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Drought Worsens In Thailand, 6.5 Million Affected

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Drought worsens in Thailand, 6.5 million affected


BANGKOK: Some 6.5 million people across Thailand are suffering from a serious regional drought that threatens to devastate even more of the kingdom during the dryest time of year, officials say.

The department of disaster prevention and mitigation said 14,887 villages in 59 provinces had been declared serious drought zones, mainly in northern and northeastern areas but also in the popular southern resort island of Phuket.

"The country still faces less rain which is worsening the drought, and the situation is expected to expand and get more serious," according to a statement from the department.

Provinces have spent just 70 million baht (1.77 million dollars) on urgent measures including delivering millions of litres of potable water, while an additional 115 million baht is expected to be spent on long-term water projects to ease future drought disaster, it said.

Conditions were listed as most severe in Buriram province, some 400 kilometres (248 miles) northeast of the capital Bangkok, with 800,000 villagers affected in 19 districts.

Water levels at 35 big and medium-sized dams across the country had fallen below normal, according to the irrigation department.

"This year's drought is worse than last year, as the water level in dams are much lower than last year," said an irrigation official, adding that drought damage in Thailand to date had reached 99 million baht but was expected to rise.

This year's dry season is hitting Southeast Asia hard, with the Mekong River poised to drop to its lowest level in a decade in Cambodia, according to experts.

The world's 12th longest river, which snakes through China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, provides a crucial supply of food and water to more than 60 million people living in the Mekong basin area.

-- AFP 2004-04-22

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yeah, no worries...by the end of the week taskin will have delared war on drought...

and when the drought finally breaks he knows everyone will admire his leadership for bringing the problem to an end......


yeah, no worries...by the end of the week taskin will have delared war on drought...

and when the drought finally breaks he knows everyone will admire his leadership for bringing the problem to an end......


He might soon be declaring war on China after their behemoth of a dam is finished. You think the Mekong is dry now? Wait awhile friends.

Guest IT Manager
yeah, no worries...by the end of the week taskin will have delared war on drought...

and when the drought finally breaks he knows everyone will admire his leadership for bringing the problem to an end......


He might soon be declaring war on China after their behemoth of a dam is finished. You think the Mekong is dry now? Wait awhile friends.

Give it 2 weeks and Kim Il Taksin will declare the drought over.

We have stopped using wate from the village and are using the well instead. We had very minor rain over the past few days, and are hoping for lots and lots more.

Thank Buddha we have The dear leader to tell us when the drought is finished.


The potential for millions of people suffering or possibly dieing due to not having enough water is hardly funny.

Is this serious or is it a bad joke?

The april fools shower thing was funny on one hand however my first reaction was concern that so many might suffer as a result of this.

When I realized it was a joke I went along with it because in reality it was qiute creative and really harmless and I'm allways up for a good joke.

I just hope the news of this drought and the future scarcity of water from the Chinese dam project is not true.


What is fantastic is how the economy can be booming folowing the SARS thing, chicken flu, and now a drought.... it truly is a miracle. :o

Sue me



See what you started.....I think that there should be a "Class-Action" suit filed against you...all those that have a problem with a little humor, those that try to gain a little moral high ground, and those that have PC issues should ban together and sue your pants of...of course, you may like that.

P.S. And just what is the answer for the lack of water and the associated problems...perhaps Dr PP could do a rain dance? Whoops, didn't mean to make light of a serious topic but just what is it that we are supposed to do??????????? :D:o


The question is the same is this true or not?


"all those that have a problem with a little humor, those that try to gain a little moral high ground, and those that have PC issues should ban together and sue your pants of...of course, you may like that."

Are you refering to my post? Please re-read it.

If you were a local living in the alledged drought stricken area I think you might fail to see the sense of humor in this.


To 'Basher' : Hey, have you assigned yourself the task of 'being annoying and making fun of people in this forum' ? In the gay section, by claiming to be anti-PC, you have written stuff that is bordering on bigotry, and now here, you are writing disrespectful stuff about the misery of millions of drought-affected people in Thailand.

Shame on you !


The question is the same is this true or not?


"all those that have a problem with a little humor, those that try to gain a little moral high ground, and those that have PC issues should ban together and sue your pants of...of course, you may like that."

Are you refering to my post? Please re-read it.

If you were a local living in the alledged drought stricken area I think you might fail to see the sense of humor in this.


I had read your post and this was not directed at you...but at those that have selected the wrong target for their concerns and was tongue in cheek...if this is as bad as it sounds than the PM and 'his family' should direct their efforts here in lieu of pursuing their personal fortunes.

The Thai gov should begin now to offset the consequences...short of 'divine intervention' the Thai's will have to look to the PM...this make you fell better???


party line will be

what clucking drought

i have never seen i country with so little problems as thialand

taksin makes me sleep like baby at night

what a p




Actually I never felt badly.

I just got this thing about human suffering. It's sometimes overwhelming to me.

I guess I'm just getting soft in my old age.

You should try it.


Yes so true. I just think a line should be drawn somewhere. Only my opinion.

Perhaps I've seen too much suffering?

I went to see one of my patients in the hospital yesterday. As I walked through the corrider and looked in the rooms as I passed, I felt something that I really hadn't quite felt before.

I thought, what kind of place is this?

I have to retire soon...


the point is that the esteemed leader is more interested in erecting mobile phone towers than constructing infrastructure that can alleviate suffering for millions of people whom he is supposed to be caring for.

as far as he , and his cohorts in the upper circle are concerned , government money is to be spent in furthering their own personal and family fortunes, at the life threatening expense of his people... though I doubt it is on his conscience, I think the concept may well be beyond his perception.

scolding members of this forum may well bring on moments of gratification, but I think it is beyond their reach to influence events.

only the people themselves can change the situation, by electing representitives that actually care about their welfare, and not just aspire to that gold plated mercedes.

I think I might now just have a whiskey, sans water.


Nothing funny about it. Let`s just hope for some rain. The only thing we can do? And maybe we could at least be a bit more concious with our water consumption.

I didn't see too many Thais who looked in any way interested in being "more conscious with their water consumption last week"

I appreciate there is a problem but do you think that you might get any Thais to exercise or demonstrate some discipline in conserving water.

They don't in general terms show any discipline in any other area of their daily lives.


This drought may have a silver lining in that it will concentrate the minds of people on water-conservation, particularly when the chinese dam is finished, as was mentioned before. For the meantime, people can either dress up in sackcloth and ashes or make light of it. Remember the myriad of jokes abounding when UK had that serious drought back in the 70's?


Jez, it sure seems we have lost all sense of humor gentlemen! :o:D

When I read the "Shower " post I thought it was a direct reference to the April Fool Joke. Of course a drought in Isaan is not good news for many poor rural farm families already living very close to the edge. But in true Thai spirit they will do the best they can and accept the consequences.

I think the bleeding hearts can "feel their pain" somewhere else. I doubt you will hear the Thais crying about it and other than modest savings by personal conservation, we really can do little but wait. Agriculture consumes the majority of water used in Isaan so in a severe drought food supplies and farm incomes will suffer directly.

But I think you're being just a little too PC gentlemen, IMO.


Hey did you here the one about 12 million kids who will starve in Africa this year?   

DID you hear about the 50 million NONO's that will be born next year ???

"When the last animal has been killed, the white man will realise he can't eat money"

Indian chief

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