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New Brexit polls suggest shift in favour of leaving the EU


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There's a 39% chance of Brexit, pft:,


Why does everyone gloat on polls and odds, lets just wait and see. Because unless you have spoken to every single person of voting age in the UK and those undecideds have decided then its just a prediction. How can it be a true reflection?

That pole was 33% a couple of days ago & 24% a few days before that so might not be the positive for the (us) Remains that it appears to be.

Yep ok, i will ask again...how can it be a true reflection? Its just numbers

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I wonder how many of the remain (if they win) will be moaning when the UK has to pay more in to the EU and when they as individuals have to pay more tax to the EU because of this EU Tax number, because when it hits in the pocket it hurts.

Yes it was great being a member of the EEC and the EFTA. But what it has become is not what we originally joined. Everything has crept up on us and It Will get worse.

All I see all the time is people going on about how much the Pound will slip, how much houses will drop (not a bad thing really as its getting out of hand), blackmailing OAP's with their pensions etc etc

But not many talk about how much of a hold the EU has on the UK and how it is going to get worse. This is kind of swept under the carpet.

I posed these the other day and still got no answers, but if you mention money then holy hell breaks loose

Why do we need a European Tax number? What has it to do with them how much tax I, we pay. Its another route of a slow, stealth take over. I am not saying we have a great Tax office ourselves but its ours

Why do we need an EU army which in my eyes would be detrimental to HM Forces? I am all for military exercises and common goals but as for the EU Army! Quite a lot of the countries in the EU are in NATO, which quite frankly doesn't have a lot of back bone anyway (look at the Ukraine). Do you think the EU Army will have more, not a chance. It will be another bottomless money pit to pay into with nothing in return. Again its another way of a closer take over

Why do we need a EU Police force? We have interpol and yes the EU arrest warrant is ok, but I am sure countries could have this agreement without all the other stuff that goes with it and I believe there is a new arrangement to allow countries to take their ar53holes back quicker, I am pretty sure that if countries worked at it they could have this also. That way it would not be another bottomless money pit

We also as a country have to be careful who we as a 'Democratic Country' vote for, because according to No Mark Junker if he doesn't like the person a country democratically votes for he won't deal with them, eh! Who does he think he is? Isn't that more like a dictatorship? I hate being dictated to http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/05/24/eu-vows-use-new-powers-block-elected-far-right-populists-power/

It was in The Times but couldn't get the full page, not a member.

Then he had the gall to threaten us

If people think not taking a hit in the wallet for a bit is worth being told what to do by some T055er in Brussels then its sad and it will only get worse. I don't like I told you so's but...............

I posed these the other day and still got no answers, but if you mention money then holy hell breaks loose

A common trait it seems. It draws the same response when one asks what is about to happen in 2020. The silence is deafening except the sound of brushes sweeping madly under the carpet.

Either, some people are totally ignorant to what is happening, or they are in complete agreement with it and deny, obfuscate and deflect reality.

Since the start of Stage Three of Economic and Monetary Union on 1 January 1999 the capital key has changed six times:


Despite what is being said to the masses. The UK WILL join the euro or leave the EU. Might as well do it now.

CM. You might want to check out this link.

This is just one of the hidden costs of being a member of the EU that is not reflected in the UK's £12 billion less rebate cost of EU membership.

Edited by SgtRock
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There's a 39% chance of Brexit, pft:,


Why does everyone gloat on polls and odds, lets just wait and see. Because unless you have spoken to every single person of voting age in the UK and those undecideds have decided then its just a prediction. How can it be a true reflection?

I think polls and bookies odds are reasonable indicators. Nobody's gloating over anything however, merely trying to inform people who otherwise wouldn't know things like poll of polls etc even exist. Lest you forget, there's several thousands of people reading this thread trying to get opinions and facts, not just the usual handful of howling soi dogs who post here.

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There's a 39% chance of Brexit, pft:,


Why does everyone gloat on polls and odds, lets just wait and see. Because unless you have spoken to every single person of voting age in the UK and those undecideds have decided then its just a prediction. How can it be a true reflection?

That pole was 33% a couple of days ago & 24% a few days before that so might not be the positive for the (us) Remains that it appears to be.

Yep ok, i will ask again...how can it be a true reflection? Its just numbers

Again, it's a proven form of analysis, a good indicator that's all, it's a similar method to the way various countries produce their economic statistics, unemployment levels for example are often derived from sampling..

Edited by chiang mai
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There's a 39% chance of Brexit, pft:,


Why does everyone gloat on polls and odds, lets just wait and see. Because unless you have spoken to every single person of voting age in the UK and those undecideds have decided then its just a prediction. How can it be a true reflection?

