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New Brexit polls suggest shift in favour of leaving the EU


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well the pound has gone up in value so the gensral view is that the brexit vote may have dropped

Perhaps you can tell us where this "general view" comes from? The Poll of Polls, in my opinion,

being as it is - an amalgam of a number of different polls - would seem to most represent a

"general view".

The most recent Poll of Polls shows that Brexit is ahead, on average, by 52% to 48%. (a

sizeable margin, btw).

The dollar weakened yesterday because Janet Yellen put a rate rise on hold, certainly until

after the effects of Brexit have unfolded. All major currency pairings against the dollar were

up, including the pound (GDP).

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well the pound has gone up in value so the gensral view is that the brexit vote may have dropped

Perhaps you can tell us where this "general view" comes from? The Poll of Polls, in my opinion,

being as it is - an amalgam of a number of different polls - would seem to most represent a

"general view".

The most recent Poll of Polls shows that Brexit is ahead, on average, by 52% to 48%. (a

sizeable margin, btw).

The dollar weakened yesterday because Janet Yellen put a rate rise on hold, certainly until

after the effects of Brexit have unfolded. All major currency pairings against the dollar were

up, including the pound (GDP).

52% to 48% you say, so there's no "undecided" or "don't know"s then, great, that removes all the uncertainty, cough cough!!! whistling.gif

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well the pound has gone up in value so the gensral view is that the brexit vote may have dropped

Perhaps you can tell us where this "general view" comes from? The Poll of Polls, in my opinion,

being as it is - an amalgam of a number of different polls - would seem to most represent a

"general view".

The most recent Poll of Polls shows that Brexit is ahead, on average, by 52% to 48%. (a

sizeable margin, btw).

The dollar weakened yesterday because Janet Yellen put a rate rise on hold, certainly until

after the effects of Brexit have unfolded. All major currency pairings against the dollar were

up, including the pound (GDP).

52% to 48% you say, so there's no "undecided" or "don't know"s then, great, that removes all the uncertainty, cough cough!!! whistling.gif

Perhaps a throat lozenge or a linctus will help your ailment, unless it is something more serious!

The Poll of Polls simply reflects those indicating that they will vote for Brexit, as against those who state they will vote for remain.

However, if the poll is accurate (unlikely), and the undecideds and the don't knows do ultimately vote (unlikely) and one assumes

an even split, then the 52/48 would still obtain, wouldn't it? Understand?

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well the pound has gone up in value so the gensral view is that the brexit vote may have dropped

Perhaps you can tell us where this "general view" comes from? The Poll of Polls, in my opinion,

being as it is - an amalgam of a number of different polls - would seem to most represent a

"general view".

The most recent Poll of Polls shows that Brexit is ahead, on average, by 52% to 48%. (a

sizeable margin, btw).

The dollar weakened yesterday because Janet Yellen put a rate rise on hold, certainly until

after the effects of Brexit have unfolded. All major currency pairings against the dollar were

up, including the pound (GDP).

52% to 48% you say, so there's no "undecided" or "don't know"s then, great, that removes all the uncertainty, cough cough!!! whistling.gif

Perhaps a throat lozenge or a linctus will help your ailment, unless it is something more serious!

The Poll of Polls simply reflects those indicating that they will vote for Brexit, as against those who state they will vote for remain.

However, if the poll is accurate (unlikely), and the undecideds and the don't knows do ultimately vote (unlikely) and one assumes

an even split, then the 52/48 would still obtain, wouldn't it? Understand?

I prefer this one, it doesn't make assumptions plus it has pretty pictures:


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52% to 48% you say, so there's no "undecided" or "don't know"s then, great, that removes all the uncertainty, cough cough!!! whistling.gif

Perhaps a throat lozenge or a linctus will help your ailment, unless it is something more serious!

The Poll of Polls simply reflects those indicating that they will vote for Brexit, as against those who state they will vote for remain.

