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Thai girlfriend asks to borrow money (in US)

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If you love this girl then it is the best time to know if it is mutual. She may cheat you for few thousand dollar but then it is not the end of the world. She can take much more if you marry her and then she show her real who she is.

If you can afford to lose few thousand dollar then trust her.

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Thai girls and borrowing money, don't mix. You will never see it again. I promise.

Lending money to any person has a good chanche of getting wrong, the advice not to let friends or family borrow money is there for a good reason.. It's a risk and you may not get your money back. If we are talking about serious amounts you will want to have some sort of garantee such as land papers, a car, gold or what else not which you can sell or keep incase the loan is not paid back. Nothing to to with Thai or not Thai. Might eb that there are plenty of fools who give a loan to (Thai) people (girls) who they met just recently, but the alarmbells should be runningjust as loudly if any other person you recently met asked to borrow some money.

Oh my Buddha. Did you not understand that the woman doesn't want to marry the guy ,but she wants a relatively good part of his money by using lies.

I think they OP said they are in a relationship for 6 months, might work out in a longlasting relationship (with or without ring), it might not. They probably can't tell yet, we certainly cannot.

Never lend what you can't afford to lose. But that applies to everyone.

If your bank account can take the hit, and your instincts are that she's honest, I say ignore the cynics on here and go for it. Not every Thai is out to rip farangs off.

EXACTLY! Trust your instinct but, be prepared to lose the money. Never lend money to family or friends without being prepared to lose it. Dont listen to the cynics here either.

I concur.Thailand and it's peopel are not from an other planet. use common sense, do what you would do with any person who asked you if they could borrow some. If it's friends/family be willing to lose it (make it a gift). There is Always (a good?) risk of not being paid back, especially if they didn't give you any assets (land, gold, car, ...) so you might either need to forget about the money or the relationship if they fail to pay back.

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Well my Thai girlfriend came to the US as an Au Pair Visa,as I know she doesn't make that much,just enough for her shopping and sent some back home to help her family.

She ask me the same question as you did but my was $11,000. Did she ever pay me back? Well she paid me more than I loan it her.

Now we are happily married with one daughter and she has a Green Card and working for a company making way much more money than the Au Pair. I'm pretty sure if she love you and you trusted her well enough everything should be ok. Just follow your guts.

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Never lend what you can't afford to lose. But that applies to everyone.

If your bank account can take the hit, and your instincts are that she's honest, I say ignore the cynics on here and go for it. Not every Thai is out to rip farangs off.

I go along with that completely.

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Are you sure she is there legally? Anyway, if she is an au pair then I'd say that it's her host family who needs to provide the funds for her and not you. Au pairs should be on a J1 visa. Your Thai GF may be in the US, but you should understand just how manipulative Thai women can be.

Personally, I'd vet her story, check her visa, and check her background before committing funds, like having a PI do a background check. If she checks out as legit, they use your best judgement. Better safe than sorry dude. If you choose to gaff off the warning, don't come back here and whine if it goes south on you. dry.png

Truly, best of luck. thumbsup.gif

Edited by connda
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she want money, tell her to get a second job laugh.png

Did your "gf" has other thai friends in the US? Because she might get very bad advice, and bad influence from these thai people, about how to con american guy...

Did you sleep with her for the last 6 months? Because she might want her salary now....

If i was you, i would check with her "boss", about her visa status.... you might have a surprise.

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a au pair makes very good money even less broker expenses and they have very little overhead . money from you is wack .this be a my eyes are open i need some fast cash to follow what i see . since the beginning you were a atm , waiting to be drained .

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If I were a (Thai) woman I'd pretty much lose faith in (farang) men and the horrible stereotypes that are being thrown around here. It's one thing to be a bit cautious (using common sense, a good thing when your wallet is involvef) but labeling whole groups (women in general and Thai was specificaly) as evil creatures with a dubious agenda is quite an other.

Run Thai women, run! 555

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Between the ages of 5 and 20, women did not suddenly become`mysterious`or bizarre. She just got more estogen. How you deal with 5 year old girls is how you deal with 25 year old beautiful women.

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in thai language, borrow means the same as give me as present. in 30 years in thailand i have not seen once, that a thai has returned borrowed money. if she actually returns the money to you, the sole purpose is, to ask for more in 6 months, and that she will definitly not return.
thai girls never can be trusted, there are 2 books about australian private detectives in thailand, investigating hundreds of wifes and girlfriends, suspected of having other lovers, without any exception ALL were unfaithful.
PS -i have been married 10 years to a thai girl, and she NEVER had asked me to borrow money. a good girl simply does not do that.

