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"ISIL claims responsibility" for Orlando gay nightclub shooting that left 50 dead


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So all you self righteous crusaders will save the World (USA) from the Muslim Infidels. Are you going to Kill every man woman and child of the Islamic faith to justify your beliefs and superiority over this Night club attack.

I ask you to look up Islam by Country on Wikipedia:


Then having unleashed your rage explain to me the rest of the World what is the Difference between you and the Nazis or Mao's Cultural revolution, Stalins Purges, The Balkan wars (Yugoslavia).

I will tell you what "Nothing"

I do not question your morals I simply say those who say "Pay back is a Bitch" have none

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So all you self righteous crusaders will save the World (USA) from the Muslim Infidels. Are you going to Kill every man woman and child of the Islamic faith to justify your beliefs and superiority over this Night club attack.

I ask you to look up Islam by Country on Wikipedia:


Then having unleashed your rage explain to me the rest of the World what is the Difference between you and the Nazis or Mao's Cultural revolution, Stalins Purges, The Balkan wars (Yugoslavia).

I will tell you what "Nothing"

I do not question your morals I simply say those who say "Pay back is a Bitch" have none

On March 29, 2016, Farrokh Sekaleshfar — a British-born medical doctor and Shi’a Muslim scholar — was invited to speak at the Husseini Islamic Center just outside Orlando, Florida.

He said about homosexuals, "“Death is the sentence. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about this. Death is the sentence.”


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Amazing the lack of intellect by some . A member of the public .A US citizen had access to An automatic weapon used in war. Head in the "18th century constitution" sand. Failed state

Belgium, France, not so long ago.


Muslim terror, done with firearms.

Freely available on the black market.

The laws for owning guns are very, very strict in nearly all European countries.

The answer from the politicos in Europe, and the US?

Even stricter gun laws.

Can we count on governments to defend us against the Islamic filth?

No way.

May we defend ourselves?

No way!

What then is the alternative???

For the ISIS and other radical Islamic Zealots, America would be the perfect place to orchestrate mass killings with a variety of available gun types as near everyone has a gun in the USA while you see the end result of ALL the guns being present and easily accessible.

I agree, the citizens should be able to own a gun for "peaceful" and "law abiding" purposes and used to protect oneself if need be.

Unfortunately for the USA there is no way out of the gun related quagmire as there are simply too many guns in circulation and too many gun manufacturers who will not be stopping the production of their guns while their agenda is to make more guns and sell as many as they can while ignoring any of the negative aspects of what they supply while only dwelling on the positive aspects of their products.

You should hear what they have to say when it is their brand of weapon that is used in a mass killing or the favored type of gun used by criminals for the specific crimes they perpetrated using a gun to aid and accomplish their crimes.

The manufacturers usually do not say much rather they allow their "mouth piece", known as the NRA, do all their talking.

All the guns and the nefarious use of some of those guns is a big part and one more contentious aspect of how the USA is a pretty Fuxxed up place in so many respects.

I like guns also...they are cool objects and amazing engineering in many aspects but I do not have the desire to own a gun......But.... if I lived in the USA I would be inclined to own one for self protection and protection of my family while I would also realize and acknowledge I would be contributing to the overall quagmire by owning a gun relative to any of the social ramifications that evolve with one more gun amongst all the more guns existing in the Country.

You are going to hear about all the more mass killings in the USA and far more so than any other country in the world ( that is not at war) while Americans will have to live in fear of death by way of guns all the more so because the whole affair and all that is entailed is not going to get better...rather grow worse in numerous aspects related to an abundance of guns being easily available.

The USA happens to be the country that has so many guns in circulation and far more than other countries and if you made guns readily available and easily accessible to the public in any country then you are guaranteed to see an increases in gun related problems when we are talking about 100 million people owning guns and 150 million guns in circulation.

Take any country and allow the citizens to own guns in the same volumes and the same manner as the USA and watch what unfolds.


