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We will respond to NATO Baltics activity, says Russia


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We will respond to NATO Baltics activity, says Russia


"The decision to deploy the division here in the Southern Military District was taken due to the stepping up of the North Atlantic Alliance's (NATO) forces in close proximity to the borders of the Russian Federation."

LATVIA: -- A convoy of US military vehicles arrived in Latvia on Monday after starting a tactical march from Germany as part of a military exercise, reported Reuters news agency.

Some American troops held a military display in the south-east of Latvia near the Belarus border.

It’s the first time US Army troops have visited the mainly Russian-speaking area.

But not all locals were impressed by the display.

What do we need the tanks for? We need to be peaceful. Because now they are bringing all of this [equipment] in and saying that Russia might attack. What, do you really think Russia will come here with tanks?” questioned one local resident.

Russian response to increased NATO activity

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told his Finnish counterpart on Monday (June 6) that the Kremlin would take unspecified measures to respond to increased NATO activity in the Baltic region, making clear he was vexed by Helsinki’s hosting of alliance drills.

Lavrov made his comments at a news conference with Finnish Foreign Minister Timo Soini on the same day as NATO launched Baltops 16, an annual naval exercise, on Finnish soil for the first time.

“We do not hide our negative attitude to the movement of NATO’s military infrastructure towards our borders, to the dragging of other states into the military activity of the block,” Lavrov told reporters.

“Here we will invoke Russia’s sovereign right to ensure its security with measures adequate to the current risks. I am confident that our Finnish friends and neighbours also understand this,” he added.

Lavrov, who said he saw no threats in the Baltic region that would justify the area’s militarisation, did not elaborate on what measures Russia would take.

Soini told the same news conference that military exercises like the one launched on Monday helped strengthen Finland’s military capacity and were “not directed against anybody.”

A large-scale military training exercise involving more than 20 NATO and partner countries kicked off in Poland on Monday, part of efforts to reassure east European nations rattled by Russia’s actions in nearby Ukraine.

Russian infantry base in Rostov

Moscow has started constructing a new army base in its southern Rostov region.

“The decision to deploy the division here in the Southern Military District was taken due to the stepping up of the North Atlantic Alliance’s (NATO) forces in close proximity to the borders of the Russian Federation,” senior construction control officer, Leutenant Colonel Alexei Perfilyev said. According to Perfilyev, 13 barracks as well as five office buildings, ten canteens and seven weaponry warehouses were under construction.

While Moscow accused the Western alliance of threatening Russia’s security, NATO said intensified military drills and its plans for increased deployments on its eastern flank are purely defensive after Russia annexed Ukraine’s Crimea in 2014 and backed separatist rebels in Ukraine.

In January Russia said it would create three new military divisions and bring five new strategic nuclear missile regiments into service. Russian media, citing unnamed military sources, said the new Russian divisions would most likely be motorised rifle ones and number around 10,000 soldiers each.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-07

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For those believing Russia with Putin on the rudder is not threatening to the Baltic states, Poland, Ukraine and some other Balkan states, wake up.

In any country formerly under control by the USSR where Russians were replaced to by Stalin and his successors, there is understandable fear for the Russian bear.

Very much understandable seen the recent moves from Russia in former Soviet states and others.

If it is about "business", guess there really is not much difference between the US and the USSR, oops, sorry, Russia nowadays.

Arms anyone?

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Russia does not threaten Poland, Baltic states, Moldova. This "Russia is coming" attitude is a pure paranoia and a very aggressive behaviour exercised by NATO. The West will soon loose all confidence and creditibility in the minds of the Russian people and those remnants left from the relations will be gone forever. There is a very little chance left to restore partnership. Less and less people in Russia would be naive again to believe what NATO is doing does not threaten Russia. There won't be any more Gorbachevs, Yeltsins whose biggest mistake was their trust in the Western "democracy".

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Very aggressive and bad move by the NATO. How would the US react when Russia stationed troops along the Mexican border? I say Mexican border because NATO without the US is just a ridiculous joke.