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Could be legit. Ring immigration, do some homework on the figures required, check her Visa paperwork and make sure she puts in the amount you lend her. Also ask for access to her account, make it a joint account where you both have to sign and cancel the card access.

Sounds like a lot of hard work.

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in thai language, borrow means the same as give me as present. in 30 years in thailand i have not seen once, that a thai has returned borrowed money. if she actually returns the money to you, the sole purpose is, to ask for more in 6 months, and that she will definitly not return.

thai girls never can be trusted, there are 2 books about australian private detectives in thailand, investigating hundreds of wifes and girlfriends, suspected of having other lovers, without any exception ALL were unfaithful.

PS -i have been married 10 years to a thai girl, and she NEVER had asked me to borrow money. a good girl simply does not do that.

That is so true, would almost think you are me, you have the same mindset as me.

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in thai language, borrow means the same as give me as present. in 30 years in thailand i have not seen once, that a thai has returned borrowed money. if she actually returns the money to you, the sole purpose is, to ask for more in 6 months, and that she will definitly not return.

thai girls never can be trusted, there are 2 books about australian private detectives in thailand, investigating hundreds of wifes and girlfriends, suspected of having other lovers, without any exception ALL were unfaithful.

PS -i have been married 10 years to a thai girl, and she NEVER had asked me to borrow money. a good girl simply does not do that.

I must admit your post is funny....not in a good way. What a total load of BS and rhetoric.

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Well, since the OP has already read all the negative comments on this subject here on TVF in the countless similar threads, I'm hoping he manages to gain something by way of enlightenment by posting his question. I don't really think there've been any new scientific studies or laboratory research on this. Except perhaps for the bit about becoming an accessory to immigration fraud (and I suspect it wouldn't be the first time the INS has encountered that ploy), I'm not sure what anyone could possibly contribute that hasn't been said over & over and likely 'liked' to death (or not) already? At some point being a grown-up has to kick in and one's own choice must simply be made.

Edited by hawker9000
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Sorry,my friend,but you are being set up.I've lived here a long time,and i was very green in the beginning,since then i have become a little less trusting,a lot more cynical and quite suspicious.

This girl bears all the trade marks of a hit and run.You love her after 6 month's,she knows this.You have some money,she knows this.Thai girls can be quite wicked and can play the slow wait game. It all begins with tears and excuses about family.Also the other poster was quite right.How do you know that she hasnt got 3/4 boyfriends that she is conning along side you.

How long have you been here? i ask because there are lots of guys who think they are Thai wise,but they get caught.You say she has never given you doubt,this is just another version of 'Oh but she's not the same a other thai girls' I have known guys who have married and even then,after 6/7 years,the girl just appears at the front door with her case telling you she's leaving.

My friend had an 23,000,000 baht house,a lake,a 30 metre swimming pool,and his servants lived in accommodation in the grounds.

married 10 years,wife just ups and goes,next,the mafia are on him for 18,000,000 she owes them.Had to sell his house for 10,000,000 to pay her debts.Card's,booze etc.

There are a lot of guys who will tell you different,they are not all the same,and they are right.but 6 months is too soon to be doing what you are doing.

Have you been up the village yet,to meet the family.?? That will be interesting,do you speak any Thai or Laos?

Just be careful my brother,or you will be in for a world of hurt.

Didn't you read the headline..

They are in USA..!!!

Yea... That and the guy selling a 23 mil house for 10 million. Great reminder not to buy anything here.

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There is an Israeli saying "There always comes a new idiot"
The Thais are looking at the farang, is saying the same things

There's a German saying: " On each train is an idiot sitting."

OP< can we see a photo please, if she's worth the cash? Thank you.

Where's da OP? Oh, on his way to Pattaya? Hmm, let's wait for the new thread then. Chock Dee !!

Edited by lostinisaan
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12 recommendations for a partnership and love with Thai GF or BF in Thailand

(a bitter summary after 3 decades with Thais in Thailand and abroad)

1) Lent / borrowed money you will never get back with rare exceptions among high educated people

2) Be prepared that even after years of "good" partnership (married or not) you get surprised and wake up by several shocks on the day when the partner left, the car disappeared, the bank accounts are empty, the house is sold (or occupied by another farang during a visit in your home country), the golden necklace is gone etc. etc.

3) Love without money issues does not exists even if it's a harmonic long term relationship (an adult Thai told me)

4) Be very careful to open a shop or restaurant for a Thai as they regularly change their mind, are bored and having a new "better" idea, are not organized, cannot pay back loans, business goes bad and collapse (also due to jealous competitors who open a similar shop next), entertain customers and friends, start to drink etc etc

5) Never ever act as guarantor for sb

6) Set a budget for your own living and a financial limit for his / her lifestyle, which includes cosmetics, lottery, temple donations, family support etc. Do it early but not when daily life already became chaotic.

