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unfair , biased thai courts / police against foreigners .


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i am following another thread here on tv in the immigration section " waiting for court " about a guy who bought a dog, give it to his wife, then seperated from that wife and went to her house and took her dog only to keep it safe, now thai wife has went to police and is prosecuting him for " stealing her dog " this story to me smacks of injustice against this bloke because he is " farang" he has to pay lawyer 200k to represent him in court plus he is on bail for 150k.

now, if this were a thai guy , would the same justice be meeted out ? i would say not, he would probably pay wife or cops a few hundred baht and walk off into the sunset.

has anyone else any stories such as the guy in question, seems grossly unfair for any farang to have to be subjected to this kind of injustice through thai courts simply because they are not thai.

i hope this thread will not be closed or removed for whatever reason by any mods, its a truthfull thread and is only intended for anyone to share their stories and raise concerns that we are feeling that farangs are not given a fair crack of the whip and are continuously being demonised and treated unfairly " in a lot of cases "

by the thai authorities simply because they are " foreigners " or simply because they think we have " more money than them "

i for one am sick of it and have had enough of it in my time here in the land of smiles.

Edited by dirtycash
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A friend of mine had a business deal "go bad" resulting in a loss of well over 1 Million Bht.

He took the case to court - he won the case and was awarded costs.

When the money did not materialise a further court appearance resulted in the court issuing orders for property ect of the defendant seized and sold.

My friend will tell you that the Thai legal system does work and does not 'discriminate' against foreigners. The system, however, can be a little slow.

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