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Rice sold on government auctions cannot be delivered because of different qualities


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Rice sold on government auctions cannot be delivered because of different qualities


BANGKOK: -- Rice traders who have won the auctions for government rice are unable to take delivery of the grains because they do not meet the specifications specified in the the bidding terms of reference, said Mrs Duangporn Rodpayat, director-general of the Foreign Trade Department, on Tuesday.

She disclosed that the rice stored in some warehouses was different from type put on auction. “For instance, we put on auction 5 percent rice but the buyers found out that the rice in the warehouse was different. Or in the latest case, we put on auction sticky rice. But the buyers found out they were rotten rice,” she said.

Asked how come? Mrs Duangporn blamed the warehouse owners and the surveyors for not checking the rice bought by the previous government that were kept in their warehouses whether they met with the specifications or not.

Asked why the discrepancy was not detected before the auctions were staged by the government, she admitted that officials concerned only made random inspection of the rice for auctions because they could not examine all the rice in the warehouses.

However, she said that the Public Warehouse Organistion and the Market Organisation for Farmers, the two state-owned organizations, had been told by the Commerce Ministry to address the problem for the successful rice bidders.

She suggested that the warehouse owners and the surveyors would have to be held accountable for the discrepancy on the qualities of the grains because the successful bidders would have to export the rice to their customers within the timeframe as agreed upon.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/164651

-- Thai PBS 2016-05-25

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"She disclosed that the rice stored in some warehouses was different from type put on auction."

"Or in the latest case, we put on auction sticky rice. But the buyers found out they were rotten rice,"...

There simply is no cure for ignorance and stupidity. Poor Thailand.

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"She disclosed that the rice stored in some warehouses was different from type put on auction."

"Or in the latest case, we put on auction sticky rice. But the buyers found out they were rotten rice,"...

There simply is no cure for ignorance and stupidity. Poor Thailand.

not sure I get your meaning

It would appear that what is in the warehouses is not what is supposed to be there and there could be a few possible reasons for that, just as well those responsible for putting the rice there are in the dock facing charges

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So does this technically count as another "fake rice deal" like we heard so much about when the reds were in?

Isn't this the same rice that has been in the warehouse ever since the reds were in?

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"She disclosed that the rice stored in some warehouses was different from type put on auction."

"Or in the latest case, we put on auction sticky rice. But the buyers found out they were rotten rice,"...

There simply is no cure for ignorance and stupidity. Poor Thailand.

not sure I get your meaning

It would appear that what is in the warehouses is not what is supposed to be there and there could be a few possible reasons for that, just as well those responsible for putting the rice there are in the dock facing charges

Did the coup leaders not order a full inventory of the stocked rice when they assumed power

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"She disclosed that the rice stored in some warehouses was different from type put on auction."

"Or in the latest case, we put on auction sticky rice. But the buyers found out they were rotten rice,"...

There simply is no cure for ignorance and stupidity. Poor Thailand.

not sure I get your meaning

It would appear that what is in the warehouses is not what is supposed to be there and there could be a few possible reasons for that, just as well those responsible for putting the rice there are in the dock facing charges

Did the coup leaders not order a full inventory of the stocked rice when they assumed power

' One of his first orders following the May 22 coup was for the authorities to count and audit rice tonnage in the state's stocks and hold off on offloading them to prevent a further price slump.'


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"She disclosed that the rice stored in some warehouses was different from type put on auction."

"Or in the latest case, we put on auction sticky rice. But the buyers found out they were rotten rice,"...

There simply is no cure for ignorance and stupidity. Poor Thailand.

not sure I get your meaning

It would appear that what is in the warehouses is not what is supposed to be there and there could be a few possible reasons for that, just as well those responsible for putting the rice there are in the dock facing charges

Did the coup leaders not order a full inventory of the stocked rice when they assumed power

' One of his first orders following the May 22 coup was for the authorities to count and audit rice tonnage in the state's stocks and hold off on offloading them to prevent a further price slump.'


yes but that was so long ago we are supposed to have forgotten about it by now.

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Mrs Duangporn blamed the warehouse owners and the surveyors for not checking the rice bought by the previous government that were kept in their warehouses whether they met with the specifications or not.

But the current government took over the ownership and responsibility of this whole project the day they took over power.

Asked why the discrepancy was not detected before the auctions were staged by the government, she admitted that officials concerned only made random inspection of the rice for auctions because they could not examine all the rice in the warehouses.

Wait, you just blamed the warehouse owners and the surveyors for the mistake, but now you accidentally point out who should get the blame.

The random sample was too small or nothing was checked at all because the officials were having an extended lunch break.

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"She disclosed that the rice stored in some warehouses was different from type put on auction."

"Or in the latest case, we put on auction sticky rice. But the buyers found out they were rotten rice,"...

