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London Mayor Sadiq Khan slams Donald Trump's 'ignorant' take on Islam


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So let me see if I under stand the learned lawyer Sadiq...banning Muslims from entering the US is somehow wrong but banning non-muslims from Saudi Arabia isn't? Any double standard there Sadiq!

Sorry I am trying to find some source where the learned lawyer Sadiq supports banning non Muslims from entering Saudi Arabia perhaps expand your above statement.

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So let me see if I under stand the learned lawyer Sadiq...banning Muslims from entering the US is somehow wrong but banning non-muslims from Saudi Arabia isn't? Any double standard there Sadiq!

Sorry I am trying to find some source where the learned lawyer Sadiq supports banning non Muslims from entering Saudi Arabia perhaps expand your above statement.

His religion supports it...so he must as well...or else he's takfir right; or is he only a "cultural" Islamist? Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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So let me see if I under stand the learned lawyer Sadiq...banning Muslims from entering the US is somehow wrong but banning non-muslims from Saudi Arabia isn't? Any double standard there Sadiq!

Sorry I am trying to find some source where the learned lawyer Sadiq supports banning non Muslims from entering Saudi Arabia perhaps expand your above statement.

His religion supports it...so he must as well...or else he's takfir right; or is he only a "cultural" Islamist?

No, in fact he supports gay marriage so trying to tar him with that brush is just pure nonsense. He also supports the European convention on human rights and just for the record his wife doesn't walk around in a sack she dresses just like any other western European woman her age. He is a Muslim and I gather he follows his religion but not the crazier parts just like Christians in fact..

However should we now call you a cultural Christian because you don't observe some of the nuttier things in the book that guides your religion or are you still keeping slaves. Hope you have never divorced or I will have to bring my bag of stones along.

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So let me see if I under stand the learned lawyer Sadiq...banning Muslims from entering the US is somehow wrong but banning non-muslims from Saudi Arabia isn't? Any double standard there Sadiq!

Sorry I am trying to find some source where the learned lawyer Sadiq supports banning non Muslims from entering Saudi Arabia perhaps expand your above statement.

His religion supports it...so he must as well...or else he's takfir right; or is he only a "cultural" Islamist?

No, in fact he supports gay marriage so trying to tar him with that brush is just pure nonsense. He also supports the European convention on human rights and just for the record his wife doesn't walk around in a sack she dresses just like any other western European woman her age. He is a Muslim and I gather he follows his religion but not the crazier parts just like Christians in fact..

However should we now call you a cultural Christian because you don't observe some of the nuttier things in the book that guides your religion or are you still keeping slaves. Hope you have never divorced or I will have to bring my bag of stones along.

You've not so artfully dodged the question...why is it not OK to ban Muslims from entering a country but OK to ban non-muslims from entering another? I patiently await your answer...

As to your platitudes as to what Khan believes, 99% of Muslims would consider his support of gay marriage to disqualify him from being a Muslim so I'd say in the eyes of the ummah he's not anMuslim (except in his own mind). I mean, I could call myself Jewish but just saying it doesn't make it so.

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You've not so artfully dodged the question...why is it not OK to ban Muslims from entering a country but OK to ban non-muslims from entering another? I patiently await your answer...

As to your platitudes as to what Khan believes, 99% of Muslims would consider his support of gay marriage to disqualify him from being a Muslim so I'd say in the eyes of the ummah he's not anMuslim (except in his own mind). I mean, I could call myself Jewish but just saying it doesn't make it so.

That was my first question to you, could you show me where he has said it is okay to ban non Muslims from entering Saudi Arabia, I noticed you so artfully dodged that?

Just as an afterthought I don't even know that the government of Saudi Arabia ban non Muslims from entering their country.

Edited by pitrevie
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You've not so artfully dodged the question...why is it not OK to ban Muslims from entering a country but OK to ban non-muslims from entering another? I patiently await your answer...

As to your platitudes as to what Khan believes, 99% of Muslims would consider his support of gay marriage to disqualify him from being a Muslim so I'd say in the eyes of the ummah he's not anMuslim (except in his own mind). I mean, I could call myself Jewish but just saying it doesn't make it so.

