is very difficult - almost impossible in Thailand - to expose negligence in a hospital - the laws and procedures simply don't exist.....we know full well from crimes committed against foreigners in Thailand that the authorities main priority is to "restore harmony" - as we say in the west, sweep everything under the carpet.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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The reputation,of a hospital, as that of a physician

Will are or break them. Good doctors are recommended

As are hospitals...."don't go,there", OMG "Stay away

FromHim/ Her" ....poison to any medical professional.

I don't understand this post, but I agree with some of what you say...except that "word of mouth" is pretty much worthless - remember the plural of anecdote is not data.

Doctors are only part of the extremely hierarchical system of healthcare in Thailand. They are not necessarily the marketing mangers. In fact if you go to a hospital in Thailand there is no GP system in most, then after a short time in front of a "specialist" - you are then treated by other staff for the rest of your stay/course of treatment. The original doctor isn't likely to be seen again because they aren't actually permanently attached in any hospital....your next encounter with a doctor is likely to be with a completely different person.

"Doctors are recommended" - this is just preposterous - WHO recommends them? On what basis....the hospital itself? well that's no good....or patients - well that too is pointless as the few of a layperson is just that; a totally uninformed view. as Thailand has virtually no independent monitoring bodies then to get a real impression of a hospital here is almost impossible.

The post above seems to think that Thai corruption does not extend to hospitals - if it extends to every other facet of life in the country, why do you think it stops at the front door of hospitals and medical training schools?

the result of all this is that treatment in ANY Thai hospital can be no better than a lottery.........there are trained and competent doctors, but there is no way to tell if the one in front of you is or isn't... and remember, it's not just doctors it is the entire staff that are looking after you that come into question and they are only as good as their weakest link.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Wow, You must be from UK with all that "Free" healthcare

And you get what you pay for; I always,have had the best

Health insurance and the ability to select

Hospitals and Phusicians, I have only gone to

Those facilities recommended by friends, colleagues

And people "In the Know".....several physician

Friends....Do you know .....? Yes, however I prefer

Dr,......Nice way of saying....be careful....stay away!!

Hope you learn how to select a good physician and

Medical facility....You, apparently have a lot to learn!!

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Wow, You must be from UK with all that "Free" healthcare

And you get what you pay for; I always,have had the best

Health insurance and the ability to select

Hospitals and Phusicians, I have only gone to

Those facilities recommended by friends, colleagues

And people "In the Know".....several physician

Friends....Do you know .....? Yes, however I prefer

Dr,......Nice way of saying....be careful....stay away!!

Hope you learn how to select a good physician and

Medical facility....You, apparently have a lot to learn!!

"You get what you pay for" - that is the most naive criteria you could possibly adopt! - yet again your premise is nonsense.

USA has one of the most expensive healthcare systems in the world and just about the worst healthcare stats of ay "western" country.

You are exactly the kind of customer insurance-based healthcare likes - no critical abilities and you think the more you pay the better you get.....if you just compare the Thai health system with the UK one you mentioned, you'll see immediately that the Thai system falls way behind in just about every aspect....start with emergency and infant deaths if you like.

You seem to think that despite corruption being everywhere in Thailand that somehow the more expensive hospitals avoid this....I'd say you are making some very irrational conclusions.

you clearly no nothing about how hospitals "select" doctors or how they work in healthcare in Thailand or their obligations You have no idea of how accountability works here.

"Recommended by friends" - who i take it are all medical experts with a sound knowledge of medical statistics and of course NOT trained in Thailand or part of the Thai medical industry?

Don't you see that the fact you have to ask and try and get "inside" information is in itself a reflection of the lottery-like nature of the Thai healthcare system. It is littered with people who obtained their qualifications through dubious means aqnd got promoted not through merit but by "knowing" people in high places?

Edited by cumgranosalum
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. For those posters unfamiliar with the Thai education system, cheating is absolutely the norm, the schools and colleges turn a blind eye or actively encourage it as it makes results look better...

Apparently that's not the case as evidenced by this report which, obviously, has more credibility than your post.



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Wow, You must be from UK with all that "Free" healthcare

And you get what you pay for; I always,have had the best

Health insurance and the ability to select

Hospitals and Phusicians, I have only gone to

Those facilities recommended by friends, colleagues

And people "In the Know".....several physician

Friends....Do you know .....? Yes, however I prefer

Dr,......Nice way of saying....be careful....stay away!!

Hope you learn how to select a good physician and

Medical facility....You, apparently have a lot to learn!!