There simply is no cure for ignorance and stupidity. Poor Thailand.

not sure I get your meaning

It would appear that what is in the warehouses is not what is supposed to be there and there could be a few possible reasons for that, just as well those responsible for putting the rice there are in the dock facing charges

Did the coup leaders not order a full inventory of the stocked rice when they assumed power

yes they opened very bag verified and counted every grain

how stupid was that lol

do I need to expand a little more or are you getting it

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If only the govt had the time and resources to audit the rice more thoroughly to show the corruption of the previous undemocrats they might have avoided this situation.

The dark corrupt past keeps rearing its ugly head. I look forward to this rice mess being but a distant memory.

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If only the govt had the time and resources to audit the rice more thoroughly to show the corruption of the previous undemocrats they might have avoided this situation.

The dark corrupt past keeps rearing its ugly head. I look forward to this rice mess being but a distant memory.

Yes, they lacked time to audit the rice more thoroughly.

Two years is not long enough, i suppose they should hold on to power at least another 10-20 years so they can audit the rice.

It took them a year to fix the lottery ticket prices, so 20 years to audit rice should be possible I hope.

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"She disclosed that the rice stored in some warehouses was different from type put on auction."

"Or in the latest case, we put on auction sticky rice. But the buyers found out they were rotten rice,"...

There simply is no cure for ignorance and stupidity. Poor Thailand.

not sure I get your meaning

It would appear that what is in the warehouses is not what is supposed to be there and there could be a few possible reasons for that, just as well those responsible for putting the rice there are in the dock facing charges

Did the coup leaders not order a full inventory of the stocked rice when they assumed power

yes they opened very bag verified and counted every grain

how stupid was that lol

do I need to expand a little more or are you getting it

Do you know any auditors?

Maybe you should try to befriend some, because these people learn how to tackle a problem like this early in their studies and work.

It is actually extremely simple... Instead of opening every bag and counting the grains, you just take a representative sample and check only that.

Depending on the size of the stored rice you might have to open 100 or more bags, but you surely do not have to open them all and count every grain.

With this representative sample you can estimate, with varying degrees of certainty, what the quality and type of the total amount of rice will be. The more certain you want to be, the bigger your sample should be.

I understand you try to make "rockingrobin" look stupid with your remark, but you only make yourself look stupid by not understanding how sampling works.

The same goes for Mrs Duangporn:

Asked why the discrepancy was not detected before the auctions were staged by the government, she admitted that officials concerned only made random inspection of the rice for auctions because they could not examine all the rice in the warehouses.

They do not need to examine all the rice in the warehouses, they just need to get a representative sample.

She should not have send "officials" on their way to make a random inspection, she should have gotten someone who knows how sampling works to advice them how to approach this.

She tries to blame others for the mistake they just made. The mistake is not that the wrong types of rice is stored, the mistake is that they did not check the rice thoroughly enough before putting it up for sale.

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So does this technically count as another "fake rice deal" like we heard so much about when the reds were in?

Well, after 2 years in the custody of the little general, this much is certain. They can't blame Thaksin.

One wonders what else they have blamed YL of Thaksin for that is bogus.

Nothing is ever composed only of what you see, there's always a lot more which you can't see, so maybe honest John isn't quite so honest and maybe it isn't only his own assets that he doesn't want people to know about.


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If only the govt had the time and resources to audit the rice more thoroughly to show the corruption of the previous undemocrats they might have avoided this situation.

The dark corrupt past keeps rearing its ugly head. I look forward to this rice mess being but a distant memory.

"If only the govt had the time and resources to audit the rice more thoroughly....."

Yes, two years is but a blink of an eyeblink.png . Unfortunately more serious issues like lottery reform, composing songs etc have taken all the time that was available.

It will probably be left to the "next government" to do a thorough stock count, together with the reform of the police.

And since they failed in the stock count (as with just about everything else) no one will ever know how much rice have been carted off after the "clean" junta took power, right?

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"She disclosed that the rice stored in some warehouses was different from type put on auction."

"Or in the latest case, we put on auction sticky rice. But the buyers found out they were rotten rice,"...

There simply is no cure for ignorance and stupidity. Poor Thailand.

not sure I get your meaning

It would appear that what is in the warehouses is not what is supposed to be there and there could be a few possible reasons for that, just as well those responsible for putting the rice there are in the dock facing charges

Did the coup leaders not order a full inventory of the stocked rice when they assumed power

They claimed that they did, however many Thai businessmen being the conniving, thieving types that they are, probably saw the chance to "make hay while the sun shines" and did their disappearing and swopping tricks, sure in their minds that someone else will get the blame. The junta will already have its 'culprits' so this is probably the last that we will hear concerning the real guilty ones.

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In the final analysis , surely it is the responsibility of the warehouse owner as to what he is storing . He should know exactly what he has got and have full record of what has gone in or out and where it has gone. So where is all the mystery.

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