I think polls and bookies odds are reasonable indicators. Nobody's gloating over anything however, merely trying to inform people who otherwise wouldn't know things like poll of polls etc even exist. Lest you forget, there's several thousands of people reading this thread trying to get opinions and facts, not just the usual handful of howling soi dogs who post here.

Ok, maybe you can enlighten me,,,,How can it be a true reflection?

Cancel, we must have written at the same time cheesy.gif

Edited by Caps
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That pole was 33% a couple of days ago & 24% a few days before that so might not be the positive for the (us) Remains that it appears to be.

Yep ok, i will ask again...how can it be a true reflection? Its just numbers

Again, it's a proven form of analysis, a good indicator that's all, it's a similar method to the way various countries produce their economic statistics, unemployment levels for example are often derived from sampling..

So its not a true reflection then, its analysis. So if the remain win they can all say I told you so and if Brexit win it was a glitch in the analysis....awesome....so....Lets wait and see

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I wonder how many of the remain (if they win) will be moaning when the UK has to pay more in to the EU and when they as individuals have to pay more tax to the EU because of this EU Tax number, because when it hits in the pocket it hurts.

Yes it was great being a member of the EEC and the EFTA. But what it has become is not what we originally joined. Everything has crept up on us and It Will get worse.

All I see all the time is people going on about how much the Pound will slip, how much houses will drop (not a bad thing really as its getting out of hand), blackmailing OAP's with their pensions etc etc

But not many talk about how much of a hold the EU has on the UK and how it is going to get worse. This is kind of swept under the carpet.

I posed these the other day and still got no answers, but if you mention money then holy hell breaks loose

Why do we need a European Tax number? What has it to do with them how much tax I, we pay. Its another route of a slow, stealth take over. I am not saying we have a great Tax office ourselves but its ours

Why do we need an EU army which in my eyes would be detrimental to HM Forces? I am all for military exercises and common goals but as for the EU Army! Quite a lot of the countries in the EU are in NATO, which quite frankly doesn't have a lot of back bone anyway (look at the Ukraine). Do you think the EU Army will have more, not a chance. It will be another bottomless money pit to pay into with nothing in return. Again its another way of a closer take over

Why do we need a EU Police force? We have interpol and yes the EU arrest warrant is ok, but I am sure countries could have this agreement without all the other stuff that goes with it and I believe there is a new arrangement to allow countries to take their ar53holes back quicker, I am pretty sure that if countries worked at it they could have this also. That way it would not be another bottomless money pit

We also as a country have to be careful who we as a 'Democratic Country' vote for, because according to No Mark Junker if he doesn't like the person a country democratically votes for he won't deal with them, eh! Who does he think he is? Isn't that more like a dictatorship? I hate being dictated to http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/05/24/eu-vows-use-new-powers-block-elected-far-right-populists-power/

It was in The Times but couldn't get the full page, not a member.

Then he had the gall to threaten us

If people think not taking a hit in the wallet for a bit is worth being told what to do by some T055er in Brussels then its sad and it will only get worse. I don't like I told you so's but...............

Have you stopped to think that currently it seems, at least half the country thinks that we should Remain, more than that in many cases they think that remaining is a good thing, many even think it's a very very good thing. Many don't have a problem with an EU tax number, why ever not. And why not achieve the economies of scale of an EU military and/or an EU police force, I mean, it's not as though this is the 1300's and the borders are all but gone anyway. I think in part this is all about the concept of moving forward and not being a Luddite, as stated earlier the younger generations seem overwhelmingly in favour of Remain, it's just the old foggies who think it destroys their memories of the past and their image of what THEY think the country ought to look like.

EDIT: The above question to poster Caps.

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Have you stopped to think that currently it seems, at least half the country thinks that we should Remain, more than that in many cases they think that remaining is a good thing, many even think it's a very very good thing. Many don't have a problem with an EU tax number, why ever not. And why not achieve the economies of scale of an EU military and/or an EU police force, I mean, it's not as though this is the 1300's and the borders are all but gone anyway. I think in part this is all about the concept of moving forward and not being a Luddite, as stated earlier the younger generations seem overwhelmingly in favour of Remain, it's just the old foggies who think it destroys their memories of the past and their image of what THEY think the country ought to look like.

How many UK Citizens are aware of EU tax numbers ?

EU Army will have the same major weakness of the Russian Army. Language.

Borders are all but gone ? No they were. However, some Countries within the EU are currently building new ones. Try to keep up.

The younger generation. Who have no real life experience and have been indoctrinated from birth by the establishment / media that the EU is great but who actually know nothing different.

