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Gen Prawit hopes Ms Yingluck gave factual information to European Parliament


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Call me a cynic, but ever since Prayuth said there would be an election in June 2017 (which somehow morphed into 'sometime in 2017' and then to 'late 2017' and now to 'when we finish another draft if this draft is rejected'), I have believed him and all his acolytes to be lying in their teeth.

The reason for the desperate rescheduling of elections is that the army is waiting for a certain event because they distrust a certain person and want to be in position with sufficient power and authority (even if that is only guns and tanks) to make sure the interests of their sponsors are preserved, precisely because they do not trust that business will be taken care of in the time-honoured way.

I dont think its that they distrust someone, they just want to be sure the public accepts the new situation, because theres a good chance a lot wont

No, they distrust the fictitious person on the basis that Thaksin went to a lot of trouble and expense to get that fictitious person onside, and paid off a lot of that fictitious person's gambling debts. That fictitious person has recently made a great show of having changed his or her spots, but that fictitious person has shown himself or herself to be not an awfully trustworthy fictitious person so the junta is hedging it's bets. This is the reason that ultimate control of the government is proposed to be removed from the big house and transferred to the more 'reliable' people in the Constitution Court.

"If you can't beat them, castrate them" appears to be Prayuth and Prawit's philosophy in this respect, especially since that person went to great lengths to publicly increment his or her personal guard last year.


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And the same document makes it clear that the junta *did* in fact block YL from attending the requested European meeting, though I'm sure no thanks will accrue for reminding the junta-huggers of that fact.\

Besides, if she were prevented from travelling because of a court hearing, why did the court not issue an order to that effect. YL had guaranteed a return for the court hearing since the meeting in Europe and the date of the court hearing did not conflict.

So any defence of the junta by Rubi or whoever is completely bogus. More ridicule.


The sad fact is that the junta doesn't need a court order, they can and did prevent her from travelling.

The fact that she is accused, but not yet convicted of "negligence" has nothing at all to do with the reason for the Junta preventing Yingluck from attending. And other then some of the Junta supporters, the members of the EP are fully aware of that fact...

Oh and isn't it refreshing that at least the members of the EP kept their word AND in the stated year as well !

Now maybe Prayuth and co can learn from that ? Elections in 2015 2016, 2017 rinse and repeat..

Call me a cynic, but ever since Prayuth said there would be an election in June 2017 (which somehow morphed into 'sometime in 2017' and then to 'late 2017' and now to 'when we finish another draft if this draft is rejected'), I have believed him and all his acolytes to be lying in their teeth.

The reason for the desperate rescheduling of elections is that the army is waiting for a certain event because they distrust a certain person and want to be in position with sufficient power and authority (even if that is only guns and tanks) to make sure the interests of their sponsors are preserved, precisely because they do not trust that business will be taken care of in the time-honoured way.

I am in no doubt whatever that the coup was the culmination of a long conspiracy, and when the YL government tried, inadvisedly, to give people, including Thaksin an amnesty, the perfect opportunity presented itself, as the conspirators well knew would appear one day. The conspiracy certainly involved not only Suthep and his drones, the Democrats and their drones, the Permanent Secretaries, the courts, the election commission and other NGO's and many others. It was breathtakingly large and it came as no surprise whatever when Suthep bragged that he and Prayuth had been conspiring for years to bring about the conditions where a coup could be rationalised. It would certainly have taken years to manage that scale of conspiracy.

Certain documents sent to certain people had already been written, which on it's own gives the lie to Prayuth when he said it was a spur of the moment decision to seize power. Sorry, but that tale is only for children and crack-heads.

Unfortunately, all the conspiracy in the world will not make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, and neither will it make an army general widely considered to have assets from corruption that he does not want public scrutiny of, into a competent manager of a country.