Edited by gemguy
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Ayaan Hirsi Ali: “It Is Time to Take On Muslim Homophobia”
Former Muslim and current atheist Ayaan Hirsi Ali noted in a tweet this afternoon that Islamic homophobia is a particularly viral strain of the religion virus. She was responding to last night’s massacre at a gay nightclub in Florida where 50 people died and many more are wounded (at least as of this writing).
No doctrine is more violent to the gay community than Islamic doctrine. It is time to take on Muslim homophobia.
One of the comments: Islam is a beautiful religion, because it's the one I'm always told of being peaceful after a major terror attack.
The Truth About the Gay Nightclub Massacre
When are we going to accept that Islam has a violence problem?

This attack has nothing to do with Muslim people but with a group of radicals who operate under the name of Islam. They are not true Muslims. True Muslims don't kill people. Ayaan is the leader of an anti-Islam think tank in the US created to make US citizens hate Islam. And yer man in the Youtube video is just a moron who wants to incite fear in people.

It's time to take on any kind of doctrine. Also this one.

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Never hear a word from "innocent" muslims to condone this tragedy or do anything to stop the terrorism.

Apparently Iran is biggest supporter of muslim terrorists. Put a Tesla in every driveway and good riddance to Iran and rest

of Arab countries.

It is high time the west takes the gloves off and cut the snake's head off for good.

That is completely wrong. I read a major apology from a cleric in the USA on Reuters very soon after this story started to unfold. You will find more too.

It is true that apologies by muslims tend to go unreported or underreported but they are there. Of course, you will find the opposite too.

Can I just say to the TV trolls who lurk within, I am NOT an apologist for anyone so that flaming message you were about to send me can safely be deleted now.

Point is, "innocent" muslims do nothing to stop the killing of innocent people. And why don't they? Koran states that anyone who will not convert

to Islam is an infidel and must be eliminated. This is a war of religion as most wars were.

You cannot substantiate your assertion in any way, shape or form. You are just perpetuating your prejudice. If muslims know about a potential problem and do nothing then where are all of the other incidents that would have happened?

What about non muslim atrocities? Take the Irish question. Many people knew about atrocities well in advance yet they went ahead.

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Amazing the lack of intellect by some . A member of the public .A US citizen had access to An automatic weapon used in war. Head in the "18th century constitution" sand. Failed state

Belgium, France, not so long ago.


Muslim terror, done with firearms.

Freely available on the black market.

The laws for owning guns are very, very strict in nearly all European countries.

The answer from the politicos in Europe, and the US?

Even stricter gun laws.

Can we count on governments to defend us against the Islamic filth?

No way.

May we defend ourselves?

No way!

What then is the alternative???

For the ISIS and other radical Islamic Zealots, America would be the perfect place to orchestrate mass killings with a variety of available gun types as near everyone has a gun in the USA while you see the end result of ALL the guns being present and easily accessible.

I agree, the citizens should be able to own a gun for "peaceful" and "law abiding" purposes and used to protect oneself if need be.

Unfortunately for the USA there is no way out of the gun related quagmire as there are simply too many guns in circulation and too many gun manufacturers who will not be stopping the production of their guns while their agenda is to make more guns and sell as many as they can while ignoring any of the negative aspects of what they supply while only dwelling on the positive aspects of their products.

You should hear what they have to say when it is their brand of weapon that is used in a mass killing or the favored type of gun used by criminals for the specific crimes they perpetrated using a gun to aid and accomplish their crimes.

The manufacturers usually do not say much rather they allow their "mouth piece", known as the NRA, do all their talking.

All the guns and the nefarious use of some of those guns is a big part and one more contentious aspect of how the USA is a pretty Fuxxed up place in so many respects.

I like guns also...they are cool objects and amazing engineering in many aspects but I do not have the desire to own a gun......But.... if I lived in the USA I would be inclined to own one for self protection and protection of my family while I would also realize and acknowledge I would be contributing to the overall quagmire by owning a gun relative to any of the social ramifications that evolve with one more gun amongst all the more guns existing in the Country.

You are going to hear about all the more mass killings in the USA and far more so than any other country in the world ( that is not at war) while Americans will have to live in fear of death by way of guns all the more so because the whole affair and all that is entailed is not going to get better...rather grow worse in numerous aspects related to an abundance of guns being easily available.

