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Donald Trump: Migrants treated better than US military veterans


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The American right continues to carry on against Anglophone foreigners who are not on the political right and who regularly disagree with the USA political right. Fellow Anglophones who challenge the political right with extensive critiques, analysis, thoughtful and thorough examination drawn from their own particular history.

Especially so now that USA has its original and unique American Mussolini.

The US far out extreme right is plodding its hardest to equal if not surpass the European right of the 1920s and 1930s, so the present generations of the Europe that emerged from that together with USA, Canada, Australia/NZ offer their perspective, which is most welcome by the rest of us.

USA hard core veterans of special forces services -- who tend to carry on about loyalties based on blood, soil and nation -- tend to offer the sharpest differences to fellow Anglophones in the contemporary political-cultural disputes.

Honestly - at this point, it's hard to believe that even you buy into what you are putting on this forum.

Mussolini, Europe in the 20's.

Really - just because somebody wants to enforce a border?

it's hard to believe that even you buy into what you are putting on this forum.

Rhetorical and presumptuous tripe and misdirection.

Trump is the unique American Mussolini who has the complete and enthusiastic support of the far out radical and vengeful right which is driving his anti-Bill of Rights campaign. That is, the advent of complete incivility as the barbarians presently at the gates already testify.

Trump will shred the Bill of Rights and the Constitution itself. The radical right wingnuts will cheer and applaud their dream of a lifetime come true.

Our nightmare.

Absolute tosh.

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The American right continues to carry on against Anglophone foreigners who are not on the political right and who regularly disagree with the USA political right. Fellow Anglophones who challenge the political right with extensive critiques, analysis, thoughtful and thorough examination drawn from their own particular history.

Especially so now that USA has its original and unique American Mussolini.

The US far out extreme right is plodding its hardest to equal if not surpass the European right of the 1920s and 1930s, so the present generations of the Europe that emerged from that together with USA, Canada, Australia/NZ offer their perspective, which is most welcome by the rest of us.

"It is too obvious, too easily demonstrable that fascism and communism are not two opposites, but two rival gangs fighting over the same territory—that both are variants of statism, based on the collectivist principle that man is the rightless slave of the state—that both are socialistic, in theory, in practice, and in the explicit statements of their leaders—that under both systems, the poor are enslaved and the rich are expropriated in favor of a ruling clique—that fascism is not the product of the political “right,” but of the “left”—that the basic issue is not “rich versus poor,” but man versus the state, or: individual rights versus totalitarian government—which means: capitalism versus socialism."


I was afraid it might be the words of some loon you were citing. But now that I can it's Ayn Rand....

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I was interested to look at the evidence Trump's statement was based on. Of course I found there was actually none.

"Mr Trump did not provide any evidence for his assertion."

Trump is certainly not the 'thinking man's' candidate.

When was the last time you saw a thinking man's candidate? Or one with a vision beyond personal aggrandizement?

Bernie Sanders.

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Arab spring prompts biggest migrant wave since second world war,


A quote from Condoleeza Rice:

. "I do think that an Arab spring in Iraq would have been unthinkable under Saddam Hussein."


Here's Dick Cheney

But I think that what happened in Iraq, the fact that we brought democracy, if you will, and freedom to Iraq, has had a ripple effect on some of those other countries.

Dick Cheney = Village Idiot.

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The American right continues to carry on against Anglophone foreigners who are not on the political right and who regularly disagree with the USA political right. Fellow Anglophones who challenge the political right with extensive critiques, analysis, thoughtful and thorough examination drawn from their own particular history.

Especially so now that USA has its original and unique American Mussolini.

The US far out extreme right is plodding its hardest to equal if not surpass the European right of the 1920s and 1930s, so the present generations of the Europe that emerged from that together with USA, Canada, Australia/NZ offer their perspective, which is most welcome by the rest of us.

"It is too obvious, too easily demonstrable that fascism and communism are not two opposites, but two rival gangs fighting over the same territory—that both are variants of statism, based on the collectivist principle that man is the rightless slave of the state—that both are socialistic, in theory, in practice, and in the explicit statements of their leaders—that under both systems, the poor are enslaved and the rich are expropriated in favor of a ruling clique—that fascism is not the product of the political “right,” but of the “left”—that the basic issue is not “rich versus poor,” but man versus the state, or: individual rights versus totalitarian government—which means: capitalism versus socialism."