Well the whole world seen how they $hit themselves over those long 13 days in 1962. When the Russians parked nukes in nearby Cuba. Same old story. Dumb dogs never learn from their past experiences.rolleyes.gif

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For those believing Russia with Putin on the rudder is not threatening to the Baltic states, Poland, Ukraine and some other Balkan states, wake up.

In any country formerly under control by the USSR where Russians were replaced to by Stalin and his successors, there is understandable fear for the Russian bear.

Very much understandable seen the recent moves from Russia in former Soviet states and others.

If it is about "business", guess there really is not much difference between the US and the USSR, oops, sorry, Russia nowadays.

Arms anyone?

You are right. But it is " Poland, Ukraine and some other Balkan states" business. Why does the US continue to try to have a dog in every fight ? Ludicrous.

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It is absolutely ridiculous for the US to continue to station its forces so close to the Russian borders and its client states, The expansion of NATO into former Soviet/Russian allies has simply allowed Putin to rally the Russian people to claim a threat exists to its sovereignty. If the Russians ever did this along America's borders- there would be a huge international incident.

It is time for the US to pull back and leave Europe to the Europeans unless Europe wants to pay America to station its troops in their countries. America has plenty of problems at home. So what if Russia took back the Crimea- it is historically Russian. American foreign policy really needs to change as far as Europe is concerned. The only European country that has any sense is the UK- they have a great military force that they now use only as needed; they have kept the Pound as their currency; and they have finally realized they must control immigration /

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Very aggressive and bad move by the NATO. How would the US react when Russia stationed troops along the Mexican border? I say Mexican border because NATO without the US is just a ridiculous joke.

Well the whole world seen how they $hit themselves over those long 13 days in 1962. When the Russians parked nukes in nearby Cuba. Same old story. Dumb dogs never learn from their past experiences.rolleyes.gif

Are they dumb dogs or are they very calculating? The US will never be able to pay back their huge depts, except waging war - far away from home.. brutally clever, but dumb if thingking that a possibly following nuclear war on such a scenario would not affect the US. Mean thoughts, but then..

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Seems the Russians were just happy to do business with Europe and move on from the past, but the US and its NATO lapdog just can't let it be. So now the Cold War is restarting, weapons manufacturers are doing nicely, and Russia is supposed to be the bogey man again.

The US has this new Aegis Missile Defense Shield in Romania that they laughingly claimed was for defense against Iran. All that may sound fine in theory if anyone is expecting a nuclear strike from Russia, problem is there was no indication of anything of the sort and the retaliation would of course also wipe them out. So now the tensions are being manufactured to fit the new weapon systems. Of course the other thing about a missile defense shield is that it also allows you to make a first strike without fear of retaliation, wonder if the Russians are seeing it way, if so no wonder they are paranoid?

The Russians have said there is a line in the sand that had better not be crossed, or else. Sure glad I don't live in Europe, what's the bet the EU bureaucrats have a nice bolt hole to fly to if escalations don't go as planned? Now if Hilary gets to be president, remember she never saw a war she didn't embrace enthusiastically...

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Russia is a great country ... European. Everything shows that the USA revive the Cold War (cold for now) to prevent any rapprochement.

The problem is that many Europeans (as me) wish today an alliance with the Russians get rid of communism.

That is why also these provocations will continue on the basis our defense. That is why also the Brexit added to a weakened US presidency in the coming years may be a little hot.

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For those believing Russia with Putin on the rudder is not threatening to the Baltic states, Poland, Ukraine and some other Balkan states, wake up.

In any country formerly under control by the USSR where Russians were replaced to by Stalin and his successors, there is understandable fear for the Russian bear.

Very much understandable seen the recent moves from Russia in former Soviet states and others.

If it is about "business", guess there really is not much difference between the US and the USSR, oops, sorry, Russia nowadays.

Arms anyone?

Still less warmongers than US for sure....

