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Poor little kid.

Un/Underqualified personnel left with the responsibility of taking care of children. If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys!

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10 years in Bangkok Hilton for the driver please. But ****land has a pathetic court system so he wont sit a single day in prison.


Horrific tragedy....but cannot agree that it's a Mother's worst nightmare?

How many Mother's are living in dread of their child been suffocated to death in the school bus because the air conditioning could break down and their child might be left behind when transferring the children to a new bus.

Many scenarios might go through one's mind...but surely not that one.


Horrific tragedy....but cannot agree that it's a Mother's worst nightmare?

How many Mother's are living in dread of their child been suffocated to death in the school bus because the air conditioning could break down and their child might be left behind when transferring the children to a new bus.

Many scenarios might go through one's mind...but surely not that one.


The nightmare is the death of her child... not how the child died.


I would never trust a Thai to drive my children ,selfish stupid people ,I see van drivers taking kids to school in morning and their driving scares me ,driving fast wrong side of the road to get in front of 1 car

If it was my child that man would learn to count to 13 ,each time I broke a born he would have to count

You really broke your own born with your pose. Please don't forget that some of us are married here and do not have your view of Thais in general.

Also women drive vans.


I would never trust a Thai to drive my children ,selfish stupid people ,I see van drivers taking kids to school in morning and their driving scares me ,driving fast wrong side of the road to get in front of 1 car

If it was my child that man would learn to count to 13 ,each time I broke a born he would have to count

You really broke your own born with your pose. Please don't forget that some of us are married here and do not have your view of Thais in general.

Also women drive vans.

Are you saying that in general thais drive vehicles well?


Same again ,,,INCOMPEDENT,,,Van Driver Strikes Again,,Shame on you the Government to let those Maggots lose on the roads bah.gif


I would never trust a Thai to drive my children ,selfish stupid people ,I see van drivers taking kids to school in morning and their driving scares me ,driving fast wrong side of the road to get in front of 1 car

If it was my child that man would learn to count to 13 ,each time I broke a born he would have to count

You really broke your own born with your pose. Please don't forget that some of us are married here and do not have your view of Thais in general.

Also women drive vans.

Are you saying that in general thais drive vehicles well?

A 3-year-old girl has died, probably scared, lonely, confused and in pain, and you want to start an argument about the driving abilities of Thai people? It makes me genuinely sad, the type of people I have to share this world with.



Post two is quite graphic enough speaking as a father

I am very glad that I cant see the necessity or the validity of post four

SICK does not describe it for me

This non-father feels the same. sad.pngcrying.gif

I'm sorry for posting the video and the photo to this forum. I got them from Thai news media, facebook and youtube searching. The Thai media publish graphic media daily. Thai people are used to graphic media. But this is an expat forum. Sorry. Both video and image had been censored by blurred pixels. To be honest the video and image are very powerful. I thought they would help prevent a similar tragedy happening again.

The video and image have not been removed so I guess I haven't broken any forum rules.

I have however made new enemies. Well to you who hate me. I have no friends on this forum either. I have posted on here for a long time and do so as I enjoy staying up to date with current affairs. I will continue to post but will in the future refrain from posting anything too graphic.


wilsonandson no worries. Life sux anyway, a kid suffocating in a car, nothing new. A kid suffocating in a car left after 10 kids got out??? WEIRD!!!!!


Criminal negligence for the van attendants and the school...

Does not the school call home to find out why the child is missing from her first class? Could have saved her life...


Criminal negligence for the van attendants and the school...

Does not the school call home to find out why the child is missing from her first class? Could have saved her life...

An absolute tragedy but to somehow apportion blame on the teacher or the school is just plain silly.

On any given day there will be many kids not attending school for a myriad of reasons.

To expect the school to try and contact the parents, who might not be at home, maybe at work, maybe out shopping or doing many other things is not a reasonable expectation.

Perhaps if a particular kid was absent for an extended period then there may be an expectation that some enquiry could be made.

Other posters question why the rest of the children didn't say something - these young ones are no more than babies at 3 years old. Their attention span is very short and in this case there would have been some distraction in moving from one van to the other.

The liability lies with the adults in charge at the time, no-one else.


How many more school and kindergarden children have to die like this before something is done? Life in jail for the ones responsible, set an example and show school bus drivers that their "load" are people and not "merchandise"...

RIP little one - hopefully you are with the creator now in a better place. Condolences to family and friends.