I was afraid it might be the words of some loon you were citing. But now that I can it's Ayn Rand....

Ayn Rand? THE Ayn Rand? The one who ended her days in a 'socialised' medical facility?

Well I for one believe EVERYTHING this hypocrite says regarding anything to do with socialism... afterall, she's speaking from first hand experience eh.

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What have all the apologists and the " you are such a racist " crew got to say about this fact ?


Since when has Trump been known for facts! This is the serial liar who claimed to have raised $ 6m for veterans, and added $1m of his own money. Only when probed about the money months later did he start writing checks.

Trumps cares no more about veterans than he does about migrants, if Trump cared that much about veterans he'd be one himself instead of being a draft dodger!

P.S I'm having problems adding a link to this post so I'll add it to another post.

Edited by ThaiKneeTim
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What have all the apologists and the " you are such a racist " crew got to say about this fact ?


Since when has Trump been known for facts! This is the serial liar who claimed to have raised $ 6m for veterans, and added $1m of his own money. Only when probed about the money months later did he start writing checks.

Trumps cares no more about veterans than he does about migrants, if Trump cared that much about veterans he'd be one himself instead of being a draft dodger!

P.S I'm having problems adding a link to this post so I'll add it to another post.

That link: http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/trumps-veterans-controversy-goes-bad-worse

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The American right continues to carry on against Anglophone foreigners who are not on the political right and who regularly disagree with the USA political right. Fellow Anglophones who challenge the political right with extensive critiques, analysis, thoughtful and thorough examination drawn from their own particular history.

Especially so now that USA has its original and unique American Mussolini.

The US far out extreme right is plodding its hardest to equal if not surpass the European right of the 1920s and 1930s, so the present generations of the Europe that emerged from that together with USA, Canada, Australia/NZ offer their perspective, which is most welcome by the rest of us.

"It is too obvious, too easily demonstrable that fascism and communism are not two opposites, but two rival gangs fighting over the same territory—that both are variants of statism, based on the collectivist principle that man is the rightless slave of the state—that both are socialistic, in theory, in practice, and in the explicit statements of their leaders—that under both systems, the poor are enslaved and the rich are expropriated in favor of a ruling clique—that fascism is not the product of the political “right,” but of the “left”—that the basic issue is not “rich versus poor,” but man versus the state, or: individual rights versus totalitarian government—which means: capitalism versus socialism."


Fascism and fascists oppose the Bill of Rights in the Constitution and the Constitution and its systems of check and balances.

This poster does not. This poster supports the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, 100%. This poster is among many retired general officers or other veterans who do remind the extreme right veterans we took an oath to the Constitution, not to a man and certainly not to a man who seems to think the US military is his personal palace guard.

The uniquely American Mussolini Donald Trump does not know or care about the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and the Trumpfanboyz don't care about it either. Their allegiance is already declared to Trump the strongman who is above the rule of law and the Constitution which guarantees it.

Trump is attacking the US Federal District Court Judge in the Trump U fraud case, the judge who was born and raised in Indiana, because Trump says the judge is "Mexican." One could fairly expect that a Trump in the White House would put the federal judge to work building Trump's Wall, at Mexico.

Trump disrespects the rule of law, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Trump fanboyz love it. The Trumpfanboyz only cheer on Trump broadly and in general while avoiding every Trump daily specific they can manage to circumvent and dance around. They're not ready to admit Donald Trump is the uniquely American Mussolini. They hope their time to admit and to confirm it will come and they look forward to the day.

As the post unmistakably reveals -- confirms -- the Trumpfanboyz have their own distorted and concocted ideology against the libtards and that is the end of it as far as the far out right is concerned. Ideology is btw a brain disease.

People in this campaign for Potus define themselves by their stand for or against the Bill or Rights in the Constitution. Trump and the Trumpfanboyz do not defend the Bill of Rights, nor will they defend it. Their bent is for the cult of personality and the strongman leader above all else.

Nothing they try to pull off instead can deflect from the fact and the reality.