That's the trouble with old foggies CM. Life and worldwide experience. You can never take that away from them, they will not be kow-towed and they know a busted flush when they see one.

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I wonder how many of the remain (if they win) will be moaning when the UK has to pay more in to the EU and when they as individuals have to pay more tax to the EU because of this EU Tax number, because when it hits in the pocket it hurts.

Yes it was great being a member of the EEC and the EFTA. But what it has become is not what we originally joined. Everything has crept up on us and It Will get worse.

All I see all the time is people going on about how much the Pound will slip, how much houses will drop (not a bad thing really as its getting out of hand), blackmailing OAP's with their pensions etc etc

But not many talk about how much of a hold the EU has on the UK and how it is going to get worse. This is kind of swept under the carpet.

I posed these the other day and still got no answers, but if you mention money then holy hell breaks loose

Why do we need a European Tax number? What has it to do with them how much tax I, we pay. Its another route of a slow, stealth take over. I am not saying we have a great Tax office ourselves but its ours

Why do we need an EU army which in my eyes would be detrimental to HM Forces? I am all for military exercises and common goals but as for the EU Army! Quite a lot of the countries in the EU are in NATO, which quite frankly doesn't have a lot of back bone anyway (look at the Ukraine). Do you think the EU Army will have more, not a chance. It will be another bottomless money pit to pay into with nothing in return. Again its another way of a closer take over

Why do we need a EU Police force? We have interpol and yes the EU arrest warrant is ok, but I am sure countries could have this agreement without all the other stuff that goes with it and I believe there is a new arrangement to allow countries to take their ar53holes back quicker, I am pretty sure that if countries worked at it they could have this also. That way it would not be another bottomless money pit

We also as a country have to be careful who we as a 'Democratic Country' vote for, because according to No Mark Junker if he doesn't like the person a country democratically votes for he won't deal with them, eh! Who does he think he is? Isn't that more like a dictatorship? I hate being dictated to http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/05/24/eu-vows-use-new-powers-block-elected-far-right-populists-power/

It was in The Times but couldn't get the full page, not a member.

Then he had the gall to threaten us

If people think not taking a hit in the wallet for a bit is worth being told what to do by some T055er in Brussels then its sad and it will only get worse. I don't like I told you so's but...............

Have you stopped to think that currently it seems, at least half the country thinks that we should Remain, more than that in many cases they think that remaining is a good thing, many even think it's a very very good thing. Many don't have a problem with an EU tax number, why ever not. And why not achieve the economies of scale of an EU military and/or an EU police force, I mean, it's not as though this is the 1300's and the borders are all but gone anyway. I think in part this is all about the concept of moving forward and not being a Luddite, as stated earlier the younger generations seem overwhelmingly in favour of Remain, it's just the old foggies who think it destroys their memories of the past and their image of what THEY think the country ought to look like.

Well I am definitely not old cheesy.gif middle aged maybe

We have our own tax number and pay taxes to the UK we don't need another linked to the EU...why do you think they want it? Just for the fun of it? it will be funny when all these with a lot of money are being hammered by the EU...and it will probably happen

I am all for going forward in a EU that allows countries to be countries and to work together, which I have no doubt we could do with out all the morons in Brussels putting there two pence in

Younger generations generally didn't see it in the beginning when it was the EEC and the EFTA, they only know what it is today so can't really make an informed choice only being apart of one side and yes maybe the devil you know is a better option for them. Older foggies as you put it have seen both sides and prefer how it was to how it is

On a different note, if we stay in I hope things get sorted before the EU implodes on its self, there are a lot of countries struggling or starting to struggle in the EU. So how much longer will it last? Maybe forever...maybe not. Better to be in the lifeboat now that wait for it to start sinking. You can only bail out for so long

Edited by Caps
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My head is very clear to what is happening to a great empire the UK is and is going down the drain.......

the empire is long gone Trans. what is left are memories kept alive by a few million immigrants and their descendants from former imperial parts as well as a few imperial non-metric measures.

and Alan Partridge. http://metro.co.uk/2016/06/15/nigel-farage-has-gone-full-alan-partridge-with-the-brexit-flotilla-5946922/

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Leave now enjoys a 53%-47% advantage once “don’t knows” are excluded, according to research conducted over the weekend, compared with a 52%-48% split reported by ICM a fortnight ago.
As with the Scottish vote, the media are not only ignoring the don't know's, they seem to be actively hiding them, in the service of dramatic headlines. They are certainly undertaking no serious analysis of how those don't knows will vote, which still make up 13% of the total. I still stay the majority of these people will either not vote, or vote to stay. It will be close but it will be a Remain and then back to business as usual.

