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Protests turn violent outside Trump rally in New Mexico


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How did Trump end up orange?

What are the drug smuggling, rape and criminal activity statistics on orange people?


got the orange thing form some anti trumpers here on thai visa. They call him the orange monster. I guess his phony suntan..or complexion.

Only orangish skinned guy I have ever seen..but I don't hold that against him...and ..hey...I am a Trumper. So I guess we trumpers are not racist based on skin color. It we were...we would not like trump.

Shouldn't you first check whether any orange people have been involved in drug smuggling, rape or criminal activity first? Or is that only reserved for Mexicans, Latin Americans and Middle Eastern people.

He is orange though isn't he. Is it suntan spray that makes him orange. Remember Boehner? He often turned up strange colours. I thought my TV was on the blink then realised that was actually his colour. Trump is German descent but I haven't noticed any orange German people.

Somebody might have slipped an orange into the woodpile..

who knows.

I already checked...Trump is not a Drug smuggler or Terrorist. Police record looks clean (don't you think that would of showed up)

Your position on Orange people is ridiculous...and racist.

Your people call him the Orange Monster....how about if I called a Mexican the Brown Monster... ? I am joking..of course...but you get the point.

Neither have I seen any indication that he believes one group (mexicans, whatever), is one hundred percent involved in drugs. You liberal left wingnuts are spilling out of your condoms.

Illegals entering the country may well have issues....many, of them.

You just don't see the drug problem...and that is the main issue wth illegals. Possible infiltration through a loose border by terrorists is a very big worry for many as well.

Liberal left wingnuts would want no screening...open borders for everyone...

does that make sense?


Edited by slipperylobster
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Wrong again, citing NewsMax besides.

Mexico is not remotely a failed state.

To reiterate, visit instead Texas or Alabama or Mississipp, each of which is a Red state.

You have obviously never illegally parked in Mexico, and dealt with their police. Thailand feels like Norway in comparison.

As for the crime, kidnapping, smuggling....same.

People with no hope of education..jobs...same.

Third world or not....why do you think their people want to come to the USA and work/live. USA is not all that Great anymore...if Mexico is such a Great country to live in (as you say), why are they still coming? The number of illegal entries is astounding. (Nobody would care if they were legal)

I would certainly want it to become Great Again. Unlike those screaming babies throwing tantrums and whinging about Trump is going to send illegals back and make them get documentation.

Even Thailand forces that issue.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Somebody might have slipped an orange into the woodpile..

who knows.

I already checked...Trump is not a Drug smuggler or Terrorist. Police record looks clean (don't you think that would of showed up)

Your position on Orange people is ridiculous...and racist.

Your people call him the Orange Monster....how about if I called a Mexican the Brow,n Monster... ? I am joking..of course...but you get the point.

Neither have I seen any indication that he believes one group (mexicans, whatever), is one hundred percent involved in drugs. You liberal left wingnuts are spilling out of your condoms.

Illegals entering the country may well have issues....many, of them.

You just don't see the drug problem...and that is the main issue wth illegals. Possible infiltration through a loose border by terrorists is a very big worry for many as well.

Liberal left wingnuts would want no screening...open borders for everyone...

does that make sense?


Oh, a different methodology for orange people. Orange isn't a race but if I looked at statistics on drug smuggling, rapes and criminal activity and found that orange people have committed these offences couldn't I publicly label all or most people of orange persuasion as drug smugglers, rapists and criminals? That is your methodology with Mexicans, Latin Americans and Middle Eastern people. You even state yourself that singling out orange people would be racist yet when Trump does precisely that to Mexicans, Latin Americans and Middle Eastern people that is somehow not racist. What about white folks that commit drug smuggling, rapes and criminal offences should all white folks be removed from the US? Or just Mexicans, Latin Americans and people from the Middle East? What about people whose last names starts with a 'T'? I am sure many of them have committed criminal offences should they all be removed? What about people of German descent I bet many have committed criminal offences. Should they all be removed from the US? In the end you will have a small group of original indigenous people standing in New York City saying 'Thank the great Sun god in the sky that lot are gone, look at this bloody mess they have left. It is going to take generations to clean all this xxxx up'.

How many people who have committed terrorist offences have infiltrated the US via the Mexican border?

Right Wing imaginary fears 'dog whistling' politicking.

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The people have finally had enough and are looking for politicians who have the guts to set things back on course where the rules and regs support the majority - not the minorities.smile.png

Do you think white folks are still the majority in the US? Have you been to L.A. or San Antonio or NYC or Miami? Sorry to have to break this to you, but white folks are not the majority any more. Sure, there are some parts of the US, where white folks are still a majority, like Boise Idaho. A White-supremacist can move to somewhere like that, get a house, put up a 10' barbed wire-topped fence with attack-trained dogs roaming inside. Then that person can sit on the porch with a rifle on each loin, and feel pretty sure that no non-whites will be broaching his property line.

