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Trump's personal attacks on judge spark GOP concerns


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No you cannot yell fire in a crowded theater and not face possible prosecution. The first amendment protects Freedom of Speech, but it does not protect dangerous speech. There has been a Supreme Court case about this.

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The Trump conversation following his normal pattern will go something like this:

1. The judge is biased because he's Mexican - check

2. The judge is biased because of his Mexican heritage - check

3. The judge is biased because my team of dirt diggers found his name in a Google Search that contained La Raza - check ***

4. The judge isn't being fair to me and it has nothing to do with 1, 2 and 3 - check

5. I never said any of 1, 2 and 3.

*** (Note: This is normally phrased as "I heard that...... ).

Edited by Chicog
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The Trump conversation following his normal pattern will go something like this:

1. The judge is biased because he's Mexican- check

2. The judge is biased because of his Mexican heritage - check

3. The judge is biased because my team of dirt diggers found his name in a Google Search that contained La Raza - check

4. The judge isn't being fair to me and it has nothing to do with 1, 2 and 3 - check

5. I never said any of 1, 2 and 3.

Correction: the very first item has to be:

1. Has the judge given me a favorable ruling?

If yes, he's absolutely wonderful. If not, then your list is spot on.

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"For example, can you scream out 'FIRE' in a crowded space when there's no fire and cause mayhem with no legal consequences in the US? Please, enlighten me!"

You lost it right there because Trump hasn't yelled "fire" in a crowded theater. He is redressing grievances against the government - a specific Constitutional right. He is giving his opinions about everything he thinks is wrong in the country - a Constitutional right. He is holding assemblies to rail against the government - a Constitutional right.

You don't need to go over the top and exaggerate what Trump is doing. He is making political speech about things he hates seeing happen to our country.

BTW I was watching TV and in demonstrations in Europe there were people holding up Trump signs.



For example, can you scream out 'FIRE' in a crowded space when there's no fire and cause mayhem with no legal consequences in the US? Please, enlighten me!

Nice deflection, but please answer my original question if you can.

'Can you scream out 'FIRE' in a crowded space when there's no fire and cause mayhem with no legal consequences in the US?' I am interested to know this.

As to going over the top, I'll leave that to the man himself and his acolytes. I can't top the drivel coming out of both parties there!

C'mon NeverSure, it's not Rocket Surgery. And Cheers to you as well me old mukker, mine's a Tiger Draught thanks

You just do not understand the concept of Free Speech in the USA under the 1st Amendment. 'There' you mean the USA ... "I can't top the drivel coming out of both parties there!" It is not your prerogative to do anything about it even if you were an American citizen. An American can vote his / her convictions to vote against a person who uses speech you do not like. And for the second time I will answer your question... no you cannot yell fire when there is no fire in a crowded area... Because it can cause physical harm ... Emotional harm is not protected... it is Free Speech... In America we do not have a nanny state (yet) to protect people's hurt feelings...

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Onya Scott, so there are limits to free speech in the US. That's all I was asking.

But those limits are not for the reasons you want to hear... Mommy he called me a name ... waaaaa...

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PC at a basic level means non-prejudicial and non-offensive speaking. Some folks do carry it on too far, I agree with that, but basically "political correctness" is ideas and speech that do not offend any group of people. How can you possibly be against that?

You don't understand America or Americans even if you are one. The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech.

Think about this. The right to freedom of speech means the right to be disagreeable and even offensive or they wouldn't need to guarantee you the right!! No one needs a guaranteed right to be PC.

Within American culture Trump is exercising his Constitutional rights and that's why his supporters are eating it up. They are sick and tired of SJW's telling them how they may speak. NOW they have a leader who says 'screw it.'

Those who think Trump is offending his supporters have it bass ackwards. Many support him because HE give THEM the example of how to throw off the recent chains of political correctness and be themselves.


There's heaps I don't understand NeverSure. The difference between my good self and some other folks on this forum is that I constantly want to learn and understand, and it's a continual ongoing process. And for your info I am not American. There's a hint in my icon as to where I'm from.


Planet Numbnuts?