The USA happens to be the country that has so many guns in circulation and far more than other countries and if you made guns readily available and easily accessible to the public in any country then you are guaranteed to see an increases in gun related problems when we are talking about 100 million people owning guns and 150 million guns in circulation.

Take any country and allow the citizens to own guns in the same volumes and the same manner as the USA and watch what unfolds.


An article by an American psychologist supports your view and says this, if there were positive vetting in the USA then the vast majority, I think he said 90%, of applicants who wanted to buy a gun would be refused.

It's worthwhile supporting your view too that the USA suffers more mass shootings than the whole of the rest of the economically advanced world combined. By a long, long way. Anyone wonder why?

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My point is that the militia aspect is redundant, given that the US has what is probably the worlds strongest standing army

(this comment might indicate that I know the difference between the two)

Actually it shows you do not understand the difference at all.

Especially given what the "standing army" as you call it has become.

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That is what you get if you start meddling in conflicts you know nothing about, in territory which is not yours and with a strategy nobody understands.

If Bush had'nt removed Sadam Hussein and Muammar Khadafi, IS would have been eradicated long time ago.

I am afraid that this is only the beginning.

Eitherway it might also help that idiot Trump to get elected.

Rip to the victims and speedy recovery to the injured.

No need to go back that far. I do believe taking Hussein and Ghadafi out was a major blunder. But if the US had supported Assad there would be no Daesh. PC politicians will never get that.

The US should make nice with Russia and China,after all we are the 3 major players and the others don't amount to much

Major player in what?? Dictating/Bullying other countries to bow to your whim? Yes I agree you are a big country and have a lot of Technology but thats about it

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali: “It Is Time to Take On Muslim Homophobia”
Former Muslim and current atheist Ayaan Hirsi Ali noted in a tweet this afternoon that Islamic homophobia is a particularly viral strain of the religion virus. She was responding to last night’s massacre at a gay nightclub in Florida where 50 people died and many more are wounded (at least as of this writing).
No doctrine is more violent to the gay community than Islamic doctrine. It is time to take on Muslim homophobia.
One of the comments: Islam is a beautiful religion, because it's the one I'm always told of being peaceful after a major terror attack.
The Truth About the Gay Nightclub Massacre
When are we going to accept that Islam has a violence problem?

This attack has nothing to do with Muslim people but with a group of radicals who operate under the name of Islam. They are not true Muslims. True Muslims don't kill people. Ayaan is the leader of an anti-Islam think tank in the US created to make US citizens hate Islam. And yer man in the Youtube video is just a moron who wants to incite fear in people.

It's time to take on any kind of doctrine. Also this one.

Not true muslims.. What is a "true muslim" for you? Someone who does not follow islam?

By the way, you did not comment on Ayaan Hirsi Ali's comment at all about muslim homophobia. What's your take on that?

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If true.......Payback's a bitch Obama!......But this is what you want!!.....Perpetual war serves you (the corporate schill) and your corporate buddies ....

Added bonus........you get to crack-down on the people at homesmile.png ..........

All these wars in the middle east are at the heart of this hatred towards america and it's 'allies'

The USA seems to forget that its fighters used the same kind of tactics against the British many years ago in its efforts to rid itself of a much more powerful and oppressive occupier. They were considered "freedom fighters" and "heroes of the nation". Now that the table has turned the same kind of fighters using the same type of tactics are labeled "terrorists" and "savages".??? Get out of other peoples countries and you will find these attacks will all go away! But then as mentioned above, having an external enemy makes it so much easier to manipulate and control the population at home for the benefit of the corporations.

We dont need the USA and its manipulated "allies" to "save" the rest of the world because as history has shown it seems to have the opposite effect.

Was Korea better off after the US "saved" it? Was Vietnam, El Salvadore, Iraq, Libya etc better off? Libya is a prime example....were there thousands of refugees fleeing and risking death on the Mediterranean before the USA & Co rescued Libya from the supposedly "oppressive" Gadaffi ??

Yep, I can concur there. Coming from a country that always get roped in when the US is having a go at another country and a ex serving member of HM Armed Forces who was involved in the 2003 fiasco, WMD my @r5e

Analogy is absolutely ridiculous.