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I've been looking for instances of a definition that might support your case about the meaning of migrant. So far no luck. Just because you assert something doesn't make it so.

I can't speak with any authority on the US situation, but I have two vet friends in Australia who have fought long and hard for recognition of their medical conditions with little result.

So called 'migrants' have the red carpet rolled out for them, living in better conditions than many would have enjoyed back 'home.' Yet still they riot, demanding more.

Incidentally, 'illegal arrivals' are not 'migrants'. The political left try to give some respectability to people who won't respect borders by calling them 'migrants', but migrants they are not.

OK, well let's try it this way.

Plant your ass in Lebanon, or Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia or any other middle eastern muslim country, without prior approval/visa, and tell the authorities you're a 'migrant' and want the government to pay you for being there, riot if the $$ aren't forthcoming, and then demand things change to match what you left.

You'd be lucky not to have a body part removed or thrown in the slammer, but at the very least, you'd be on a slow boat back to where you came from. Whatever happens, you WILL NOT be treated as a migrant.

You may not find a definition that fits my assertion, but traditionally, migrants make arrangements through their desired country's embassy PRIOR to arriving, have the appropriate visa/s in place, and are self sufficient.

Some of the illegal arrivals may become migrants, in time, but arriving in a country without any form of documentation and demanding to stay doesn't make you a migrant.

Now I get it. I think the word you're looking for is "immigrant". Not "migrant". ?

And what do you mean by and then demand things change to match what you left.?

Perhaps "immigrant" would have been a better choice, but my Pocket Oxford cross references both words, so essentially the same.

Where do I start? Demanding that public pools be closed on certain days so the mobile mailboxes can bathe out of sight of prying infidel eyes, demanding sharia law be implemented, demanding that school tuck shops sell only halal food, demanding that national anthems be sung/recited in languages other than that of their adopted country, demanding that Christmas and other Christian holidays not be observed, and many other demands.

The west has a major problem with islam, but still politicians pussy foot around taking the politically correct line instead of calling it for what it is.

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Trump is right. Here is a CNN story about a Somali war criminal, who Obama's ICE knows about has allowed to remain in the US. To top it off, he works security at Dulles. American citizens being subjected to searches by a war criminal. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/01/us/accused-war-criminal-works-at-dulles-airport/index.html

and this has what to do with Trump's statement 'Migrants get treated better than US Military'?

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Trump is right. Here is a CNN story about a Somali war criminal, who Obama's ICE knows about has allowed to remain in the US. To top it off, he works security at Dulles. American citizens being subjected to searches by a war criminal. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/01/us/accused-war-criminal-works-at-dulles-airport/index.html

and this has what to do with Trump's statement 'Migrants get treated better than US Military'?

You need to pay attention. Ali "entered the U.S. on a visa through his Somali wife, Intisar Farah, who became a U.S. citizen. In 2006, she was found guilty of naturalization fraud for claiming she was a refugee from the very Somali clan that Ali is accused of torturing."

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Trump is right. Here is a CNN story about a Somali war criminal, who Obama's ICE knows about has allowed to remain in the US. To top it off, he works security at Dulles. American citizens being subjected to searches by a war criminal. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/01/us/accused-war-criminal-works-at-dulles-airport/index.html

and this has what to do with Trump's statement 'Migrants get treated better than US Military'?

You need to pay attention. Ali "entered the U.S. on a visa through his Somali wife, Intisar Farah, who became a U.S. citizen. In 2006, she was found guilty of naturalization fraud for claiming she was a refugee from the very Somali clan that Ali is accused of torturing."

I just missed the comparison with US Military Veterans part of your little anecdote. How does this relate to Migrants treated better than US Military veterans. I couldn't see the link.

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Trump is right. Here is a CNN story about a Somali war criminal, who Obama's ICE knows about has allowed to remain in the US. To top it off, he works security at Dulles. American citizens being subjected to searches by a war criminal. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/01/us/accused-war-criminal-works-at-dulles-airport/index.html

and this has what to do with Trump's statement 'Migrants get treated better than US Military'?

If you dont like it, dont read it.

Why do liberals think they have the right to tell others what they can and cannot say?


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