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Pattaya Police Rounding up More Drug Dealers


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Pattaya Police Rounding up More Drug Dealers
Story by Albert Jack


PATTAYA: -- At 6pm on the evening of June 8 a police patrol arrested thirty-three year old Yod Suktham, from Surin, after being caught with 489 Yabba tablets.

A local informant had provided information that a delivery of Yabba was to be made in front of Soi Arunothai 7 in Central Pattaya and sent a team of experts to intercept. They waited until Suktham arrived on his motorbike and then moved in for the arrest.

During interrogation the suspect claimed to be a motorbike taxi driver but also admitted he had been delivering Yabba to teenagers in the area for a ‘long time.’

Full story: http://pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/225092/489-yaba-pills/

-- Pattaya One 2016-06-09

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I am sick and tired hearing about dealers.Give me distributors,give me traffickers, give me mafia bosses,give me elite family heads,give me manufactures.But for Christs sake stop giving me shit about police stings led by general major Wata twerp analpod.leads 100 special ops police and catches dealer with 498 yaba tablets.WOW! i am so F###ing impressed. How many plod was it that arrested the Thai guys for gambling and found 20 baht./What an utter and complete waste of every body's time,including mine,reading this crap.And if your going to say to me "then dont read it if its crap"

how do i know its crap until i read it???

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I am sick and tired hearing about dealers.Give me distributors,give me traffickers, give me mafia bosses,give me elite family heads,give me manufactures.But for Christs sake stop giving me shit about police stings led by general major Wata twerp analpod.leads 100 special ops police and catches dealer with 498 yaba tablets.WOW! i am so F###ing impressed. How many plod was it that arrested the Thai guys for gambling and found 20 baht./What an utter and complete waste of every body's time,including mine,reading this crap.And if your going to say to me "then dont read it if its crap"

how do i know its crap until i read it???

OMG, Dave, take some deep breaths please, i see enough falang funerals now, do not create another one...

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Why not admit it's unwinnable. Legalise tax and educate?

Lesson one:alcohol and tobacco is worse than everything out there including smack and ice.

One learns that when one can be arsed to do the research and stop repeating bullshit propaganda you read in the media.

And while you're at it ban religions. The deadliest drug of all time.

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You don't see big fish because the narcotics billions merge seamlessly into society at levels you'll never see or comprehend. Just like the curtain on the airplane blocks you from first class.

Even el chapo is just a lieutenant at best.

They feed you bullshit. Including harm myths to keep it illegal in the mass Moronic mind which keeps scarcity and prices sky high.

Are we all clear now children? Good.

Sorry to patronise. But if the dunce cap fits, wear it.

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