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Problems With Wife

Maxwell Smart

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I swear on a stack of bibles that my story is 100% true. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction

If it is really true, then you are on of the MOST stupid person I have ever met......and stubborn too.

Are you that ugly or desperate that you cannot find someone else? :o

From what I see from your postings here, you don't really want advice, you just want someone to tell you what you want to hear...which is that the bitch is worth it and to stick around. This is not likely to happen as no one is THAT stupid.

You WILL desist flaming.

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Axel, she did say that she needed more money to complete the house. I also want to state that she bought a new condo but says that she got a loan for that purchase. I dont know if I should believe that she got this loan or paid cash received from the other guy.

Oh and donnyboy, she never was a go go girl

she aint working at McDonald either!!!!!

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I don't believe this guy. How blind can you be??? :o:D

Well, they do say "love is blind", don't they? Just reading something like this on the net it sounds really unbelievable, but I've seen lots of cases in real life of this sort of thing happening and totally believe it is very possible that this is a true story. When a man is really in love, or sometimes even just really in lust, he stops thinking with his brain. Best to choose carefully your partner before you fall in love with her. Either that or have enough will-power to never fall in love. Once in love, and to find out you've been betrayed, it's very hard for some men to do what needs to be done - to make a clean break and don't look back or have any regrets. Sure, it's painful to do, but it's the only way.

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Maxwell - I can only assume that as a travelling, high earner in the Tech field, it should be fair to assume that you have a reasonable level of common sense, level headedness and are generally "well travelled, and therefore should be, somewhat worldly-wise"

In which case I would invite you to re-read your post from an observers viewpoint, an outsider looking in, and rethink..

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5 million baht for the house in the village?

crickey! 500,000 would have been plenty. I guess the 4.5 million left would have been for the house warming party! chok dee!! :o

I have not seen this house but I do know that it is a very nice one. I requested to go there with her on my last bkk visit but she would not bring me. I have not been to her village since she married the other guy. I am not pleased about not even being able to go see what I paid for. Her mom is living in the house at this time whilst she lives in the BKK condo. BTW, I have not given her any money in over 6 months. closer to 9 months or so. She has recently started her own business

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I swear on a stack of bibles that my story is 100% true. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction

Well you've got your advice now the final decision is most definately up 2 you.

I don't know the total years of LOS experience you have behind these posts, I suspect at 12 years I am a new boy on the block, but if you don't take the advice you're a bluddy fool. You know what they say about fools and money, and you are the living proof.

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Just in general, it seems fair to note that you can sometimes take the Thai girl out of the country, but you can't take the Thai out of the girl.

By that I mean, not so much that the one in this story might be a two-faced bar girl who will never change, but that it's not uncommon for a Thai person to miss Thailand badly when he/she is in a foreign country - especially if it and the food are boring.

Another general point worth noting is that, married or not, a 24-year-old alone here will also miss the social interactions (and sex) she used to have before marrying.

There is no excuse for her not asking for a divorce before "moving on" of course. That's the really really sad part.

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Money is really not an issue as I make plenty and this other guy can't possibly make close to what I do. Clearly she is much better off with me financially plus her claim that she loves me and not him.

Yes, but she clearly is a lot better off with BOTH of you in tow.

She says she loves you and not him. I bet she says that to him as well.

She won't take you upcountry to see the house? That's because, in all likelyhood, there is NO house.

There is only one thing to do :o her.

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I swear on a stack of bibles that my story is 100% true. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction

Wow.. so much drama.. dump her and marry me instead. I promise that you will put on a million smiles on your face every single morning!


I am sorry, Max, this really sounds like a fiction, typically written by a male author. E.g. Tanamera by Noel B. that sort of plot...

Edited by Rumourz
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Thank God for small mercies.

I can see that you and your cronies are still here...enjoy TV then.

No change of circumstances can repair a defect of character.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dr. PP = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I am outta here since its the same old p_______bunch.

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Not actually flaming, it's a true fact.

I guess things have not changed much on TV eh? I havent been here for quite a while.

You'll find many people are able to disagree with somebody else without calling them stupid and/or insinuating they are ugly - oftentimes with better end results than otherwise.

Try it out, you'll be surprised at the results, and what's more, you'll still be welcome at this website. :o

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After 30 years in various Asian countries, I am still amazed at how people can get totally sucked in and logic goes out of the window.

I also get frustrated when someone tells a story asking for advice and then totally ignores what is given him ! as they say there are non so blind as those who will not see.

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From what I see from your postings here, you don't really want advice, you just want someone to tell you what you want to hear...which is that the bitch is worth it and to stick around. This is not likely to happen as no one is THAT stupid.

She may not be a go go girl but she is definitely a "go go get all his money girl!"

Was she any good at pool? :o

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Suggest you send her another 5 million bt. ASAP and then you will really find the truth....dont be so tight....

Thai women have got expenses you know.....Mai K Jai... :o and cant afford to lose face.... :D

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I also get frustrated when someone tells a story asking for advice and then totally ignores what is given him !

That's exactly why people make these stories up and post them on Forums. :o

Magio6, your little britain face. Every time I see it I'm laughing.

The guy wanting advice, doesn't take it because ' he knows toooooooo much!!'


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I swear on a stack of bibles that my story is 100% true. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction

Ok, if you say so. Number one, your wife is married to 2 men. That is illegal and is a good basis for fraud claims against her and perhaps the one chance you have of ever seeing any of your money again. Contact a lawyer.

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I swear on a stack of bibles that my story is 100% true. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction

Wow.. so much drama.. dump her and marry me instead. I promise that you will put on a million smiles on your face every single morning!


I am sorry, Max, this really sounds like a fiction, typically written by a male author. E.g. Tanamera by Noel B. that sort of plot...

Hey!! Wait a minute! He is most welcome to marry me! If he ever try to leave me he will have his head cut off and smoked and hung up on the rafter of my house. :D

Just kidding. :D

You'll have plenty of smiles too. :D

Edited by roguegirl
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