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Thai PM says Professor Wanchai's suicide "a lesson for Thai society"


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Thai PM says Professor Wanchai's suicide "a lesson for Thai society"


Image: Thairath

BANGKOK: The Thai prime minister has spoken out about the events of Wednesday and Thursday when "Professor Wanchai" committed suicide on national television following the murder of two colleagues the previous day.

The nation was gripped as media descended on a motel in Saphan Kwai, Bangkok,Thursday where the final hours of the university lecturer were played out for all to see on TV and live online streaming. A standoff of more than five hours saw many people brought in by police to try and persuade the professor to give himself up while he pointed a gun at himself.

The man, who had shot two colleagues at a lecture hall on Wednesday morning before fleeing, finally took his own life in a secluded part of the motel. Reporters rushed in with medics after the final shot ran out as viewers looked on at the body in a pool of blood.

PM Prayut singled out the police operation and the antics of the media for special comment while also imploring families and schools to explain what had happened over the two days to young people. He also reminded the general public about controlling their emotions and resolving disputes effectively.

Government spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnert was relaying the views of the prime minister on Friday in the wake of what the PM called "a very tragic event that should not have happened"

He said that what happened was an important lesson for all concerned in Thai society. He said that police dealing with such situations must have proper plans and procedures in place to minimize damaging effects. Negotiators with a background in psychology are needed along with back up plans when things go wrong.

He was somewhat critical of the media saying that they need to adjust the way that such incidents are covered. The media need to behave in an appropriate manner and present the news properly for the public while thinking about the effect there actions may have on those present at such a situation, he said. They should not get in the way of authorities and never behave in a way that might be construed as breaking the law.

For families and educational establishments he said that people need to explain to young people in their care what had happened and that this was a dangerous situation that must not be copied.

For the public in general the PM asked people to try to control strong feelings that they might have whether these are emotions of dissatisfaction or feelings of revenge. He appealed for people to use common sense especially in resolving disputes.

Professor Wanchai Danatamonut had shot two lecturer colleagues seemingly over a personal dispute the a branch of his university in the Bang Khen area of northern Bangkok on Wednesday around 9am. He had then fled in his Nissan Almera car before he was found holed up Thursday in the motel in Saphan Kwai when the standoff began. It lasted until he shot himself at 6.43pm. He was rushed to hospital but pronounced dead.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-05-21

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What lesson is there to learn? that you don't solve arguments with a gun? if Thai people have still to learn

such lessons, than they're much worse in human relations than I ever gave them credit for.....

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Well, I would boycott this university. I would never let my kids study at such a place with hot tempered immature university professors. Imagine if innocent students were unwillingly involved into that farce..........

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Not bad coming from someone with a reputation for a hair trigger temper and who regularly explodes in public and isn't above making threats to people, especially journalists, who annoy him.

Right. As well he likes to 'pet' reporters like they are animals.

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Is the 'lesson' respect life and implement gun control.

Perhaps that is your fairy-tale agenda, but did you read that in his post?

What post, its a news article. No dreamer here, its call respecting life! Give it a try some time and you may not be so cynical.
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"He said that what happened was an important lesson for all concerned in Thai society. He said that police dealing with such situations must have proper plans and procedures in place to minimise damaging effects. Negotiators with a background in psychology are needed along with back up plans when things go wrong." - Really? So the police don't have this stuff already??????????

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His lesson would be 'do not lose face when confronted with situations in life'.

I reckon, the percentage of people who will listen, and learn from his lesson will start with a decimal point,

i.e., less than 1%, if that.

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"Negotiators with a background in psychology are needed along with back up plans when things go wrong."

Unfortunately, all qualified professionals with a background in psychology are being used for "attitude adjustment" activities.

Of course, Thai culture which values saving face above everything else is never held accountable for such actions. This event only got attention because it was covered over the airwaves. This type of behavior goes on every day and is reinforced through Thai soap operas, movies, books, etc.

Edited by jaltsc
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So what's the lesson?

I mean when k.Prayuths side had a dispute with those he disagreed with he rolled in with his guns, ignored the law and held the country hostage.

He then threatened and threatens everyone with punishment for disagreeing with him.

Pot, kettle, black ....

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Not bad coming from someone with a reputation for a hair trigger temper and who regularly explodes in public and isn't above making threats to people, especially journalists, who annoy him.

Yes, he's telling Thais how they should behave, resolve issues etc yet displays all the worst of these traits and more himself.

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Well, I would boycott this university. I would never let my kids study at such a place with hot tempered immature university professors. Imagine if innocent students were unwillingly involved into that farce..........

Hot tempered immature uni profs ... not a rare thing in LOS.

Wouldn't touch most unis here with a barge pole.

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The press like other Asian countries are not censorship controlled on gory content, the more gory it is the better, whether it is a road accident , suicide, or a soldier injured by a roadside bomb , those camera's have to close right in and the public love it, where as in the West this is not allowed, and it all comes down to the level of government involvement within the censorship department , it's all very well having a go at the press, but for someone who invokes limited freedom of the press to their own means , it is like calling the pot black...................................coffee1.gif

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He said that what happened was an important lesson for all concerned in Thai society.

What lesson? To learn that Thais can't control themselves? That Thais are hot tempered? That life doesn't mean anything to Thais? That killing is a part of normal life for Thais?

A Thai politician told me the biggest mistake for Thailand was not being colonized.....Well a bit hard. But naybe some truth in it?

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What lesson is there to learn? that you don't solve arguments with a gun? if Thai people have still to learn

such lessons, than they're much worse in human relations than I ever gave them credit for.....

Be sure your sins will find you out? Corruption does not pay? Probably all that and more. Particularly the media and the police lack of standards and professionalism in handling these situations which are really quite common in this country

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