What a shame!!! :(



Post two is quite graphic enough speaking as a father

I am very glad that I cant see the necessity or the validity of post four

SICK does not describe it for me

This non-father feels the same. sad.pngcrying.gif

I'm sorry for posting the video and the photo to this forum. I got them from Thai news media, facebook and youtube searching. The Thai media publish graphic media daily. Thai people are used to graphic media. But this is an expat forum. Sorry. Both video and image had been censored by blurred pixels. To be honest the video and image are very powerful. I thought they would help prevent a similar tragedy happening again.

The video and image have not been removed so I guess I haven't broken any forum rules.

I have however made new enemies. Well to you who hate me. I have no friends on this forum either. I have posted on here for a long time and do so as I enjoy staying up to date with current affairs. I will continue to post but will in the future refrain from posting anything too graphic.

I think people should be made to look at the pictures. It's no good burying your head in the sand and pretending that nobody ever dies and nothing nasty ever happens in this world. A few more pictures might shock people out of their comatose states. I am a father of a 5-year-old girl and I found the picture and video deeply disturbing, I can't get the poor girl out of my head now. That's probably as it should be though. it doesn't do us any harm to meditate on the transitory nature of life every now and then and to spare a thought for those who never get the chance to experience even the brief period of life that the rest of us feel is our birthright.

Not for the spiritually retarded perhaps.

The mother holding her child, it bringing so much emotion out of everyone who see's. Losing a child is.... nothing is worse than this. Nothing.

I found this story in the Thai media yesterday after searching for information on the Hua Lamphong bomb incident. I informed Thai visa about it.

I have children too. I spread the news so everyone knows what happened. So people will change and prevent this happening again. Strong media content but a powerful message.

If you find any breaking news on the net about Thailand then post it to the Thai visa news team. They will make sure your news story is heard.


The majority of drivers are good and contentious but like the majority of people who drive in the world, some are not.

I guess that's why on average about one person dies on Thai roads every 20 minutes the year round, never mind this insanity happens everywhere!!! The trouble with a lot of foreigners living here is that become almost as complacent as the general population. Thailand is consistently the 2nd worst in the word for traffic deaths, and given the under reporting highly likely to be the first. Much of it is down to downright laziness to follow the rules of the road and stupidity, as in the case with this child's death.

This has nothing about peop,led driving abilities dick.


It was a accident,manslaughter well it's a bit over the top for me.

Be careful, Duke. There are girls/women in town who seem to be extremely dangerous. Too many foreigners lose their lives, sorry, can't explain it. it's just a gut feeling. Be alerted.

Not wanting to go off topic, but please Google Udon Thani.....


Hello Wilsonandson

My post was aimed fairly and squarely at social media and chat forums in general it was in no way meant to be a personal attack on you

I can see now on reflection my post was totally inadequate in that sense simply because I did not say that and you would rightly take it personally

I find it difficult to understand peoples interest and fascination with such graphic material

I will certainly think things through before I post in future

So wilsonandson please accept my unreserved apology

As for making enemies how can that be everybody needs to accept we are all different plus we have different opinions and we dont know each other from adam

I know things can get slightly out of hand on here at times but we have the mods to settle things down

If I found myself being drawn into those kind of situations I would simply go back to lurking as in just looking in from a safe distance

As far as I am concerned the matter is now closed I hope you agree


Criminal negligence for the van attendants and the school...

Does not the school call home to find out why the child is missing from her first class? Could have saved her life...

An absolute tragedy but to somehow apportion blame on the teacher or the school is just plain silly.

On any given day there will be many kids not attending school for a myriad of reasons.

To expect the school to try and contact the parents, who might not be at home, maybe at work, maybe out shopping or doing many other things is not a reasonable expectation.

Perhaps if a particular kid was absent for an extended period then there may be an expectation that some enquiry could be made.

Other posters question why the rest of the children didn't say something - these young ones are no more than babies at 3 years old. Their attention span is very short and in this case there would have been some distraction in moving from one van to the other.

The liability lies with the adults in charge at the time, no-one else.

I would have guessed that the adult on the bus was probably a teacher at the school.


Tragic. Negligence. No sense of precaution here. As mentioned before. People would rather risk their lives trying to cut the corner of a road than be safe and move out 2m.

Obviously 3 seconds of their life is more important



Post two is quite graphic enough speaking as a father

I am very glad that I cant see the necessity or the validity of post four

SICK does not describe it for me

This non-father feels the same. sad.pngcrying.gif

I'm sorry for posting the video and the photo to this forum. I got them from Thai news media, facebook and youtube searching. The Thai media publish graphic media daily. Thai people are used to graphic media. But this is an expat forum. Sorry. Both video and image had been censored by blurred pixels. To be honest the video and image are very powerful. I thought they would help prevent a similar tragedy happening again.

The video and image have not been removed so I guess I haven't broken any forum rules.

