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The Things You See


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I stopped off at the Fascino pharmacy on Pattaya Nua today.

After something of an inauspicious start with two assistants, I was attended to by a very knowledgeable pharmacist.

I was most impressed by this lady, but unfortunately the whole experience was marred, thanks to a Thai customer.

The fellow in question was well-dressed, early thirties I would say.

Mid-conversation with the pharmacist, us both standing a pace away from the Thai man, he let out the longest reverberating fart of which any curry house owner would be justifiably proud. The two assistants behind the counter clearly witnessed the emission, yet both chose to inspect their shoes rather than acknowledge same.

Meanwhile, I saw the pharmacist’s face slightly contort in momentary horror at the both nasal and aural invasion, but she soon composed herself and continued as if nothing was happening. This was four seconds into at least a ten second very audible anal emission. Once she had regained her composure, it was as if nothing had happened/was happening.

I just stared incredulously straight at the flatulent fomenter's eyes, yet he seemed oblivious as he stared straight back, mid-stride-threatening potentially lethal gaseous expression of, perhaps, his reason for being there.

I can only conclude that the Fascino staff knew him as an extremely good customer, or they were taking the principle of ‘siia naa’ (lose face) and the desire to save others from such fate to a level of which I was unaware.

Hmmm, will I ever fully understand Thai culture?

Now, I think perhaps not… :o

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I can only conclude that the Fascino staff knew him as an extremely good customer, or they were taking the principle of ‘siia naa’ (lose face) and the desire to save others from such fate to a level of which I was unaware.

Or was he a local mafia :o:D ?

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Excellent! :D

The depiction above certainly qualifies as a belter. I bet it put the wind up all of you to be surprised in such a crude manner. :o

Hi Chopper, it certainly wasn't to be sniffed at, was it?

Edited by Artisan
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Farting is very interesting. The Merck Manual describes it thus: "(1) The "slider" (crowded elevator type) which is released slowly and noiselessly, sometimes with devasting effect. (2) the open sphincter or "pooh" type, which is said to be of higher temperature and more aromatic; and (3) the staccato or drum-beat type, pleasantly passed in privacy.

According to Merck, excess flatulence can cause great psychological distress. So, if we come across someone who is thus afflicted we should certainly not cause any added distress by glaring, sniggering, wrinkling of nose, etc. Older people often pass wind at inappropriate times.

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Excellent! :D

The depiction above certainly qualifies as a belter. I bet it put the wind up all of you to be surprised in such a crude manner. :o

Hi Chopper, it certainly wasn't to be sniffed at, was it?

The Thai's should stop farting around and try and get a grip on unwanted emissions. Poolution does the environment no good whatsoever. :D

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Reminds me of a time years ago in the local pictures. ( Cinema )

A friend near me tried to suppress one and let it go silently, he failed and it came out in a loud shreeking sound which had us all in stitches. :D

A silent backside never rejoices was what we used to say after letting a noisy one off. :D

marshbags :D:D:o


Thanks for a light hearted insight into another potential Thai face situation.

Edited by marshbags
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... and in very related news,


Contemporary-jazz trumpeter Chris Botti will be playing the following dates on his World Tour:


10 Bangkok Suepa, Bangkok

11 Pattaya Horseshoe Point

12 Pattaya Horseshoe Point

A bit cheeky of you to slip this one in s j :o

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... and in very related news,


Contemporary-jazz trumpeter Chris Botti will be playing the following dates on his World Tour:


10 Bangkok Suepa, Bangkok

11 Pattaya Horseshoe Point

12 Pattaya Horseshoe Point

A bit cheeky of you to slip this one in s j :D

If he can slip one in that size, I'll pay good money to watch !!! :o

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