When did the Colonials ever enter England during the American Revolution....and blow up gay bars, trade centers, etc. This is Terror...not warfare. Remember...England had colonies all over the world and was much more active getting their noses involved. Revolution was about freedom from dictators and George the fat...and his greedy lot.

Not about Sharia, homophobia, or holy wars.

Besides...your tea sucked. wink.png

get a grip...dudes. That was a different world, two centuries ago. How far in the past are you going to go...to explain things?

Edited by slipperylobster
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If true.......Payback's a bitch Obama!......But this is what you want!!.....Perpetual war serves you (the corporate schill) and your corporate buddies ....

Added bonus........you get to crack-down on the people at homesmile.png ..........

All these wars in the middle east are at the heart of this hatred towards america and it's 'allies'

The USA seems to forget that its fighters used the same kind of tactics against the British many years ago in its efforts to rid itself of a much more powerful and oppressive occupier. They were considered "freedom fighters" and "heroes of the nation". Now that the table has turned the same kind of fighters using the same type of tactics are labeled "terrorists" and "savages".??? Get out of other peoples countries and you will find these attacks will all go away! But then as mentioned above, having an external enemy makes it so much easier to manipulate and control the population at home for the benefit of the corporations.

We dont need the USA and its manipulated "allies" to "save" the rest of the world because as history has shown it seems to have the opposite effect.

Was Korea better off after the US "saved" it? Was Vietnam, El Salvadore, Iraq, Libya etc better off? Libya is a prime example....were there thousands of refugees fleeing and risking death on the Mediterranean before the USA & Co rescued Libya from the supposedly "oppressive" Gadaffi ??

Yep, I can concur there. Coming from a country that always get roped in when the US is having a go at another country and a ex serving member of HM Armed Forces who was involved in the 2003 fiasco, WMD my @r5e

Analogy is absolutely ridiculous.

When did the Colonials ever enter England during the American Revolution....and blow up gay bars, trade centers, etc. This is Terror...not warfare. Remember...England had colonies all over the world and was much more active getting their noses involved. Revolution was about freedom from dictators and George the fat...and his greedy lot.

Not about Sharia, homophobia, or holy wars.

Besides...your tea sucked. wink.png

get a grip...dudes. That was a different world, two centuries ago. How far in the past are you going to go...to explain things?

lol, that so called revolution was about greedy land speculators like washington getting access to indian lands and expecting Britain to pay for the defense of the illegal land grabs , nothing more

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If true.......Payback's a bitch Obama!......But this is what you want!!.....Perpetual war serves you (the corporate schill) and your corporate buddies ....

Added bonus........you get to crack-down on the people at homesmile.png ..........

All these wars in the middle east are at the heart of this hatred towards america and it's 'allies'

The USA seems to forget that its fighters used the same kind of tactics against the British many years ago in its efforts to rid itself of a much more powerful and oppressive occupier. They were considered "freedom fighters" and "heroes of the nation". Now that the table has turned the same kind of fighters using the same type of tactics are labeled "terrorists" and "savages".??? Get out of other peoples countries and you will find these attacks will all go away! But then as mentioned above, having an external enemy makes it so much easier to manipulate and control the population at home for the benefit of the corporations.

We dont need the USA and its manipulated "allies" to "save" the rest of the world because as history has shown it seems to have the opposite effect.

Was Korea better off after the US "saved" it? Was Vietnam, El Salvadore, Iraq, Libya etc better off? Libya is a prime example....were there thousands of refugees fleeing and risking death on the Mediterranean before the USA & Co rescued Libya from the supposedly "oppressive" Gadaffi ??

Yep, I can concur there. Coming from a country that always get roped in when the US is having a go at another country and a ex serving member of HM Armed Forces who was involved in the 2003 fiasco, WMD my @r5e

Analogy is absolutely ridiculous.

When did the Colonials ever enter England during the American Revolution....and blow up gay bars, trade centers, etc. This is Terror...not warfare. Remember...England had colonies all over the world and was much more active getting their noses involved. Revolution was about freedom from dictators and George the fat...and his greedy lot.

Not about Sharia, homophobia, or holy wars.

