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Chelsea Fc Thread


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I still believe he had an awful game with some real bad decisions.

Not really no. The worst decision was the allowing of the offside goal, and that wasn't really down to him. Sending off Torres was a mistake, but a mistake only really visible having seen countless replays. In real time with the slight feather brush of contact that was made, is it really fair to hammer the ref for not seeing that? Refs have been urged to crack down on diving, and the moment they do and there is some debate in retrospect as to whether it was a dive or not, we say the ref has had an awful game?! Seems a bit unfair to me. Would love for all these people who jump on the refs back to go out there and give it a crack themselves, and see how easy it is when you don't have the benefit of hundreds of replays from every angle.

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No its not. He's a racist and we at Spurs no that full well and have done for years since his verbal abuse to Ledley King. Or i suppose you are going to deny that too.....

Must have had something to do with Terry knowing King was a better player than he could ever hope to be and due to the knee injury handed Tery fifty international caps on a plate.

Verbal abuse, <deleted>, do me a favour. The sign of our times, what a pathetic reflection on society, so desperate to be offended.

At school I was fat, go called fat, so what. As I've got older I go bald, I get called bald, so what.

Maybe society does need to break down so people can remember what real problems are.

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No its not. He's a racist and we at Spurs no that full well and have done for years since his verbal abuse to Ledley King. Or i suppose you are going to deny that too.....

Must have had something to do with Terry knowing King was a better player than he could ever hope to be and due to the knee injury handed Tery fifty international caps on a plate.

Verbal abuse, <deleted>, do me a favour. The sign of our times, what a pathetic reflection on society, so desperate to be offended.

At school I was fat, go called fat, so what. As I've got older I go bald, I get called bald, so what.

Maybe society does need to break down so people can remember what real problems are.

Oh sorry, i'll be more specific. He racially abused him. What a very sad reflection on you and your club you choose to turn a blind eye.

He's scum, plain and simple.

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Yeah, you are right. Lets hang him.

No just make him serve a club ban as is appropriate and shows that Chelsea as a club are not totally indifferent to his behaviour, because your team going out wearing the anti racist armband looks very hollow frankly.

Then deal with the racist fan. Then you might well have to deal with unfounded accusations against a referee, and why not, since its a club spring clean, ban fans caught on cctv singing holocaust abuse at jewish Spurs fans.

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Verbal abuse, <deleted>, do me a favour. The sign of our times, what a pathetic reflection on society, so desperate to be offended.

At school I was fat, go called fat, so what. As I've got older I go bald, I get called bald, so what.

Maybe society does need to break down so people can remember what real problems are.

You want to talk about real problems, try being born with coloured skin any time in the last few hundred years. You have to put things in a historical context, and understand all that has gone before, to understand why being racially abused is a little different from being called fatty or baldy.

Edited by rixalex
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Yeah, you are right. Lets hang him.

don't have to go that far. electro-shock therapy would do for starters.

anders frisk, tom henning ovrebo, graham poll. chelsea have a history of it with referees. frisk had to retire and ovrebo got death threats <deleted>.

david barnard, chelsea club secretary, was basically accused of fabricating evidence in the john terry trial. it seems to be a nasty, snide club from the top to the bottom.

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What, context like black people started slavery and white people stopped it?

What went on in the past couple of hundred years?? Ok, let's keep telling the Germans how bad they are. Do we, no, because its time to move on.

Back in the UK I had many black friends, not colleagues, friends. I have been to parties and been the only white person there apart from the hosts girlfriend and 1 other. The only black people I have known that would get offended to this degree are those that are looking for some outlet to blame their shi77y life predicament. The educated ones would just think its the problem of the person saying the words.

This whole thing stinks of uneducated people trying to second guess what other people are thinking. Most of the FA are probably too scared of being called a racist to have reason.

Have any of you had black friends? They are quite reasonable you know.

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Yeah, you are right. Lets hang him.

don't have to go that far. electro-shock therapy would do for starters.

anders frisk, tom henning ovrebo, graham poll. chelsea have a history of it with referees. frisk had to retire and ovrebo got death threats <deleted>.

david barnard, chelsea club secretary, was basically accused of fabricating evidence in the john terry trial. it seems to be a nasty, snide club from the top to the bottom.

Yeah just about sums it up Stevie! thumbsup.gif

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What, context like black people started slavery and white people stopped it?

What went on in the past couple of hundred years?? Ok, let's keep telling the Germans how bad they are. Do we, no, because its time to move on.

Back in the UK I had many black friends, not colleagues, friends. I have been to parties and been the only white person there apart from the hosts girlfriend and 1 other. The only black people I have known that would get offended to this degree are those that are looking for some outlet to blame their shi77y life predicament. The educated ones would just think its the problem of the person saying the words.

This whole thing stinks of uneducated people trying to second guess what other people are thinking. Most of the FA are probably too scared of being called a racist to have reason.

Have any of you had black friends? They are quite reasonable you know.

I have a mate who has a Scottish mother and a West Indian father. His surname is Golley.

This lad attended school in Manchester and told me once what his nickname at school was. See if you can work it out.

He never said anything during his schooldays but he told me he hated it....but what can you do...

Top lad he is in fact....point is just because people accept abuse doesn't make it right.

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It's not like I'm saying racist abuse should be accepted, some words are unacceptable and your school friends 'nickname' is one of them. But some words I think should not be hijacked by the pc brigade as evil. Calling someone black should not be seen as evil and racist in the same way that ni66er of w0g are.

I'm still annoyed that one of my favourite words for calling someone acting stupid (monkey) is no longer allowed. Well it is if I say it to a white person, just not if they are black.

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What, context like black people started slavery and white people stopped it?