It is clear from his speeches after the coup, that he believed he was the saviour of Thailand and was a genius who could see and would solve all of it's problems. Predictably, he is not and never could be, he is (in my qualified view) an unstable personality with at least 2 of the dark triad contributors, which together make him an extremely dangerous man. Thailand has had dangerous leaders before, Suchinda is perhaps the most memorable, and interestingly, Suchinda was supported and contributed to by many of the same people that Prayuth has gathered around him.. Notable Meechai, who apparently also drafted a constitution for him.

It is the emerging obvious failure of this combination of treason, wishful thinking and delusions of grandeur that bring us to where we are today. Putin is not a fool. There is no doubt in my mind that he sees through this clown with all the ease and clarity that I and many others do, including representatives of the USA, China and the EU.

Incompetence, combined with arrogance and a messiah complex will bring this clown down. I believe that if the real power behind him (Prawit/Prem etc) also see this, then he will be thrown under the bus, perhaps as a consequence of being unable to get the referendum passed, I don't know. If not, it's because he knows where bodies are buried, and I have no doubt he is paranoid enough to have kept documents showing exactly who was involved in the treasonous conspiracy and when and for how long. It's a time-bomb if true, and will shake Thailand to its core if it ever gets out. That may yet save him from being a sacrificial goat, but it may well bring Thailand to the brink of ruin or beyond.

Their have been other machinations overseas since the year that saw Thaksin ousted, to bring about a failed state or a civil war in order to allow the problems contributing to the current position to be addressed. Knock it down and start again appears to be the only course left, because in my opinion, Thailand is already finished, already irredeemable - irreparable.

I suppose we'll see. If either scenario eventuates, then Thais will need all of their resourcefulness because there will be serious changes. Looking carefully at Prawit, Paochinda, Paiboon - particularly Paiboon, and of course Udomdej and Prayuth, I believe theree are signs that they they can already see the wheels beginning to fall off and to smell their own demise. If I'm right then I can foresee increasingly desperate action in the lead-up to and in the aftermath of the referendum in August, whatever the result. If the draft constitution does not pass, then all bets are off, the government will have been called out and the shit will interface with the fan. If the referendum does pass, the army will take that as carte-blanche approval from the people to do whatever is necessary to ensure the feudal barons stay in power. I think we can look to military rule for another 20 years if that is the case, and there will be no elections (the government is likely to claim that a mandate from the people will have already been gained via the referendum). At that time, I suspect the international sanctions against Thailand which are pending will happen. The perfect storm.

In my personal opinion.

And to cap it all, serious floods in Bangkok this autumn.

Happy days...


I agree with what I consider to be an insightful assessment above ....but might add more grimmer outcome in the event of a yes .

Which I think can be "" manufactured""

Even if in fact it is not even that .

( a mandate)

A coup within a coup is not altogether impossible .

At the very least I see the peace and calm of Thailand dramatically ended within a two year period possibly sooner.

And on a scale where people residing they now would not wish to experience.

The place is a powder Keg with the appearence of a carnival .

Politically it's safety net is gone.

Internationally sanctions are less than 12 months out.

I see Thailand lurching violently as the military sense as suggested their own demise.

And power plays are launched.

The whole landscape of players is very much in play.

It's a false sense of security to think all is well.

I believe a manufactured Yes will be obtained.

And within months a destabilising time begin.

Expats need to develop an exit plan even if its never put into action.

"Politically it's safety net is gone."

I have always felt that the political safety net was not the cure to Thailand's ills, as was commonly believed (though that has already changed a lot and is still changing), but was in fact Thailand's, biggest single problem, the progenitor of most of Thailand's other problems. If I read you correctly.

"Internationally sanctions are less than 12 months out."

Agree, whether wishful thinking or not.

"I see Thailand lurching violently as the military sense as suggested their own demise.

And power plays are launched.

The whole landscape of players is very much in play."


"It's a false sense of security to think all is well."

Definitely agree. All is very not well.

I believe a manufactured Yes will be obtained.

They can't manufacture a 'Yes' vote, what they can do and what I believe they will do, is announce a win, whatever the actual vote, or use Article 44 to simply invalidate an inconvenient rejection. In doing that, all pretences will be transparent and they will have broken cover, so they are genuinely keen to be able to substantiate a win, if only for foreign consumption.