He might want to get a colored maid once in awhile to clean house, or a brown-skinned man with a lawnmower to come and cut the grass. They're ok when they're doing menial work, aren't they?

....now if you want to say fat people with low IQ are a majority in the US, then you're closer to the mark.

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The strangest thing about these democrats, liberals, anti trumping, car stompers ... is the penchant for drawing negative attention to themselves and sabotaging their own efforts.

I look at how 2 year old children try to manipulate mom and dad....and that is how I see these liberal troublemakers. It is the same mentality. Stomp, kick, scream, get attention and keep doing that until you wear on mom and dad. Always getting what they want, or threatening to act up again.

What they are failing to see is that they put the Right Wing people into "mom and dad" mode. We most spoon feed these people sugared down policies to make things sweet enough so they settle down and go home. Left wing nutters are the spoiled brats of the modern world. Sucking mom's milk way past childhood...as they milk the system by demanding freebees....instead of working and being productive.

Worse yet...their lives are like children's fantasies. They think the world must adjust to them. Things like racism and bullying are just another way to play the "crippled, injured baby" that wants attention. They use those things for crutches. Lining up for unemployment, free food, low cost housing..etc.

They want you to think they are changing our system ..and making things better. Just like the children that use leggo blocks to build small houses and imaginary friends. No war, no racism, no bullies in school, no this, no that. They want you to believe that they have all the answers, and everyone else is stupid...when..in fact, they cannot even figure out how to use a democratic system to fight for what they believe in. Instead, they try to ruin things. Break rules, break police cars, burn flags....making us Right wing guys angry. We try to fill the father role and chastise them.

I realize most of these people are lemmings..just following a tweet or twitter to assemble for this or that cause. They bring beer and chips and make noise.

I disrespect them, because they do not protest on an adult level. There is a system. If they are strong, and adultlike, they could actually convince people like me that they have a valid case.

That is not the situation now.

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Wrong again, citing NewsMax besides.

Mexico is not remotely a failed state.

To reiterate, visit instead Texas or Alabama or Mississipp, each of which is a Red state.

You have obviously never illegally parked in Mexico, and dealt with their police. Thailand feels like Norway in comparison.

As for the crime, kidnapping, smuggling....same.

People with no hope of education..jobs...same.

Third world or not....why do you think their people want to come to the USA and work/live. USA is not all that Great anymore...if Mexico is such a Great country to live in (as you say), why are they still coming? The number of illegal entries is astounding. (Nobody would care if they were legal)

I would certainly want it to become Great Again. Unlike those screaming babies throwing tantrums and whinging about Trump is going to send illegals back and make them get documentation.

Even Thailand forces that issue.

I replied to a radical poster who made the wild and reckless claim Mexico is a failed state. I provided ample evidence and documentation that Mexico is not remotely a failed (or fragile) state.

You have obviously never illegally parked in Mexico, and dealt with their police.

Some Americans deserve the attention of the police in Mexico. Thailand also (to include Norway).

People with no hope of education..jobs...same.

Fear not because while the situation in Mexico is hopeless it is not serious. wink.png

It is anyway the case that a certain number of people in Mexico are like an ongoing and perpetual number of aspiring people globally, in that they want to relocate to the United States. It can be for reasons of escape or it can be for reasons that are aspirational, or for any combination of reasons, but the fact and the reality are a constant throughout the world to include Mexico. (Look up btw how many US citizens are formerly Canadians who adopted the USA as their country of citizenship, or alternatively have a dual citizenship.)

Mexico is the largest economy of Central America or South America and and the 12th largest economy globally. Its Human Development Index is 76/100 which is High/Developed by the standards of the UN (to include the World Bank, IMF, OECD standards). The HDI is predicated on life expectancy (to include health and medical care), level of education, material standard of living across the board.

Mexico is a prosperous and thriving democratic republic and its drug problem and its related (localised) violence does not alter the facts or the realities of it. People who speak the way Trump does of Mexican immigrants of any kind are against immigration and migration period. They speak of walls as if the USA were China 2000 years ago and we see where China was then and where China has been since, up to the present. Not a good precedent by any standard.

Edited by Publicus
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The strangest thing about these democrats, liberals, anti trumping, car stompers ... is the penchant for drawing negative attention to themselves and sabotaging their own efforts.

I look at how 2 year old children try to manipulate mom and dad....and that is how I see these liberal troublemakers. It is the same mentality. Stomp, kick, scream, get attention and keep doing that until you wear on mom and dad. Always getting what they want, or threatening to act up again.

What they are failing to see is that they put the Right Wing people into "mom and dad" mode. We most spoon feed these people sugared down policies to make things sweet enough so they settle down and go home. Left wing nutters are the spoiled brats of the modern world. Sucking mom's milk way past childhood...as they milk the system by demanding freebees....instead of working and being productive.