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PC at a basic level means non-prejudicial and non-offensive speaking. Some folks do carry it on too far, I agree with that, but basically "political correctness" is ideas and speech that do not offend any group of people. How can you possibly be against that?

You don't understand America or Americans even if you are one. The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech.

Think about this. The right to freedom of speech means the right to be disagreeable and even offensive or they wouldn't need to guarantee you the right!! No one needs a guaranteed right to be PC.

Within American culture Trump is exercising his Constitutional rights and that's why his supporters are eating it up. They are sick and tired of SJW's telling them how they may speak. NOW they have a leader who says 'screw it.'

Those who think Trump is offending his supporters have it bass ackwards. Many support him because HE give THEM the example of how to throw off the recent chains of political correctness and be themselves.


There's heaps I don't understand NeverSure. The difference between my good self and some other folks on this forum is that I constantly want to learn and understand, and it's a continual ongoing process. And for your info I am not American. There's a hint in my icon as to where I'm from.


Planet Numbnuts?

No not planet numbnuts - nothing so exotic just an ordinary Aussie -- the kind that lined up and gave their guns away ... because the government said so...

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Yeah Right --- this judge is going to be impartial about Trump ... hahahahahaha .... OMG ... impartial - what a joke...

So you're still pushing this agenda, even though Trump himself has already tried to distance himself from it. So explain this: Why did just about every Republican denounce Trump's attack as being racist, or inexcusable, or wrong, etc.? And why...


A lot of folks in the GOP don't agree with you. Why is that?

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You don't understand America or Americans even if you are one. The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech.

Think about this. The right to freedom of speech means the right to be disagreeable and even offensive or they wouldn't need to guarantee you the right!! No one needs a guaranteed right to be PC.

Within American culture Trump is exercising his Constitutional rights and that's why his supporters are eating it up. They are sick and tired of SJW's telling them how they may speak. NOW they have a leader who says 'screw it.'

Those who think Trump is offending his supporters have it bass ackwards. Many support him because HE give THEM the example of how to throw off the recent chains of political correctness and be themselves.


There's heaps I don't understand NeverSure. The difference between my good self and some other folks on this forum is that I constantly want to learn and understand, and it's a continual ongoing process. And for your info I am not American. There's a hint in my icon as to where I'm from.


Planet Numbnuts?

No not planet numbnuts - nothing so exotic just an ordinary Aussie -- the kind that lined up and gave their guns away ... because the government said so...

Lol ordinary Aussie? Ah JDGRUEN you win a biccy! Get it INTA YAAAAA son! gigglem.gif

About the only thing you got right. I am an ordinary Aussie and I'm proud of it. Next!


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Onya Scott, so there are limits to free speech in the US. That's all I was asking.

But those limits are not for the reasons you want to hear... Mommy he called me a name ... waaaaa...

I just don't like seeing people being abused because they fall outside the status quo, for any reason. Is that too hard to grasp?

I am big and ugly enough to look after myself. I am an Aussie (fifth gen on my mum's side and seventh gen on my dad's side) white Anglo-Saxon male. I have never experienced prejudice because of who I am. But I know plenty of mates who have. I'm sure if you'd be honest with yourself you'd admit to seeing it too.

Trump lost me forever when he had a go at the disabled reporter. Belittled him in the eyes of the world. And all the crowd cheering him on... again, is this what you want in your leader?

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PC at a basic level means non-prejudicial and non-offensive speaking. Some folks do carry it on too far, I agree with that, but basically "political correctness" is ideas and speech that do not offend any group of people. How can you possibly be against that?

You don't understand America or Americans even if you are one. The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech.

Think about this. The right to freedom of speech means the right to be disagreeable and even offensive or they wouldn't need to guarantee you the right!! No one needs a guaranteed right to be PC.

Within American culture Trump is exercising his Constitutional rights and that's why his supporters are eating it up. They are sick and tired of SJW's telling them how they may speak. NOW they have a leader who says 'screw it.'

Those who think Trump is offending his supporters have it bass ackwards. Many support him because HE give THEM the example of how to throw off the recent chains of political correctness and be themselves.


