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Thousands of Punters buy Beer Bars in Thailand..So Whats different ??? :o

Only the methodology of separating the buyers from their cash. Perhaps condos attract a different class of people. :D

Oh, and the results. The condo buyers end up with a room. The bar buyers end up with a hangover. At least the hangover will go away eventually. :D

The Fly Fisherman

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Some 2500 views to this thread, 78 posts with 3-4 arguing for Hillside Plaza 4, 2-3 enjoying the thread but not the format, leaving 2,415 views just for fun. Aren't you having fun? :o

The Fly Fisherman

Still more buyers than sellers for apts in Hillside 4.

Has anyone noticed the irony that "phishing" is the biggest scam on the internet and that the only person continuing to argue against Hillside 4 is the "physherman"?


Some 2500 views to this thread, 78 posts with 3-4 arguing for Hillside Plaza 4, 2-3 enjoying the thread but not the format, leaving 2,415 views just for fun. Aren't you having fun? :o

The Fly Fisherman

Still more buyers than sellers for apts in Hillside 4.

Has anyone noticed the irony that "phishing" is the biggest scam on the internet and that the only person continuing to argue against Hillside 4 is the "physherman"?

The Physherman is a total weasel. First he is condoforsale then he turns into concerned passerby. He had to distort all his arguments to continue and not completely lose face. I think he got thrashed pretty badly in this debate. Boo hooo.

I would like to know.

where the Fishman really lives?

where the brillant fishman would buy a condo for 1.3 to 1.7 million in CM?


>>> What is the relationship between the number of units seriously for sale and the sales rate?

1. Is this a trick question?

2. I guess you are an condo owner in the building too, right? :o

3. Aren't you having fun?

The Fly Fisherman


1. yes, for you

2. wrong

3. no, I am having fun. your writing can be amusingly odd at times, to use your words, "a different class of people". The style is getting repetitious, can you change vehicles or shift gears or change levels or something?


>>> The Physherman is a total weasel.

Back to calling names again. Pitiful.

Son, can't you rely on the merits of your own arguments? Do you always need to call people names when you can't make your point using valid statements? That shows us a high level of frustration on your part. But that's understandable.

>>> First he is condoforsale then he turns into concerned passerby.

First name calling, next pretending that I am someone else when you have absolutely no proof at all. Pure conjecture on your part, born out of frustration. Listen, if you are upset about lost potential revenue I can understand. But at least be man enough to admit it.

>>> He had to distort all his arguments to continue and not completely lose face. I think he got >>> thrashed pretty badly in this debate. Boo hooo.

Oh.... badly. I'll try to be strong and deal with it. God knows it will be tough. :o

>>> I would like to know where the Fishman really lives?

Why. What does it matter where I live? THis thread is about Hillside Plaza 4. It isn't about me. Why do you need to make it personal? I talk about a building. You talk about me. Doesn't THAT tell you something right there?

>>> where the brillant fishman would buy a condo for 1.3 to 1.7 million in CM?

A fair question, though why you need to bring my personal life into this thread is pretty odd.

The brilliant fisherman (at least you got that part correctly,) wouldn't buy a condo in Chiang Mai. Why waste money on a depressed market that will only get worse especially after the Flower Festival is over?

Even the owner of Hillside 5 sold off his entire building to another company to get out from under. That company will turn it into a hotel, which in turn will be used as a very effective tax write-off, as will most of the newer hotels built this past year here.

I would, on the other hand, and did, purchase a brand new house just outside of Chiang Mai for 2 mil for a three bedroom house in a gated moobahn. I bought it to live in, not for an investment, unless you call passing it along to my kids as an investment in the future. Swiming pool, restaurant, a 24 hour guard who is awake to open the gate to those with the proper ID. Visitors must call ahead to drive in. No leaks in the pipes. The electricity only goes out in very severe storms, no parking problems (the house as a two car portico) and above flood levels. In all fairness, there aren't enough big trees. But I'm sure in 10-15 years all the small ones that were planted will grow nicely.

I'd invite you over for a BBQ, but you aren't the sort of people we like to be around. :D

The Fly Fisherman


Some 2500 views to this thread, 78 posts with 3-4 arguing for Hillside Plaza 4, 2-3 enjoying the thread but not the format, leaving 2,415 views just for fun. Aren't you having fun? :o

The Fly Fisherman

Still more buyers than sellers for apts in Hillside 4.

Has anyone noticed the irony that "phishing" is the biggest scam on the internet and that the only person continuing to argue against Hillside 4 is the "physherman"?