That was my first question to you, could you show me where he has said it is okay to ban non Muslims from entering Saudi Arabia, I noticed you so artfully dodged that?

Just as an afterthought I don't even know that the government of Saudi Arabia ban non Muslims from entering their country.

They do ban non-Muslims, except when sponsored by a company or highly placed individual.

There is no such thing as visa on arrival in Saudi.

Muslims are given visas to perform their Hajj among many reasons.

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I'm sure Trump will have the last laugh when he's President of the United States and having tea with the Queen, while Haji Sadiq is making sure the Tube is on time and London's sewers are in good repair laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

Well lets look at what you have as candiates

A racist baffoon half wit

A lying cheating dyke

A communist

Hardly good examples of leadership

I don't know, sounds like most elections, the thieves and ignorant succeed in politics as they want it more.

How long I wonder till QEII is getting around in a burka?

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I'm sure Trump will have the last laugh when he's President of the United States and having tea with the Queen, while Haji Sadiq is making sure the Tube is on time and London's sewers are in good repair laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

Well lets look at what you have as candiates

A racist baffoon half wit

A lying cheating dyke

A communist

Hardly good examples of leadership

I don't know, sounds like most elections, the thieves and ignorant succeed in politics as they want it more.

How long I wonder till QEII is getting around in a burka?

It is rumoured QEII has her own way of dealing with muslims possibly joining the family

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You've not so artfully dodged the question...why is it not OK to ban Muslims from entering a country but OK to ban non-muslims from entering another? I patiently await your answer...

As to your platitudes as to what Khan believes, 99% of Muslims would consider his support of gay marriage to disqualify him from being a Muslim so I'd say in the eyes of the ummah he's not anMuslim (except in his own mind). I mean, I could call myself Jewish but just saying it doesn't make it so.

That was my first question to you, could you show me where he has said it is okay to ban non Muslims from entering Saudi Arabia, I noticed you so artfully dodged that?

Just as an afterthought I don't even know that the government of Saudi Arabia ban non Muslims from entering their country.

They do ban non-Muslims, except when sponsored by a company or highly placed individual.

There is no such thing as visa on arrival in Saudi.

Muslims are given visas to perform their Hajj among many reasons.

And back to the question I asked originally, where has Sadiq Khan said he supports such a ban? And to add, so they don't ban non Muslims since there are thousands of workers in that country working for International companies who are not Muslim. However they don't have such a thing as a tourist visa.

Edited by pitrevie
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So let me see if I under stand the learned lawyer Sadiq...banning Muslims from entering the US is somehow wrong but banning non-muslims from Saudi Arabia isn't? Any double standard there Sadiq!

Their whole religion is riddled with double standards . . .

Drugs, Alcohol, Women, bacon, eating during ramalamadingdong.

Faith my asre

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So let me see if I under stand the learned lawyer Sadiq...banning Muslims from entering the US is somehow wrong but banning non-muslims from Saudi Arabia isn't? Any double standard there Sadiq!

Their whole religion is riddled with double standards . . .

Drugs, Alcohol, Women, bacon, eating during ramalamadingdong.

Faith my asre

You will probably have to ask GWB and his family as they're closer to the regime in Saudi Arabia than is Sadiq Khan. I doubt if the Saudi regime would want to listen to Sadiq Khan and I doubt if he approves of their human rights record whereas we know the Bush family almost share the same bed.

Apparently because Sadiq Khan believes in Human Rights and is a supporter of gay marriage something that has earned him death threats he cannot be a real Muslim.

Not sure where that logic leads with so many in the GOP divorcing their wives, committing adultery and molesting minors, are they real Christians?

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What are those other reasons that he "hates them"? Mass murder? I freakin' hope everyone hates those people.

"These people"

Are you seriously suggesting that all Muslims are extremists who want to cut your head off?

Maraym Namazie explained it best, Muslims are people who follow a religious faith, Islamists are extremists who want to politicize a religious faith.