There's heaps I don't understand NeverSure. The difference between my good self and some other folks on this forum is that I constantly want to learn and understand, and it's a continual ongoing process. And for your info I am not American. There's a hint in my icon as to where I'm from.


Planet Numbnuts?

NOW we're talkin'! thumbsup.gif

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Yeah Right --- this judge is going to be impartial about Trump ... hahahahahaha .... OMG ... impartial - what a joke...

So you're still pushing this agenda, even though Trump himself has already tried to distance himself from it. So explain this: Why did just about every Republican denounce Trump's attack as being racist, or inexcusable, or wrong, etc.? And why...


A lot of folks in the GOP don't agree with you. Why is that?

There's a pretty simple answer to that. Self interest. The GOP is an elite establishment who are nervous at the thought of Trump and they just might find their power base eroded and their cushy positions challenged and pushed aside by an unpredictable POTUS.Career polititians from both sides don't know how to handle Trump.There is still a lot not on side and even eager to withdraw their support.Some would rather support Hillary and lose the election than have a clean out and restructuring of the Rep party. Trump has already said it's corrupt.

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Yeah Right --- this judge is going to be impartial about Trump ... hahahahahaha .... OMG ... impartial - what a joke...


You obviously know nothing about the proud sense of community Hispanics create and foster, particularly when one of their own attains prominence. They act as mentors and coaches to other aspiring Latinos, many from underprivileged homes. It has absolutely nothing to do with creating divisions with non-Latinos, it's all about assisting others, not putting others down or engaging in radical actions against the "white man."

Such a misunderstanding is illustrative of the nature of Trump supporters.

The most venal thing about what Trump said actually goes beyond racism. It is that he is intentionally stirring up ethnic animosity in order to deflect scrutiny of the abundant evidence that he and his trained sharks bilked hundreds of people out of the many thousands of dollars they paid for worthless courses at his “university.” And, in so doing, Trump is defaming Curiel, a respected jurist and former prosecutor whom the last Republican governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, calls a hero in the fight against Mexican drug cartels.


Trump is surely driving away educated whites and voters from diverse cultures, and we've seen the panic and fear in the rest of the Republican party as they watch their party with Trump leading it morphing into some sort of modern rerun of the Archie Bunker show.

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Those who think Trump is offending his supporters have it bass ackwards. Many support him because HE give THEM the example of how to throw off the recent chains of political correctness and be themselves. Cheers.

I don't think anyone, right or left, thinks Trump is offending his supporters. Rather, it's plain he's pandering to his supporters, fanning the flames of their fears and prejudices and their feelings of being 2nd rate and inadequate.

A professional hypnotists was a guest on Maher's talk show in recent weeks. The hypnotist was asked why Trump is so effective with his followers. He said it's much about the power of suggestion, and lauded Trump for being so effective. The hypnotist mentioned a part of a recent Trump speech where Trump used two phrases, back to back, to describe HRC. He said "crooked Hillary" then he said "evil Hillary" several times. When he said one, he motioned with his right hand (like a waiter at restaurant might do to elicit a response from a customer "do you want this one or not?"). When Trump said the other disparaging characterization he motioned with his other arm, open palmed. Right side with one phrase, left side with the other, each time watching/listening to his fans to see which put-down got a bigger response. You get the picture? Trump was using his audience to see which phrase to use, and which to drop. He's playing his fans like the hot-headed sheeple they are, and he's loving every minute of the manipulation process. If he used the same method and said (with his right hand motion) "nuke Beijing?" And then immediately switch to his left hand, "nuke Moscow?" he would be playing his fans the same way, to see which elicited the most boisterous response.

and we've seen the panic and fear in the rest of the Republican party as they watch their party with Trump leading it morphing into some sort of modern rerun of the Archie Bunker show.