And within months a destabilising time begin.

It's already begun, though I agree it will get a lot worse after the referendum result is announced, no matter what result is announced.

Expats need to develop an exit plan even if its never put into action.

Already got mine. Though it is lot less formal and specific than I would by instinct prefer it to be. Still, it will work if required, and that is a distinct possibility. Keeping one's head down will only go so far if the sh|t goes in the fan.

Insightful yourself I think.


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Sorry for this, and I realize it maybe somewhat off topic, but could someone clarify whether the aforementioned 'Amply Rich Investment' shell company is the same 'Ample Rich Investment' shell set up by the runaway ex Pm currently resident in the UAE, or is it a completely different entity?

It would appear to be the same thing. The term "amply rich" has been used repeatedly by one forum member to describe Thaksin and Yingluck Shinawatra. You could ask the forum member about this. Best of luck.

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Right. Since when are facts and politicians together? The most BS comes from politicians! World over.

And just why would anyone believe her account of what democracy is or that she would not be impartial to what she tells them. Her track record of bold faced lies and of hiding true accounts as well as using the word democracy only when it suits her needs should have been enough to keep the UE for from talking to her

She was elected in a landslide victory against a squeaky clean looking, well spoken, unelected puppet, who is also asking the junta to step aside.. She should have had the chance to fight an impeachment or be voted out.

44% of the vote in 2011 is not bad, but it hardly can be called a landslide victory.

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Maybe you should not comment on matters you know nothing about ? All members of the EP are elected by the general population.

The POSTER said the 'UE' which I assume is a mistake, and if you need further information on that little cartel you could watch 'Brexit, The Movie' and educate yourself.

The thread title is "Gen Prawit hopes Ms Yingluck gave factual information to European Parliament"

The UE is not an undemocratic institution, it's composition is either directly or indirectly a result of elections.

For the little cartel you are looking for, look no further than the NLA here in Thailand. Fully appointed by the NCPO, which themselves only have a mandate thanks to their tanks.

A ridiculous attempt at shooting the messenger.

Edited by sjaak327
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Right. Since when are facts and politicians together? The most BS comes from politicians! World over.

And just why would anyone believe her account of what democracy is or that she would not be impartial to what she tells them. Her track record of bold faced lies and of hiding true accounts as well as using the word democracy only when it suits her needs should have been enough to keep the UE for from talking to her

She was elected in a landslide victory against a squeaky clean looking, well spoken, unelected puppet, who is also asking the junta to step aside.. She should have had the chance to fight an impeachment or be voted out.

44% of the vote in 2011 is not bad, but it hardly can be called a landslide victory.

Actually it was over 48% of the Party list. Coupled with great results in the winner takes all constituency indeed meant a landslide victory, no need to try and downplay that victory.

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Sorry for this, and I realize it maybe somewhat off topic, but could someone clarify whether the aforementioned 'Amply Rich Investment' shell company is the same 'Ample Rich Investment' shell set up by the runaway ex Pm currently resident in the UAE, or is it a completely different entity?

It would appear to be the same thing. The term "amply rich" has been used repeatedly by one forum member to describe Thaksin and Yingluck Shinawatra. You could ask the forum member about this. Best of luck.

Meanwhile ignore the "amply rich" members of the NCPO and NLA, who other then the Shinawatras never received an actual mandate from the electorate :)

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Right. Since when are facts and politicians together? The most BS comes from politicians! World over.
And just why would anyone believe her account of what democracy is or that she would not be impartial to what she tells them. Her track record of bold faced lies and of hiding true accounts as well as using the word democracy only when it suits her needs should have been enough to keep the UE for from talking to her

She was elected in a landslide victory against a squeaky clean looking, well spoken, unelected puppet, who is also asking the junta to step aside.. She should have had the chance to fight an impeachment or be voted out.