However, if the poll is accurate (unlikely), and the undecideds and the don't knows do ultimately vote (unlikely) and one assumes

an even split, then the 52/48 would still obtain, wouldn't it? Understand?

I prefer this one, it doesn't make assumptions plus it has pretty pictures:


So you are sh!tt!ng yourself as it gives Leave a 5 point lead.

Or have you just been trolling throughout this thread ?

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52% to 48% you say, so there's no "undecided" or "don't know"s then, great, that removes all the uncertainty, cough cough!!! whistling.gif

Perhaps a throat lozenge or a linctus will help your ailment, unless it is something more serious!

The Poll of Polls simply reflects those indicating that they will vote for Brexit, as against those who state they will vote for remain.

However, if the poll is accurate (unlikely), and the undecideds and the don't knows do ultimately vote (unlikely) and one assumes

an even split, then the 52/48 would still obtain, wouldn't it? Understand?

I prefer this one, it doesn't make assumptions plus it has pretty pictures:


So you are sh!tt!ng yourself as it gives Leave a 5 point lead.

Or have you just been trolling throughout this thread ?

It's not a done deal 'till the fat lady sings, Remain will win the vote, end of.

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Perhaps a throat lozenge or a linctus will help your ailment, unless it is something more serious!

The Poll of Polls simply reflects those indicating that they will vote for Brexit, as against those who state they will vote for remain.

However, if the poll is accurate (unlikely), and the undecideds and the don't knows do ultimately vote (unlikely) and one assumes

an even split, then the 52/48 would still obtain, wouldn't it? Understand?

I prefer this one, it doesn't make assumptions plus it has pretty pictures:


So you are sh!tt!ng yourself as it gives Leave a 5 point lead.

Or have you just been trolling throughout this thread ?

It's not a done deal 'till the fat lady sings, Remain will win the vote, end of.

Osborne's Emergency Budget blew the last of any credibility out of the water for remain.

The vote will be for out, the EU will enter into negotiation with the UK to remain.

Then we can bring out all the really good stuff that people are scared of.

Like the true cost of EU membership.

Like the 5 phase plan for Monetary Union.

Like 2020 and the the next phase of Political integration.

All those facts that some people are desperate to avoid.

Edited by SgtRock
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The Fed

t. Louis Fed President Jim Bullard, in a significant shift in his outlook for the U.S. economy, now says low growth and a very low fed funds rate of just 63 basis points will likely remain in place through 2018.

Bullard, reversing earlier forecasts that looked for growth to pick up and rates to rise, now says 2 percent growth is the most likely forecast and that rates will remain low. Bullard also sees unemployment at 4.7 percent and trimmed-mean PCE inflation of 2 percent during this window.

As a result, he says the Fed funds rates should remain at 63 basis points during the remainder of his forecast. The current target rate is 25 to 50 basis points.


Jonathan Loynes, chief European economist at Capital Economics, says a British vote to leave the EU would force the European Central Bank to act.

European equity markets would be very likely to drop further and peripheral bond yields could rise further, raising the threat of a re-ignition of the [eurozone] debt crisis.

Meanwhile, an appreciation of the euro against a declining pound would exacerbate any negative effect on exports to the UK.

Against this background, the European Central Bank will come under strong pressure to provide further policy support... the Governing Council would surely err on the side of caution and take more action.

A further acceleration in its monthly asset purchases would be likely and another cut in interest rates possible. The ECB may even engage, with other central banks, in FX intervention to limit disruption in the currency markets.

How strange that with 6 days to go, institutions are beginning to smell the coffee and instigate measures to mitigate a Brexit. What is even more strange is that the world and every flea bitten dog has predicted armageddon for the UK and everyone else would be hunky-dory.

Amazing what happens when a healthy dose of reality sets in.