Except Archie Bunker was like an overgrown teddy bear. He was a bit racist, but no big deal, and he did it with humor. Trump, on the other hand, is as cute as an infected open wound. And his humor quotient is on a level with the guy who purposefully bumps into you on the dance floor to make you look clumsy to the girl you're dancing with - and then laughs and mocks you as you lose your balance and slip to the floor. Then he tries to walk away with your girl, but she stomps a well placed stiletto heel on through the thin leather of his penny loafers.

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snip... but basically "political correctness" is ideas and speech that do not offend any group of people. How can you possibly be against that?

"How can you possibly be against that?"

I can be wholeheartedly against that. We need a free marketplace of ideas or one set of ideas will dominate as "politically correct", stifling all other ideas which is tyranny.

Why are you afraid of words that have ideas you don't agree with? Do you place any value on freedom?

Here's what PC speech does. It continually gives preference to minority groups who then become the oppressors because the majority has been silenced. Note that minority groups have no problem having their groups such as La Raza or Al Sharpton with his black people preference.

The fight for some mythical equality oppresses the majority until they are afraid to even speak! YOU are you own worst enemy, having allowed a minority to silence you.


Edited by NeverSure
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Yeah Right --- this judge is going to be impartial about Trump ... hahahahahaha .... OMG ... impartial - what a joke...


Perhaps the judge would be biased...perhaps not. A judge has a lot of latitude and can apply a bias in a case either deliberately or subconsciously.

If you are called to jury duty in a case where the defendant is a high profile person who openly voices a position offensive to some Hispanics, and your resume' looks like the one above, you would likely never be selected for the jury.

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Yeah Right --- this judge is going to be impartial about Trump ... hahahahahaha .... OMG ... impartial - what a joke...


Perhaps the judge would be biased...perhaps not. A judge has a lot of latitude and can apply a bias in a case either deliberately or subconsciously.

If you are called to jury duty in a case where the defendant is a high profile person who openly voices a position offensive to some Hispanics, and your resume' looks like the one above, you would likely never be selected for the jury.

No, of course that person would not be selected, and the judge would approve the jurist rejection because of a more than reasonable belief of impartiality.

As Neversure suggests, it's a one way street. Race has been used as a fulcrum to injure the majority under the premise of equality in opportunity. However, it's become equality in outcomes and it's leveraged by a double racist standard in the US. It's run to the toilet and vomit disgusting the way racism is celebrated in America as not-racism.

Always a one way street.

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Yeah Right --- this judge is going to be impartial about Trump ... hahahahahaha .... OMG ... impartial - what a joke...

So you're still pushing this agenda, even though Trump himself has already tried to distance himself from it. So explain this: Why did just about every Republican denounce Trump's attack as being racist, or inexcusable, or wrong, etc.? And why...


A lot of folks in the GOP don't agree with you. Why is that?

Not every Republican denounced it. Only the Republican Elitist Establishment who have been trying to derail Trump from the start - so what they say does not mean anything to me... Their words are not new. Trumps 'restatement' is just to slow down the constant drum beat of anti-Trump from the Liberal - Leftist U.S. News Media - he is learning the style of a politician. And actually the BIAS from this judge is even worse... If you think we have a Blind - Objective judicial system in the U.S. you are very naive.

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You don't understand America or Americans even if you are one. The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech.

Think about this. The right to freedom of speech means the right to be disagreeable and even offensive or they wouldn't need to guarantee you the right!! No one needs a guaranteed right to be PC.

Within American culture Trump is exercising his Constitutional rights and that's why his supporters are eating it up. They are sick and tired of SJW's telling them how they may speak. NOW they have a leader who says 'screw it.'

Those who think Trump is offending his supporters have it bass ackwards. Many support him because HE give THEM the example of how to throw off the recent chains of political correctness and be themselves.


There's heaps I don't understand NeverSure. The difference between my good self and some other folks on this forum is that I constantly want to learn and understand, and it's a continual ongoing process. And for your info I am not American. There's a hint in my icon as to where I'm from.


Planet Numbnuts?

No not planet numbnuts - nothing so exotic just an ordinary Aussie -- the kind that lined up and gave their guns away ... because the government said so...