Those pesky "Don't Knows", what to do with them? I know, we'll just assume they're all going to vote Leave, most people don't read past the numbers anyway, simples! blink.pngcoffee1.gif

Maybe the Undecideds/Don't Knows should read this:

Here are a few that strongly believe the UK should remain a member of the EU:

• Governor of the Bank of England

• International Monetary Fund

• Institute for Fiscal Studies

• Confederation of British Industry

• Leaders/heads of state of every single other member of the EU

• President of the United States of America

• Eight former US Treasury Secretaries

• President of China

• Prime Minister of India

• Prime Minister of Canada

• Prime Minister of Australia

• Prime Minister of Japan

• Prime Minister of New Zealand

• The chief executives of most of the top 100 companies in the UK including Marks and Spencer, BT, Asda, Vodafone, Virgin, IBM, BMW etc.

• Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations

• All living former Prime Ministers of the UK (from both parties)

• Virtually all reputable and recognised economists

• The Prime Minister of the UK

• The leader of the Labour Party

• The Leader of the Liberal Democrats

• The Leader of the Green Party

• The Leader of the Scottish National Party

• The leader of Plaid Cymru

• Leader of Sinn Fein

• Martin Lewis, that money saving dude off the telly

• The Secretary General of the TUC

• Unison

• National Union of Students

• National Union of Farmers

• Stephen Hawking

• Chief Executive of the NHS

• 300 of the most prominent international historians

• Director of Europol

• David Anderson QC, Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation

• Former Directors of GCHQ

• Secretary General of Nato

• Church of England

• Church in Scotland

• Church in Wales

• Friends of the Earth

• Greenpeace

• Director General of the World Trade Organisation


• World Bank


Here are pretty much the only notable people who think we should leave the EU:

• Boris Johnson, who probably doesn’t really care either way, but knows he’ll become Prime Minister if the country votes to leave

• A former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions who carried out a brutal regime of cuts to benefits and essential support for the poorest in society as well as the disabled and sick

• That idiot that was Education Secretary and every single teacher in the country hated with a furious passion for the damage he was doing to the education system

• Leader of UKIP


• Britain First

• Donald Trump

• Keith Chegwin

• David Icke

And now that Germany has admitted that it is concerned that a Brexit vote could lead to a collapse of the EU, we all now know why.

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Mr Truell, one of the leading donors to the Tory party has now said he has stopped his donations, a move on from his earlier threat to do so according to this article.....


Edi Truell, a pensions advisor, said Mr Cameron’s warning this weekend over the alleged damage Brexit would do to pensions was the final straw in a long list of “unfair” claims by the Remain campaign.

I'm a bit confused by this as I thought some EU countries had far better private pension payouts than the UK companies?

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I wonder how many of the remain (if they win) will be moaning when the UK has to pay more in to the EU and when they as individuals have to pay more tax to the EU because of this EU Tax number, because when it hits in the pocket it hurts.

Yes it was great being a member of the EEC and the EFTA. But what it has become is not what we originally joined. Everything has crept up on us and It Will get worse.

All I see all the time is people going on about how much the Pound will slip, how much houses will drop (not a bad thing really as its getting out of hand), blackmailing OAP's with their pensions etc etc

But not many talk about how much of a hold the EU has on the UK and how it is going to get worse. This is kind of swept under the carpet.

I posed these the other day and still got no answers, but if you mention money then holy hell breaks loose

Why do we need a European Tax number? What has it to do with them how much tax I, we pay. Its another route of a slow, stealth take over. I am not saying we have a great Tax office ourselves but its ours

Why do we need an EU army which in my eyes would be detrimental to HM Forces? I am all for military exercises and common goals but as for the EU Army! Quite a lot of the countries in the EU are in NATO, which quite frankly doesn't have a lot of back bone anyway (look at the Ukraine). Do you think the EU Army will have more, not a chance. It will be another bottomless money pit to pay into with nothing in return. Again its another way of a closer take over

Why do we need a EU Police force? We have interpol and yes the EU arrest warrant is ok, but I am sure countries could have this agreement without all the other stuff that goes with it and I believe there is a new arrangement to allow countries to take their ar53holes back quicker, I am pretty sure that if countries worked at it they could have this also. That way it would not be another bottomless money pit

We also as a country have to be careful who we as a 'Democratic Country' vote for, because according to No Mark Junker if he doesn't like the person a country democratically votes for he won't deal with them, eh! Who does he think he is? Isn't that more like a dictatorship? I hate being dictated to http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/05/24/eu-vows-use-new-powers-block-elected-far-right-populists-power/

It was in The Times but couldn't get the full page, not a member.