44% of the vote in 2011 is not bad, but it hardly can be called a landslide victory.

Actually it was over 48% of the Party list. Coupled with great results in the winner takes all constituency indeed meant a landslide victory, no need to try and downplay that victory.

Less than half = landslide, ok.

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Right. Since when are facts and politicians together? The most BS comes from politicians! World over.
And just why would anyone believe her account of what democracy is or that she would not be impartial to what she tells them. Her track record of bold faced lies and of hiding true accounts as well as using the word democracy only when it suits her needs should have been enough to keep the UE for from talking to her

She was elected in a landslide victory against a squeaky clean looking, well spoken, unelected puppet, who is also asking the junta to step aside.. She should have had the chance to fight an impeachment or be voted out.

44% of the vote in 2011 is not bad, but it hardly can be called a landslide victory.

Actually it was over 48% of the Party list. Coupled with great results in the winner takes all constituency indeed meant a landslide victory, no need to try and downplay that victory.

Less than half = landslide, ok.

Erm. Pardon me for asking, but do you understand general elections and how they work?

It's just that you seem to have something on your shoulder...


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The margin was 3 million votes out of about 27 million votes cast .

It was a significant victory.

A very clear mandate

From memory it was 15 million to 12 million

A more than 10% margin

In the west such margins are considered "huge land slides"


"We learned from our lessons. If the people give us a landslide victory; if the people give us an overwhelming victory, I'm sure the people who are trying to derail the election, who are trying to prevent democracy from working in Thailand, will have to think very hard," she said.


Mmmm ....seems they did and this is what we now see as their response

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Right. Since when are facts and politicians together? The most BS comes from politicians! World over.
And just why would anyone believe her account of what democracy is or that she would not be impartial to what she tells them. Her track record of bold faced lies and of hiding true accounts as well as using the word democracy only when it suits her needs should have been enough to keep the UE for from talking to her

She was elected in a landslide victory against a squeaky clean looking, well spoken, unelected puppet, who is also asking the junta to step aside.. She should have had the chance to fight an impeachment or be voted out.

44% of the vote in 2011 is not bad, but it hardly can be called a landslide victory.

Actually it was over 48% of the Party list. Coupled with great results in the winner takes all constituency indeed meant a landslide victory, no need to try and downplay that victory.

Less than half = landslide, ok.

Hmm, I did say coupled with the constituency. They grabbed 265 seats out of 500, which is the very definition of a landslide election victory.

Not to mention the fact that this isn't a two or three party democracy, that election was contested amongst 40 parties, and the second party followed at quite a distance.

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Sorry for this, and I realize it maybe somewhat off topic, but could someone clarify whether the aforementioned 'Amply Rich Investment' shell company is the same 'Ample Rich Investment' shell set up by the runaway ex Pm currently resident in the UAE, or is it a completely different entity?

It would appear to be the same thing. The term "amply rich" has been used repeatedly by one forum member to describe Thaksin and Yingluck Shinawatra. You could ask the forum member about this. Best of luck.

It is the same thing and the name "Amply Rich" I only use in connection with those who used it themselves by choosing said name for their offshore British Virgin Isles based shell company.

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Sorry for this, and I realize it maybe somewhat off topic, but could someone clarify whether the aforementioned 'Amply Rich Investment' shell company is the same 'Ample Rich Investment' shell set up by the runaway ex Pm currently resident in the UAE, or is it a completely different entity?

It would appear to be the same thing. The term "amply rich" has been used repeatedly by one forum member to describe Thaksin and Yingluck Shinawatra. You could ask the forum member about this. Best of luck.

Meanwhile ignore the "amply rich" members of the NCPO and NLA, who other then the Shinawatras never received an actual mandate from the electorate smile.png

Come, come, my dear Sjaak. Amply rich is reserved for the Shinawatras with their investment company in the British Virgin Islands.

As for ignoring, weel the topic is PM Prayut hoping Ms. Yingluck gave factual information. Like "no, earlieron my brother decided to skip the Panama construction".

