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Barack Obama officially endorses Hillary Clinton


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The fake North American Indian has endorsed Crooked Hillary too:


They're all liars and fakes and crooks, right Boon? gigglem.gif

Come November, HRC will sweep a Democratic majority into the Senate and she appoints a new liberal Supreme Court Justice.

BOOM goes the dynamite.

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Yep, so let's continue with the goings on of the normal world....

New York Times: “Political strategists at the White House and in Mrs. Clinton’s campaign are just beginning to hammer out a specific stump-speech schedule for the president after his endorsement on Thursday of his former secretary of state. Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton will appear together on Wednesday for the first time since she secured the Democratic nomination, and they have chosen Green Bay, Wis., another city where Mr. Obama lifted Democratic fortunes.”

“But that is likely to be one of the few times they appear together. Instead, Mr. Obama will be on his own, cutting a path across white suburbs in the Midwest and Rust Belt and spending time in African-American communities in Mid-Atlantic States like North Carolina and Virginia. The president will reach out to independents and others in New Hampshire and Iowa, and rally young people, Hispanics and Asian-Americans in competitive states like Colorado, Florida and Nevada.”

Washington Post: “Trump’s failure to build a truly national campaign has left it to the GOP to run one on his behalf, while also trying to extinguish the regular political brush fires set off by the unpredictable candidate. The arrangement has intensified the burden on the Republican National Committee, forcing it to absorb core campaign tasks and testing whether it has improved the field and data capabilities that it fell short on in 2012.”

“The Trump campaign has yet to build out its headquarters or national staff, ending the primaries with just 70 employees compared with 732 on the payroll for presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. His backstop is the party: The RNC has deployed 461 field staffers to 16 states — more than it has ever had on the ground at this point in an election — while spending $100 million on its data and digital operations since the last presidential campaign.

One wonders how Republicans can succeed in business when in their politics they keep throwing good money after bad candidates, issues, movements.

Donald Trump talks about having so much money and hollers at the Clintons for gathering up some green of their own. Barack Obama is meanwhile the guy who knows what to do with $1bn in a campaign for Potus. Bill and Hillary already have been down that path themselves.

The Republican National Committee hadn't ever had this kind of burden which comes immediately after getting blown out twice in Potus elections in 2012 and in 2008. R's have no senior figure(s) to turn to for continuity or for change.

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The fake North American Indian has endorsed Crooked Hillary too:


Rest assured if Elizabeth Warren were a Republican, the media would have dug up some Native Americans who were offended. Instead, they ignore these real, actual Cherokee women to take offense to Elizabeth Warren claiming to be one of them:


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Yep, so let's continue with the goings on of the normal world....

New York Times: “Political strategists at the White House and in Mrs. Clinton’s campaign are just beginning to hammer out a specific stump-speech schedule for the president after his endorsement on Thursday of his former secretary of state. Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton will appear together on Wednesday for the first time since she secured the Democratic nomination, and they have chosen Green Bay, Wis., another city where Mr. Obama lifted Democratic fortunes.”

“But that is likely to be one of the few times they appear together. Instead, Mr. Obama will be on his own, cutting a path across white suburbs in the Midwest and Rust Belt and spending time in African-American communities in Mid-Atlantic States like North Carolina and Virginia. The president will reach out to independents and others in New Hampshire and Iowa, and rally young people, Hispanics and Asian-Americans in competitive states like Colorado, Florida and Nevada.”

Washington Post: “Trump’s failure to build a truly national campaign has left it to the GOP to run one on his behalf, while also trying to extinguish the regular political brush fires set off by the unpredictable candidate. The arrangement has intensified the burden on the Republican National Committee, forcing it to absorb core campaign tasks and testing whether it has improved the field and data capabilities that it fell short on in 2012.”

