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Shocking: Booze ban doesn’t stop youth from drinking, activists seek stricter rules


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Today's Y generation of booz, drugs, unsafe sex and multiple social media apps that put a pressure

on any teen to go wild and do stupid things while disregarding the values of educations but excels

in cheating and cut corners, so this is come at NOT a surprise that the 300 meters boundaries

is a joke..... the authorities simply came up with the lazy way to deal with a problem, which backfired

big time in their faces.....

As opposed to the very open sex and drug use of the late 60's and 70's?

Or the increase in heavy drug usage in the 80's?

Or the alternative generations of the 90's?

This is pretty much every generation. Stop blaming it on basic things like "generations". Most people in college drink because they finally have the freedom to do so. They see people going to clubs, bars, going to parties and it looks fun. Why wouldn't they want to do it? Instead of trying to tell someone NO, find a safe, responsible way for them to partake so they know ti's not a miracle cure-all.

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As has been noted above. THE prime case of banning booze is America pre WW2 during prohibition. Why is it that nobody learns from that single case and all the after effects? Not to say that Thailand will suffer an outbreak of gang warfare as drug and booze sellers try to capture more of the market... err... hmmm... Anyway, it's obvious that if a government makes something, anything, illegal, banned and forbidden, then most people will continue doing it if they want to do it because they think the law is silly or if they can make money at it or, in some cases, will start doing it just for the thrill of breaking the law.

Ooops, got to run, the corner store has just had another Beer Leo delivery and I'm all out.

Edited by Narratio
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There is no need for a ban, anywhere. Just ask those buying to SHOW THEIR ID to check their age. Why is that so difficult??? Why? I just don't get it.

Why in Buddha's name would you think common sense or logic would ever be considered in Thai officialdom thinking ???

You are a silly sausage, aren't you !

Agreed. Did you know there is no such concept in the Thai language or culture as common sense?

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