If there are more buyers than sellers for apts in Hillside 4, why are there so many units still for sale. That makes no sense at all. Or are all of us who say there are plenty of units available telling lies. Why not go in and ask for yourself? Don't trust us. Find out the truth for yourself. If you dare to face the truth.

"Phishing" on the internet is trying to get personal information from people. So far, it's only been the people who own condos in this building trying to get personal information from me! So who is doing the phishing. For me, it involves a fly rod, reel, and a nice dry fly (if possible.) For them it involves asking me repeatedly where I live. You decide. :D

The Fly Fisherman


>>> The Physherman is a total weasel.

Back to calling names again. Pitiful.

Son, can't you rely on the merits of your own arguments? Do you always need to call people names when you can't make your point using valid statements? That shows us a high level of frustration on your part. But that's understandable.

>>> First he is condoforsale then he turns into concerned passerby.

First name calling, next pretending that I am someone else when you have absolutely no proof at all. Pure conjecture on your part, born out of frustration. Listen, if you are upset about lost potential revenue I can understand. But at least be man enough to admit it.

The Fly Fisherman

Uh Huh. Well I have 5,000 baht that says you and condoforsale are the same person. Where is condoforsale now? did he just start a thread and walk away???? Surely he must me reading these posts. Let him speak up now.


Wow, is this still going? This certainly has legs!

Physherman says he lives in a gated compound, where one needs ID to get in and visitors have to phone ahead in order to get past the gate. Sounds a bit worrying to me – reminds me a bit of what I saw when I was in LA a few years ago. No thanks – would not like to have to live behind a fence, I’d rather try and be part of the community.

Nothing personal, just the humble opinion of a passer-by. :o

I would, on the other hand, and did, purchase a brand new house just outside of Chiang Mai for 2 mil for a three bedroom house in a gated moobahn. I bought it to live in, not for an investment, unless you call passing it along to my kids as an investment in the future. Swiming pool, restaurant, a 24 hour guard who is awake to open the gate to those with the proper ID. Visitors must call ahead to drive in. No leaks in the pipes. The electricity only goes out in very severe storms, no parking problems (the house as a two car portico) and above flood levels. In all fairness, there aren't enough big trees. But I'm sure in 10-15 years all the small ones that were planted will grow nicely.

I'd invite you over for a BBQ, but you aren't the sort of people we like to be around. :o

The Fly Fisherman

I have been reading this thread for entertainment purposes and I have no opinion on the Hillside Plazas nor even what or where they be. But the bad bews is that, from my observations over the past many years, most of these Thai muubaan jatsaans, gated housing developments, do not improve with age over time, unless of couse things have turned around over the past few years I have not been able to visit. The trees may indeed continue to grow upward, but the neighborhoods tend to go downhill.


I would, on the other hand, and did, purchase a brand new house just outside of Chiang Mai for 2 mil for a three bedroom house in a gated moobahn. The Fly Fisherman

And, this is a serious question, what do you think your house is worth now?

You have a view on everbody else's property value - so how well have you done?


Condos were NOT selling for 800k a year or so ago.

The best price I was offered on one there was 1.3m.

I did not buy it, because of no other reason than I did not like the way it had been decorated and the way that they had chosen to utaliise the limited space available.

As I previuosly posted I had a friend who stayed there a year, his Condo was beautiful,,never had any complaints about anything.

Nothing much wrong with it IMHO

Gawd I hope this post does not start the whole thing up again.

Why not call it a day?



You get a pretty crap house for 2 Million, you need to spend 5 Million+ for a decent house, if you want some privacy. My brother just paid 7.2 Million for his pad.


I would, on the other hand, and did, purchase a brand new house just outside of Chiang Mai for 2 mil for a three bedroom house in a gated moobahn. The Fly Fisherman

And, this is a serious question, what do you think your house is worth now?

You have a view on everbody else's property value - so how well have you done?

This is a serious answer.

If instead of just hitting your reply key you had actually read what I wrote, you'd have seen the line that said "I bought it to live in, not for an investment"

I don't care what's it's worth now. That is your worry, not mine. It was worth the price to me when we bought it. We've been happy with it for the past couple of years. The neighbors are nice. Mixed group of Thais and farang and so far everyone gets along well. The occasional loud party on the appropriate holidays, but usually quiet by 11pm. A comfortable place to live with just a short ride to get into town. That's all we wanted. :o

The Fly Fisherman


You get a pretty crap house for 2 Million, you need to spend 5 Million+ for a decent house, if you want some privacy. My brother just paid 7.2 Million for his pad.

I'm not sure how accurate your prices for privacy are, but I would think any house affords more privacy than a 40 SM condo!