Then he had the gall to threaten us

If people think not taking a hit in the wallet for a bit is worth being told what to do by some T055er in Brussels then its sad and it will only get worse. I don't like I told you so's but...............

Have you stopped to think that currently it seems, at least half the country thinks that we should Remain, more than that in many cases they think that remaining is a good thing, many even think it's a very very good thing. Many don't have a problem with an EU tax number, why ever not. And why not achieve the economies of scale of an EU military and/or an EU police force, I mean, it's not as though this is the 1300's and the borders are all but gone anyway. I think in part this is all about the concept of moving forward and not being a Luddite, as stated earlier the younger generations seem overwhelmingly in favour of Remain, it's just the old foggies who think it destroys their memories of the past and their image of what THEY think the country ought to look like.

Well I am definitely not old cheesy.gif middle aged maybe

We have our own tax number and pay taxes to the UK we don't need another linked to the EU...why do you think they want it? Just for the fun of it? it will be funny when all these with a lot of money are being hammered by the EU...and it will probably happen

I am all for going forward in a EU that allows countries to be countries and to work together, which I have no doubt we could do with out all the morons in Brussels putting there two pence in

Younger generations generally didn't see it in the beginning when it was the EEC and the EFTA, they only know what it is today so can't really make an informed choice only being apart of one side and yes maybe the devil you know is a better option for them. Older foggies as you put it have seen both sides and prefer how it was to how it is

On a different note, if we stay in I hope things get sorted before the EU implodes on its self, there are a lot of countries struggling or starting to struggle in the EU. So how much longer will it last? Maybe forever...maybe not. Better to be in the lifeboat now that wait for it to start sinking. You can only bail out for so long

I'm 67 and I've lived all over the world and consider myself worldly wise yet I support Remain. I also have a UK tax ID and NI Number, a US SSc number and a tax ID, I also have a Thai tax ID and I pay taxes in all three countries. So having an EU tax number is no great shakes for me and I can't see really why anybody else is getting excited about it.

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I wonder how many of the remain (if they win) will be moaning when the UK has to pay more in to the EU and when they as individuals have to pay more tax to the EU because of this EU Tax number, because when it hits in the pocket it hurts.

Yes it was great being a member of the EEC and the EFTA. But what it has become is not what we originally joined. Everything has crept up on us and It Will get worse.

All I see all the time is people going on about how much the Pound will slip, how much houses will drop (not a bad thing really as its getting out of hand), blackmailing OAP's with their pensions etc etc

But not many talk about how much of a hold the EU has on the UK and how it is going to get worse. This is kind of swept under the carpet.

I posed these the other day and still got no answers, but if you mention money then holy hell breaks loose

Why do we need a European Tax number? What has it to do with them how much tax I, we pay. Its another route of a slow, stealth take over. I am not saying we have a great Tax office ourselves but its ours

Why do we need an EU army which in my eyes would be detrimental to HM Forces? I am all for military exercises and common goals but as for the EU Army! Quite a lot of the countries in the EU are in NATO, which quite frankly doesn't have a lot of back bone anyway (look at the Ukraine). Do you think the EU Army will have more, not a chance. It will be another bottomless money pit to pay into with nothing in return. Again its another way of a closer take over

Why do we need a EU Police force? We have interpol and yes the EU arrest warrant is ok, but I am sure countries could have this agreement without all the other stuff that goes with it and I believe there is a new arrangement to allow countries to take their ar53holes back quicker, I am pretty sure that if countries worked at it they could have this also. That way it would not be another bottomless money pit

We also as a country have to be careful who we as a 'Democratic Country' vote for, because according to No Mark Junker if he doesn't like the person a country democratically votes for he won't deal with them, eh! Who does he think he is? Isn't that more like a dictatorship? I hate being dictated to http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/05/24/eu-vows-use-new-powers-block-elected-far-right-populists-power/

It was in The Times but couldn't get the full page, not a member.

Then he had the gall to threaten us

If people think not taking a hit in the wallet for a bit is worth being told what to do by some T055er in Brussels then its sad and it will only get worse. I don't like I told you so's but...............

Have you stopped to think that currently it seems, at least half the country thinks that we should Remain, more than that in many cases they think that remaining is a good thing, many even think it's a very very good thing. Many don't have a problem with an EU tax number, why ever not. And why not achieve the economies of scale of an EU military and/or an EU police force, I mean, it's not as though this is the 1300's and the borders are all but gone anyway. I think in part this is all about the concept of moving forward and not being a Luddite, as stated earlier the younger generations seem overwhelmingly in favour of Remain, it's just the old foggies who think it destroys their memories of the past and their image of what THEY think the country ought to look like.

