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Teachers across Thailand trained to publicize draft charter


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Teachers across nation trained to publicize draft charter

CHAI NAT, 7 June 2016 (NNT) – Provinces across the country have stepped up training of teachers to publicize the draft constitution in preparation for the public referendum on August 7.

Chai Nat Governor Kanit Iamrahong has opened training for the promotion of the draft charter in the province with National Legislative Assembly member Lt Gen Chaiyuth Phromsuck and Constitution Drafting Committee member Theerachai Na Nakorn observing. A total 80 teachers from 8 districts of the province were drafted into the training and will be asked to train an additional 2,100 of their peers to cover a total 505 villages.

Similarly in Trad province, 70 state and military officials as well as volunteers entered into training for the effort.

In Ranong province, soldiers, police and local administrative officials also joined in the training, which will give them the knowledge and understanding of the draft charter needed to ensure that all citizens are prepared for a public referendum on the document in August.

-- NNT 2016-06-07 footer_n.gif

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Are there no TV programmes to openly discuss this draft Charter?

Perhaps a frank discussion between those who support and those who oppose the Charter?

Perhaps an independent charter expert who can provide his/her own, experienced comment?

Maybe some highly-respected foreign academics to add to the discussion?

Any journalists who want to play devil's advocate?

No?? Nothing??? coffee1.gif

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Are there no TV programmes to openly discuss this draft Charter?

Perhaps a frank discussion between those who support and those who oppose the Charter?

Perhaps an independent charter expert who can provide his/her own, experienced comment?

Maybe some highly-respected foreign academics to add to the discussion?

Any journalists who want to play devil's advocate?

No?? Nothing??? coffee1.gif

No Nothing because nobody wants to spend 10 years in jail.

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Two complete opposites.

The Brexit referendum in the UK where there is ongoing discussion and debate and the upcoming referendum here where there is none.

One is a sort of democracy, one is sort of not.

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The Thai teachers I worked with are dedicated, professional and generally follow the book. Rote learning. Nobody has heard of IP, PYP, IPC curriculum apart from the Thai one which face is is a joke.

Thailand has no general application as in guidelines or models for a 'teaching system' that works. They employ Filipinos who have no quals, no experience other than being work mules. Employ 'white faces' which mostly are s*xpats in Thailand and add nothing but want a run in the country.

This is not education.

The few and far between who are qualified are in real international schools, not two bit language centres or third tier unis.

For to Thailand gov to actually do anything productive I have yet to see.

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Teachers across nation trained to publicize draft charter

And there we have it. In the headline: "Publicize"

Chai Nat Governor Kanit Iamrahong has opened training for the promotion of the draft charter in the province with National Legislative Assembly member Lt Gen Chaiyuth Phromsuck and Constitution Drafting Committee member Theerachai Na Nakorn observing.

In the body copy "Promote"

Cat, bag, out of.


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Two complete opposites.

The Brexit referendum in the UK where there is ongoing discussion and debate and the upcoming referendum here where there is none.

One is a sort of democracy, one is sort of not.

The 'brexit' discussion is fraud of misrepresentation of data and figures and seems an emotional drama based on hearsay and what one wants to believe.

The Thai version has a totally uninterested population where hardly anyone bothers to read the draft charter, like they didn't read any of the however many charters before.

More like same same, but slightly different. IMHO

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There are a number of professions that should never be politicised. Armed forces, police and teachers top that list

Teachers are puppets to have the population follow the other 2 institutions. Thus, the non competitiveness of Thai education

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Two complete opposites.

The Brexit referendum in the UK where there is ongoing discussion and debate and the upcoming referendum here where there is none.

One is a sort of democracy, one is sort of not.

The 'brexit' discussion is fraud of misrepresentation of data and figures and seems an emotional drama based on hearsay and what one wants to believe.

The Thai version has a totally uninterested population where hardly anyone bothers to read the draft charter, like they didn't read any of the however many charters before.

More like same same, but slightly different. IMHO

But, but have you seen anyone standing near Victory Monument with a loudspeaker denouncing the Thai draft charter? No, I thought you hadn't. "More like the same...." Blah!

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Well if they can swallow and teach the official version of Thai history, then they will swallow anything.

You would have thought if they really wanted people to learn they would have picked a body with a better performance record to teach!

Maybe the "no fail" principle is to be extended to the charter?

Anyway it is irrelevant as the average lifespan of Thai constitutions would have this one in the bin shortly after some semblance of democracy rears its ugly head.

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Well if they can swallow and teach the official version of Thai history, then they will swallow anything.

You would have thought if they really wanted people to learn they would have picked a body with a better performance record to teach!

Maybe the "no fail" principle is to be extended to the charter?

Anyway it is irrelevant as the average lifespan of Thai constitutions would have this one in the bin shortly after some semblance of democracy rears its ugly head.

If the previous government had followed the letter of the law and rounded up Suthep , this junta would never have happened, and if the Democrats followed the letter of the law the PTP would never had happened and most of the red shirt leaders would be in prison after burning down a city block, so who is really to blame for the situation in Thailand.

