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Khmer Times/Jonathan Greig

Despite preparing to interview and accept a new pair of Iranian refugees detained on Nauru, government officials on Friday confirmed that the last Iranian refugee from the original group of four to come to Cambodia, Daniel Eskandari, secretly left the country in April and returned to Iran.

Kerm Sarin, a spokesman for the general department of immigration, did not respond to requests for comment, but told the Guardian last week Mr. Eskandari asked to leave and worked with the Iranian government himself to secure the right documents for his return. Mr. Eskandari did not mention why he wanted to leave, Mr. Sarin said.

Mr. Eskandari was part of the initial group of refugees to come to Cambodia last June in a $40 million deal with Australia, where Cambodia would take refugees held on Nauru in exchange for aid money.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/25524/one-refugee-left-in-kingdom/


So I guess he was not in fear for his life in Iran and really was an economic refugee who

was not looking for safety but a better life in Australia. coffee1.gif

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