"You get what you pay for" - that is the most naive criteria you could possibly adopt! - yet again your premise is nonsense.

USA has one of the most expensive healthcare systems in the world and just about the worst healthcare stats of ay "western" country.

You are exactly the kind of customer insurance-based healthcare likes - no critical abilities and you think the more you pay the better you get.....if you just compare the Thai health system with the UK one you mentioned, you'll see immediately that the Thai system falls way behind in just about every aspect....start with emergency and infant deaths if you like.

You seem to think that despite corruption being everywhere in Thailand that somehow the more expensive hospitals avoid this....I'd say you are making some very irrational conclusions.

you clearly no nothing about how hospitals "select" doctors or how they work in healthcare in Thailand or their obligations You have no idea of how accountability works here.

"Recommended by friends" - who i take it are all medical experts with a sound knowledge of medical statistics and of course NOT trained in Thailand or part of the Thai medical industry?

Don't you see that the fact you have to ask and try and get "inside" information is in itself a reflection of the lottery-like nature of the Thai healthcare system. It is littered with people who obtained their qualifications through dubious means aqnd got promoted not through merit but by "knowing" people in high places?

A recent survey of the world's tallest people has seen the Dutch the current title holders.

Previously that title was held by the USA, but the report suggests that lack of a universal health care scheme in past years has meant more people could not afford health treatment, bringing the average height down.

Maybe things are better now with Obama care.

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Angry and clueless about health care. Get

A life...a real "know it all, know nothing" poster.

I must presume you know everything about healthcare.

But alas, I don't presume that.

Good healthcare stands or falls with the quality and most important, the mentality of the medical staff.

Private healthcare, private insurance, tend to do something to the mentality of the medical staff that bodes well for the financial situation of the hospital, less for the medical staff, and is punishing for the client, yes client, not patient, that has to do fit the bill, directly or by the payments to the insurance.

Mind, the above might have a negative influence on the quality of the medical staff, not all tend to place the company above the patient, but some extra can help.

In short, money does not always brings best.

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. For those posters unfamiliar with the Thai education system, cheating is absolutely the norm, the schools and colleges turn a blind eye or actively encourage it as it makes results look better...

Apparently that's not the case as evidenced by this report which, obviously, has more credibility than your post.

It beggars belief that some people either do0n't realise how endemic corruption is in Thailand or how for some reason they think it doesn't affect education or healthcare......flies in the face of all the evidence and logic. Check it out for yourself before making such naive comments

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Wow, You must be from UK with all that "Free" healthcare

And you get what you pay for; I always,have had the best

Health insurance and the ability to select

Hospitals and Phusicians, I have only gone to

Those facilities recommended by friends, colleagues

And people "In the Know".....several physician

Friends....Do you know .....? Yes, however I prefer

Dr,......Nice way of saying....be careful....stay away!!

Hope you learn how to select a good physician and

Medical facility....You, apparently have a lot to learn!!

"You get what you pay for" - that is the most naive criteria you could possibly adopt! - yet again your premise is nonsense.

USA has one of the most expensive healthcare systems in the world and just about the worst healthcare stats of ay "western" country.

You are exactly the kind of customer insurance-based healthcare likes - no critical abilities and you think the more you pay the better you get.....if you just compare the Thai health system with the UK one you mentioned, you'll see immediately that the Thai system falls way behind in just about every aspect....start with emergency and infant deaths if you like.

You seem to think that despite corruption being everywhere in Thailand that somehow the more expensive hospitals avoid this....I'd say you are making some very irrational conclusions.

you clearly no nothing about how hospitals "select" doctors or how they work in healthcare in Thailand or their obligations You have no idea of how accountability works here.

"Recommended by friends" - who i take it are all medical experts with a sound knowledge of medical statistics and of course NOT trained in Thailand or part of the Thai medical industry?

Don't you see that the fact you have to ask and try and get "inside" information is in itself a reflection of the lottery-like nature of the Thai healthcare system. It is littered with people who obtained their qualifications through dubious means aqnd got promoted not through merit but by "knowing" people in high places?

A recent survey of the world's tallest people has seen the Dutch the current title holders.

Previously that title was held by the USA, but the report suggests that lack of a universal health care scheme in past years has meant more people could not afford health treatment, bringing the average height down.

Maybe things are better now with Obama care.

your information is YEARS out of date.....dutch have had that accolade since the 20th century.

also as a yardstick for healthcare care it is a rather unreliable factor to k at.....lie expectancy is a beter one, but even that has drawbacks.

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