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Obama govt: US schools must respect transgender ‘identity’ over ‘bathroom laws’


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Dude, I suppose this is a right wing fad, to try to insult people who favor civil rights for minorities as social justice warriors. As if being for civil rights is a bad thing. It's not. When it's civil rights vs. ignorant bigotry, the side on the right side of history is the civil rights side.

WOW, JT's bigotry card.........rolleyes.gif

Bigotry Card - to be popped out when the 'Race Card' cannot possibly apply ... but used in the same manner -- pop out the Bigot Card when Liberals / Leftist have lost the argument.

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Dude, I suppose this is a right wing fad, to try to insult people who favor civil rights for minorities as social justice warriors. As if being for civil rights is a bad thing. It's not. When it's civil rights vs. ignorant bigotry, the side on the right side of history is the civil rights side.

WOW, JT's bigotry card.........rolleyes.gif

Isn't it amazing how less than 1/2 of a percent of the populace in America - those who feel like they are of the other gender have become a civil rights minority ... NO they are not ... They are confused people - confused because they are mentally ill ,,, Civil Rights ... what a joke

I don't think you grasp the concept of civil rights for MINORITY groups. It doesn't matter at all from an ethical standpoint if the minority in question is very small. It can impact on financial support and attention for a small minority cause though. In the U.S. we do have a civil rights coalition of GLBT people so that puts the number of strong allies way up there, as well as Jewish people, who traditionally are very liberal and for civil rights causes for all minorities (yes, including Muslims).


Won't fly -- they constitute nothing except a very small number of confused people with mental health issues...

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Some people here are watching way too much Fox News!

Some people here are stuck in 2008 and do not understand that other people are really not watching FoxNews anymore for various reasons. You really need to catch up if you are going to use a lame accusation - at least it ought to reflect current reality.

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Obama's Legacy : Tyrant

“President Obama, in the dark of the night – without consulting Congress, without consulting educators, without consulting parents – decides to issue an executive order, like this superintendent, forcing transgender policies on schools and on parents who clearly don’t want it,”



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It is easy to despise the Left. They cause so many problems for the world, choosing the path of most resistance, dividing the people and giving our leaders issues to distract from more important issues.

Toilets: Why not quietly introduce unisex toilets as a cost saving measure? Noooo, gotta frame it as a a civil rights issue for 0.00001% of the population and in the process dividing 315 million people. Ridiculous,

Pollution:Everyone loves a cleaner environment. Cleaner rivers, lakes and oceans. Cleaner air. Does the Left come at the issue from this angle? Noooo, gotta frame it as the end of the world which is going to require people to all kinds of needless, expensive crap and divide people and cause trouble.

WHY does the Left do this? Why not take the common sense approach to issues to get what they claim to want? It would be easier, less divisive and meet with little resistance. Because they don't really care about toilets or the environment. Sure, the rank and file "useful idiots" do care about those issues. But not the "leaders". To them toilets and global warming are just ways to a means. What they really want is wealth and power. Raise money through donations from an army of their useful idiots, get their votes., take power.


Edited by mopar71
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To follow up on the Texas School Superintendent, this is what the Texas Attorney General has to say.


Texas Lt. Gov. to Schools on Transgender Restroom, Locker Room Mandate: 'Do Not Enact This Policy'
By Eric Scheiner
May 13, 2016 | 12:19 PM EDT
(CNSNews.com) - Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick ® told school administrators they should "not enact" the policy mandated by the Obama administration that students be allowed access to restrooms and locker rooms according to their "gender identity" rather than their biological sex.
Patrick made the comments Friday morning after the Obama administration issued a directive to public school officials that transgender students must be allowed to use the restroom and locker room facilities that matches their "gender identity."
"I’m telling all the superintendants (sic) of Texas right now, you have about three weeks left of the school year. Do not enact this policy,” Patrick said.
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To follow up on the Texas School Superintendent, this is what the Texas Attorney General has to say.


