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Big Trump checks to vets groups sent on day of media report


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All of this seems to have no negative effect on Trump's popularity. Perhaps people have just resigned themselves to the fact that both of the politicians involved are greedy lying a**holes. Hillary is no more trusted than Donald, but she's also got a dull and unattractive personality, so that could be her downfall. But frankly, I think the US election system is BS, and whoever is chosen by the true powers that be will sit in the Oval Office. People want a change from the groomed candidates who simply fulfill the wishes of the elite, keeping the staus quo through an economically oppressed population, and that's what Trump (rightly or wrongly) represents to millions of Americans, but my bet is that Hillary, who has has been well-entrenched in the sleaze of politics will be placed there -- not by voters (regardless of what the numbers show) but by a corrupt system.

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All of this seems to have no negative effect on Trump's popularity. Perhaps people have just resigned themselves to the fact that both of the politicians involved are greedy lying a**holes. Hillary is no more trusted than Donald, but she's also got a dull and unattractive personality, so that could be her downfall. But frankly, I think the US election system is BS, and whoever is chosen by the true powers that be will sit in the Oval Office. People want a change from the groomed candidates who simply fulfill the wishes of the elite, keeping the staus quo through an economically oppressed population, and that's what Trump (rightly or wrongly) represents to millions of Americans, but my bet is that Hillary, who has has been well-entrenched in the sleaze of politics will be placed there -- not by voters (regardless of what the numbers show) but by a corrupt system.

That's your opinion but not the opinion of the majority of voters.

There are little lies (HRC) and big lies (like Trump). There are people who may tell a lie once every few years (HRC), and there are people (like Trump) who tell lies every week. There are people who get caught in a lie (HRC saying she was under fire at a Serbian airport), and then come clean, however awkwardly. Then there are people (like Trump) who, once caught in a lie, will steadfastly stick with that lie - so much so, they'll layer other lies on top of it, on and on.

I think the US election system is BS,

It's flawed, but no system is going to be flaw-free. Note, suppose all registered Republicans voted at once for a candidate. If they all voted in July 2015, their candidate would be Jeb Bush. If such a vote was in November, the Rep candidate would be Carson. Trump lovers wouldn't be happy, so they should appreciate the long drawn-out primary process.[/background]

In contrast, if the Dem process, this time around, had been extended longer, Sanders would be their candidate.

There's no political process in the world which is more drawn out than the US system. If can be seen as a good thing or a bad thing, depending on which side of the stadium you're sitting at.

Half the countries in the world don't have any political process, other than perhaps a bit of window-dressing which appoints a candidate everyone knows will be the leader. Many don't even have any debate or discussions about candidates. Burma is coming out of a long period like that, whereas Thailand is getting deeper in the shit, as each month goes by. It's been 2 years since Thailand's coup, and no sign of light at the end of the tunnel. P.S. the US has never had a coup d'etat in its 240 year history. Thailand has had about 18 since 1934.

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How about you chuckd, how much did you stump up?

Two years of my life on active duty.

Other than that, around 20 years working with the US Military in Saudi Arabia.

My question was about the Clinton's. If I had been making a quarter of a million US for a half hour speech to Wall Street bankers, I might have donated.

Sadly, I didn't so I don't.

How do you celebrate ANZAC day? Stick that poppy in your lapel and go to the pub?

The Poppy is remembrance / Armistice day not ANZAC Day.

Rosemary is ANZAC Day

Who is Rosemary?

Anzac Day is poppy day both in Aust and NZ, I'm a kiwi, I buy them every year, stick them in my lapel but sadly my pub days are long gone burp.gif

It remembers the losses from all theatres, of all wars we were involved in including the Vietnam war helping the Americans

Up2 is right Linzz, it is Rosemary regarding ANZAC in Australia.

The Kiwi's helped the Diggers in Vietnam too. The Kiwi artillery at Long Tan was crucial, without it the Aussies would probably have been overrun. I don't think it receives the recognition it deserves.

You blokes punch above your weight. Must be that All Black spirit!

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