I would, on the other hand, and did, purchase a brand new house just outside of Chiang Mai for 2 mil for a three bedroom house in a gated moobahn. I bought it to live in, not for an investment, unless you call passing it along to my kids as an investment in the future. Swiming pool, restaurant, a 24 hour guard who is awake to open the gate to those with the proper ID. Visitors must call ahead to drive in. No leaks in the pipes. The electricity only goes out in very severe storms, no parking problems (the house as a two car portico) and above flood levels. In all fairness, there aren't enough big trees. But I'm sure in 10-15 years all the small ones that were planted will grow nicely.

I'd invite you over for a BBQ, but you aren't the sort of people we like to be around. :o

The Fly Fisherman

I have been reading this thread for entertainment purposes and I have no opinion on the Hillside Plazas nor even what or where they be. But the bad bews is that, from my observations over the past many years, most of these Thai muubaan jatsaans, gated housing developments, do not improve with age over time, unless of couse things have turned around over the past few years I have not been able to visit. The trees may indeed continue to grow upward, but the neighborhoods tend to go downhill.

Very true. This does seem to be the normal run of things here. :D

But we, the owners both farang and Thai, have been having scheduled meetings every three months in hopes of staving off this degeneration from our muubaan (so thats how it' spelled!) and have discussed this very issue. We are constantly watchful for the first signs of deterioration and try to nip them in the bud. We've all agreed to try to be proactive rather than reactive. Obviously, this is not a typical Thai methodology, but our Thai owners seem to like this novel approach.

Maybe, just maybe, we all can avoid the TIT syndrome for our community. Certainly that's a mutual accepted goal for us. No more burying heads in the sand or throwing up hands saying 'what's the use? This is Thailand.' Identify the difficulty , figure out a way to avoid its escalation, correct it by turning it into a project instead of a problem. Then deal with it immediately. So far, so good. :D

The Fly Fisherman


Some 2500 views to this thread, 78 posts with 3-4 arguing for Hillside Plaza 4, 2-3 enjoying the thread but not the format, leaving 2,415 views just for fun. Aren't you having fun? :o

The Fly Fisherman

Still more buyers than sellers for apts in Hillside 4.

Has anyone noticed the irony that "phishing" is the biggest scam on the internet and that the only person continuing to argue against Hillside 4 is the "physherman"?

"and that the only person continuing to argue against Hillside 4 is the "physherman"?

You're way off the mark with this statement. There are many who would not have a condo in Hillside 4 as a gift.

I have had a condo in town for close to 10 years and whilst you can never please all the people all of the time (maybe, some of the people all of the time, or all of the people some of the time) my pad is not too bad and apart from a couple of minor issues I am very happy with it. (please note: the minor issues do not include gaping cracks in the construction, nor masonry falling from the building)

I would be hard pressed to consider anything in Hillside 4 and even less likely to even think about Hillside 5.

IMHO they are both shonky buildings (and NO! I don't know either the fisherman or condosforsale)


I would, on the other hand, and did, purchase a brand new house just outside of Chiang Mai for 2 mil for a three bedroom house in a gated moobahn. The Fly Fisherman

And, this is a serious question, what do you think your house is worth now?

You have a view on everbody else's property value - so how well have you done?

This is a serious answer.

If instead of just hitting your reply key you had actually read what I wrote, you'd have seen the line that said "I bought it to live in, not for an investment"

I don't care what's it's worth now. That is your worry, not mine. It was worth the price to me when we bought it. We've been happy with it for the past couple of years. The neighbors are nice. Mixed group of Thais and farang and so far everyone gets along well. The occasional loud party on the appropriate holidays, but usually quiet by 11pm. A comfortable place to live with just a short ride to get into town. That's all we wanted. :o

The Fly Fisherman

OK, very good, I can see you are very happy. So why your obsession about Hillside? Why do you not care what your place is worth, but be so fascinated about the value of my place? So your place is "going down the tubes as well" we are a kindred spirit!

Wow, is this still going? This certainly has legs!

Physherman says he lives in a gated compound, where one needs ID to get in and visitors have to phone ahead in order to get past the gate. Sounds a bit worrying to me – reminds me a bit of what I saw when I was in LA a few years ago. No thanks – would not like to have to live behind a fence, I’d rather try and be part of the community.

Nothing personal, just the humble opinion of a passer-by. :o

"Don't be so humble - you are not that great." (Ms. Meir)

Well..... If you live in Thailand long enough, you'll learn (perhaps) that a muubaan

is a community of houses clustered together, usually within an enclosure.

Sometimes you may be better off not speaking. :D

The Fly Fisherman


And, this is a serious question, what do you think your house is worth now?

