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Egypt Air crash and the Paris link: Radical Islamic CDG airport workers?


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If an airport worker at CDG has the means to either place a bomb on a plane, or allow someone to carry one on to it, then why target an Egyptian owned plane with only 66 people on board? Why not a western owned aircraft with hundreds of passengers? Was there something about that particular plane, or exactly who was on board?

If it was a bomb, there could be all kinds of reasons.

Perhaps it is a new type of bomb and they wanted to see if it works.

Perhaps it is a new group and they are in fear of being identified early on.

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Here we go again - runaway speculation on an Air Crash before even the wreckage has been found let alone the official investigation has got fully underway.

There can be numerous reasons for this crash , that is why experts whose job it is to do an exhaustive investigation that can take upto 2 years to complete before the cause can be determined.

there can be only one reason for this crash. read the verdict of the eggsburts published in this thread! sick.gif

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If an airport worker at CDG has the means to either place a bomb on a plane, or allow someone to carry one on to it, then why target an Egyptian owned plane with only 66 people on board? Why not a western owned aircraft with hundreds of passengers? Was there something about that particular plane, or exactly who was on board?

If it was a bomb, there could be all kinds of reasons.

Perhaps it is a new type of bomb and they wanted to see if it works.

Perhaps it is a new group and they are in fear of being identified early on.

perhaps... coffee1.gif

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There are reports of smoke in the cabin and cockpit. My money says it was fog. A plane at altitude is pressurized and climate controlled. The outside air is far below freezing. When the plane gets a hole that allows atmospheric air to enter, the moisture in the cabin condenses. It does so in a pattern, moving from the hole in the plane outward. People who have just moments to observe while also busy observing and doing other things will mistake the moving fog for smoke.

This plane got a sudden hole in the right side from an explosion, filled with fog as it began to disintegrate and then tumbled erratically into the ocean, scattering over a wide area.


Hello Neversure

I have a different suspicion. An alert system on planes broadcasts vital signs data at certain points or events. Fog would trigger humidity and reports state it was smoke; I do not think human observations were transmitted, only pure data. To your point, it could broadcast fog and smoke I suppose but its the smoke that interests me. Unlike civilian planes anyone who has ever rode military planes much knows the fog you speak of as these planes routinely fly with leaks (until maintenance). Not sure this would trigger an alarm- alone.

I have thought this over and there is a clear set of knowns that suggest my theory:

1. An event that triggered a data alert broadcast.

2. At least one data was that there was smoke.

3. An unspecified period of time in this state because the sensors clearly processed, then compiled the data and broadcast.

4. Various reports of curious maneuvers.

5. Plane lost.

First smoke and perhaps no explosion at all, or perhaps secondary implosion.

a) The items were brought on to the plane in binary or tertiary fashion by one or more people in dry form. The products existed in a dry state and were mixed in the bathroom with water or such. The result was a chemical process similar to how thermite/white phosphorus behaves, and the primary immediate product was smoke, the secondary product would have been heat. This is why there was a delay between onset of event and enough time to transmit vital sign data-

-there was smoke and heat and time.

b ) The device/mixture eventually flared violently in a blaze but likely did not later explode (or it inexorably consumed the material and its effect in the cabin less immediate but disastrous still- similar to a low order detonation-incomplete consumption of material or sub-optimal for high order explosive). If it did not explode at first it would not later, it would just consume the order.

c) An explosive train does not seem to be present here. Rather a device which then burned a hole in the cabin hull or to a non pressurized area and the scenario progressed from smoke to heat to pressure to implosion.

d) These are simple ingredients; not more sophisticated than high school/sophomore level. I will not list them here but they can be brought on a plane in sufficient quantities to cause this very scenario. (It is nearly impossible to stop different, unrelated people, from carrying different, seemingly innocuous metal powders on to a flight and mixing them later in the bathroom, with/without a catalyst).

e) Example: Someone goes to the bathroom and leaves a plastic toothpaste container with dry powder in it in the trash. A second person goes to the bathroom and recovers this item, their own item, and pours them into an empty soda can, then places them back in the garbage, and then goes to his/her seat to pray. The device is already smoking and burning when the person sits. Water cannot put the device [out].

If my scenario is correct, it would not rule out complicit airport workers but would make them mostly unnecessary for a successful mission. No one claimed responsibility as of yet. If this was an idiot homegrown jihadi he may have brilliantly planed the mission but left no one alive to tell the tale, as in the Four Lions movie:

OK, I'll buy that possibility which still is going to be a bomb even if it's an incendiary bomb. Something put a hole in the right side of that plane which advanced into a full-on crash that scattered the plane from hell to breakfast from 37,000 feet.


Think the evidence will support out sucpivion but the conclusion report maybe not.


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Here we go again - runaway speculation on an Air Crash before even the wreckage has been found let alone the official investigation has got fully underway.

There can be numerous reasons for this crash , that is why experts whose job it is to do an exhaustive investigation that can take upto 2 years to complete before the cause can be determined.

The final report can take up to two years, but once the CVR and FDR are recovered, an analysis can usually be made fairly quickly, and in the case of a bomb, it will be very quickly. Then it takes some back room type to write up the report, covering all the detail.....up to two years.

It was a bomb. The deniers can have their denial party but it was a bomb. The plane came apart in the air, dropped like a rock and scattered from hell to breakfast. Planes don't do that by themselves.


It may have been a bomb, but today's report in Guardian newspaper says the black box indicates a 90 degree turn to the left, then a 360 degree turn to the right.

That indicates a struggle in the cockpit. Possible scenario: pilot gets indication of bomb/fire. He turns to left to get to nearest land/airport. Terrorist in cockpit forcibly (maybe by killing or incapacitating pilot) turns plane to right. Other pilot? .....may have been killed at the outset. Whatever happened, it surely entailed much drama and probably mega struggle.

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