Worse yet...their lives are like children's fantasies. They think the world must adjust to them. Things like racism and bullying are just another way to play the "crippled, injured baby" that wants attention. They use those things for crutches. Lining up for unemployment, free food, low cost housing..etc.

They want you to think they are changing our system ..and making things better. Just like the children that use leggo blocks to build small houses and imaginary friends. No war, no racism, no bullies in school, no this, no that. They want you to believe that they have all the answers, and everyone else is stupid...when..in fact, they cannot even figure out how to use a democratic system to fight for what they believe in. Instead, they try to ruin things. Break rules, break police cars, burn flags....making us Right wing guys angry. We try to fill the father role and chastise them.

I realize most of these people are lemmings..just following a tweet or twitter to assemble for this or that cause. They bring beer and chips and make noise.

I disrespect them, because they do not protest on an adult level. There is a system. If they are strong, and adultlike, they could actually convince people like me that they have a valid case.

That is not the situation now.

So you would like to make protests illegal? Or just the protests that support your Right Wing ideology will be permitted? Of course those protesters will be described as upstanding white folk defending the conservative values (whatever they are) right?

How about the Right Wing mount their own public protest that they have a right to be racist, bigoted and ignorant? Off you go, knock yourself out. I will be the first to defend your right to protest. Leave the children at home though. Last thing we need is another batch of racist, bigoted and ignorant adults.

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Wrong again, citing NewsMax besides.

Mexico is not remotely a failed state.

To reiterate, visit instead Texas or Alabama or Mississipp, each of which is a Red state.

You have obviously never illegally parked in Mexico, and dealt with their police. Thailand feels like Norway in comparison.

As for the crime, kidnapping, smuggling....same.

People with no hope of education..jobs...same.

Third world or not....why do you think their people want to come to the USA and work/live. USA is not all that Great anymore...if Mexico is such a Great country to live in (as you say), why are they still coming? The number of illegal entries is astounding. (Nobody would care if they were legal)

I would certainly want it to become Great Again. Unlike those screaming babies throwing tantrums and whinging about Trump is going to send illegals back and make them get documentation.

Even Thailand forces that issue.

I replied to a radical poster who made the wild and reckless claim Mexico is a failed state. I provided ample evidence and documentation that Mexico is not remotely a failed (or fragile) state.

You have obviously never illegally parked in Mexico, and dealt with their police.

Some Americans deserve the attention of the police in Mexico. Thailand also (to include Norway).

People with no hope of education..jobs...same.

Fear not because while the situation in Mexico is hopeless it is not serious. wink.png

It is anyway the case that a certain number of people in Mexico are like an ongoing and perpetual number of aspiring people globally, in that they want to relocate to the United States. It can be for reasons of escape or it can be for reasons that are aspirational, or for any combination of reasons, but the fact and the reality are a constant throughout the world to include Mexico. Look up btw how many US citizens are formerly Canadians who adopted the USA as their country of citizenship.

Mexico is the largest economy of Central America or South America and its Human Development Index is 76/100 which is High/Developed by the standards of the UN (to include the World Bank, IMF, OECD standards). The HDI is predicated on life expectancy (to include health and medical care), level of education, material standard of living across the board.

Mexico is a prosperous and thriving democratic republic and its drug problem and its related (localised) violence does not alter the facts or the realities of it. People who speak the way Trump does of Mexican immigrants of any kind are against immigration and migration period. They speak of walls as if the USA were China 2000 years ago and we see where China was then and where China has been since, up to the present. Not a good precedent by any standard.

well...no sense arguing.

I suppose you could google up stats that make Mexico look like they are doing well.

Chalk it up to the poor distribution of wealth.

Here is what I usually would see on my trips there.

You must of been in the green zone..eh?


Edited by slipperylobster
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Anyone can publish a photo of anything anywhere yet any such glib and facile tactic only exposes the paucity of a valid argument. Or of being out-argued.

The standard accepted data of measurement of Mexico exist. No photo or page of selected photos can change the real data. The published photo only exposes and emphasises one's inadequacies in arguement.

Enough said.

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Wrong again, citing NewsMax besides.

Mexico is not remotely a failed state.

To reiterate, visit instead Texas or Alabama or Mississipp, each of which is a Red state.

You have obviously never illegally parked in Mexico, and dealt with their police. Thailand feels like Norway in comparison.

As for the crime, kidnapping, smuggling....same.

People with no hope of education..jobs...same.

Third world or not....why do you think their people want to come to the USA and work/live. USA is not all that Great anymore...if Mexico is such a Great country to live in (as you say), why are they still coming? The number of illegal entries is astounding. (Nobody would care if they were legal)

I would certainly want it to become Great Again. Unlike those screaming babies throwing tantrums and whinging about Trump is going to send illegals back and make them get documentation.

