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Up to 500,000 South Africa gold miners to launch lung disease class action suits


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Up to 500,000 South Africa gold miners to launch lung disease class action suits


Up to half a million gold miners have been given the go-ahead to launch class action lawsuits after contracting fatal lung diseases underground.

The South African High Court ruled that workers who’d died of silicosis and tuberculosis could also be included, with any damages being paid to family members.

“In the context of this case, class action is the only realistic option through which most mine workers can assert their claims effectively against the mining companies,” Justice Phineas Mojapelo ruled. “This is the only avenue to realise the right of access to court, which is guaranteed by the constitution.”

Each mining company “will be held liable or responsible for their own actions for unlawful emissions,” the panel of three judges unanimously ruled.

Medical research indicates up to half of former gold miners have silicosis, which in turn makes sufferers extremely vulnerable to tuberculosis, meaning the suits could cost the industry hundreds of millions of euros.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-14

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Hundreds of millions of euros will be small change for the huge multinational mining companies operating in South Africa, but lung diseases are a risk in all mining activities around the world. The question is did the mining companies instruct their workers about the risk and what mitigating measures did the companies take to minimise the risk ? I think I know the answer having worked in SA.

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Funny I was just reading on a mining site about thousands of miners going on strike in Africa and the owners complaining that they were heavily unionized and were demanding to high a pay. Here is the other side of the coin. Mine owners such nice caring people???

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Funny I was just reading on a mining site about thousands of miners going on strike in Africa and the owners complaining that they were heavily unionized and were demanding to high a pay. Here is the other side of the coin. Mine owners such nice caring people???

PS Must be just about the time for miners to threaten to pack their bags and move elsewhere where labor is cheap and laws lax oh wait there are no other places left.
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Funny I was just reading on a mining site about thousands of miners going on strike in Africa and the owners complaining that they were heavily unionized and were demanding to high a pay. Here is the other side of the coin. Mine owners such nice caring people???

PS Must be just about the time for miners to threaten to pack their bags and move elsewhere where labor is cheap and laws lax oh wait there are no other places left.

Maybe Looi?

Oh dear can't go there either.

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