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44% of the vote in 2011 is not bad, but it hardly can be called a landslide victory.

Actually it was over 48% of the Party list. Coupled with great results in the winner takes all constituency indeed meant a landslide victory, no need to try and downplay that victory.

Less than half = landslide, ok.

Hmm, I did say coupled with the constituency. They grabbed 265 seats out of 500, which is the very definition of a landslide election victory.

Not to mention the fact that this isn't a two or three party democracy, that election was contested amongst 40 parties, and the second party followed at quite a distance.

Part of the distance can be explained with the way seats are allocated. It's not like proportional representation as in the Netherlands. The draft constitution is supposed to offer more 'proportial representation', but without an easily readable translation I cannot really comment on that.

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44% of the vote in 2011 is not bad, but it hardly can be called a landslide victory.

Actually it was over 48% of the Party list. Coupled with great results in the winner takes all constituency indeed meant a landslide victory, no need to try and downplay that victory.

Less than half = landslide, ok.

Hmm, I did say coupled with the constituency. They grabbed 265 seats out of 500, which is the very definition of a landslide election victory.

Not to mention the fact that this isn't a two or three party democracy, that election was contested amongst 40 parties, and the second party followed at quite a distance.

Part of the distance can be explained with the way seats are allocated. It's not like proportional representation as in the Netherlands. The draft constitution is supposed to offer more 'proportial representation', but without an easily readable translation I cannot really comment on that.

In number of votes (not seats) for the PTP, it was respectively 44.3% and 48.31% for constituency and proportional. For the dems it was 32.3% and 35.15%. I will not comment if it can be considered as landslide or not, but it was a clear victory with more than 10% of votes above the second party.

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The Commission for Foreign Affairs recently had another exchange of views with a politician, the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) leader. It's documented on their website, happened on the 24th. No info though on the talks with Ms. Yingluck earlier.


On the 28th this month the EP will open it's doors in Brussels. Maybe one of our members in Europe can hop over and ask the commission for Foreign Affairs what went on in Bangkok?

"Parliament will open its doors to the public on 28.05.16 in Brussels to celebrate Europe Day. The public will have the opportunity to visit Parliament and other major EU institutions by following a circuit of education and entertainment activities. Their role and work will be highlighted by means of exhibitions, conferences, films and debates. Dedicated information material explaining the work of parliamentary committees will be available at the "European Parliament - your legislator" stands."

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Doesn't matter whether the PTP win by a landslide or clear victory when you have a military that don't respect the people's right to decide their leaders. Thailand had 25 elections, 19 coups and 18+ constitutions since 1932. If Prayuth stay past 2017, he will go down in history as the only second government that served the full term of 4 years albeit the blemish of a PM not chosen by the people.

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Sorry for this, and I realize it maybe somewhat off topic, but could someone clarify whether the aforementioned 'Amply Rich Investment' shell company is the same 'Ample Rich Investment' shell set up by the runaway ex Pm currently resident in the UAE, or is it a completely different entity?

It would appear to be the same thing. The term "amply rich" has been used repeatedly by one forum member to describe Thaksin and Yingluck Shinawatra. You could ask the forum member about this. Best of luck.

It is the same thing and the name "Amply Rich" I only use in connection with those who used it themselves by choosing said name for their offshore British Virgin Isles based shell company.

I think you'll find that was Ample Rich, not Amply Rich as has been pointed out previously by someone else.

A small point perhaps, but you might as well be right and not wrong eh?


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Hmm, I did say coupled with the constituency. They grabbed 265 seats out of 500, which is the very definition of a landslide election victory.

Not to mention the fact that this isn't a two or three party democracy, that election was contested amongst 40 parties, and the second party followed at quite a distance.

Part of the distance can be explained with the way seats are allocated. It's not like proportional representation as in the Netherlands. The draft constitution is supposed to offer more 'proportial representation', but without an easily readable translation I cannot really comment on that.

Even the difference in the PL was over 13% quite the distance.