“The Trump campaign has yet to build out its headquarters or national staff, ending the primaries with just 70 employees compared with 732 on the payroll for presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. His backstop is the party: The RNC has deployed 461 field staffers to 16 states — more than it has ever had on the ground at this point in an election — while spending $100 million on its data and digital operations since the last presidential campaign.

One wonders how Republicans can succeed in business when in their politics they keep throwing good money after bad candidates, issues, movements.

Donald Trump talks about having so much money and hollers at the Clintons for gathering up some green of their own. Barack Obama is meanwhile the guy who knows what to do with $1bn in a campaign for Potus. Bill and Hillary already have been down that path themselves.

The Republican National Committee hadn't ever had this kind of burden which comes immediately after getting blown out twice in Potus elections in 2012 and in 2008. R's have no senior figure(s) to turn to for continuity or for change.

I don't think anyone begrudges the Clintons for having money. It's the fact that they got it by selling and pre-selling US policy, mostly to foreign interests, that has people concerned. Did anyone really believe Hillary Clinton's face value for a speech is well into six figures?


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Yep, so let's continue with the goings on of the normal world....

New York Times: Political strategists at the White House and in Mrs. Clintons campaign are just beginning to hammer out a specific stump-speech schedule for the president after his endorsement on Thursday of his former secretary of state. Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton will appear together on Wednesday for the first time since she secured the Democratic nomination, and they have chosen Green Bay, Wis., another city where Mr. Obama lifted Democratic fortunes.

But that is likely to be one of the few times they appear together. Instead, Mr. Obama will be on his own, cutting a path across white suburbs in the Midwest and Rust Belt and spending time in African-American communities in Mid-Atlantic States like North Carolina and Virginia. The president will reach out to independents and others in New Hampshire and Iowa, and rally young people, Hispanics and Asian-Americans in competitive states like Colorado, Florida and Nevada.

Washington Post: Trumps failure to build a truly national campaign has left it to the GOP to run one on his behalf, while also trying to extinguish the regular political brush fires set off by the unpredictable candidate. The arrangement has intensified the burden on the Republican National Committee, forcing it to absorb core campaign tasks and testing whether it has improved the field and data capabilities that it fell short on in 2012.

The Trump campaign has yet to build out its headquarters or national staff, ending the primaries with just 70 employees compared with 732 on the payroll for presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. His backstop is the party: The RNC has deployed 461 field staffers to 16 states more than it has ever had on the ground at this point in an election while spending $100 million on its data and digital operations since the last presidential campaign.

One wonders how Republicans can succeed in business when in their politics they keep throwing good money after bad candidates, issues, movements.

Donald Trump talks about having so much money and hollers at the Clintons for gathering up some green of their own. Barack Obama is meanwhile the guy who knows what to do with $1bn in a campaign for Potus. Bill and Hillary already have been down that path themselves.

The Republican National Committee hadn't ever had this kind of burden which comes immediately after getting blown out twice in Potus elections in 2012 and in 2008. R's have no senior figure(s) to turn to for continuity or for change.

I don't think anyone begrudges the Clintons for having money. It's the fact that they got it by selling and pre-selling US policy, mostly to foreign interests, that has people concerned. Did anyone really believe Hillary Clinton's face value for a speech is well into six figures?


Speeches aside, imagine how much, foreign & otherwise, was laundered through their "Foundation".

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Yep, so let's continue with the goings on of the normal world....

New York Times: “Political strategists at the White House and in Mrs. Clinton’s campaign are just beginning to hammer out a specific stump-speech schedule for the president after his endorsement on Thursday of his former secretary of state. Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton will appear together on Wednesday for the first time since she secured the Democratic nomination, and they have chosen Green Bay, Wis., another city where Mr. Obama lifted Democratic fortunes.”

“But that is likely to be one of the few times they appear together. Instead, Mr. Obama will be on his own, cutting a path across white suburbs in the Midwest and Rust Belt and spending time in African-American communities in Mid-Atlantic States like North Carolina and Virginia. The president will reach out to independents and others in New Hampshire and Iowa, and rally young people, Hispanics and Asian-Americans in competitive states like Colorado, Florida and Nevada.”