You have a view on everbody else's property value - so how well have you done?

This is a serious answer.

If instead of just hitting your reply key you had actually read what I wrote, you'd have seen the line that said "I bought it to live in, not for an investment"

I don't care what's it's worth now. That is your worry, not mine.

>>> OK, very good, I can see you are very happy. So why your obsession about Hillside? Why do >>> you not care what your place is worth, but be so fascinated about the value of my place?

Quite simply because this thread was about Hillside Plaza 4 and its value, not about what my personal feelings were about my own home. This thread is and should be about a building, not about a person.

The Fly Fisherman


And, this is a serious question, what do you think your house is worth now?

You have a view on everbody else's property value - so how well have you done?

This is a serious answer.

If instead of just hitting your reply key you had actually read what I wrote, you'd have seen the line that said "I bought it to live in, not for an investment"

I don't care what's it's worth now. That is your worry, not mine.

>>> OK, very good, I can see you are very happy. So why your obsession about Hillside? Why do >>> you not care what your place is worth, but be so fascinated about the value of my place?

Quite simply because this thread was about Hillside Plaza 4 and its value, not about what my personal feelings were about my own home. This thread is and should be about a building, not about a person.

The Fly Fisherman

Physherman..Your fishing skills are superb..You've had them biting for quite a while now..

I don't understand after wading through pages and pages of posts, why you are so obsessed

with the value of Hillside 4 ??? I notice the original OP did just that OP OUT..


, I’d rather try and be part of the community.

Nothing personal, just the humble opinion of a passer-by. :o

"Don't be so humble - you are not that great." (Ms. Meir)

Well..... If you live in Thailand long enough, you'll learn (perhaps) that a muubaan

is a community of houses clustered together, usually within an enclosure.

Sometimes you may be better off not speaking. :D

The Fly Fisherman

"The community" is the same as "a community" ?????


, I’d rather try and be part of the community.

Nothing personal, just the humble opinion of a passer-by. :D

"Don't be so humble - you are not that great." (Ms. Meir)

Well..... If you live in Thailand long enough, you'll learn (perhaps) that a muubaan

is a community of houses clustered together, usually within an enclosure.

Sometimes you may be better off not speaking. :D

The Fly Fisherman

"The community" is the same as "a community" ?????

Who care? You are being picky now! :o

No Pyhsherman,

This thread is all about you.

Despite the number of times you've tried to make it so, that's just not going to happen.

This thread is entitled "Hillside Plaza 4 = Lost Money." I'll kept discussing the building. Feel free to start your own thread discussing me if you need to so badly. Frankly, my dear..... :o

The Fly Fisherman


And, this is a serious question, what do you think your house is worth now?

You have a view on everbody else's property value - so how well have you done?

This is a serious answer.

If instead of just hitting your reply key you had actually read what I wrote, you'd have seen the line that said "I bought it to live in, not for an investment"

I don't care what's it's worth now. That is your worry, not mine.

>>> OK, very good, I can see you are very happy. So why your obsession about Hillside? Why do >>> you not care what your place is worth, but be so fascinated about the value of my place?

Quite simply because this thread was about Hillside Plaza 4 and its value, not about what my personal feelings were about my own home. This thread is and should be about a building, not about a person.

The Fly Fisherman

Physherman..Your fishing skills are superb..You've had them biting for quite a while now..

I don't understand after wading through pages and pages of posts, why you are so obsessed

with the value of Hillside 4 ??? I notice the original OP did just that OP OUT..

You've waded through pages and pages of posts and call me obsessed? :o

If you're not interested, why are you spending the time wading through pages and pages of these posts? At least I have interest in the subject at hand. It's one we (friends and I) have discussed often, and laughed about even more. After all, this building does typify the quintessential essense of "TIT!"

As to the 'why' of it, it's because that's what this thread is about; the value of Hillside 4!

The Fly Fisherman


I don't care what's it's worth now. That is your worry, not mine. It was worth the price to me when we bought it.

The Fly Fisherman

Condosforsale/Physherman not interested in what a property is worth, even his own?

This must be



I don't care what's it's worth now. That is your worry, not mine. It was worth the price to me when we bought it.

The Fly Fisherman

Condosforsale/Physherman not interested in what a property is worth, even his own?

This must be


You're on a loser to nothing here.

The Fisherman has got it all over you in this thread.

He is more eloquent and sticks to the rules of debating. No deviation from the subject, while you and a few others have allowed yourselves to get into mudslinging (and look as if you have even forgotten what the thread is all about)

You're like kindergarten kids playing chess with Bobby Fischer.

You should give up before you embarrass your self (yourselves) any further. :bah:

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