As to the new proposed system, it seems very convoluted, the way I read it is that votes for the non winning candidates are going to be transferred to the PL.

Much easier, and transparant would be to simply have the PL only, just as in the Netherlands.

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Sorry for this, and I realize it maybe somewhat off topic, but could someone clarify whether the aforementioned 'Amply Rich Investment' shell company is the same 'Ample Rich Investment' shell set up by the runaway ex Pm currently resident in the UAE, or is it a completely different entity?

It would appear to be the same thing. The term "amply rich" has been used repeatedly by one forum member to describe Thaksin and Yingluck Shinawatra. You could ask the forum member about this. Best of luck.

It is the same thing and the name "Amply Rich" I only use in connection with those who used it themselves by choosing said name for their offshore British Virgin Isles based shell company.

I think you'll find that was Ample Rich, not Amply Rich as has been pointed out previously by someone else.

A small point perhaps, but you might as well be right and not wrong eh?


By Jove, you're right. I completely overlooked that till now. No excuse there, terribly sorry and all that.

Now that it's pointed out to me I immediately checked the difference. I mean as NNES (i.e. Non-Native English Speaker) I have to be a wee bit careful.

So, checking yahoo which uses Oxford Dictionaries I looked up

. enough or more than enough; plentiful:
"there is ample time for discussion"
. enough or more than enough; plentifully:
"the persistent reader is amply rewarded
That's indeed a real substantial difference.

I wonder how many of the EP commission for Foreign Affairs knew that ?

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Hmm, I did say coupled with the constituency. They grabbed 265 seats out of 500, which is the very definition of a landslide election victory.

Not to mention the fact that this isn't a two or three party democracy, that election was contested amongst 40 parties, and the second party followed at quite a distance.

Part of the distance can be explained with the way seats are allocated. It's not like proportional representation as in the Netherlands. The draft constitution is supposed to offer more 'proportial representation', but without an easily readable translation I cannot really comment on that.

Even the difference in the PL was over 13% quite the distance.

As to the new proposed system, it seems very convoluted, the way I read it is that votes for the non winning candidates are going to be transferred to the PL.

Much easier, and transparant would be to simply have the PL only, just as in the Netherlands.

The Mixed-Member Appointment system proposed in April 2015 is more proportional than what was present in the 2007 constitution. Rejected by Pheu Thai of course as too difficult and robbing voters of a chance to vote for both candidates AND parties. Some here told me even that 'proportional representation' wouldn't work in Thailand.

Now how that part was changed from April 2015 to March 2016 'final' draft charter I don't know as unlike you I didn't read the Thai version. No idea what Ms. Yingluck may have told the commission on Foreign Affairs about this.

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Hmm, I did say coupled with the constituency. They grabbed 265 seats out of 500, which is the very definition of a landslide election victory.

Not to mention the fact that this isn't a two or three party democracy, that election was contested amongst 40 parties, and the second party followed at quite a distance.

Part of the distance can be explained with the way seats are allocated. It's not like proportional representation as in the Netherlands. The draft constitution is supposed to offer more 'proportial representation', but without an easily readable translation I cannot really comment on that.

Even the difference in the PL was over 13% quite the distance.

As to the new proposed system, it seems very convoluted, the way I read it is that votes for the non winning candidates are going to be transferred to the PL.

Much easier, and transparant would be to simply have the PL only, just as in the Netherlands.

The Mixed-Member Appointment system proposed in April 2015 is more proportional than what was present in the 2007 constitution. Rejected by Pheu Thai of course as too difficult and robbing voters of a chance to vote for both candidates AND parties. Some here told me even that 'proportional representation' wouldn't work in Thailand.

Now how that part was changed from April 2015 to March 2016 'final' draft charter I don't know as unlike you I didn't read the Thai version. No idea what Ms. Yingluck may have told the commission on Foreign Affairs about this.

Brings back one of the main points - would she be knowledgeable enough / astute enough / strategic enough to discuss this point and argue this point in detail?