7) Take out a health insurance for your partner which covers illness and accidents. It’s for your own safety.

8) Enjoy the present with your partner as long as it works and is satisfying but do not trust their charming nature, their smile or their promises (at the moment they may believe it themselves or it is pure calculation, however promises are soap bubbles and nobody cares about).

9) Thais act as “adult” children, to lie is a sin in the temple but common in daily life. “Traditionally” here is a very low threshold to lie and few feelings of guilt to do even it’s the fourth of the five Buddhist precepts.

10) If Thai people feel the end of the relation is coming (because love shifted to someone else or sex is not so important anymore or they got enough from what they expected or because you shorten the money because of growing expenses that kills you) ... then they find enough reasons (with a dramatic scenario for instance or with a true or invented family story) to leave and left you shocked, angry, disappointed, fleeced and even feeling guilty.

11) Never underestimate the influence of their family in the background. The family wins over your partnership and love even your partner had some problems with his/her family in the past. Family usually is a holy myth and a farang is is a farang.

12) Ask yourself to which degree you are corrupted by the Thai sweetness, their body and their "easy" life style because of a lack in your present or past life in your home country and in your biography.

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Well my Thai girlfriend came to the US as an Au Pair Visa,as I know she doesn't make that much,just enough for her shopping and sent some back home to help her family.

She ask me the same question as you did but my was $11,000. Did she ever pay me back? Well she paid me more than I loan it her.

Now we are happily married with one daughter and she has a Green Card and working for a company making way much more money than the Au Pair. I'm pretty sure if she love you and you trusted her well enough everything should be ok. Just follow your guts.

Glad to know that such stories happen as well. However, pls distinguish "guts" and "sexual desire" as it may lead you in direction to a fata morgana.

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12 recommendations for a partnership and love with Thai GF or BF in Thailand

(a bitter summary after 3 decades with Thais in Thailand and abroad)

1) Lent / borrowed money you will never get back with rare exceptions among high educated people

2) Be prepared that even after years of "good" partnership (married or not) you get surprised and wake up by several shocks on the day when the partner left, the car disappeared, the bank accounts are empty, the house is sold (or occupied by another farang during a visit in your home country), the golden necklace is gone etc. etc.

3) Love without money issues does not exists even if it's a harmonic long term relationship (an adult Thai told me)

4) Be very careful to open a shop or restaurant for a Thai as they regularly change their mind, are bored and having a new "better" idea, are not organized, cannot pay back loans, business goes bad and collapse (also due to jealous competitors who open a similar shop next), entertain customers and friends, start to drink etc etc

5) Never ever act as guarantor for sb

6) Set a budget for your own living and a financial limit for his / her lifestyle, which includes cosmetics, lottery, temple donations, family support etc. Do it early but not when daily life already became chaotic.

7) Take out a health insurance for your partner which covers illness and accidents. It’s for your own safety.

8) Enjoy the present with your partner as long as it works and is satisfying but do not trust their charming nature, their smile or their promises (at the moment they may believe it themselves or it is pure calculation, however promises are soap bubbles and nobody cares about).

9) Thais act as “adult” children, to lie is a sin in the temple but common in daily life. “Traditionally” here is a very low threshold to lie and few feelings of guilt to do even it’s the fourth of the five Buddhist precepts.

10) If Thai people feel the end of the relation is coming (because love shifted to someone else or sex is not so important anymore or they got enough from what they expected or because you shorten the money because of growing expenses that kills you) ... then they find enough reasons (with a dramatic scenario for instance or with a true or invented family story) to leave and left you shocked, angry, disappointed, fleeced and even feeling guilty.

11) Never underestimate the influence of their family in the background. The family wins over your partnership and love even your partner had some problems with his/her family in the past. Family usually is a holy myth and a farang is is a farang.

12) Ask yourself to which degree you are corrupted by the Thai sweetness, their body and their "easy" life style because of a lack in your present or past life in your home country and in your biography.

After reading your 30-year rules its obvious you still dont have a clue about life and people.

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OP, have you ever thought that she's only looking for a coward who gives her money because she's on her way home?

+++ this is a very common way !

OP, you do not seem to have had relationships before and this one knows how to play her games with you She tells you what you want to hear, she reads all your wishes from your lips. She does sexual favors for you telling you that you're the only one in her life.

+++ indeed a very common behaviour in LOS

SORRY to say !


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