Lol ordinary Aussie? Ah JDGRUEN you win a biccy! Get it INTA YAAAAA son! gigglem.gif

About the only thing you got right. I am an ordinary Aussie and I'm proud of it. Next!


An ordinary Aussie who knows next to nothing about politics and constitutional rights in the United States of America...

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Vice President Biden said today Trump's statements about the judge are "racist". He said Trump is "authoritarian."

Republicans and the national rightwing are stopping the appointment of Judge Garland so that Trump can fill the appointment as potus.

Benito lives!

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Vice President Biden said today Trump's statements about the judge are "racist". He said Trump is "authoritarian."

Republicans and the national rightwing are stopping the appointment of Judge Garland so that Trump can fill the appointment as potus.

Benito lives!

But Republicans are scared sh!tless that they won't be able to control or influence Trump if he is elected POTUS. Scary times indeed for the GOP, America and the world.

Moreover, because of the deep flaws in Clinton as a candidate, the election of Trump is possible, though not probable, as much as you have documented all the reasons Trump can't win.

The right wing has created a gruesome monster, and will rue the day if this guy becomes President.

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snip... but basically "political correctness" is ideas and speech that do not offend any group of people. How can you possibly be against that?

"How can you possibly be against that?"

I can be wholeheartedly against that. We need a free marketplace of ideas or one set of ideas will dominate as "politically correct", stifling all other ideas which is tyranny.

Why are you afraid of words that have ideas you don't agree with? Do you place any value on freedom?

Here's what PC speech does. It continually gives preference to minority groups who then become the oppressors because the majority has been silenced. Note that minority groups have no problem having their groups such as La Raza or Al Sharpton with his black people preference.

The fight for some mythical equality oppresses the majority until they are afraid to even speak! YOU are you own worst enemy, having allowed a minority to silence you.


Well we're going to have to agree to disagree NeverSure.

To be clear though I was not referring to any interaction further on then the individual. The day to day interactions we all have at times with folks from all over the world. THAT is what I was referring to when I said we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water.

I agree PC has been used to further agendas and stifle debate which is never a good thing. If an intellectual argument can be made against anything, ie religion, race, politics then you should be free to make it. Just a little bit of decorum is required BY ALL PARTIES. Is that too much to ask?

Mate, I'm not afraid of anything. Sounds like you blokes on the right side of the political fence are the ones who are afraid. And how can being respectful to your neighbours for example be an infringement on your freedom? I'm not talking about going to the mosque with them, just a simple 'g'day' in the morning...

Anyways, this conversation is a waste of time, I know it's pushing shit uphill so knock yourself out NeverSure if you want, I'm outa here.

I'm going to say 'G'day' to my neighbour... or maybe even 'Cheers'

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Yeah Right --- this judge is going to be impartial about Trump ... hahahahahaha .... OMG ... impartial - what a joke...


Perhaps the judge would be biased...perhaps not. A judge has a lot of latitude and can apply a bias in a case either deliberately or subconsciously.

If you are called to jury duty in a case where the defendant is a high profile person who openly voices a position offensive to some Hispanics, and your resume' looks like the one above, you would likely never be selected for the jury.

No, of course that person would not be selected, and the judge would approve the jurist rejection because of a more than reasonable belief of impartiality.

As Neversure suggests, it's a one way street. Race has been used as a fulcrum to injure the majority under the premise of equality in opportunity. However, it's become equality in outcomes and it's leveraged by a double racist standard in the US. It's run to the toilet and vomit disgusting the way racism is celebrated in America as not-racism.

Always a one way street.

Anyone who actually knows how the judiciary actually functions knows that taking into account a jurist race or political opinions is ruled out by judiciary rules. And if you actually stopped to think about it instead of merely reacting you would know why. For example, most judges who are appointed by liberal presidents are liberal and those by conservative presidents are conservative. Are they to take themselves out of considertion of cases because of their beliefs? The same consideration applies to questions of ethnicity and race.

And just an aside here: The Supreme Court just ruled that Puerto Rico does not enjoy the same level of sovereignty as does a state. And you know who wrote the decision for the majority? Justice Sotomayor.