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Well if they can swallow and teach the official version of Thai history, then they will swallow anything.

You would have thought if they really wanted people to learn they would have picked a body with a better performance record to teach!

Maybe the "no fail" principle is to be extended to the charter?

Anyway it is irrelevant as the average lifespan of Thai constitutions would have this one in the bin shortly after some semblance of democracy rears its ugly head.

If the previous government had followed the letter of the law and rounded up Suthep , this junta would never have happened, and if the Democrats followed the letter of the law the PTP would never had happened and most of the red shirt leaders would be in prison after burning down a city block, so who is really to blame for the situation in Thailand.

The whole concept that a treasonous seizing of power was not the fault of the treasonous soldiers and other conspirators because a previous government did not stop them from doing it is bogus.

People commit treason because they decide to do so. It is them who must shoulder the burden of their guilt and any consequential punishment, not some convenient scapegoat.

Otherwise, someone who robs a bank could easily say it wasn't their fault because the police didn't stop them.



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Well if they can swallow and teach the official version of Thai history, then they will swallow anything.

You would have thought if they really wanted people to learn they would have picked a body with a better performance record to teach!

Maybe the "no fail" principle is to be extended to the charter?

Anyway it is irrelevant as the average lifespan of Thai constitutions would have this one in the bin shortly after some semblance of democracy rears its ugly head.

If the previous government had followed the letter of the law and rounded up Suthep , this junta would never have happened, and if the Democrats followed the letter of the law the PTP would never had happened and most of the red shirt leaders would be in prison after burning down a city block, so who is really to blame for the situation in Thailand.

If King Louis XVI had followed the letter of the law and rounded up ...oops, they tried that & got their heads chopped off!

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Note: "A total 80 teachers from 8 districts of the province were drafted into the training"

You're in the Army now - whether you like it or not. I would expect a military minder to accompany each teacher to assure the correctness of their message.

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Well if they can swallow and teach the official version of Thai history, then they will swallow anything.

You would have thought if they really wanted people to learn they would have picked a body with a better performance record to teach!

Maybe the "no fail" principle is to be extended to the charter?

Anyway it is irrelevant as the average lifespan of Thai constitutions would have this one in the bin shortly after some semblance of democracy rears its ugly head.

If the previous government had followed the letter of the law and rounded up Suthep , this junta would never have happened, and if the Democrats followed the letter of the law the PTP would never had happened and most of the red shirt leaders would be in prison after burning down a city block, so who is really to blame for the situation in Thailand.

The whole concept that a treasonous seizing of power was not the fault of the treasonous soldiers and other conspirators because a previous government did not stop them from doing it is bogus.

People commit treason because they decide to do so. It is them who must shoulder the burden of their guilt and any consequential punishment, not some convenient scapegoat.

Otherwise, someone who robs a bank could easily say it wasn't their fault because the police didn't stop them.



'treasonous seizing' ? You mean declaring Martial Law as suggested by the possibly caretaking MoFA Surapong ?

The fellow you replaced is showing through again. AS for letter of the Law, a party run by a criminal fugitive doesn't need that it would seem.

So teachers across Thailand trained. I hope no one will call me negative if I say that might be the first time then.

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Well if they can swallow and teach the official version of Thai history, then they will swallow anything.

You would have thought if they really wanted people to learn they would have picked a body with a better performance record to teach!

Maybe the "no fail" principle is to be extended to the charter?

Anyway it is irrelevant as the average lifespan of Thai constitutions would have this one in the bin shortly after some semblance of democracy rears its ugly head.

If the previous government had followed the letter of the law and rounded up Suthep , this junta would never have happened, and if the Democrats followed the letter of the law the PTP would never had happened and most of the red shirt leaders would be in prison after burning down a city block, so who is really to blame for the situation in Thailand.

The whole concept that a treasonous seizing of power was not the fault of the treasonous soldiers and other conspirators because a previous government did not stop them from doing it is bogus.

People commit treason because they decide to do so. It is them who must shoulder the burden of their guilt and any consequential punishment, not some convenient scapegoat.

Otherwise, someone who robs a bank could easily say it wasn't their fault because the police didn't stop them.



'treasonous seizing' ? You mean declaring Martial Law as suggested by the possibly caretaking MoFA Surapong ?

The fellow you replaced is showing through again. AS for letter of the Law, a party run by a criminal fugitive doesn't need that it would seem.

So teachers across Thailand trained. I hope no one will call me negative if I say that might be the first time then.

'treasonous seizing' ? You mean declaring Martial Law as suggested by the possibly caretaking MoFA Surapong ?

I really hate to have to explain simple things, it's just demeaning. Neverthless, noblesse oblige...

According to Prayuth, and even accepting he is an outrageous liar, the caretaker PM said the government would not resign. Upon which Prayuth declared he was seizing power and arrested all members of the government who were present. All else (including most of what you say) is self-justifying BS. It's not me you're arguing with, it's the little generalissimo, but hey, it's your delusion so I guess you're welcome to it.