IMHO highly / very doubtful.

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Aside from bizarre Fan boy love who feel she is even accountable to unelected gun men running the Nation .

What's even sillier these days is the naked emperor illusion

That they pretend in some screwed up universe they have the higher moral ground .?

That somehow a woman elected by 15 million people and Still hugely loved and considered internationally (as ay least an enduring symbol of when Thailand was free.) is tarnishing their image?

I mean digging up corpses and tier 3 (and human rights groups ) ....and draconian article 44 laws and arrests ?

It's gross such a beautiful woman is even associated with thugs pretending to represent a nation ( if only by their demands she stop telling the world about their activities)

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Aside from bizarre Fan boy love who feel she is even accountable to unelected gun men running the Nation .

What's even sillier these days is the naked emperor illusion

That they pretend in some screwed up universe they have the higher moral ground .?

That somehow a woman elected by 15 million people and Still hugely loved and considered internationally (as ay least an enduring symbol of when Thailand was free.) is tarnishing their image?

I mean digging up corpses and tier 3 (and human rights groups ) ....and draconian article 44 laws and arrests ?

It's gross such a beautiful woman is even associated with thugs pretending to represent a nation ( if only by their demands she stop telling the world about their activities)

Well, democracy died the day she was impeached and asked to show the accountability which goes with being in charge and being responsible. That has nothing to do with being elected, being pretty, being loved. Ask Silvio Berlusconi.

Still no info on the EP Commission for Foreign Affairs website. AS if they didn't want it known they came here for an exchange of views with Ms. Yingluck. On democracy it was said.

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Anybody hoping that Yingluk gave factual information is likely to be disappointed, as she is a known perjurer and serial liar. She lied to a court about ownership of her brother's assets, she lied to the Thai people about who was in control of the last government, she lied to the Thai people and parliament about the mounting losses of the rice scam, she lied to the world about the Thai political situation in the Mongolia speech. it appears the only time she is not lying is when she is prevaricating, at least for any issue of significance, and even then her statements are usually distortions of the truth.

EU representatives asking about her term of office and not expecting a self-serving answer are more likely delusional than naive.

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Aside from bizarre Fan boy love who feel she is even accountable to unelected gun men running the Nation .

What's even sillier these days is the naked emperor illusion

That they pretend in some screwed up universe they have the higher moral ground .?

That somehow a woman elected by 15 million people and Still hugely loved and considered internationally (as ay least an enduring symbol of when Thailand was free.) is tarnishing their image?

I mean digging up corpses and tier 3 (and human rights groups ) ....and draconian article 44 laws and arrests ?

It's gross such a beautiful woman is even associated with thugs pretending to represent a nation ( if only by their demands she stop telling the world about their activities)

Well, democracy died the day she was impeached and asked to show the accountability which goes with being in charge and being responsible. That has nothing to do with being elected, being pretty, being loved. Ask Silvio Berlusconi.

Still no info on the EP Commission for Foreign Affairs website. AS if they didn't want it known they came here for an exchange of views with Ms. Yingluck. On democracy it was said.

Thai democracy was still-born on day 1, and it wasn't Yingluck's fault. It may be convenient to pillory Thaksin, but the worst he ever did was to do the same as every other politician has ever done in Thailand before him, by consensus with the possible exception of Chuan Leekpai.

Too broad a perspective for the junta-huggers? Sorry, but life is often a tad more complex than we think. Everyone interprets it into a picture they can understand, it's a part of human psychology, a mechanism for giving the impression that we have established some control over the world and our place in it.

For some folk, that picture has to be really simple. Lots of folk can't cope with the complexity of the real world; we mustn't be too harsh on them, we all have limitations that guide our preferences. Some more than others.

Many folk are suckers for men in uniform, for example, though the only people who ever support an authoritarian government are those who already steal from the cookie jar and those who think that one day, they'd quite like to. Sad but true.