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Very aggressive and bad move by the NATO. How would the US react when Russia stationed troops along the Mexican border? I say Mexican border because NATO without the US is just a ridiculous joke.

Well the whole world seen how they $hit themselves over those long 13 days in 1962. When the Russians parked nukes in nearby Cuba. Same old story. Dumb dogs never learn from their past experiences.rolleyes.gif

1962 The US had a President willing to stand up to the war mongering Pentagon Generals. Yes it was close thing. But afterwards Kennedy and Khruskev realised that military confrontations was futile. Sadly One was assasinated and the other ousted and the game continued. I believe NZ was more concerned with Cricket and rugby. I believe in 1984 after we banned Nuclear weapons and ships from Our Ports Reagan made the crack after Grenada. That was the warm up New Zealand will be the next. We don,t forget stuff like that anymore than underarm Bowling in cricket. So play your little games children "My marbles are bigger than yours" How drowl!!

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When was the last time the US stole any part of another sovereign nation and kept it as their own? How about Russia....can you say Crimea? The only reason the US and NATO are posturing is in response to Russia's provocation all over eastern Europe. Face it Russia has and will always be the exact opposite of the US.

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Very aggressive and bad move by the NATO. How would the US react when Russia stationed troops along the Mexican border? I say Mexican border because NATO without the US is just a ridiculous joke.

Probably the way they reacted when Russia moved into the Ukraine...nothing apart from sanctions....marvellous. So if the US is that awesome why are you not in the Ukraine? Whats up....no oil to steal?

As I understand it the deal was Ukraine was not to have nukes for protection from NATO, bet hey are well chuffed now!?

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Russia is a great country ... European. Everything shows that the USA revive the Cold War (cold for now) to prevent any rapprochement.
The problem is that many Europeans (as me) wish today an alliance with the Russians get rid of communism.
That is why also these provocations will continue on the basis our defense. That is why also the Brexit added to a weakened US presidency in the coming years may be a little hot.

Here we go again "Get rid of communism".

You want alliance with Russia and immediately you throw on the table what the Russians have to do.

Do the Russians tell you to get rid of your Christian infiltrated politics in your country which I wouldn't be surprised to be either Nederland or Duitsland two of many America's lapdogs jumping at Washington command asking, "How far and How high".

This is also why the US will never get anywhere with North Korea because it immediately throws all the US demands on the table what North Korea has to do. Well, the North had forty plus years of that under the fascist Japanese jackboots. While the South now has been under the US jackboots for the past seventy plus years which the North could see that far back already and wanted no part of it. In addition to the previous 40-years under the Japs, looks like the South likes to be told what to do and were to do it.

Same as the US now is trying out on Cuba and as long as Fidel is alive it will not happen.

It is so simple, let every country's citizens live the way they want to live, it may not be what you want, but it is not your country, so stay in your own backyard and tend to your flowers and the bees so you can steal the honey from the Bees and replace it with sugar so they have food during the offseason. But you're still STEALING but at least you're not telling the Bees what to do and were to do it.

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Um, English is not my native language and I think there is misunderstanding.

I meant "Russia which is no longer communist now."

As for the North Eastern Ukraine and Crimea we must accept that the vast majority of people are Russian-speakers and Russophiles.

They don't want the American dream,

As the Iranians.

As the Vietnamese,

As Aphgans.

As Iraqis, North Koreans, Japanese, Libyans, Lebanese the breziliens, Colombian etc ...

In fact almost everyone except Israel and perhaps Great Britain's ally forever.

It is far of universality.

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Not to worry. When president Trump makes a deal with Putin to divide up Europe and run it correctly, all will be well. whistling.gif

It looks funny seeing this written, but yes that would be one possible solution to the genocide that is taking place. A strongman that isn't feeling guilty for colonialism centuries ago. Merkel, Juncker or Putin , well it;s a no-brainer.

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I am sure if any of those countries object to the US presence there, the US will be more than happy to leave. I don't believe the US has any territorial designs on the area.

I am also sure that NATO consists of more than just US troops.

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