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Chelsea Fc Thread


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It just goes to show how the perception of the Uk peoples mind has changed over the years,

Governments, media, lawyers, MP,s, School teachers, they've all played their part,

but for the better or for the worse?

In my view, for the worse because the racist issues have been taken to such an extreme that it's

become more highlighted and sensitive than ever before.

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There are times when the pendulum swings too far in the other direction, but i'm able to appreciate and understand why there are times along the way to achieving a more equal and less prejudiced society, and ridding it of a deeply ingrained bigotry, when this might be a necessary part of the whole process.

To take one step forward sometimes you have to take two steps to get there.

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Why are some things said nowadays racist when they weren't in the past and nobody got offended by them ?

because society has evolved. they were still offensive back then but people weren't educated as to why. now they are.

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Why are some things said nowadays racist when they weren't in the past and nobody got offended by them ?

because society has evolved

We're talking approx 35 years ago not 3500 years ago

they were still offensive back then but people weren't educated as to why. now they are.

Can you elaborate a bit more on that stevie !

Edited by alfieconn
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I don't remember the UK having any more racist issues 30-35yrs ago than it has today,

if anything, the UK has more of a racist issue now than before.


Because it's been drummed in to everyone to such a point that it's become an issue


I think the definition of the word racism has also been interpreted wrongly in modern day UK

which has fuelled the problem.

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A ban for the player and and a fine or even deduction of points to the club.

Then a charge of slander to Mikkel from Clattenburg in the high court.

All three are appropriate IF no evidence is forthcoming. Some resignations too for the handling of the matter.

If it is the case, I hope they get the book thrown at them. Disgusting little club.

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Do you guys remember the series "Love Thy Neighbour"

Im surprised You Tube hasn't been banned from showing it,

how would that go down in UK tv today?


Exactly sots, did people get offended by it ? no, would they if it was shown today ? yes, so whats the difference between then and now ?

About 40 years and a politically correct society of blame game lawyers.

Ironically it was always the racist white neighbour made to look like a plank.

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Do you guys remember the series "Love Thy Neighbour"

Im surprised You Tube hasn't been banned from showing it,

how would that go down in UK tv today?


Exactly sots, did people get offended by it ? no, would they if it was shown today ? yes, so whats the difference between then and now ?

About 40 years and a politically correct society of blame game lawyers.

Ironically it was always the racist white neighbour made to look like a plank.

It would actually be quite interesting to get the black actors opinion from these programmes.

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Have you been to South America? It's not seen as an insult to call someone negro when they are dark skinned. Bit like farang here. Yes, in the UK it's one of the evil words, but Suarez was primarily guilty of not knowing UK culture. As soon as he got that reaction from Evra it was like a red flag to a bull, like most players want to wind up an opposing player.

Have you been to South America? A mate of mine spent several years working in various parts of South America and according to him it most definitely is an insult there. Yes you can joke privately with black friends and it's all taken in good humour but when said in the context that Suarez said it to Evra it still is an insult there.

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Yes I have. About 4 times. And a friend of mine worked as a footy coach there. Did I call anyone negro? No. Did I hear it? Yes. Footy coach friend used it and heard it a lot. Nobody offended.

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Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


I think its more a case of not making allegations without evidence. If evidence has been shown then its a brainer and Clattenbergs career is over.

If there is no concrete evidence shown chelsea fc will be taken to task.

Isn't this something that Bruce Buck should have been abundantly aware of?

Edited by carmine
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As said before Torres is .ucked in the head sell him and that greedy git Sturridge, then get Lukaku back,wai.gif

I could probably dig out a post about Sturridge when he went from us to you. It basically said the same as you have and that you were welcome to him. Nothing he has done at Chelsea has changed my mind that we were right to get rid.

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As said before Torres is .ucked in the head sell him and that greedy git Sturridge, then get Lukaku back,wai.gif

I could probably dig out a post about Sturridge when he went from us to you. It basically said the same as you have and that you were welcome to him. Nothing he has done at Chelsea has changed my mind that we were right to get rid.

All my mates who don,t support Chelsea,and thats quite a few of them,saw last wednesday,s game and couldn,t beleive how selfish he was.bah.gif
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A very good article.

Chelsea have to be crazy taking action!! Couple that with the fact that Clattenberg is a Geordie. Ramires cant even understand proper English, let alone when a Geordie startslaugh.png . The balance of probabilities??? Chelsea must have some legal retard advising them.

And bruce Buck, the CEO is supposed to be a laywer isn't he?

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A very good article.

Chelsea have to be crazy taking action!! Couple that with the fact that Clattenberg is a Geordie. Ramires cant even understand proper English, let alone when a Geordie startslaugh.png . The balance of probabilities??? Chelsea must have some legal retard advising them.

And bruce Buck, the CEO is supposed to be a laywer isn't he?

With a name like that he must be a yank.?

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A very good article.

Chelsea have to be crazy taking action!! Couple that with the fact that Clattenberg is a Geordie. Ramires cant even understand proper English, let alone when a Geordie startslaugh.png . The balance of probabilities??? Chelsea must have some legal retard advising them.

And bruce Buck, the CEO is supposed to be a laywer isn't he?

With a name like that he must be a yank.?

i think he could be a merchant banker

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Apparently Clatterberg isn't going to be interviewed until next week by the FA. Whilst I find this whole affair quite distasteful, I do wonder what the FA are doing. Why does everything take so long?

From what I understand there is no video or audio evidence. This could be checked in a matter of hours. So why not then just tell everyone involved to be somewhere to sort it out the next day. The Terry case went on for a year and now this is going to drag on and on, just sort it out and move on!

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