Edited by Winniedapu
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Thai democracy was still-born on day 1, and it wasn't Yingluck's fault. It may be convenient to pillory Thaksin, but the worst he ever did was to do the same as every other politician has ever done in Thailand before him, by consensus with the possible exception of Chuan Leekpai.

Too broad a perspective for the junta-huggers? Sorry, but life is often a tad more complex than we think. Everyone interprets it into a picture they can understand, it's a part of human psychology, a mechanism for giving the impression that we have established some control over the world and our place in it.

For some folk, that picture has to be really simple. Lots of folk can't cope with the complexity of the real world; we mustn't be too harsh on them, we all have limitations that guide our preferences. Some more than others.

Many folk are suckers for men in uniform, for example, though the only people who ever support an authoritarian government are those who already steal from the cookie jar and those who think that one day, they'd quite like to. Sad but true.


Thank you for your accusation of being a would-be if not actual thief. Saying honey pot instead of cookie jar might have been too revealing your own nature.

As to your spiel on limitations and broad perspectives, you might also consider a bit of focus on the criminal politicians that are still currently active. Little Johnny might have done it too, but is he worth bothering about if he is dead, retired or incarcerated?

I will use my limited resources to focus on the most blatant political criminal I have ever witnessed, though I will spare a little for his proxy (#1), Chalerm (#2) and the other criminals appointed by party list, and the corrupt cronies he appoints as Ministers, and the MPs who accept his payment to vote to his orders.

Consider what would happen in your country to a businessman offering political donations in return for access to cabinet deliberations; only reports mind you, not actual input. Here, they call that "democracy", criminals enriching themselves by robbing the populace.

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Still looking for more information on the visit of EP delegation chairman Mr. Langen with eight MEPs to Bangkok.

I found this KhaoSod article from the 19th this month.


Nothing yet on the AFET commissions website, seems too busy with other things. Maybe the delegation had nothing to do with AFET, but was just a group of eight MEPs interested in Bangkok. A search on 'bangkok' on the EC website doesn't give anything newer than 2013 though. Maybe some members here are able to dig up more details on the visit 18/19 May 2016 ?

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Thai democracy was still-born on day 1, and it wasn't Yingluck's fault. It may be convenient to pillory Thaksin, but the worst he ever did was to do the same as every other politician has ever done in Thailand before him, by consensus with the possible exception of Chuan Leekpai.

Too broad a perspective for the junta-huggers? Sorry, but life is often a tad more complex than we think. Everyone interprets it into a picture they can understand, it's a part of human psychology, a mechanism for giving the impression that we have established some control over the world and our place in it.

For some folk, that picture has to be really simple. Lots of folk can't cope with the complexity of the real world; we mustn't be too harsh on them, we all have limitations that guide our preferences. Some more than others.

Many folk are suckers for men in uniform, for example, though the only people who ever support an authoritarian government are those who already steal from the cookie jar and those who think that one day, they'd quite like to. Sad but true.


Thank you for your accusation of being a would-be if not actual thief. Saying honey pot instead of cookie jar might have been too revealing your own nature.

As to your spiel on limitations and broad perspectives, you might also consider a bit of focus on the criminal politicians that are still currently active. Little Johnny might have done it too, but is he worth bothering about if he is dead, retired or incarcerated?

I will use my limited resources to focus on the most blatant political criminal I have ever witnessed, though I will spare a little for his proxy (#1), Chalerm (#2) and the other criminals appointed by party list, and the corrupt cronies he appoints as Ministers, and the MPs who accept his payment to vote to his orders.

Consider what would happen in your country to a businessman offering political donations in return for access to cabinet deliberations; only reports mind you, not actual input. Here, they call that "democracy", criminals enriching themselves by robbing the populace.

Nah, I'm happy with my perspective and insights, same as you are with yours.

I didn't accuse you of anything, you did. I don't know what your politics are and I don't really care. I comment here because the people of TV invite me to (in the hope no doubt that they will earn some money from doing so), not because I hope you will agree with me. Again, I don't really care.

All clear now?


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