Texas Lt. Gov. to Schools on Transgender Restroom, Locker Room Mandate: 'Do Not Enact This Policy'
By Eric Scheiner
May 13, 2016 | 12:19 PM EDT
(CNSNews.com) - Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick ® told school administrators they should "not enact" the policy mandated by the Obama administration that students be allowed access to restrooms and locker rooms according to their "gender identity" rather than their biological sex.
Patrick made the comments Friday morning after the Obama administration issued a directive to public school officials that transgender students must be allowed to use the restroom and locker room facilities that matches their "gender identity."
"I’m telling all the superintendants (sic) of Texas right now, you have about three weeks left of the school year. Do not enact this policy,” Patrick said.

Well Chuck, you are such a stickler for accuracy but are you not practicing a bit of jiggery-pokery here? According to an actual recognised new source, the Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/obama-administration-to-instruct-schools-to-accommodate-transgender-students/2016/05/12/0ed1c50e-18ab-11e6-aa55-670cabef46e0_story.html, two Obama administration officials were merely defending Title IX of the Civil Rights Act and indicating that non-compliance would result in a loss of federal funding.

I don't believe there was any Executive Order or legal instrument issued by the President to require Texas to treat all of their citizens with equality and dignity. I know those concepts are pretty alien outside Austin but that's what the US Constitution says in any case.

So another political beat up by political figures from the wrong side of history promoting division and hate.

By the way, what caused this fashion statement for Texan Republican officials to adopt the Rick Perry glasses? Did they do a make over and think that these specs make them look smarter?

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Here is what one Texas school Superintendent said about Obama's directive.


‘He Is NOT A Leader’: Superintendent Loses It On Obama Over Transgender Bathroom Decree
10:43 AM 05/14/2016
After news broke that President Barack Obama would tell all public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice, one Texas superintendent let him have it.
Port Neches-Groves Superintendent Rodney Cavness told 12News that Obama’s letter, which was sent out Friday and informs schools they could lose funding and face lawsuits for refusal to comply, will go “straight to the paper shredder.”
The Superintendent went on to add...
"I got news for President Barack Obama … That letter is going straight to the paper shredder. I have 5 daughters myself and I have 2,500 girls in my protection. Their moms and dads expect me to protect them. And that is what I am going to do. Now I don’t want them bullied … but there are accommodations that can be made short of this. [President Obama] is destroying the very fiber of this country. He is not a leader. He is a failure."

Amazing that a person so ignorant and bigoted can be a school superintendent. His appointment should go straight to the paper shredder. Children should be protected from this type of ignorance and bigotry. Feel sorry for his 5 daughters hopefully they aren't as narrow minded bigots as their father.

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It is easy to despise the Left. They cause so many problems for the world, choosing the path of most resistance, dividing the people and giving our leaders issues to distract from more important issues.

Toilets: Why not quietly introduce unisex toilets as a cost saving measure? Noooo, gotta frame it as a a civil rights issue for 0.00001% of the population and in the process dividing 315 million people. Ridiculous,

Pollution:Everyone loves a cleaner environment. Cleaner rivers, lakes and oceans. Cleaner air. Does the Left come at the issue from this angle? Noooo, gotta frame it as the end of the world which is going to require people to all kinds of needless, expensive crap and divide people and cause trouble.

WHY does the Left do this? Why not take the common sense approach to issues to get what they claim to want? It would be easier, less divisive and meet with little resistance. Because they don't really care about toilets or the environment. Sure, the rank and file "useful idiots" do care about those issues. But not the "leaders". To them toilets and global warming are just ways to a means. What they really want is wealth and power. Raise money through donations from an army of their useful idiots, get their votes., take power.


The common sense approach is to simply allow transgender people to use existing facilities that match their gender identity. Problem solved. No need for unisex toilets. The Left didn't create this problem North Carolina did by enacting legislation that discriminated against transgeneder people. You don't want Left Wing progressive social justice warriors tearing a new one for you then don't go pickin on people. Understand?

Edited by up2u2
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It just delays resolution of the issue until the next school year. They'll have to deal with it eventually.

Deal with what?

These schools have no issue other than a lame duck president making unilateral threats that he wont be around to keep.

President Trump will they them decide on a case by case basis.

No need to throw the baby out with the bathwater...

Edited by Dagnabbit
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Here is what one Texas school Superintendent said about Obama's directive.


‘He Is NOT A Leader’: Superintendent Loses It On Obama Over Transgender Bathroom Decree


10:43 AM 05/14/2016

After news broke that President Barack Obama would tell all public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice, one Texas superintendent let him have it.