Well I am definitely not old cheesy.gif middle aged maybe

We have our own tax number and pay taxes to the UK we don't need another linked to the EU...why do you think they want it? Just for the fun of it? it will be funny when all these with a lot of money are being hammered by the EU...and it will probably happen

I am all for going forward in a EU that allows countries to be countries and to work together, which I have no doubt we could do with out all the morons in Brussels putting there two pence in

Younger generations generally didn't see it in the beginning when it was the EEC and the EFTA, they only know what it is today so can't really make an informed choice only being apart of one side and yes maybe the devil you know is a better option for them. Older foggies as you put it have seen both sides and prefer how it was to how it is

On a different note, if we stay in I hope things get sorted before the EU implodes on its self, there are a lot of countries struggling or starting to struggle in the EU. So how much longer will it last? Maybe forever...maybe not. Better to be in the lifeboat now that wait for it to start sinking. You can only bail out for so long

I'm 67 and I've lived all over the world and consider myself worldly wise yet I support Remain. I also have a UK tax ID and NI Number, a US SSc number and a tax ID, I also have a Thai tax ID and I pay taxes in all three countries. So having an EU tax number is no great shakes for me and I can't see really why anybody else is getting excited about it.

My point is why do we need it? We don't! its just another way of trying to take over and control other countries. If you have these tax numbers then its probably to do with business or drawing money from theses countries? (I could be wrong) Not because some useless knacker in the EU says you have to have it so they can meddle

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I wonder how many of the remain (if they win) will be moaning when the UK has to pay more in to the EU and when they as individuals have to pay more tax to the EU because of this EU Tax number, because when it hits in the pocket it hurts.

Yes it was great being a member of the EEC and the EFTA. But what it has become is not what we originally joined. Everything has crept up on us and It Will get worse.

All I see all the time is people going on about how much the Pound will slip, how much houses will drop (not a bad thing really as its getting out of hand), blackmailing OAP's with their pensions etc etc

But not many talk about how much of a hold the EU has on the UK and how it is going to get worse. This is kind of swept under the carpet.

I posed these the other day and still got no answers, but if you mention money then holy hell breaks loose

Why do we need a European Tax number? What has it to do with them how much tax I, we pay. Its another route of a slow, stealth take over. I am not saying we have a great Tax office ourselves but its ours

Why do we need an EU army which in my eyes would be detrimental to HM Forces? I am all for military exercises and common goals but as for the EU Army! Quite a lot of the countries in the EU are in NATO, which quite frankly doesn't have a lot of back bone anyway (look at the Ukraine). Do you think the EU Army will have more, not a chance. It will be another bottomless money pit to pay into with nothing in return. Again its another way of a closer take over

Why do we need a EU Police force? We have interpol and yes the EU arrest warrant is ok, but I am sure countries could have this agreement without all the other stuff that goes with it and I believe there is a new arrangement to allow countries to take their ar53holes back quicker, I am pretty sure that if countries worked at it they could have this also. That way it would not be another bottomless money pit

We also as a country have to be careful who we as a 'Democratic Country' vote for, because according to No Mark Junker if he doesn't like the person a country democratically votes for he won't deal with them, eh! Who does he think he is? Isn't that more like a dictatorship? I hate being dictated to http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/05/24/eu-vows-use-new-powers-block-elected-far-right-populists-power/

It was in The Times but couldn't get the full page, not a member.

Then he had the gall to threaten us

If people think not taking a hit in the wallet for a bit is worth being told what to do by some T055er in Brussels then its sad and it will only get worse. I don't like I told you so's but...............

Have you stopped to think that currently it seems, at least half the country thinks that we should Remain, more than that in many cases they think that remaining is a good thing, many even think it's a very very good thing. Many don't have a problem with an EU tax number, why ever not. And why not achieve the economies of scale of an EU military and/or an EU police force, I mean, it's not as though this is the 1300's and the borders are all but gone anyway. I think in part this is all about the concept of moving forward and not being a Luddite, as stated earlier the younger generations seem overwhelmingly in favour of Remain, it's just the old foggies who think it destroys their memories of the past and their image of what THEY think the country ought to look like.