Even Thailand forces that issue.

I replied to a radical poster who made the wild and reckless claim Mexico is a failed state. I provided ample evidence and documentation that Mexico is not remotely a failed (or fragile) state.

You have obviously never illegally parked in Mexico, and dealt with their police.

Some Americans deserve the attention of the police in Mexico. Thailand also (to include Norway).

People with no hope of education..jobs...same.

Fear not because while the situation in Mexico is hopeless it is not serious. wink.png

It is anyway the case that a certain number of people in Mexico are like an ongoing and perpetual number of aspiring people globally, in that they want to relocate to the United States. It can be for reasons of escape or it can be for reasons that are aspirational, or for any combination of reasons, but the fact and the reality are a constant throughout the world to include Mexico. Look up btw how many US citizens are formerly Canadians who adopted the USA as their country of citizenship.

Mexico is the largest economy of Central America or South America and its Human Development Index is 76/100 which is High/Developed by the standards of the UN (to include the World Bank, IMF, OECD standards). The HDI is predicated on life expectancy (to include health and medical care), level of education, material standard of living across the board.

Mexico is a prosperous and thriving democratic republic and its drug problem and its related (localised) violence does not alter the facts or the realities of it. People who speak the way Trump does of Mexican immigrants of any kind are against immigration and migration period. They speak of walls as if the USA were China 2000 years ago and we see where China was then and where China has been since, up to the present. Not a good precedent by any standard.

well...no sense arguing.

I suppose you could google up stats that make Mexico look like they are doing well.

Chalk it up to the poor distribution of wealth.

Here is what I usually would see on my trips there.

You must of been in the green zone..eh?


as far as the wall thing...well ahh...err...

Protecting a kingdom from mongel hordes and invaders is not quite what the mexican wall will be about.

We are not trying to stop mongel hordes with archers.

Our wall is about forcing people to use a border gate...with proper documentation.

A "wall" could be physical..or a "wall" could be an abstract idea.

Trump could forgo the physical wall, and still make good his promise about building a "wall" that is basically a set of policies, enforcement, physical security systems. Who said it had to be concrete?

That "wall" would be a deterrent for illegals.... who would have to get proper documentation.

Funny...you people think of his "wall" as being a structure.

He could be right either way.....and I think he realizes that.

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Even the Huffington Post realizes that the violence in Mexico is out of control and a danger to the underpinnings of civilization.


What unlike peace loving armed to the teeth American society. Lets clean up our own backyards before pointing a finger at others. Get back to me when you have put some sensible gun laws in place.

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Even the Huffington Post realizes that the violence in Mexico is out of control and a danger to the underpinnings of civilization.


That was very enlightening.

I can see the degradation of Mexico as well.

What people should fear the most, is the legitimization of the Mexican Government and their status as a "Modern Country" (As Publicus would have us believe)

You could look at their Oil Industry, and Economic Data and come to the conclusion that everything is fine. Then you move to San Ysidro, California (on the border), and start counting headless bodies, tunnels full of drug smugglers, corruption (just 3 miles south across the border), poverty, more crime....you name it.

You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear....and right now...mexico is a sow's ear.

If good people from Mexico would like to work in the USA, I would be the first in line to be handing out proper visas.....as long as they had the courtesy to apply.

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as far as the wall thing...well ahh...err...

Protecting a kingdom from mongel hordes and invaders is not quite what the mexican wall will be about.

We are not trying to stop mongel hordes with archers.

Our wall is about forcing people to use a border gate...with proper documentation.

A "wall" could be physical..or a "wall" could be an abstract idea.

Trump could forgo the physical wall, and still make good his promise about building a "wall" that is basically a set of policies, enforcement, physical security systems. Who said it had to be concrete?

That "wall" would be a deterrent for illegals.... who would have to get proper documentation.

Funny...you people think of his "wall" as being a structure.

He could be right either way.....and I think he realizes that.

I got an idea. Any business person or private citizen caught employing an undocumented migrant has all their assets forfeited and 10 years Jail? What do you think that abstract wall high enough for you?

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Even the Huffington Post realizes that the violence in Mexico is out of control and a danger to the underpinnings of civilization.


What unlike peace loving armed to the teeth American society. Lets clean up our own backyards before pointing a finger at others. Get back to me when you have put some sensible gun laws in place.

Oh. I see.

Now it is gun laws...

When a liberal loses an argument, he just shifts gears and points fingers.

Now we are wrong again....

This has nothing to do with gun laws in the USA. Mexican flags are being displayed at anti Trump demonstrations. It has everything to do with illegal aliens and the problems they bring.

They are anti-trumpers for the reason that they do not want Borders. Cross at will..and the bad guys use that freedom to bring in the dirt.

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Wrong again, citing NewsMax besides.

Mexico is not remotely a failed state.