Port Neches-Groves Superintendent Rodney Cavness told 12News that Obama’s letter, which was sent out Friday and informs schools they could lose funding and face lawsuits for refusal to comply, will go “straight to the paper shredder.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/05/14/he-aint-my-president-superintendent-loses-it-on-obama-over-transgender-bathroom-decree/#ixzz48qGm74PR


The Superintendent went on to add...

"I got news for President Barack Obama … That letter is going straight to the paper shredder. I have 5 daughters myself and I have 2,500 girls in my protection. Their moms and dads expect me to protect them. And that is what I am going to do. Now I don’t want them bullied … but there are accommodations that can be made short of this. [President Obama] is destroying the very fiber of this country. He is not a leader. He is a failure."

Amazing that a person so ignorant and bigoted can be a school superintendent. His appointment should go straight to the paper shredder. Children should be protected from this type of ignorance and bigotry. Feel sorry for his 5 daughters hopefully they aren't as narrow minded bigots as their father.

He said that accomodations could be made.

Is it bigoted because you aren't getting your own way?

His statement is far more balanced than your own.

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It just delays resolution of the issue until the next school year. They'll have to deal with it eventually.

No they won't.... It will be tied up in the courts for months and months -- then a new President Trump and a moderate to conservative AG will not in any way push this issue - it will simply be dropped. As for the current President and AG - well they are Leftist maniacs who will stop at nothing to destroy Traditional America... and it means nothing to them

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Here is what one Texas school Superintendent said about Obama's directive.


‘He Is NOT A Leader’: Superintendent Loses It On Obama Over Transgender Bathroom Decree
10:43 AM 05/14/2016
After news broke that President Barack Obama would tell all public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice, one Texas superintendent let him have it.
Port Neches-Groves Superintendent Rodney Cavness told 12News that Obama’s letter, which was sent out Friday and informs schools they could lose funding and face lawsuits for refusal to comply, will go “straight to the paper shredder.”
The Superintendent went on to add...
"I got news for President Barack Obama … That letter is going straight to the paper shredder. I have 5 daughters myself and I have 2,500 girls in my protection. Their moms and dads expect me to protect them. And that is what I am going to do. Now I don’t want them bullied … but there are accommodations that can be made short of this. [President Obama] is destroying the very fiber of this country. He is not a leader. He is a failure."

Amazing that a person so ignorant and bigoted can be a school superintendent. His appointment should go straight to the paper shredder. Children should be protected from this type of ignorance and bigotry. Feel sorry for his 5 daughters hopefully they aren't as narrow minded bigots as their father.

Fink his daughters would actually prefer a "Ladies only Loo"

They will and be absolutely none the wiser that the girl beside them is in fact not born female.

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It just delays resolution of the issue until the next school year. They'll have to deal with it eventually.

No they won't.... It will be tied up in the courts for months and months -- then a new President Trump and a moderate to conservative AG will not in any way push this issue - it will simply be dropped. As for the current President and AG - well they are Leftist maniacs who will stop at nothing to destroy Traditional America... and it means nothing to them

I agree these issues will end up in courts. I find your confidence that trump will be elected as comical. Anyway, it is true a trump regime would have a different policy. He has said it's about state's rights. That the same cop out right wing bigots used in allowing JIM CROW laws blatantly discriminating against black people in the more racist, mostly southern, states. In the long run, the bigots will lose this the same way they lost on JIM CROW laws.

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It just delays resolution of the issue until the next school year. They'll have to deal with it eventually.

No they won't.... It will be tied up in the courts for months and months -- then a new President Trump and a moderate to conservative AG will not in any way push this issue - it will simply be dropped. As for the current President and AG - well they are Leftist maniacs who will stop at nothing to destroy Traditional America... and it means nothing to them

Absolutely correct if Traditional America is bigoted and xenophobic and actively attempts to deny a minority their human rights that element should be exposed and destroyed. Traditional America what is that malarkey?

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Amazing that a person so ignorant and bigoted can be a school superintendent. His appointment should go straight to the paper shredder. Children should be protected from this type of ignorance and bigotry. Feel sorry for his 5 daughters hopefully they aren't as narrow minded bigots as their father.

Fink his daughters would actually prefer a "Ladies only Loo"

They will and be absolutely none the wiser that the girl beside them is in fact not born female.