Washington Post: “Trump’s failure to build a truly national campaign has left it to the GOP to run one on his behalf, while also trying to extinguish the regular political brush fires set off by the unpredictable candidate. The arrangement has intensified the burden on the Republican National Committee, forcing it to absorb core campaign tasks and testing whether it has improved the field and data capabilities that it fell short on in 2012.”

“The Trump campaign has yet to build out its headquarters or national staff, ending the primaries with just 70 employees compared with 732 on the payroll for presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. His backstop is the party: The RNC has deployed 461 field staffers to 16 states — more than it has ever had on the ground at this point in an election — while spending $100 million on its data and digital operations since the last presidential campaign.

One wonders how Republicans can succeed in business when in their politics they keep throwing good money after bad candidates, issues, movements.

Donald Trump talks about having so much money and hollers at the Clintons for gathering up some green of their own. Barack Obama is meanwhile the guy who knows what to do with $1bn in a campaign for Potus. Bill and Hillary already have been down that path themselves.

The Republican National Committee hadn't ever had this kind of burden which comes immediately after getting blown out twice in Potus elections in 2012 and in 2008. R's have no senior figure(s) to turn to for continuity or for change.

I don't think anyone begrudges the Clintons for having money. It's the fact that they got it by selling and pre-selling US policy, mostly to foreign interests, that has people concerned. Did anyone really believe Hillary Clinton's face value for a speech is well into six figures?


Hillary Clinton is former SecState to President Obama, US Senator, First Lady of the USA and a long time leading contender to be elected Potus, so she's in the Top Ten Most Popular (and Top Ten Well Compensated) speakers of the world.

HRC is the highest paid woman speaker of the world but she runs well behind Donald Trump's $1.5 million a pop at one point. Behind HRC are Condoleezza Rice and Sarah Palin so we need Hillary Clinton on the speaking circuit cause it's Rice the Mushroom Cloud Liar and Palin The Laff Riot.

I suspect Barack is going to establish new records given his relative youth and popularity globally and coast to coast...same same for Michelle.

Saint Ronnie got two million for two speeches in Japan and that wuz in 1989. GW Bush has raked in $15 million and Bill has outpaced them all cause Bill's more worth it than the two of 'em together...plus Rice and Palin.

The rightwhinge claptrap about the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation is simply more of the vast rightwhinge carryings on over the past 30 years which is due to one single reason, i.e., the name Clinton on a November ballot means a win. That's all it is from the Republicans in the congress maximus and the hard core right. Politics.

As the OP notes the folk in Green Bay Wisconsin will get to see both Barack and Hillary together at no charge, which is of course to the right a Democratic party bribery of the voters. laugh.png Listen to the whinge and one would believe only Republicans get honest votes from good decent and patriotic Americans who are hard working, white and right.


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As Pub correctly notes above, and if Bernie comes on board (assuming Clinton makes and keeps acceptable platform changes), the collective firepower being assembled by the Dems for Clinton looks impressive, if not awesome.

On the Trump side, no need for money, Trump can self-fund, and we saw recently in Utah the GOP elite assembled at Romney's place and the mega GOP donors furiously lashing out at Trump and closing their wallets. Oh well, no need for cash, because Trump is really, really, rich, $10 billion in net worth (though fellow billionaire Mark Cuban has had forensic analysis done on Trump's yuge fortune and estimates liquid cash reserves at around a relatively paltry $150-250 million, and doubts Trump's net worth is more than about 2 billion after all the smoke and mirrors clear and high leverage is worked out. Whatever Trump has, he built it on OPM (other people's money) starting with Daddy's $250 million.