Well I am definitely not old cheesy.gif middle aged maybe

We have our own tax number and pay taxes to the UK we don't need another linked to the EU...why do you think they want it? Just for the fun of it? it will be funny when all these with a lot of money are being hammered by the EU...and it will probably happen

I am all for going forward in a EU that allows countries to be countries and to work together, which I have no doubt we could do with out all the morons in Brussels putting there two pence in

Younger generations generally didn't see it in the beginning when it was the EEC and the EFTA, they only know what it is today so can't really make an informed choice only being apart of one side and yes maybe the devil you know is a better option for them. Older foggies as you put it have seen both sides and prefer how it was to how it is

On a different note, if we stay in I hope things get sorted before the EU implodes on its self, there are a lot of countries struggling or starting to struggle in the EU. So how much longer will it last? Maybe forever...maybe not. Better to be in the lifeboat now that wait for it to start sinking. You can only bail out for so long

I'm 67 and I've lived all over the world and consider myself worldly wise yet I support Remain. I also have a UK tax ID and NI Number, a US SSc number and a tax ID, I also have a Thai tax ID and I pay taxes in all three countries. So having an EU tax number is no great shakes for me and I can't see really why anybody else is getting excited about it.

Because it implies that they are looking to impose their own tax? But I could be wrong about this as perhaps there is another reasonable explanation?

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Well I am definitely not old cheesy.gif middle aged maybe

Have you stopped to think that currently it seems, at least half the country thinks that we should Remain, more than that in many cases they think that remaining is a good thing, many even think it's a very very good thing. Many don't have a problem with an EU tax number, why ever not. And why not achieve the economies of scale of an EU military and/or an EU police force, I mean, it's not as though this is the 1300's and the borders are all but gone anyway. I think in part this is all about the concept of moving forward and not being a Luddite, as stated earlier the younger generations seem overwhelmingly in favour of Remain, it's just the old foggies who think it destroys their memories of the past and their image of what THEY think the country ought to look like.

We have our own tax number and pay taxes to the UK we don't need another linked to the EU...why do you think they want it? Just for the fun of it? it will be funny when all these with a lot of money are being hammered by the EU...and it will probably happen

I am all for going forward in a EU that allows countries to be countries and to work together, which I have no doubt we could do with out all the morons in Brussels putting there two pence in

Younger generations generally didn't see it in the beginning when it was the EEC and the EFTA, they only know what it is today so can't really make an informed choice only being apart of one side and yes maybe the devil you know is a better option for them. Older foggies as you put it have seen both sides and prefer how it was to how it is

On a different note, if we stay in I hope things get sorted before the EU implodes on its self, there are a lot of countries struggling or starting to struggle in the EU. So how much longer will it last? Maybe forever...maybe not. Better to be in the lifeboat now that wait for it to start sinking. You can only bail out for so long

I'm 67 and I've lived all over the world and consider myself worldly wise yet I support Remain. I also have a UK tax ID and NI Number, a US SSc number and a tax ID, I also have a Thai tax ID and I pay taxes in all three countries. So having an EU tax number is no great shakes for me and I can't see really why anybody else is getting excited about it.

Because it implies that they are looking to impose their own tax? But I could be wrong about this as perhaps there is another reasonable explanation?

there maybe another explanation....but I doubt it

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Here is a simple take on things.

UK exits the EU

Sterling drops by 10%

Exporters are charged 5% to 10 % tariffs by EU countries - I don't believe this will happen but there is a contra there. 10% gain on exchange rate with 10% tariff

So far the exporters don't gain/lose

Now look at the consumer

We exit the EU and sterling drops 10%

However, we remove all tariffs on all countries across the world.

Prices go up 10% due to the exchange rate but fall in real terms due to the tariffs being reduced to ALL countries.

We could now see 5 to 10% reduction in prices for consumers.

Therefore the consumers are now happy & the economy should grow

UK is approx 65% consumption, 30 % exports so the consumer gains outweigh the contra on exporters.

Add to this 10 billion we save from EU fees, access to our waters to fish again (hopefully) & we should thrive. Take the shackles off the UK.

Migrants we still come to support our economy, but we will have a bit more control than we do now.

We also become masters of our own destiny again & get rid of all those faceless bureaucrats.

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Once we leave we can make a unilateral decision to become tariff free to all of the countries of the world.

Now that will be fantastic for the UK

Every crackpot theory going hanging on to the LEAVE campaign like a bunch of barnacles. Add the above one to the accusation that the EU is an evil capitalist conspiracy coexisting with the other bunch accusing the EU of being an evil socialist conspiracy. Everybody friends on this ship! Reminds me of the dead crew on Pirates of the Caribbean.


Edited by SheungWan
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Here is a simple take on things.

UK exits the EU

Sterling drops by 10%

Exporters are charged 5% to 10 % tariffs by EU countries - I don't believe this will happen but there is a contra there. 10% gain on exchange rate with 10% tariff

So far the exporters don't gain/lose

Now look at the consumer

We exit the EU and sterling drops 10%

However, we remove all tariffs on all countries across the world.