Having a shave may give them a clue though...........gigglem.gif

A male that has transitioned from male to female does not grow facial hair Einstein.

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The GLBT civil rights coalition is set in stone. It wasn't always that way. In the earlier days of the gay rights movement, it was really about gays and lesbians only. Same sex marriage was definitely not on the radar. But things have changed and the very small minority, transgender people, have attained an amazing amount of visibility these days. Credit mostly to them, of course, but for better or worse, the entire GLBT movement has their backs. It makes sense to a large extent. Right wing homophobic people are usually transphobic as well, and so many don't even know the difference!

So, in this crazy election year, the wedge "culture wars" issue of the moment is about transgender bathroom access. But don't be fooled ... the opposition to transgender civil rights is CODE for opposition to GLBT civil rights in general. We saw that in Houston, North Carolina, Mississippi, and other states as well. The anti-GLBT civil rights bigots have identified a HOT BUTTON issue with the toilets, creeps like Cruz have whipped up hysteria painting transgender people are violent dangerous boogeymen out to eat your children ... and of course many people are falling for this hateful madness. It's a bit weird that this rather small issue, toilet access, is being BLOWN UP like this, but alas, this has happened.

Edited by Jingthing
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Amazing that a person so ignorant and bigoted can be a school superintendent. His appointment should go straight to the paper shredder. Children should be protected from this type of ignorance and bigotry. Feel sorry for his 5 daughters hopefully they aren't as narrow minded bigots as their father.

He said that accomodations could be made.

Is it bigoted because you aren't getting your own way?

His statement is far more balanced than your own.

No it is just bigoted.

No need to single these people out to be 'accommodated'.

He is a bigot nothing balanced about him at all.

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To follow up on the Texas School Superintendent, this is what the Texas Attorney General has to say.


Texas Lt. Gov. to Schools on Transgender Restroom, Locker Room Mandate: 'Do Not Enact This Policy'
By Eric Scheiner
May 13, 2016 | 12:19 PM EDT
(CNSNews.com) - Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick ® told school administrators they should "not enact" the policy mandated by the Obama administration that students be allowed access to restrooms and locker rooms according to their "gender identity" rather than their biological sex.
Patrick made the comments Friday morning after the Obama administration issued a directive to public school officials that transgender students must be allowed to use the restroom and locker room facilities that matches their "gender identity."
"I’m telling all the superintendants (sic) of Texas right now, you have about three weeks left of the school year. Do not enact this policy,” Patrick said.

Well Chuck, you are such a stickler for accuracy but are you not practicing a bit of jiggery-pokery here? According to an actual recognised new source, the Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/obama-administration-to-instruct-schools-to-accommodate-transgender-students/2016/05/12/0ed1c50e-18ab-11e6-aa55-670cabef46e0_story.html, two Obama administration officials were merely defending Title IX of the Civil Rights Act and indicating that non-compliance would result in a loss of federal funding.

I don't believe there was any Executive Order or legal instrument issued by the President to require Texas to treat all of their citizens with equality and dignity. I know those concepts are pretty alien outside Austin but that's what the US Constitution says in any case.

So another political beat up by political figures from the wrong side of history promoting division and hate.

By the way, what caused this fashion statement for Texan Republican officials to adopt the Rick Perry glasses? Did they do a make over and think that these specs make them look smarter?

"Well Chuck, you are such a stickler for accuracy but are you not practicing a bit of jiggery-pokery here?"

"I don't believe there was any Executive Order or legal instrument issued by the President..."

I never claimed there was an Executive Order or legal instrument issued by the President. What I claimed in an earlier post, which you failed to quote, was:

"Here is what one Texas school Superintendent said about Obama's directive."

Now if you think for one second that both the Department of Education and the Justice Department are going to collude with each other to put out a blackmail letter to each and every school district in the United States without the prior approval of the Obama White House and Obama himself, then you are sadly misinformed.

Proof of the involvement of the White House can be found in your very own link by an " actual recognised new (sic) source", the Washington Post.

Your link provides this little insight:

"Still, White House officials said Thursday that the administration will not halt funding to North Carolina until its court battle over the state’s “bathroom bill” is resolved."

It's Obama's DOEducation, DOJ, White House and directive that got this train going. The courts will have to finalize it.

