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England fans clash with Marseille locals ahead of Euro 2016


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A post I read from someone who was actually there so more informed than most especially the ill informed and the I believe everything I read in the press brigade on this thread

Finally home after a weekend of mixed emotions.
Some of the scenes I have been witness to this weekend in Marseille have shocked me beyond belief.
Seen so many tweets and posts from so many ill informed and gullible people.
I'm not denying England has many idiots supporting them, home and away, but we were attacked on numerous occasions, and offered no protection whatsoever by the French Police. They seemed intent on just firing tear gas, which effected everyone, not just the few trouble makers, and all it did was spread the crowd into another area and enrage innocent people.
But this was nothing compared to the savage attack from around 3-400 Russian cowardly animals, we witnessed at close quarters and took cover from. They set upon a small section of English fans who minutes earlier were enjoying a sing song with many French fans. We were pelted with bottles, chairs, tables and anything that wasn't bolted down. Any one caught in the way were set upon by 4-5 Russians and beaten severely, including when already unconscious.
I had to plead with and shout at the French Riot Police for at least a minute, for them to perform CPR on a guy who was clearly not breathing, he is still, in a critical condition and I will be very surprised if he survives.
So before you slate and tar all England supporters as hooligans, have a think and see what you would have done, when constantly attacked, provoked with out any support from the hundreds of deployed police?

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