I have however made new enemies. Well to you who hate me. I have no friends on this forum either. I have posted on here for a long time and do so as I enjoy staying up to date with current affairs. I will continue to post but will in the future refrain from posting anything too graphic.

Thanks for the nice words of wisdom. I was the one who's asking if we need to see the photo of a dead child and the suffering mom to understand what happened and I'd like to tell you why.

I have to be back at school tomorrow and there're a lot of similar looking girls, but they're alive. But too many little kids have died in the last years.

I always stop when i see an accident, regardless what my wife's telling me. And I've seen already enough. Thanks again.


Hello Mark123456

As regards your post 88

I dont agree with it in any shape or form

I do respect the fact that it is your considered opinion and your right to express it to all and sundry

What I cant countenance Mark is the last six words which make up the last line

You have deliberately left a gap as I have with the express purpose of making the line stand out

Mark if you ever feel the need to reply to any of my future posts please leave the bigoted religious clap trap out of it

I say future posts as it is patently too late for this thread



I wasn't replying to your post, I was replying to Wilsonandson (that's why I quoted his post) as he seemed to feel that he had overstepped the mark and I don't think he did. My post had nothing to do with religion either, I was intimating that those with no human spirit, i.e. thoughts, emotions and feelings that are above the more mundane aspects of life, may struggle to deal with tragedies such as this one and prefer them to be hidden from view. I perhaps would have agreed with this point of view in the past but I think that to complain about a picture of a grieving mother and her dead child shows a weakness in one's own psyche, a spiritual immaturity if you will. That comment wasn't directed specifically at you, it applies equally to myself as I found the story very hard to deal with, and am still thinking about it now. I just feel that I ought to be able to come to terms with it and deal with it rather than wish I had never seen those pictures. You obviously feel differently, which is your right.


Not an accident this was manslaughter, he was just too idle to check and that killed her.

Here s one of the definitions.

Criminally negligent manslaughter occurs where there is an omission to act when there is a duty to do so, or a failure to perform a duty owed, which leads to a death. The existence of the duty is essential because the law does not impose criminal liability for a failure to act unless a specific duty is owed to the victim. It is most common in the case of professionals who are grossly negligent in the course of their employment.

Criminal negligence needs to be established. It would seem that by not counting the children, a serious mistake was committed, but if this is really criminal negligence will depend on some factors, e.g. if it is normal that children are counted, or if there is some instruction to do so. Usually criminal negligence would involve some knowledge of the risk you are taking.

In the end this might only be involuntary homicide.


Hello Mark

We have a different take on certain words and when and in what context they should be used

That being the case I hope I can say no damage done



Post two is quite graphic enough speaking as a father

I am very glad that I cant see the necessity or the validity of post four

SICK does not describe it for me

This non-father feels the same. sad.pngcrying.gif

I'm sorry for posting the video and the photo to this forum. I got them from Thai news media, facebook and youtube searching. The Thai media publish graphic media daily. Thai people are used to graphic media. But this is an expat forum. Sorry. Both video and image had been censored by blurred pixels. To be honest the video and image are very powerful. I thought they would help prevent a similar tragedy happening again.

The video and image have not been removed so I guess I haven't broken any forum rules.

I have however made new enemies. Well to you who hate me. I have no friends on this forum either. I have posted on here for a long time and do so as I enjoy staying up to date with current affairs. I will continue to post but will in the future refrain from posting anything too graphic.

I think people should be made to look at the pictures. It's no good burying your head in the sand and pretending that nobody ever dies and nothing nasty ever happens in this world. A few more pictures might shock people out of their comatose states. I am a father of a 5-year-old girl and I found the picture and video deeply disturbing, I can't get the poor girl out of my head now. That's probably as it should be though. it doesn't do us any harm to meditate on the transitory nature of life every now and then and to spare a thought for those who never get the chance to experience even the brief period of life that the rest of us feel is our birthright.

Not for the spiritually retarded perhaps.


The people who worry about the picture are selfish people and only worried about how the picture has made them feel.

I also am a Father, with an almost 3 year old daughter, and seeing the picture makes it feel much more real, which as

you say it should. These graphic picture have much more effect than just words. That picture with the Vietnamese girl

running with Napalm on her had probably more positive effect than any narrative ever could. To those moaning about the

picture get over yourselves, it is not about you.


Hello Mark

We have a different take on certain words and when and in what context they should be used

That being the case I hope I can say no damage done

Retarded was probably not such a great choice of word but I was thinking about that poor little girl, reading the comments about people not wanting to see pictures, others trying to turn it into a debate about how bad Thai people are at driving, taking responsibility etcetera, and the whole thing just made me feel sick.


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