Before you carry on beating the dead horse, following are the Webster listed synonyms for "Directive". Nowhere is there a requirement for it to be written.

"behest, charge, commandment, decree, dictate, direction, command, do, edict, imperative, injunction, instruction, order, word"

The remainder of your post doesn't deserve response. Just more editorializing on your part.

Edit in: I just ran across this headline from an actual news source: Notice the first two words of the headline.

Obama Directive on Transgender Students Fuels Cultural Battle


Edited by chuckd
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It just delays resolution of the issue until the next school year. They'll have to deal with it eventually.

No they won't.... It will be tied up in the courts for months and months -- then a new President Trump and a moderate to conservative AG will not in any way push this issue - it will simply be dropped. As for the current President and AG - well they are Leftist maniacs who will stop at nothing to destroy Traditional America... and it means nothing to them

It'll go the way of Obamacare. Sorta similar to the Dodo Bird! smile.png

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It just delays resolution of the issue until the next school year. They'll have to deal with it eventually.

No they won't.... It will be tied up in the courts for months and months -- then a new President Trump and a moderate to conservative AG will not in any way push this issue - it will simply be dropped. As for the current President and AG - well they are Leftist maniacs who will stop at nothing to destroy Traditional America... and it means nothing to them

It'll go the way of Obamacare. Sorta similar to the Dodo Bird! smile.png

Obamacare will stay even if trump is elected, so nice try, no cigar.

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Here is what one Texas school Superintendent said about Obama's directive.


‘He Is NOT A Leader’: Superintendent Loses It On Obama Over Transgender Bathroom Decree
10:43 AM 05/14/2016
After news broke that President Barack Obama would tell all public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice, one Texas superintendent let him have it.
Port Neches-Groves Superintendent Rodney Cavness told 12News that Obama’s letter, which was sent out Friday and informs schools they could lose funding and face lawsuits for refusal to comply, will go “straight to the paper shredder.”
The Superintendent went on to add...
"I got news for President Barack Obama … That letter is going straight to the paper shredder. I have 5 daughters myself and I have 2,500 girls in my protection. Their moms and dads expect me to protect them. And that is what I am going to do. Now I don’t want them bullied … but there are accommodations that can be made short of this. [President Obama] is destroying the very fiber of this country. He is not a leader. He is a failure."

Amazing that a person so ignorant and bigoted can be a school superintendent. His appointment should go straight to the paper shredder. Children should be protected from this type of ignorance and bigotry. Feel sorry for his 5 daughters hopefully they aren't as narrow minded bigots as their father.

I'm quite certain if you showed up at the next school board hearing and announced you were an Australian citizen and that you find it...

"Amazing that a person so ignorant and bigoted can be a school superintendent. His appointment should go straight to the paper shredder. Children should be protected from this type of ignorance and bigotry. Feel sorry for his 5 daughters hopefully they aren't as narrow minded bigots as their father."

I'm equally certain you would be laughed out of the meeting.

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It's not the same thing as citizenship.

That's a legal matter.

Gender identity in some cases, transgender people, does vary from the designation of their birth documents.

This is real.

Right wing bigots want to push the hateful lie that it isn't.

But it is. and transgender people and their advocates are NOT going away.

No doubt, it is a sensitive and complex issue, and transgender people that decide to take any action to TRANSITION are in a PROCESS that will generally take many years. For some of them, it involves ultimately changing their genitals, and for others not. That's their personal choice!

Edited by Jingthing
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Here is what one Texas school Superintendent said about Obama's directive.


‘He Is NOT A Leader’: Superintendent Loses It On Obama Over Transgender Bathroom Decree
10:43 AM 05/14/2016
After news broke that President Barack Obama would tell all public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice, one Texas superintendent let him have it.
Port Neches-Groves Superintendent Rodney Cavness told 12News that Obama’s letter, which was sent out Friday and informs schools they could lose funding and face lawsuits for refusal to comply, will go “straight to the paper shredder.”
The Superintendent went on to add...
"I got news for President Barack Obama … That letter is going straight to the paper shredder. I have 5 daughters myself and I have 2,500 girls in my protection. Their moms and dads expect me to protect them. And that is what I am going to do. Now I don’t want them bullied … but there are accommodations that can be made short of this. [President Obama] is destroying the very fiber of this country. He is not a leader. He is a failure."