To reiterate, visit instead Texas or Alabama or Mississipp, each of which is a Red state.

You have obviously never illegally parked in Mexico, and dealt with their police. Thailand feels like Norway in comparison.

As for the crime, kidnapping, smuggling....same.

People with no hope of education..jobs...same.

Third world or not....why do you think their people want to come to the USA and work/live. USA is not all that Great anymore...if Mexico is such a Great country to live in (as you say), why are they still coming? The number of illegal entries is astounding. (Nobody would care if they were legal)

I would certainly want it to become Great Again. Unlike those screaming babies throwing tantrums and whinging about Trump is going to send illegals back and make them get documentation.

Even Thailand forces that issue.

I replied to a radical poster who made the wild and reckless claim Mexico is a failed state. I provided ample evidence and documentation that Mexico is not remotely a failed (or fragile) state.

You have obviously never illegally parked in Mexico, and dealt with their police.

Some Americans deserve the attention of the police in Mexico. Thailand also (to include Norway).

People with no hope of education..jobs...same.

Fear not because while the situation in Mexico is hopeless it is not serious. wink.png

It is anyway the case that a certain number of people in Mexico are like an ongoing and perpetual number of aspiring people globally, in that they want to relocate to the United States. It can be for reasons of escape or it can be for reasons that are aspirational, or for any combination of reasons, but the fact and the reality are a constant throughout the world to include Mexico. (Look up btw how many US citizens are formerly Canadians who adopted the USA as their country of citizenship, or alternatively have a dual citizenship.)

Mexico is the largest economy of Central America or South America and and the 12th largest economy globally. Its Human Development Index is 76/100 which is High/Developed by the standards of the UN (to include the World Bank, IMF, OECD standards). The HDI is predicated on life expectancy (to include health and medical care), level of education, material standard of living across the board.

Mexico is a prosperous and thriving democratic republic and its drug problem and its related (localised) violence does not alter the facts or the realities of it. People who speak the way Trump does of Mexican immigrants of any kind are against immigration and migration period. They speak of walls as if the USA were China 2000 years ago and we see where China was then and where China has been since, up to the present. Not a good precedent by any standard.

You are delusional.

Local government and law enforcement in Mexico towns is run by narco gangs.

Whe any politician or senior policeman takes a stand against narco gangs, they are murdered.

The country us run by drug traffickers. That is a failed state.

Just because Mattel, Hasbro et al make suff there paying a pittance, does not make up for that.

In fact manufacturing levels in Mexico is a reflection of the lack of labor protection there. Failed state.

I have friends there. I have been following the situation there since 2010. You have just been googling it since the start of this thread.

Do you homework.

Edited by Dagnabbit
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as far as the wall thing...well ahh...err...

Protecting a kingdom from mongel hordes and invaders is not quite what the mexican wall will be about.

We are not trying to stop mongel hordes with archers.

Our wall is about forcing people to use a border gate...with proper documentation.

A "wall" could be physical..or a "wall" could be an abstract idea.

Trump could forgo the physical wall, and still make good his promise about building a "wall" that is basically a set of policies, enforcement, physical security systems. Who said it had to be concrete?

That "wall" would be a deterrent for illegals.... who would have to get proper documentation.

Funny...you people think of his "wall" as being a structure.

He could be right either way.....and I think he realizes that.

I got an idea. Any business person or private citizen caught employing an undocumented migrant has all their assets forfeited and 10 years Jail? What do you think that abstract wall high enough for you?

Perfect up2. Whoops, hand on a sec, just hold your horses there... who's going to mow the lawn? Who's going to wash the car? Who's going to clean the house? Who's going to do all the $hit I'm too lazy too, and will accept the peanuts I pay instead of a living wage?

Not moi, surely! You jest!

Hope Trump does build that wall, some folks are going to have to get off their arse and do something for themselves for once.

One of the many things I'm proud of regarding the country of my birth, we don't accept people working hard for small change in Oz. If a fulltime worker is employed in Oz, they get paid a living wage, as they should do. End of!

Oh cheers by the way.

(Neversure, get the beers in, there's a good chap)

Edited by NumbNut
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Anyone can publish a photo of anything anywhere yet any such glib and facile tactic only exposes the paucity of a valid argument. Or of being out-argued.

The standard accepted data of measurement of Mexico exist. No photo or page of selected photos can change the real data. The published photo only exposes and emphasises one's inadequacies in arguement.

Enough said.


enough. I could put a white elephant in front of you...and you would still insist that there are none.

I give up too.

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Even the Huffington Post realizes that the violence in Mexico is out of control and a danger to the underpinnings of civilization.


That was very enlightening.

I can see the degradation of Mexico as well.