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Sgt Rock, any "policy response" from the EU following Brexit, is likely to be muted at best, but will likely be similar to its response to the 2008/2009 financial crisis, whereby it has kept its head firmly in the sand and hoped that the problem will just go away.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), an independent think tank, has had this to say:

"Europe's strategy for solving its debt woes has the problem exactly backwards. A gaping hole in Europe's policy response to date is its unwillingness to reduce excessive levels of corporate, bank, and sovereign debt accrued during the global financial crisis and its aftermath. This debt has had a corrosive effect on investment and confidence, contributes to deflationary pressures, and undermines the public's trust in its economic future. Yet European leaders have not definitively addressed this challenge, hopeful that payment deferrals and an eventual return to growth will allow countries to outgrow their debt"

The woes of member countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal, together with the strains that the immigration crisis will place

on EU finances, simply exacerbates a severe problem.

The rest of the article may be found here: http://www.cfr.org/europe/paris-club-europe/p33671?cid=ppc-Google-grant-Paris_Club_memo&gclid=CMXt15uSr80CFeUy0wodF_AHAQ

Does the United Kingdom really want to continue to be enmeshed in the EU, going forward?

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I kinda got it into my head that we were going to suspend the "debate" for 24 hours, just like the UK has, as a sign of respect for Jo Cox, I guess not!

Within an hour of her death, the remain bunch were making political capital off it. sick.gif

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I kinda got it into my head that we were going to suspend the "debate" for 24 hours, just like the UK has, as a sign of respect for Jo Cox, I guess not!

Within an hour of her death, the remain bunch were making political capital off it. sick.gif

Are you sure of that?:


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I kinda got it into my head that we were going to suspend the "debate" for 24 hours, just like the UK has, as a sign of respect for Jo Cox, I guess not!

Within an hour of her death, the remain bunch were making political capital off it. sick.gif

Are you sure of that?:


Totally, absolutely 100% sure. It's been grotesque to watch.

Whilst I, as a Leave voter was in mourning for two kids who lost their mum, the leftie press and the BBC got straight on it, wasted no time in turning it into an anti-Brexit triumph. It was grim.

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I kinda got it into my head that we were going to suspend the "debate" for 24 hours, just like the UK has, as a sign of respect for Jo Cox, I guess not!

Within an hour of her death, the remain bunch were making political capital off it. sick.gif

Are you sure of that?:


Totally, absolutely 100% sure. It's been grotesque to watch.

Whilst I, as a Leave voter was in mourning for two kids who lost their mum, the leftie press and the BBC got straight on it, wasted no time in turning it into an anti-Brexit triumph. It was grim.

Care to back this up? Edited by brewsterbudgen
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I kinda got it into my head that we were going to suspend the "debate" for 24 hours, just like the UK has, as a sign of respect for Jo Cox, I guess not!

Perhaps you should take that up with the Fed Res Pro remain

The ECB - Pro remain

Who released the initial reports

And the Pro remain paper who printed them.

After all. They had the option of holding back their respective reports and the newspaper had the option not to print them and also hold them back.

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I kinda got it into my head that we were going to suspend the "debate" for 24 hours, just like the UK has, as a sign of respect for Jo Cox, I guess not!

Perhaps you should take that up with the Fed Res Pro remain

The ECB - Pro remain

Who released the initial reports

And the Pro remain paper who printed them.

After all. They had the option of holding back their respective reports and the newspaper had the option not to print them and also hold them back.

Jo Cox was a vocal advocate for the UK staying in the EU and, though it was right for the main parties to suspend their campaigns for a short period to hopefully reflect where project fear and project hate have brought us to as a nation, it would also be wrong to ignore something that she felt passionately about.


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I kinda got it into my head that we were going to suspend the "debate" for 24 hours, just like the UK has, as a sign of respect for Jo Cox, I guess not!

Perhaps you should take that up with the Fed Res Pro remain

The ECB - Pro remain

Who released the initial reports

And the Pro remain paper who printed them.

After all. They had the option of holding back their respective reports and the newspaper had the option not to print them and also hold them back.