The Martial law provision in the constitution current at the time, gave the Head of the Army the ability to declare martial law in a region or locality - not nationally.

  1. Declaring martial law countrywide was illegal.
  2. Unseating the existing, democratically-elected government by planning and launching a coup, was treason, which, at the time of the offence, was punishable by a firing squad, which is why Prayuth felt it necessary to lie and say it was a spur-of-the-moment decision - Suthep exposed that lie. Coups are illegal and always have been.
  3. Claiming authority from on high without actually showing the document is very suspicious given the state of health of the alleged signatory. This was the real reason there were none of the usual trappings and pictures on this occasion. To have included all the ceremonial without a real signature would have got Prayuth in very serious trouble, come the day we can't talk about..
  4. Sovereign power in Thailand is vested in the people by the Constitution in force at the time of the coup d'etat. The people did not authorise Prayuth to seize power, nor have they agreed that he should remain in power. Ipso facto, on every occasion he claims the power of being PM, he commits another crime.

Is there anything else I can explain to you?

"The fellow you replaced is showing through again. AS for letter of the Law, a party run by a criminal fugitive doesn't need that it would seem."

Whatever are you bleating about now lad? The fellow I replaced? What? I didn't replace anyone and I have no idea what you're banging on about.


It's almost like teaching at kindergarten sometimes... Please don't feel obliged to reply to any more of my posts, I find the stench of raw sewage emanating from the self-professed expert on BS, to be so offensive. Also, I like to maintain at least a sembvlence of intellectual; integrity during discussions, except when I am joking. To continually have to step down several steps to engage you is becoming tiresome for me as for so many before me.

Edited by Winniedapu
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If the previous government had followed the letter of the law and rounded up Suthep , this junta would never have happened, and if the Democrats followed the letter of the law the PTP would never had happened and most of the red shirt leaders would be in prison after burning down a city block, so who is really to blame for the situation in Thailand.

The whole concept that a treasonous seizing of power was not the fault of the treasonous soldiers and other conspirators because a previous government did not stop them from doing it is bogus.

People commit treason because they decide to do so. It is them who must shoulder the burden of their guilt and any consequential punishment, not some convenient scapegoat.

Otherwise, someone who robs a bank could easily say it wasn't their fault because the police didn't stop them.



'treasonous seizing' ? You mean declaring Martial Law as suggested by the possibly caretaking MoFA Surapong ?

The fellow you replaced is showing through again. AS for letter of the Law, a party run by a criminal fugitive doesn't need that it would seem.

So teachers across Thailand trained. I hope no one will call me negative if I say that might be the first time then.

'treasonous seizing' ? You mean declaring Martial Law as suggested by the possibly caretaking MoFA Surapong ?

I really hate to have to explain simple things, it's just demeaning. Neverthless, noblesse oblige...

According to Prayuth, and even accepting he is an outrageous liar, the caretaker PM said the government would not resign. Upon which Prayuth declared he was seizing power and arrested all members of the government who were present. All else (including most of what you say) is self-justifying BS. It's not me you're arguing with, it's the little generalissimo, but hey, it's your delusion so I guess you're welcome to it.

The Martial law provision in the constitution current at the time, gave the Head of the Army the ability to declare martial law in a region or locality - not nationally.

  1. Declaring martial law countrywide was illegal.
  2. Unseating the existing, democratically-elected government by planning and launching a coup, was treason, which, at the time of the offence, was punishable by a firing squad, which is why Prayuth felt it necessary to lie and say it was a spur-of-the-moment decision - Suthep exposed that lie. Coups are illegal and always have been.
  3. Claiming authority from on high without actually showing the document is very suspicious given the state of health of the alleged signatory. This was the real reason there were none of the usual trappings and pictures on this occasion. To have included all the ceremonial without a real signature would have got Prayuth in very serious trouble, come the day we can't talk about..
  4. Sovereign power in Thailand is vested in the people by the Constitution in force at the time of the coup d'etat. The people did not authorise Prayuth to seize power, nor have they agreed that he should remain in power. Ipso facto, on every occasion he claims the power of being PM, he commits another crime.

Is there anything else I can explain to you?

"The fellow you replaced is showing through again. AS for letter of the Law, a party run by a criminal fugitive doesn't need that it would seem."

Whatever are you bleating about now lad? The fellow I replaced? What? I didn't replace anyone and I have no idea what you're banging on about.


It's almost like teaching at kindergarten sometimes... Please don't feel obliged to reply to any more of my posts, I find the stench of raw sewage emanating from the self-professed expert on BS, to be so offensive. Also, I like to maintain at least a sembvlence of intellectual; integrity during discussions, except when I am joking. To continually have to step down several steps to engage you is becoming tiresome for me as for so many before me.

Well, nice post indeed, are you a teacher of BS or are you one of the "ridicule them to keep them in check' kind ?

Anyway, Thai teachers will finally be trained/

PS look up reincarnation, my dear "what ever name you like"

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