Regarding global class political people power lining up to support Trump...well, not so much. I think he wants to replace what should have been a long line of illustrious politician speeches at the GOP convention with entertainers instead. That's probably the right approach with his base. At least Trump can count on Clint Eastwood's support, (one of the very few celebrities supporting Trump), and perhaps ol' Clint will give another empty chair performance at the convention, though hopefully this year that empty chair will be where Trump once was because the GOP will somehow find a way to dump this albatross.

And, both money and support are irrelevant anyway to this great change leader, articulate policy-maker & orator, champion of multi-cultural celebration inclusion and unity. Trump can win on purely manipulating the media for free as he's done this far, right?

He don't need nothin' cept believers. AKA, "a fool born every minute."

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They are springing up all over the country!!!

Highway Sign Near Dallas Hacked to Say, “Hillary for Prison”



The childlike Republicans must pass this nonsense around, constantly delighting each other as Trump marches the wingnuts off the cliff.

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They are springing up all over the country!!!

Highway Sign Near Dallas Hacked to Say, “Hillary for Prison”



Yes, it's a veritable revolution!coffee1.gif

Just out of curiosity; what are you gonna do for the next eight years after HRC has crushed the manchild?

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They are springing up all over the country!!!

Highway Sign Near Dallas Hacked to Say, “Hillary for Prison”


The childlike Republicans must pass this nonsense around, constantly delighting each other as Trump marches the wingnuts off the cliff.

I prefer the sign to people assaulting others for attending a political rally they don't like. How about you?

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They are springing up all over the country!!!

Highway Sign Near Dallas Hacked to Say, “Hillary for Prison”


The childlike Republicans must pass this nonsense around, constantly delighting each other as Trump marches the wingnuts off the cliff.

C'mon Pinot, you sound a bit sour. If the Dems had managed to think this one up for Trump you would be applauding it, be honest

Edited by Scott
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A lot of voters in Utah feel the same way Mitt Romney does.....

A new Salt Lake Tribune/Hinckley Institute poll in Utah finds Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tied in the presidential race at 35% each, followed by Libertarian Gary Johnson at 13%.

Said pollster Jason Perry: “For a state where the majority of voters have supported Republican presidential candidates since 1964, the fact that Trump is in a dead heat with Hillary Clinton suggests Utah voters are still very reluctant about a Trump presidency.”

In 2012 Romney got 72.8% of the Utah vote against Barack Obama and in 2004 GW Bush got 72.7% of the vote against John Kerry. (Remember the "too French" John Kerry!?!)

Wouldn't it be a hoot to see Mitt and Hillary campaigning together in Utah this time around. smile.png

Either way, the 6 Electoral College votes of Utah that automatically go to the Republican party nominee are in question today as they've been in question for the R's since Trump emerged as the Unique American Mussolini.

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A lot of voters in Utah feel the same way Mitt Romney does.....

A new Salt Lake Tribune/Hinckley Institute poll in Utah finds Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump tied in the presidential race at 35% each, followed by Libertarian Gary Johnson at 13%.

Said pollster Jason Perry: “For a state where the majority of voters have supported Republican presidential candidates since 1964, the fact that Trump is in a dead heat with Hillary Clinton suggests Utah voters are still very reluctant about a Trump presidency.”

In 2012 Romney got 72.8% of the Utah vote against Barack Obama and in 2004 GW Bush got 72.7% of the vote against John Kerry. (Remember the "too French" John Kerry!?!)

Wouldn't it be a hoot to see Mitt and Hillary campaigning together in Utah this time around. smile.png

Either way, the 6 Electoral College votes of Utah that automatically go to the Republican party nominee are in question today as they've been in question for the R's since Trump emerged as the Unique American Mussolini.

I did a Google search on "unique American Mussolini" and got one hit - it was a previous post of yours on another (Sanders/Vets) topic HERE

The question is: Is it "Unique American Mussolini" or is it "unique American Mussolini". It is important to be consistent when libeling one of the great leaders of twentieth century Italy, doncha think? You were referring to that Mussolini, right?

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