Amazing that a person so ignorant and bigoted can be a school superintendent. His appointment should go straight to the paper shredder. Children should be protected from this type of ignorance and bigotry. Feel sorry for his 5 daughters hopefully they aren't as narrow minded bigots as their father.

I'm quite certain if you showed up at the next school board hearing and announced you were an Australian citizen and that you find it...

"Amazing that a person so ignorant and bigoted can be a school superintendent. His appointment should go straight to the paper shredder. Children should be protected from this type of ignorance and bigotry. Feel sorry for his 5 daughters hopefully they aren't as narrow minded bigots as their father."

I'm equally certain you would be laughed out of the meeting.

Laughed out ? I think that you were being way too polite.

Seems strange to me that so many so called Australians are getting their knickers in a severe twist over America. Bizarre.

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Here is what one Texas school Superintendent said about Obama's directive.


‘He Is NOT A Leader’: Superintendent Loses It On Obama Over Transgender Bathroom Decree
10:43 AM 05/14/2016
After news broke that President Barack Obama would tell all public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice, one Texas superintendent let him have it.
Port Neches-Groves Superintendent Rodney Cavness told 12News that Obama’s letter, which was sent out Friday and informs schools they could lose funding and face lawsuits for refusal to comply, will go “straight to the paper shredder.”
The Superintendent went on to add...
"I got news for President Barack Obama … That letter is going straight to the paper shredder. I have 5 daughters myself and I have 2,500 girls in my protection. Their moms and dads expect me to protect them. And that is what I am going to do. Now I don’t want them bullied … but there are accommodations that can be made short of this. [President Obama] is destroying the very fiber of this country. He is not a leader. He is a failure."

Amazing that a person so ignorant and bigoted can be a school superintendent. His appointment should go straight to the paper shredder. Children should be protected from this type of ignorance and bigotry. Feel sorry for his 5 daughters hopefully they aren't as narrow minded bigots as their father.

I'm quite certain if you showed up at the next school board hearing and announced you were an Australian citizen and that you find it...

"Amazing that a person so ignorant and bigoted can be a school superintendent. His appointment should go straight to the paper shredder. Children should be protected from this type of ignorance and bigotry. Feel sorry for his 5 daughters hopefully they aren't as narrow minded bigots as their father."

I'm equally certain you would be laughed out of the meeting.

As a citizen of the world bigotry and ignorance should be exposed and destroyed no matter where it is infecting around the world. It should be everyone's responsibility to root it out and destroy it. I will present my view wherever I please.

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It just delays resolution of the issue until the next school year. They'll have to deal with it eventually.

No they won't.... It will be tied up in the courts for months and months -- then a new President Trump and a moderate to conservative AG will not in any way push this issue - it will simply be dropped. As for the current President and AG - well they are Leftist maniacs who will stop at nothing to destroy Traditional America... and it means nothing to them

I agree these issues will end up in courts. I find your confidence that trump will be elected as comical. Anyway, it is true a trump regime would have a different policy. He has said it's about state's rights. That the same cop out right wing bigots used in allowing JIM CROW laws blatantly discriminating against black people in the more racist, mostly southern, states. In the long run, the bigots will lose this the same way they lost on JIM CROW laws.

I knew it --- had to bring in racism ... Racism and minority rights do not apply in this pee pee case. The 14th. Amendment is about issues dealing with freed slaves and other related issues... Liberal / Leftist courts have shoehorned every conceivable grievance both real and imagined into this. But it is going to stop. Trump will also appoint a conservative onto the SCOTUS and it will then stop this finding everything and the kitchen sink in the U.S. Constitution to justify willy nilly social change. Those days of manufacturing new interpretations of the Constitution have about 8 months left in life. Actually they are mostly gone now as the absence of one Justice make for a 4/4 tie for most of the time that any Conservative to moderate decisions come to SCOTUS for appeal from lower courts - most all of them will go back to the lower court unchanged in the ruling...

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K. Jingthing, (i don't like the "dude" thing really) but I bet you will use it in your next post. As you defend all minorities with sexual orientations who are different from heteros may I ask your opinion regarding peadophiles?

Edited by luk AJ
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