What people should fear the most, is the legitimization of the Mexican Government and their status as a "Modern Country" (As Publicus would have us believe)

You could look at their Oil Industry, and Economic Data and come to the conclusion that everything is fine. Then you move to San Ysidro, California (on the border), and start counting headless bodies, tunnels full of drug smugglers, corruption (just 3 miles south across the border), poverty, more crime....you name it.

You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear....and right now...mexico is a sow's ear.

If good people from Mexico would like to work in the USA, I would be the first in line to be handing out proper visas.....as long as they had the courtesy to apply.

Absolutely, because a huge percentage of people in government draw large salaries from narco gangs

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So ALL Nationalities commit drug offences, rapes and are involved in various criminal activities but Trump and his supporters and you agree that only Mexicans, Latin Americans and people from Middle Eastern countries will be publicly singled out and labelled as drug smugglers, rapists and criminals. How do you identify a drug smuggler, rapist or criminal, it is simple they will be Mexican, Latin American or from the Middle East.

Pure unadulterated, capital 'R', Racism.

I didn't post the Wall was racist.

You probably never lived near the border for five years, as I have, My girlfriends backyard was used by smugglers daily. She was 3 miles north of the Tijuana border. There were so many tunnels going through that area that you could almost feel the vibrations underground.

Yes...it is a nasty, drug infested border. duh.

Murders, rapes, drug smuggling, human trafficking...it has it all.

Hard to reason with somebody that has not lived there.

However, I do understand your naive opinion.

You just can't come to grips with reality.

By the way...yeah...they were mexican..all of the drug smugglers. And their government knows exactly what they were doing and who they are.

The problem is, people dont want to hear the truth.

They have a certain world view. A world of white supremacy and poor downtrodden brown people.

So when presented with facts as I did, they call you racist for repeating those facts.

When you explain what some people are doing, they deflect by accusing you of stereotying all people.

When did facts become bigotry?

When did facts become bigotry?

Long ago, when bigotry became fact.

The right has taken especially strongly lately to whining and whinging more than ever.

Twee sound bytes do not make good counter arguments.

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Even the Huffington Post realizes that the violence in Mexico is out of control and a danger to the underpinnings of civilization.


What unlike peace loving armed to the teeth American society. Lets clean up our own backyards before pointing a finger at others. Get back to me when you have put some sensible gun laws in place.

Oh. I see.

Now it is gun laws...

When a liberal loses an argument, he just shifts gears and points fingers.

Now we are wrong again....

This has nothing to do with gun laws in the USA. Mexican flags are being displayed at anti Trump demonstrations. It has everything to do with illegal aliens and the problems they bring.

They are anti-trumpers for the reason that they do not want Borders. Cross at will..and the bad guys use that freedom to bring in the dirt.

Which argument did I lose?

Usernames was pointing the finger at Mexico having a violent society. Really 'pot kettle black' was my only point.

Is it illegal to have a Mexican flag?

Sorry which protester was it that stated they wanted no border at all? I didn't hear that being stated.

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Even the Huffington Post realizes that the violence in Mexico is out of control and a danger to the underpinnings of civilization.


What unlike peace loving armed to the teeth American society. Lets clean up our own backyards before pointing a finger at others. Get back to me when you have put some sensible gun laws in place.

Yet all those mexicans want, even demand, the right to come live and work in the US.

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Even the Huffington Post realizes that the violence in Mexico is out of control and a danger to the underpinnings of civilization.


What unlike peace loving armed to the teeth American society. Lets clean up our own backyards before pointing a finger at others. Get back to me when you have put some sensible gun laws in place.

Yet all those mexicans want, even demand, the right to come live and work in the US.

So which is it Mexicans are drug smugglers, rapists and criminals or Mexicans want to come to America to live and work, raise families and contribute to American society?

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Even the Huffington Post realizes that the violence in Mexico is out of control and a danger to the underpinnings of civilization.


What unlike peace loving armed to the teeth American society. Lets clean up our own backyards before pointing a finger at others. Get back to me when you have put some sensible gun laws in place.

Oh. I see.

Now it is gun laws...

When a liberal loses an argument, he just shifts gears and points fingers.

Now we are wrong again....

This has nothing to do with gun laws in the USA. Mexican flags are being displayed at anti Trump demonstrations. It has everything to do with illegal aliens and the problems they bring.

They are anti-trumpers for the reason that they do not want Borders. Cross at will..and the bad guys use that freedom to bring in the dirt.

Which argument did I lose?

Usernames was pointing the finger at Mexico having a violent society. Really 'pot kettle black' was my only point.

Is it illegal to have a Mexican flag?

Sorry which protester was it that stated they wanted no border at all? I didn't hear that being stated.

you keep asking if I talked to any of these dumbo anti trump protesters.......obviously no.

However...one does not have to ask, as the whole issue revolves around illegals staying in America or not. They are protesting Trump because they want our borders to be easily crossed. It's not because they are brown or orange.

You go ahead and take an American Flag to Thailand, and start screaming about their borders.