Jo Cox was a vocal advocate for the UK staying in the EU and, though it was right for the main parties to suspend their campaigns for a short period to hopefully reflect where project fear and project hate have brought us to as a nation, it would also be wrong to ignore something that she felt passionately about.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect PRO1466213992.333087.jpg

I agree with you 100%

Take it up with those that, for whatever reason, failed to take heed, and could not shut up for 24 hours.

Attack the source, not the messenger.

Edited by SgtRock
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I kinda got it into my head that we were going to suspend the "debate" for 24 hours, just like the UK has, as a sign of respect for Jo Cox, I guess not!

Perhaps you should take that up with the Fed Res Pro remain

The ECB - Pro remain

Who released the initial reports

And the Pro remain paper who printed them.

After all. They had the option of holding back their respective reports and the newspaper had the option not to print them and also hold them back.

Good god man, I was plainly referring to this thread. Have you no respect other than to try and pick fights over something as simple as a 24 hour suspension of the thread as a sign of respect, it's just too much!!

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Brewster, one example . . .


Still at this time, no one knows Mair's motives for this ghastly crime.

Oh yes they do. Neo-Nazi regalia discovered at Thomas Mair's home. Neo-Nazi organisations support BREXIT, but that might not bother some contributors to this forum other than want to sweep it under the carpet.

Edited by SheungWan
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I kinda got it into my head that we were going to suspend the "debate" for 24 hours, just like the UK has, as a sign of respect for Jo Cox, I guess not!

Within an hour of her death, the remain bunch were making political capital off it. sick.gif

Are you sure of that?:


Totally, absolutely 100% sure. It's been grotesque to watch.

Whilst I, as a Leave voter was in mourning for two kids who lost their mum, the leftie press and the BBC got straight on it, wasted no time in turning it into an anti-Brexit triumph. It was grim.

Don't be such a hypocrite, if a Muslim Nutter had done then same the brexiters would be all over it. Oh wait Orlando


Edited by Johnyo
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Someone, somewhere came up with a link to the Paxman programme. I couldn't find the post, so googled the youtube video.

Un-suprisingly, an interesting and informative programme, although I must have misunderstood one part where I thought he was implying that Thatcher was thrown out 'cos she opposed the Maastricht treaty?

As I'm not overly bothered by sovereiegnty (thinking that the EU has at least done more for workers' rights than Brit. govts. who are far more concerned about big business, and getting lucrative board positions/consultancies within said big business) - I'd love to see a Paxman programme on the cost of the EU.

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I kinda got it into my head that we were going to suspend the "debate" for 24 hours, just like the UK has, as a sign of respect for Jo Cox, I guess not!

Perhaps you should take that up with the Fed Res Pro remain

The ECB - Pro remain

Who released the initial reports

And the Pro remain paper who printed them.

After all. They had the option of holding back their respective reports and the newspaper had the option not to print them and also hold them back.

Good god man, I was plainly referring to this thread. Have you no respect other than to try and pick fights over something as simple as a 24 hour suspension of the thread as a sign of respect, it's just too much!!

Its understandable that politicians would call a 24 hour truce over the death of one of their members - but why would this apply to those with no connection?

I gather Jo Cox was that rare article, a genuinely good politician - and therefore I'm v sad that she was murdered - but it is still a stupid, appalling, senseless murder, and unfortunately these happen all the time without any cessation in every day life for those not personally affected. (Princess Di being the obvious exception...)

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Someone, somewhere came up with a link to the Paxman programme. I couldn't find the post, so googled the youtube video.

Un-suprisingly, an interesting and informative programme, although I must have misunderstood one part where I thought he was implying that Thatcher was thrown out 'cos she opposed the Maastricht treaty?

As I'm not overly bothered by sovereiegnty (thinking that the EU has at least done more for workers' rights than Brit. govts. who are far more concerned about big business, and getting lucrative board positions/consultancies within said big business) - I'd love to see a Paxman programme on the cost of the EU.

I note that you are very concerned about workers' rights, DD, and quite rightly so.

Is it not a fact that paid leave benefits and parenting leave benefits in the United Kingdom are superior to those mandated by the EU?

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