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change of reason for extension of stay

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Hi all my question is - can a person who is currently living here on an extension of stay due to marriage to a thai wife change the reason of stay to supporting a thai born child using all the same paperwork and financial means as per the thai wife option at renewal time. Thanks in advance for all replies

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It is possible (personal experience at two offices) to have an extension of stay as a parent even if married, as long as you are still married and your wife is present. The only advantage being that the 400K doesn't need to be in the bank for 2 months.

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Ok thanks for the replies but what if your wife has gone walkabout and left you at home to look after the children and does not want to be contacted ( she got herself into trouble and as per normal in this country did a runner) what options does one have ?

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Some more details - legally married 7 years and am legal father of my younger child my other child is older teenager but I a not the father but have been for last 8 years ( normal situation here teenagers natural father long gone with new family of his own ) but he is now my responsibility. Wife and I still married but she has done the disappearing act after being away for a period of time due to her troubles ( the normal trouble thai ladies seem to get into) so am in the situation of being single parent with 2 children to raise and home to take care off so need to work out what avenue to take when my extension renewal comes up in a couple of months. Can I change to caring for my child or do I change to retirement option as can meet the requirements for that if needed?

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Some more details - legally married 7 years and am legal father of my younger child my other child is older teenager but I a not the father but have been for last 8 years ( normal situation here teenagers natural father long gone with new family of his own ) but he is now my responsibility. Wife and I still married but she has done the disappearing act after being away for a period of time due to her troubles ( the normal trouble thai ladies seem to get into) so am in the situation of being single parent with 2 children to raise and home to take care off so need to work out what avenue to take when my extension renewal comes up in a couple of months. Can I change to caring for my child or do I change to retirement option as can meet the requirements for that if needed?

You should check with your local immigration office to see if they will do the extension based upon being the parent of your child. They may refuse it unless you get some documentation proving your wife has abandoned you and her children.

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Ok that seems to be the best way as even though we are still married I don't think it will be possible to get her to go to immigration at renewal time, might have to take the 2 hour dive to immigration and have a talk to them, thanks for the advice

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