And by the way, never heard back from you about your misrepresentation of the question of all white juries in George. Let me repeat. The problem wasn't that the juries were all white. The problem was that prosecutors had potential jurors dismissed because they were black.

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There's heaps I don't understand NeverSure. The difference between my good self and some other folks on this forum is that I constantly want to learn and understand, and it's a continual ongoing process. And for your info I am not American. There's a hint in my icon as to where I'm from.


Planet Numbnuts?

No not planet numbnuts - nothing so exotic just an ordinary Aussie -- the kind that lined up and gave their guns away ... because the government said so...

Lol ordinary Aussie? Ah JDGRUEN you win a biccy! Get it INTA YAAAAA son! gigglem.gif

About the only thing you got right. I am an ordinary Aussie and I'm proud of it. Next!


An ordinary Aussie who knows next to nothing about politics and constitutional rights in the United States of America...

Lol so you're an extraordinary 'Murican I take it? Lol! How's the view from your Ivory Tower there champ?

But once again, you're right JDGRUEN, I am a card-carrying ordinary Aussie and proud of it. Your powers of deduction amaze me! Why aren't you running the country JDGRUEN, the place is going to the dogs!

Got a question for you though, you extraordinary 'Murican. Since when has it been a requirement for anyone on TV to know what they're talking about? This forum would grind to a halt overnight if that was the case!

So suck it up champ, I'm going to be throwing in my two cents worth every now and then, just for your intellectual amusement so you can giggle about how 'ordinary' some of us TV folk are.

You win another biccy JDGRUEN (don't eat them all at once) clap2.gifgiggle.gif

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Everyone is a 'racist' to some degree & Thais are some of the most racist people on earth.

Are you going to hate Thais for example because they are?

Don't think so. Trump is killing off PC Speech which needs a good thrashing. Been going on too long. Forget this so-called 'hate speech' think y'all keep banging on about. Either we have Free Speech or it's censorship. smile.png

We can't have an intelligent debate if you keep making such stupid comments. Pretty much everything you've said is untrue.

With the programmed automatic calling out RACIST by the Liberal/Left/Progressive/Socialists the impact becomes nil and the truth is - Well Not truth...

Liberal/Left/Progressive/Socialists would call a tree stump Racist if they thought it would help win a losing argument or persuade others.

Boy o boy, isn't that the absolute truth! smile.png

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The whole incident is a distraction and intended as such.

So some students were unhappy with a university course and Trump presumed there was conflict of interest with the judge on the case because of his ethnicity and there would be bias since Curiel was aware of Trump's intention to build the wall.

In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge “may and will make a difference in our judging.” “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

Judge Sotomayor, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obama’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees.


Sotomayor's ethnicity statements prove Trump was right and that minority groups can play the race card with impunity....


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Vice President Biden said today Trump's statements about the judge are "racist". He said Trump is "authoritarian."

Republicans and the national rightwing are stopping the appointment of Judge Garland so that Trump can fill the appointment as potus.

Benito lives!

But Republicans are scared sh!tless that they won't be able to control or influence Trump if he is elected POTUS. Scary times indeed for the GOP, America and the world.

Moreover, because of the deep flaws in Clinton as a candidate, the election of Trump is possible, though not probable, as much as you have documented all the reasons Trump can't win.

The right wing has created a gruesome monster, and will rue the day if this guy becomes President.

Such Over The Top Silly Rhetoric ... .

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Vice President Biden said today Trump's statements about the judge are "racist". He said Trump is "authoritarian."

Republicans and the national rightwing are stopping the appointment of Judge Garland so that Trump can fill the appointment as potus.

Benito lives!

But Republicans are scared sh!tless that they won't be able to control or influence Trump if he is elected POTUS. Scary times indeed for the GOP, America and the world.

Moreover, because of the deep flaws in Clinton as a candidate, the election of Trump is possible, though not probable, as much as you have documented all the reasons Trump can't win.

The right wing has created a gruesome monster, and will rue the day if this guy becomes President.

Such Over The Top Silly Rhetoric ... .

Funny. I've never been accused of that my entire life. wink.png

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