Islamists are the KKK of the Muslim faith.

I have a Muslim friend who is a surgeon working with MSF, Red Cross and Emergency (An Italian aid agency). He is a decent caring human being, like the vast majority of Muslims, so I take exception when you suggest that he is the same as the extremists.

I too believe there are many moderate Muslims out there. The majority, for sure. However, they are either not speaking out in a vociferous enough manner, against the extremist pigs who are attempting to steal their faith, or the media does not care to report it. There should be mass demonstrations in the streets of the Arab world, consisting of these moderate Muslims, against the gang rapist thugs. That is NOT happening, and it is leading a lot of level headed, reasonable people within the Western world to conclude that most are sympathetic, or in collusion with the piglet freaks. Also, the leaders and the clerics need to be speaking out more. If this does not start happening soon, we could be looking at a 4th Crusade, with the entire Western world, against the entire Muslim world. There is a lot of anger out there right now. The Muslim world needs to start speaking out, and they need to do it yesterday.

You only have to look at the culture to find the answer. These guys (the bad ones) are like alpha-males. They assert their will by force. Women are subserviant.

To speak against them, as you say, one would be labelled a bad Muslim and shunned.

Actually its the same as nationalism, or rabid nationalism, that keeps peoples mind in the middle ages.

You are probably correct with that assessment. Any religion that punishes those that defect, is a religion riddled with insecurity, instability, hatred, intolerance, and misunderstanding. I used to be quite tolerant of Islam, and all religions. It is becoming harder and harder to maintain any level of tolerance toward Islam these days, as it continues to show the world an uglier face, by the day, and there is so little that it appears to be contributing to the world. But, I continue to make an attempt, as I am certain the majority of Muslims do not sympathize with the super freak gang rapist, murderous pig extremists.

It is up to the moderate Muslim men and women of the world to stand up in a unified manner, and just say no to the bigots, the true infidels (those who are hijacking the religion, yet know nothing of spirituality nor nobility, nor righteousness) the extremists, and the warlords. So what if you are shunned? Who would want to be a part of a community that sympathizes with the nonsense? There is a time and a place for all men and women of consciousness, to lift themselves and their families out of the nonsense of tribal, communal and extreme religious madness, stand up for their own individuality and ideals, and just say no. This is not who I am. I refuse to be the person that they tell me I should be. This is not the person I want my children to become. This is nonsense!

Edited by spidermike007
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Seems the PM is falling into line...the Mayor better get on in behind if he knows what's good for him..."David Cameron will meet Donald Trump in UK once he becomes nominee..."


Not hard to see who wears the pants in this relationship. ?

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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That march is an annual march conducted by shia muslims protesting about something the Sunnis did. That march they tagged the anti ISIS stuff on as IS are sunni.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Seems the PM is falling into line...the Mayor better get on in behind if he knows what's good for him..."David Cameron will meet Donald Trump in UK once he becomes nominee..."


Not hard to see who wears the pants in this relationship. ?

Its quite normal for the man nominated by the by the GOP in the USA to undertake a foreign tour prior to the election which includes London and Cameron is quite right to meet whoever is nominated. I am sure you will remember Romney's gaffe filled tour in 2012 so I guess the UK looks forward eagerly to this visit from Trump.

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Seems the PM is falling into line...the Mayor better get on in behind if he knows what's good for him..."David Cameron will meet Donald Trump in UK once he becomes nominee..."


Not hard to see who wears the pants in this relationship. ?

Its quite normal for the man nominated by the by the GOP in the USA to undertake a foreign tour prior to the election which includes London and Cameron is quite right to meet whoever is nominated. I am sure you will remember Romney's gaffe filled tour in 2012 so I guess the UK looks forward eagerly to this visit from Trump.

A few days ago Cameron was calling him "stupid," so it seems to me the PM is having a big slice of humble pie.
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Seems the PM is falling into line...the Mayor better get on in behind if he knows what's good for him..."David Cameron will meet Donald Trump in UK once he becomes nominee..."


