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UK: Scotland now a 'nation of home drinkers'


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Scotland now a 'nation of home drinkers'

EDINBURGH: -- Adults in Scotland have increased their consumption of alcohol for the second year in a row, according to a report.

NHS Health Scotland said the trend was mainly down to more alcohol being bought in supermarkets and off-licences - particularly beer and wine.

Sales in 2015 were 20% higher in Scotland than they were in England and Wales, with each adult consuming the equivalent of 477 pints of beer.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-36369507

-- BBC 2016-05-25

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The success of Project Fear in scaring people into sticking with the union, followed by the horror of realising we have to endure another term of the Nasty Party in Westminster - expect to see next year's figures even higher.

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When you see the price of a decent double 'in the pub' I am not really surprised that more people drink at home.

When I was back in Scotland, I always done most of my drinking at home.

What is the point of going out for a cup of tea or a glass of orange juice?

Edited by possum1931
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When you see the price of a decent double 'in the pub' I am not really surprised that more people drink at home.

When I was back in Scotland, I always done most of my drinking at home.

What is the point of going out for a cup of tea or a glass of orange juice?

To socialize? whistling.gifrolleyes.gif

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The success of Project Fear in scaring people into sticking with the union, followed by the horror of realising we have to endure another term of the Nasty Party in Westminster - expect to see next year's figures even higher.

After more constant lying, more dodgy deals and behavior becoming public, more inept performance, more ludicrous comments to shirk responsibility and accountability trot out of the mouth of Leader Sturgeon and her goons, expect next years increase to be higher.

Another nationalist myth -"people really wanted to vote for independence but were too scared". Patronizing bullshit. People were intelligent enough to see through the pro independence folly.

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The success of Project Fear in scaring people into sticking with the union, followed by the horror of realising we have to endure another term of the Nasty Party in Westminster - expect to see next year's figures even higher.

After more constant lying, more dodgy deals and behavior becoming public, more inept performance, more ludicrous comments to shirk responsibility and accountability trot out of the mouth of Leader Sturgeon and her goons, expect next years increase to be higher.

Another nationalist myth -"people really wanted to vote for independence but were too scared". Patronizing bullshit. People were intelligent enough to see through the pro independence folly.

A string of accusations with little substance to back any of them:

1) constant lying - evidence, please

2) dodgy deals - evidence, please

3) behaviour becoming public (???) - I assume you are referring to the extra marital affairs of 2 MPs? Yes, even Scottish MPs can be sh*ts; why would you hold them to a higher standard than rUK MPs?

4) ludicrous comments to shirk responsibility and accountability trot out of the mouth of Leader Sturgeon and her goons - examples please.

Regardless of whether the Scots wanted independence, it is abundantly clear that they rejected en-mass anything and everything the English parties, mainstream and nutjob alike, had / has to offer.

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That's why all over the UK pubs are closing. Supermarkets selling cheap booze and the ban on smoking have together changed forever the British pub culture.

Yep man, we got to go back to old times. Loved it. Pussies nowadays.

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That's why all over the UK pubs are closing. Supermarkets selling cheap booze and the ban on smoking have together changed forever the British pub culture.

Yep man, we got to go back to old times. Loved it. Pussies nowadays.

I have never smoked so I was looking forward to the implementation of the smoking ban, but if truth be told, I miss the old days too - the reek of smoke was not nearly as bad as the sour smell of beer soaked carpets that had, until then, been masked by all the puffers.

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That's why all over the UK pubs are closing. Supermarkets selling cheap booze and the ban on smoking have together changed forever the British pub culture.

Yep man, we got to go back to old times. Loved it. Pussies nowadays.

I have never smoked so I was looking forward to the implementation of the smoking ban, but if truth be told, I miss the old days too - the reek of smoke was not nearly as bad as the sour smell of beer soaked carpets that had, until then, been masked by all the puffers.

That is so true with many pubs, the reek of cigarettes has been replaced with some rather more unpleasant smells. Also most of the "ban smoking in all pubs" brigade were not regular pub drinkers, so by a total ban the pubs have lost regulars to gain a few "only at weekends and then no more than 2" drinkers, forcing many to rely on the food trade, which means they ain't "pubs" anymore, rather eateries or restaurants.

BUT going back to the original thread, I thought Scots did the majority of their drinking on the train from Glasgow to London ?

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The success of Project Fear in scaring people into sticking with the union, followed by the horror of realising we have to endure another term of the Nasty Party in Westminster - expect to see next year's figures even higher.[/quote

Could it possible be due to all the oil workers loosing their jobs, after the collapse of the price of oil

Something that the SNP strangely could not foresee,even though this was a subject A.Salmon's was an expert on. Much easier to find a scapegoat down south.

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The success of Project Fear in scaring people into sticking with the union, followed by the horror of realising we have to endure another term of the Nasty Party in Westminster - expect to see next year's figures even higher.[/quote

Could it possible be due to all the oil workers loosing their jobs, after the collapse of the price of oil

Something that the SNP strangely could not foresee,even though this was a subject A.Salmon's was an expert on. Much easier to find a scapegoat down south.

I am certain that I explained this to you on a previous thread, but I am a patient man so I will explain it to you once again.

Paul Krugman, the Distinguished Professor of Economics at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, and an op-ed columnist for The New York Times, noted that the only people who predicted the oil price drop were those who were noted for constantly predicting a drop. Virtually every market expert was caught short, with oil futures continuing to plateau for some time after the price dropped off the cliff. As the Wall Street Journal noted in October 2014:

"It isn't just Wall Street banks like Goldman Sachs Group Inc. that got it wrong: Energy consultants and even the U.S. government didn't foresee the sharp slide in oil prices, which have tumbled 25% since June."

So if the world's leading industrialised country failed to identify the drop in oil prices, why do you think that the SNP should be singed out for criticism?

Anyway, I am with you on the Brexit thing - I hope and pray that you get your vote. First the European Union is broken, next the British union - happy days all round.

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