I think you will then understand that problem. Especially if you have no visa, and are working.

Yeah..go ahead...and demand that they change their laws, and elect Hillary.


Edited by slipperylobster
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I replied to a radical poster who made the wild and reckless claim Mexico is a failed state. I provided ample evidence and documentation that Mexico is not remotely a failed (or fragile) state.

You have obviously never illegally parked in Mexico, and dealt with their police.

Some Americans deserve the attention of the police in Mexico. Thailand also (to include Norway).

People with no hope of education..jobs...same.

Fear not because while the situation in Mexico is hopeless it is not serious. wink.png

It is anyway the case that a certain number of people in Mexico are like an ongoing and perpetual number of aspiring people globally, in that they want to relocate to the United States. It can be for reasons of escape or it can be for reasons that are aspirational, or for any combination of reasons, but the fact and the reality are a constant throughout the world to include Mexico. (Look up btw how many US citizens are formerly Canadians who adopted the USA as their country of citizenship, or alternatively have a dual citizenship.)

Mexico is the largest economy of Central America or South America and and the 12th largest economy globally. Its Human Development Index is 76/100 which is High/Developed by the standards of the UN (to include the World Bank, IMF, OECD standards). The HDI is predicated on life expectancy (to include health and medical care), level of education, material standard of living across the board.

Mexico is a prosperous and thriving democratic republic and its drug problem and its related (localised) violence does not alter the facts or the realities of it. People who speak the way Trump does of Mexican immigrants of any kind are against immigration and migration period. They speak of walls as if the USA were China 2000 years ago and we see where China was then and where China has been since, up to the present. Not a good precedent by any standard.

You are delusional.

Local government and law enforcement in Mexico towns is run by narco gangs.

Whe any politician or senior policeman takes a stand against narco gangs, they are murdered.

The country us run by drug traffickers. That is a failed state.

Just because Mattel, Hasbro et al make suff there paying a pittance, does not make up for that.

In fact manufacturing levels in Mexico is a reflection of the lack of labor protection there. Failed state.

I have friends there. I have been following the situation there since 2010. You have just been googling it since the start of this thread.

Do you homework.

Nowhere is Mexico considered a "failed state."

There had been some concern about the stability of Mexico late in the administration of GW Bush and early on in the then new Obama administration. However, the concerns were soon considered as overstated.

Nothing has changed since in respect of our neighbor forever, Mexico.

Well, then again maybe there has been a change. Donald Gump Trump has come along and the usual suspects have attached to Trump with joy and excitement. Mussolini's Trump's wall has however gone from being a concrete entity to becoming a state of mind and a public policy position, sort of like a bad movie plot.

In the meantime, no responsible or respectable organisation whether global or regional has listed Mexico with Somalia or even with Venezuela and certainly not with North Korea. When one considers the formal definition of what is a "fragile state", which is the term used for several years now, Mexico is not it.

Then there are also the objections of the radical right to the term "fragile state" which has not appeared here in the presentations of the extremists who support the crackpot Trump. The anti-Mexico and anti-immigrant hordes on the right use instead dated terminology and a status that is anyway not supported at the UN or anywhere else, to include in Washington, or by the Organisation of American States.

The "failed state" stuff is right wing rhetoric in support of Donald Trump and the notions of walls against neighbors, nothing more than that. No one considers Mexico is a "model state" either, so let's try to stay away from extremes. (OMG, what did I just suggest?!? laugh.png . That the right stay away from extremes!?! Ahem, I suppose I could pardon anyone who on the basis on the last statement might think this poster was a newbie in these parts biggrin.png .)

Edited by Publicus
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Oh. I see.

Now it is gun laws...

When a liberal loses an argument, he just shifts gears and points fingers.

Now we are wrong again....

This has nothing to do with gun laws in the USA. Mexican flags are being displayed at anti Trump demonstrations. It has everything to do with illegal aliens and the problems they bring.

They are anti-trumpers for the reason that they do not want Borders. Cross at will..and the bad guys use that freedom to bring in the dirt.

Which argument did I lose?

Usernames was pointing the finger at Mexico having a violent society. Really 'pot kettle black' was my only point.

Is it illegal to have a Mexican flag?

Sorry which protester was it that stated they wanted no border at all? I didn't hear that being stated.

you keep asking if I talked to any of these dumbo anti trump protesters.......obviously no.

However...one does not have to ask, as the whole issue revolves around illegals staying in America or not. They are protesting Trump because they want our borders to be easily crossed. It's not because they are brown or orange.

You go ahead and take an American Flag to Thailand, and start screaming about their borders.

I think you will then understand that problem. Especially if you have no visa, and are working.

Yeah..go ahead...and demand that they change their laws, and elect Hillary.


So this is just some bizarre conversation going on in your head. Not based on any evidence.