Not hard to see who wears the pants in this relationship. ?

Its quite normal for the man nominated by the by the GOP in the USA to undertake a foreign tour prior to the election which includes London and Cameron is quite right to meet whoever is nominated. I am sure you will remember Romney's gaffe filled tour in 2012 so I guess the UK looks forward eagerly to this visit from Trump.

A few days ago Cameron was calling him "stupid," so it seems to me the PM is having a big slice of humble pie.

Well that is your take on it but its quite a normal event for the UK PM to meet whoever is selected by either party. Most people in UK would be surprised if the UK PM refused to meet Trump or whoever the Democrats select whatever their views. Just to be accurate Cameron didn't say Trump was stupid, he said his plan to ban Muslims from entering the US “divisive, stupid and wrong”.

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I see the extremist who has taken over as Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, flew the rainbow flag from City Hall on Tuesday to commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.

The event is celebrated every year on May 17 to draw attention to the violence and discrimination LGBT people experience internationally.

“I could not be more proud to help celebrate IDAHOT 2016 by flying the Pride flag here at City Hall,” said Khan in a statement to U.K. LGBT outlet Pink News.

Definitely well on his way to establishing a caliphate.

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I see the extremist who has taken over as Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, flew the rainbow flag from City Hall on Tuesday to commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.
The event is celebrated every year on May 17 to draw attention to the violence and discrimination LGBT people experience internationally.
“I could not be more proud to help celebrate IDAHOT 2016 by flying the Pride flag here at City Hall,” said Khan in a statement to U.K. LGBT outlet Pink News.
Definitely well on his way to establishing a caliphate.
Taqiyya: Deception and Lying in Islam - The Religion of Peace

Bukhari (84:64-65) - Speaking from a position of power at the time, Ali confirms that lying is permitted in order to deceive an "enemy." Muslim (32:6303) - "...he ...

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Besides the appeal to emotion, I have not read anywhere where Khan has evidenced how Trump is "ignorant." Suggesting someone is stupid is more of a rhetorical tool, it can hardly be measured as a followup. Suggesting someone is a fool is subjective, its a pejorative, and does not need elaboration. Stating someone is "ignorant" is an open door to drive through clarification- facts. Ignorant insists information is lacking and nearly always sets up the observer/speaker to provide that information in rebuttal, to slay their opponent's argument. Khan does not do this. Why? Because he cannot!

"Ignorant" begs to be clarified. Ignorant declares information is lacking.

What information does Trump lack that would, presumably, enlighten his position?

Nothing. Silence. Zilch. Khan offers these words as distraction, emotive appeal, pejorative. In fact, his choice of devices for attack evidences considerable ignorance for a mayor of one of the world's greatest cities. It makes Khan appear... well, ignorant of how conversation is conducted at the big people table at the holidays.

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It's almost like Muslims are actually people, rather than extremist robots blindly following a doctrine, isn't it?

Nazis are people too. Would you support a devout Nazi for mayor of London ?

Well, no. Because I'd disagree with their politics.

That's how elections are supposed to work, after all.

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One by one, Trump is getting dumped on by foreign leaders. Mexico, the Pope, now the mayor of a major city. Trump is 0 for 3. Who will be next?

I think the reason Putin grins while saying non dismaying things about Trump is: If Trump wins, it's a downhill slide for the US. That's the sort of thing which would make Putin grin. ....ISIS likes it too. A Trump presidency would be a God-send for ISIS recruitment.

So, effectively what you are saying, is that a leadership has to fall in line with these morons, allow them to do as they choose, or there will be retribution? We're seeing 'retribution' when we haven't taken a stance!!

I think a strong leader will be more effective against organizations like ISIS than a weak leader. Any muslim, not holding citizenship, who shows his head over the parapet, uttering anything that could even be seen as offensive, should be shown the door.

Islam is a serious problem in the west, and without strong leadership, and resistance to pull them into line, it can only get worse. They cause problems wherever they go, and western leaders are learning nothing from others mistakes/stupidity.

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