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What is this Crystal?

Sawan Chan 7

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Virtually anything will scratch glass.

Where are you?

try it with gypsum or apatite........ in hardness order glass around 5.5-6 so virtually anything wont scratch glass and being as the crystal is not sort of oblong shape (Feldspar) its most likely to be quartz as its also the most common

  • Talc.
  • Gypsum.
  • Calcite.
  • Fluorite.
  • Apatite.
  • Feldspar.
  • Quartz.
  • Topaz.
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It's a pink diamond you lucky guy 555555

A large chunk of rough diamond weighing 813 ct (162 gm) sold last week for 63.1 million USD. But that was for a white (clear) diamond. Your rock is pink so classified as a fancy grade so worth even more per carat..

Just don't drop it as it could shatter as even though diamonds are hard and difficult to scratch, they are not very tough.

But of course it could be just rose quartz in which case it might be of small value to a collector, but of very little value to a gemstone cutter.

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