From what I could see they were protesting about racism and bigotry and expressing their view it wasn't welcome in their state. Seems a fair point to be making. Some minor skirmishes with over zealous poorly trained Police Officers.

So which ones were working without a visa? Where were the protesters demanding changes to laws? I couldn't tell. Oh sorry that is just your imaginary conversation in your head.

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Oh. I see.

Now it is gun laws...

When a liberal loses an argument, he just shifts gears and points fingers.

Now we are wrong again....

This has nothing to do with gun laws in the USA. Mexican flags are being displayed at anti Trump demonstrations. It has everything to do with illegal aliens and the problems they bring.

They are anti-trumpers for the reason that they do not want Borders. Cross at will..and the bad guys use that freedom to bring in the dirt.

Which argument did I lose?

Usernames was pointing the finger at Mexico having a violent society. Really 'pot kettle black' was my only point.

Is it illegal to have a Mexican flag?

Sorry which protester was it that stated they wanted no border at all? I didn't hear that being stated.

you keep asking if I talked to any of these dumbo anti trump protesters.......obviously no.

However...one does not have to ask, as the whole issue revolves around illegals staying in America or not. They are protesting Trump because they want our borders to be easily crossed. It's not because they are brown or orange.

You go ahead and take an American Flag to Thailand, and start screaming about their borders.

I think you will then understand that problem. Especially if you have no visa, and are working.

Yeah..go ahead...and demand that they change their laws, and elect Hillary.


You go ahead and take an American Flag to Thailand, and start screaming about their borders.

Trying to concoct any analogy between the USA and Thailand just does not fly.
The world is not lined up to enter Thailand to get rich, prosper, enjoy democracy -- the whole nine yards. I say this with all due respect to Thailand and its people with whom this poster is one of many fahlang to have shared and enjoyed a considerable experience here.
While there is cross border work migration into Thailand from neighboring countries, it just is not comparable in any way to the status or situation of the USA.
No country is the USA or its equivalent so attempts to analogise or make similes bring smiles as one simply looks on in amusement. Sort of in the Thai way.
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Even the Huffington Post realizes that the violence in Mexico is out of control and a danger to the underpinnings of civilization.


What unlike peace loving armed to the teeth American society. Lets clean up our own backyards before pointing a finger at others. Get back to me when you have put some sensible gun laws in place.

Yet all those mexicans want, even demand, the right to come live and work in the US.

So which is it Mexicans are drug smugglers, rapists and criminals or Mexicans want to come to America to live and work, raise families and contribute to American society?

You forgot the part about driving down American citizens' wages, avoiding building standards, stealing social security numbers, claiming Earned Income Tax Credit, having citizens pay for the health care and education of their children, the drain they put on resources such as water, electricity, natural gas, and the extra wear on infrastructure and civic structure such as police, bilingual education, use of highways, sewer lines and everything else that was constructed for the commonweal of citizens, not squatters from another country who think they have the right to interfere in the sovereign affairs of the US. Oh, yes, and there is their (and their progeny's ) disproportionate crime rates, including everything from narcotrafficking to human smuggling, drunk driving, and murder and robbery. Again, neither the immigrant or illegal gets to decide who comes to the US. That is the privilege of Americans who have every right to take in people based only on America's need, not that of the person wanting to enter.

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Yet all those mexicans want, even demand, the right to come live and work in the US.

So which is it Mexicans are drug smugglers, rapists and criminals or Mexicans want to come to America to live and work, raise families and contribute to American society?

You forgot the part about driving down American citizens' wages, avoiding building standards, stealing social security numbers, claiming Earned Income Tax Credit, having citizens pay for the health care and education of their children, the drain they put on resources such as water, electricity, natural gas, and the extra wear on infrastructure and civic structure such as police, bilingual education, use of highways, sewer lines and everything else that was constructed for the commonweal of citizens, not squatters from another country who think they have the right to interfere in the sovereign affairs of the US. Oh, yes, and there is their (and their progeny's ) disproportionate crime rates, including everything from narcotrafficking to human smuggling, drunk driving, and murder and robbery. Again, neither the immigrant or illegal gets to decide who comes to the US. That is the privilege of Americans who have every right to take in people based only on America's need, not that of the person wanting to enter.

The post is myth shot down decades ago by numerous research projects across the political spectrum except that the valid data are stopped cold as soon as they arrive at the far right. That is where myth takes over again.

'Undocumented' Immigrants Pay Billions in Taxes

A new report suggests immigrants in the country illegally provide local economies billions of dollars in tax revenue.


On balance and including undocumented immigrants, all immigrants in the USA at any given time pay in far more than they absorb, in both the public and private sectors.

Reams of this information has been published countless times in numerous places but the extreme anti-immigrant right continues willfully to deal in myth while ignoring the actual data. The extreme wingnut right has always had their agenda and now in Donald Trump they have their guy.

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