Prices go up 10% due to the exchange rate but fall in real terms due to the tariffs being reduced to ALL countries.

We could now see 5 to 10% reduction in prices for consumers.

Therefore the consumers are now happy & the economy should grow

UK is approx 65% consumption, 30 % exports so the consumer gains outweigh the contra on exporters.

Add to this 10 billion we save from EU fees, access to our waters to fish again (hopefully) & we should thrive. Take the shackles off the UK.

Migrants we still come to support our economy, but we will have a bit more control than we do now.

We also become masters of our own destiny again & get rid of all those faceless bureaucrats.

Every day we read clueless suggestions from the LEAVE forum team, not one of whom appears to have studied economics at any time whatsoever. But Hey-Ho! Carry On!

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Once we leave we can make a unilateral decision to become tariff free to all of the countries of the world.

Now that will be fantastic for the UK

Every crackpot theory going hanging on to the LEAVE campaign like a bunch of barnacles. Add the above one to the accusation that the EU is an evil capitalist conspiracy coexisting with the other bunch accusing the EU of being an evil socialist conspiracy. Everybody friends on this ship! Reminds me of the dead crew on Pirates of the Caribbean.


now why am I not at all surprised which side you are supportingrolleyes.gif

and such a very predictable comment from you

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Once we leave we can make a unilateral decision to become tariff free to all of the countries of the world.

Now that will be fantastic for the UK

Every crackpot theory going hanging on to the LEAVE campaign like a bunch of barnacles. Add the above one to the accusation that the EU is an evil capitalist conspiracy coexisting with the other bunch accusing the EU of being an evil socialist conspiracy. Everybody friends on this ship! Reminds me of the dead crew on Pirates of the Caribbean.


now why am I not at all surprised which side you are supportingrolleyes.gif

and such a very predictable comment from you

I have read his posts they are always negative, never brings anything to the thread but insults.

I get the impresion he may well not even be entitled to vote.

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Here is a simple take on things.

UK exits the EU

Sterling drops by 10%

Exporters are charged 5% to 10 % tariffs by EU countries - I don't believe this will happen but there is a contra there. 10% gain on exchange rate with 10% tariff

So far the exporters don't gain/lose

Now look at the consumer

We exit the EU and sterling drops 10%

However, we remove all tariffs on all countries across the world.

Prices go up 10% due to the exchange rate but fall in real terms due to the tariffs being reduced to ALL countries.

We could now see 5 to 10% reduction in prices for consumers.

Therefore the consumers are now happy & the economy should grow

UK is approx 65% consumption, 30 % exports so the consumer gains outweigh the contra on exporters.

Add to this 10 billion we save from EU fees, access to our waters to fish again (hopefully) & we should thrive. Take the shackles off the UK.

Migrants we still come to support our economy, but we will have a bit more control than we do now.

We also become masters of our own destiny again & get rid of all those faceless bureaucrats.

Every day we read clueless suggestions from the LEAVE forum team, not one of whom appears to have studied economics at any time whatsoever. But Hey-Ho! Carry On!

Whether or not we agree with Robboalex's opinion is an individual choice.

More interestingly, the German foreign minister has admitted that Brexit could result in the collapse of the EU. So its hardly suprising that vested interests are producing economic 'studies' that support their viewpoint. These 'studies' are only could/may etc.... Their economic qualifications have obviously done them the world of good as, like the rest of us, they can only guess at the outcome.

Mind you, Osborne came out with a future budget in the event of Brexit - and it was shot down in short order as a scare tactic that had no basis in reality as it wouldn't be supported.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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And now that Germany has admitted that it is concerned that a Brexit vote could lead to a collapse of the EU, we all now know why.

= typical "leave bo llocks fairy tale" coffee1.gif

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a slightly off topic but related question:

"how many resident fierce BRexit supporters live in homes with balconies?" ermm.gif

Me for one.

I live in a house with 2 floors on about 15 rai of land.

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And now that Germany has admitted that it is concerned that a Brexit vote could lead to a collapse of the EU, we all now know why.

= typical "leave bo llocks fairy tale" coffee1.gif

You have a point in that the headline was slightly exaggerated, the actual quote was "It would not just carry on as 28 [members] minus one. It would require concerted efforts to ensure that the union holds together and that a decades-long, successful integration effort does not end in disintegration."

The quote has made it v clear that it would be a major problem and it would require "concerted efforts to ensure the union holds together".

So not quite a fairy tale.

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