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German Man Kills Thai Girlfriend And Then Commits Suicide

sriracha john

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German man kills girlfriend and then commits suicide

An elderly German man, distraught that the Thai woman he loved intended to leave him for someone else, killed her by slitting her throat and then killed himself.

Their bodies were found about a week later, when Pattaya Police Station received a report at 8:00 p.m. on October 30 that the corpses of two people had been found at a residence on Soi Bongkot in South Pattaya.

Police and officers of the Sawang Boriboon Foundation went to the scene, where they found the body of Hans Dieter Witten Breder, a 65-year-old German national. He was clad only in blue underwear, and both of his wrists bore deep cuts.

About one meter away was the body of a Thai woman, aged about 35 years, of unknown identity. A sharp knife had been used to slit her throat. Shirts and pillowcases covered the corpse. Officers estimated that both of them had died about a week ago.

A fruit knife 20 cm in length and covered with blood was assumed to have been used in both deaths. There were signs of a struggle in the room, with many objects scattered around and a table fan lying in the center of the room.

At the headboard of the bed were two suicide notes written in blue ink. The first note was addressed to a close friend of the dead man and contained a message of farewell and a request to send the second letter to his family in Germany. The letter expressed his feelings of regret that he had killed the woman he loved. She had ended their relationship and left him, and that was the reason for him killing her, and then committing suicide.

Police believe there was no one else involved in the deaths, but the bodies have been transferred to the Medical Jurisprudence Institute at the Police Hospital for an autopsy. The identity of the woman has yet to be established.

- Pattaya Mail

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What's wrong with these guys???

A 30 year age gap would be hard enough in the west, coming from the same background, culture etc...But in LOS...sheeshh... :o

Seems to be the latest thing at the moment, old man gets a young gf, thinks she will be forever loyal to him, until his dying days, finds out thats not the case so decides to end both of their lives anyway! what a crazy world we are living in!

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What's wrong with these guys???

A 30 year age gap would be hard enough in the west, coming from the same background, culture etc...But in LOS...sheeshh... :o

There's nothing wrong with them. They are looking for companionship and, in many cases, I think these guys do find a loving relationship. A friend married an Asian woman 30 years his junior, baby daughter has just arrived. They have been so happy since the moment they met. I like to see all the happy couples (old men with young Thai lady) when I "people watch" at Carrefour.

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What's wrong with these guys???

A 30 year age gap would be hard enough in the west, coming from the same background, culture etc...But in LOS...sheeshh... :o

There's nothing wrong with them. They are looking for companionship and, in many cases, I think these guys do find a loving relationship. A friend married an Asian woman 30 years his junior, baby daughter has just arrived. They have been so happy since the moment they met. I like to see all the happy couples (old men with young Thai lady) when I "people watch" at Carrefour.

Exactly. When I arrived in the "big mango" around 15-16 years ago I put my feet up (well, some of the time anyway) in Nana Hotel.

I would go to the Love Club (when I wasn't dancing in my bedroom) and sit and watch these old coons (of which I am one now) and think it was ridiculous, what fools they were making of themselves. Guys of 60-70 jigging around on the floor with a girl in their late teens or early twenty's.

AND, then I stopped to think....

These guys were not so stupid, here they were having the time of their lives with a beautiful brown skinned young lady. A female who at least for that moment in time was devoting all her attention on "her" man.

Where the men came from a women any younger than 55 would be looking down their noses at them, and if they did look at them, he would be looking back at loads of cellulite etc.

I don't condone murder but the results of the eternal triangle have been with us since time began and was immortalised by the Kingston Trio in "Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley"

It shouldn never come as a surprise.

People should never go out of their way to hurt another person, and this means shouldn't hurt them emotionally either.

Different people have different tolerances to pain whether it be physical or emotional and one shouldn't test their thresholds. (unless they have considered the consequence)

Again I do not condone the taking of another's life but all too often it is the result. Not just in the realm. And, in the realm not just by farang.

You just need to look at the Thai language newspapers to see that it occurs on a daily basis.

May they both "Rest in Peace"

Edited by john b good
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Yes, well said johnbgood.

Murder suicide does seem to happen here more so than elsewhere but maybe it's because there is a lot of temptation in the LOS for both sexes, especially if your Teeruk is of the bar.

On your other point, I actually look at these older guys with young gf's with admiration.

Their choices are; a beautiful young gf in Asia, or, a 55+ woman from Farangland.

Which would you prefer.

My father, 61, recently came over to Asia with his 61 year old Oz "girlfriend". I couldn't imagine how anyone could be genuinely be happy with his situation. He is a good looking and successful man. I certainly wont be following in his footsteps as far as relationships go.

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Yes, well said johnbgood.

Murder suicide does seem to happen here more so than elsewhere but maybe it's because there is a lot of temptation in the LOS for both sexes, especially if your Teeruk is of the bar.

On your other point, I actually look at these older guys with young gf's with admiration.

Their choices are; a beautiful young gf in Asia, or, a 55+ woman from Farangland.

Which would you prefer.

My father, 61, recently came over to Asia with his 61 year old Oz "girlfriend". I couldn't imagine how anyone could be genuinely be happy with his situation. He is a good looking and successful man. I certainly wont be following in his footsteps as far as relationships go.

Let's wait and see! And your Dad and his gf probably have much in common to do and talk about. Good for them! I have a male aquaintance of 80+ who has recently taken a gf of 60+ and they are soooooooo happy! Good for them too!

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Yes, well said johnbgood.

Murder suicide does seem to happen here more so than elsewhere but maybe it's because there is a lot of temptation in the LOS for both sexes, especially if your Teeruk is of the bar.

On your other point, I actually look at these older guys with young gf's with admiration.

Their choices are; a beautiful young gf in Asia, or, a 55+ woman from Farangland.

Which would you prefer.

My father, 61, recently came over to Asia with his 61 year old Oz "girlfriend". I couldn't imagine how anyone could be genuinely be happy with his situation. He is a good looking and successful man. I certainly wont be following in his footsteps as far as relationships go.

your choice of words, "older guys", you are a wipper snapper, get a life experience b4 you star dishing out advice to us older guys :o

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Yes, well said johnbgood.

Murder suicide does seem to happen here more so than elsewhere but maybe it's because there is a lot of temptation in the LOS for both sexes, especially if your Teeruk is of the bar.

On your other point, I actually look at these older guys with young gf's with admiration.

Their choices are; a beautiful young gf in Asia, or, a 55+ woman from Farangland.

Which would you prefer.

My father, 61, recently came over to Asia with his 61 year old Oz "girlfriend". I couldn't imagine how anyone could be genuinely be happy with his situation. He is a good looking and successful man. I certainly wont be following in his footsteps as far as relationships go.

Your arrogance is only superceded by your immaturity. No doubt your father has told you this before.

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The thing I can't quite understand is how naive some people are. Don't they see that most of this is about money? If she wants to leave him, so be it. He can probably "trade up" at this point anyway. I have no idea why he would think she is the only one around.

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