What went on in the past couple of hundred years?? Ok, let's keep telling the Germans how bad they are. Do we, no, because its time to move on.

Back in the UK I had many black friends, not colleagues, friends. I have been to parties and been the only white person there apart from the hosts girlfriend and 1 other. The only black people I have known that would get offended to this degree are those that are looking for some outlet to blame their shi77y life predicament. The educated ones would just think its the problem of the person saying the words.

This whole thing stinks of uneducated people trying to second guess what other people are thinking. Most of the FA are probably too scared of being called a racist to have reason.

Have any of you had black friends? They are quite reasonable you know.

I have a mate who has a Scottish mother and a West Indian father. His surname is Golley.

This lad attended school in Manchester and told me once what his nickname at school was. See if you can work it out.

He never said anything during his schooldays but he told me he hated it....but what can you do...

Top lad he is in fact....point is just because people accept abuse doesn't make it right.

Jerky Jocky??

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Have any of you had black friends? They are quite reasonable you know.

yeah, i have. and i'm quite sure that reasonable as they are not one of them would like being called what john terry called ledley king.

Or what Suarez admitted to calling Evra wink.png

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Have any of you had black friends? They are quite reasonable you know.

yeah, i have. and i'm quite sure that reasonable as they are not one of them would like being called what john terry called ledley king.

Or what Suarez admitted to calling Evra wink.png

Have you been to South America? It's not seen as an insult to call someone negro when they are dark skinned. Bit like farang here. Yes, in the UK it's one of the evil words, but Suarez was primarily guilty of not knowing UK culture. As soon as he got that reaction from Evra it was like a red flag to a bull, like most players want to wind up an opposing player.

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Have any of you had black friends? They are quite reasonable you know.

yeah, i have. and i'm quite sure that reasonable as they are not one of them would like being called what john terry called ledley king.

Or what Suarez admitted to calling Evra wink.png

Have you been to South America? It's not seen as an insult to call someone negro when they are dark skinned. Bit like farang here. Yes, in the UK it's one of the evil words, but Suarez was primarily guilty of not knowing UK culture. As soon as he got that reaction from Evra it was like a red flag to a bull, like most players want to wind up an opposing player.

We are not an FA panel and therefore can describe your statement above as complete <deleted>. smile.png

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What, context like black people started slavery and white people stopped it?

What went on in the past couple of hundred years?? Ok, let's keep telling the Germans how bad they are. Do we, no, because its time to move on.

Back in the UK I had many black friends, not colleagues, friends. I have been to parties and been the only white person there apart from the hosts girlfriend and 1 other. The only black people I have known that would get offended to this degree are those that are looking for some outlet to blame their shi77y life predicament. The educated ones would just think its the problem of the person saying the words.

This whole thing stinks of uneducated people trying to second guess what other people are thinking. Most of the FA are probably too scared of being called a racist to have reason.

Have any of you had black friends? They are quite reasonable you know.

Yes, this racist thing has certainly got out of hand in the UK, just seems to me that some of our black people are just jumping on the bandwagon and using the racism card to their own advantage and as a form of unity amongst themselves.

It seems to me that black people using the racism thing are just trying to make an us and them issue when i thought we are suppose to be as one.

There are many black racist in the uk but when did you last hear of a blackman getting done for racism !

Why are some things said nowadays racist when they weren't in the past and nobody got offended by them ?

What would happen if there was an awards ceremony for white footballers only, there would be an outcry so is it not racist that there is a "black list awards" for black footballers only ?

It seems to me that the word racist is used far too often nowadays and that there are very few racist than people make out.

Going back to what i said earlier, by black people trying to differentiate themselves from white people is that not racist ?

I could go on but i wont as i havn't got all day !!!!

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Do you guys remember the series "Love Thy Neighbour"

Im surprised You Tube hasn't been banned from showing it,

how would that go down in UK tv today?


Exactly sots, did people get offended by it ? no, would they if it was shown today ? yes, so whats the difference between then and now ?

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What, context like black people started slavery and white people stopped it?

What went on in the past couple of hundred years?? Ok, let's keep telling the Germans how bad they are. Do we, no, because its time to move on.

Back in the UK I had many black friends, not colleagues, friends. I have been to parties and been the only white person there apart from the hosts girlfriend and 1 other. The only black people I have known that would get offended to this degree are those that are looking for some outlet to blame their shi77y life predicament. The educated ones would just think its the problem of the person saying the words.

This whole thing stinks of uneducated people trying to second guess what other people are thinking. Most of the FA are probably too scared of being called a racist to have reason.

Have any of you had black friends? They are quite reasonable you know.

Yes, this racist thing has certainly got out of hand in the UK, just seems to me that some of our black people are just jumping on the bandwagon and using the racism card to their own advantage and as a form of unity amongst themselves.

It seems to me that black people using the racism thing are just trying to make an us and them issue when i thought we are suppose to be as one.

There are many black racist in the uk but when did you last hear of a blackman getting done for racism !

Why are some things said nowadays racist when they weren't in the past and nobody got offended by them ?

What would happen if there was an awards ceremony for white footballers only, there would be an outcry so is it not racist that there is a "black list awards" for black footballers only ?

It seems to me that the word racist is used far too often nowadays and that there are very few racist than people make out.

Going back to what i said earlier, by black people trying to differentiate themselves from white people is that not racist ?

I could go on but i wont as i havn't got all day !!!!

Thank you! :-)

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Do you guys remember the series "Love Thy Neighbour"

Im surprised You Tube hasn't been banned from showing it,

how would that go down in UK tv today?


Exactly sots, did people get offended by it ? no, would they if it was shown today ? yes, so whats the difference between then and now ?

About 40 years and a politically correct society of blame game lawyers.

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