Besides...your tea sucked. wink.png

get a grip...dudes. That was a different world, two centuries ago. How far in the past are you going to go...to explain things?

I think one of the issues is that terror IS a part of warfare and the idea that a war happens somewhere else is a oddity specific to the US in recent times due partly to the physical isolation geographically from volitile parts of the world. It would be difficult to class such occurances as the Dresden bombings, London blitz or Hiroshima/Nagasaki as little more than terrorism as part of warfare.

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turning into gun control in america....

The ignorance of some people is very disturbing.

As posted over and over....could happen anywhere.

Paris had gun control laws...am I correct?

Helped them not in the least. Belgium...Germany?

State gun control laws in the United States is not what is causing problems in Belgium and France. Anyplace in Europe is now a hotbed.

Before spewing nonsense...attack the real issues.

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lol, that so called revolution was about greedy land speculators like washington getting access to indian lands and expecting Britain to pay for the defense of the illegal land grabs , nothing more

Whatever cranks your engine...who cares?

Point is....Colonies never went into England and blew up Night clubs and trade centers. Something ThaiFelix was alluding to. We shot brits down using guerrilla tactics.....true. We shot officers with our sharpshooters. Had spies. All that is military warfare. Brits ran around with bright red jackets making their soldiers dumb targets. We did not blow up innocents or shoot your london gay bars.

You never did get a grip.

Edited by slipperylobster
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lol, that so called revolution was about greedy land speculators like washington getting access to indian lands and expecting Britain to pay for the defense of the illegal land grabs , nothing more

Whatever cranks your engine...who cares?

Point is....Colonies never went into England and blew up Night clubs and trade centers. Something ThaiFelix was alluding to. We shot brits down using guerrilla tactics.....true. We shot officers with our sharpshooters. Had spies. All that is military warfare. Brits ran around with bright red jackets making their soldiers dumb targets. We did not blow up innocents or shoot your london gay bars.

You never did get a grip.

Never killed innocents?? lol

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lol, that so called revolution was about greedy land speculators like washington getting access to indian lands and expecting Britain to pay for the defense of the illegal land grabs , nothing more

Whatever cranks your engine...who cares?

Point is....Colonies never went into England and blew up Night clubs and trade centers. Something ThaiFelix was alluding to. We shot brits down using guerrilla tactics.....true. We shot officers with our sharpshooters. Had spies. All that is military warfare. Brits ran around with bright red jackets making their soldiers dumb targets. We did not blow up innocents or shoot your london gay bars.

You never did get a grip.

Never killed innocents?? lol

Go ahead. Flaunt your knowledge oh mighty one.

lol.. if you have evidence of any colonial attacks in England on gay civilian night clubs....I dare you to post it.

Don't talk about terrorism as compared to guerrilla warfare. It is not the same.

Nice of you boys to deflect...but you cannot glue this on the American Revolution...totally ridiculous.

You missed the entire point.....obviously. Innocents get killed in any war...but not like what we are dealing with in nightclubs in Europe and the USA.

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Never hear a word from "innocent" muslims to condone this tragedy or do anything to stop the terrorism.

Apparently Iran is biggest supporter of muslim terrorists. Put a Tesla in every driveway and good riddance to Iran and rest

of Arab countries.

It is high time the west takes the gloves off and cut the snake's head off for good.

Condemnation is out there - even my local radio station in Thailand (bbc news link up) played a statement from CAIR this morning condemning both this specific incident and ISIL in general.

I watched the CAIR "condemnation." What they said on CNN was that "homophobia" was linked to "Islamaphobia." So both had to be condemned.

Here’s Your List Of Muslim Leaders Around The World That Condemned The Massacre In Orlando

Check the long list here: http://thinkprogress.org/world/2016/06/13/3787788/muslim-leaders-orlando/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tptop3&utm_term=5&utm_content=43&elqTrackId=b94a7cb429564a939d8d7c1c22132379&elq=d763354326c246258df6c19cfe47988c&elqaid=30427&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=5806

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Not sure why you want to tar every moslem with the same brush?

I've known a couple of moslems that were v nice and FAR from radical. Actually, they were the only moslems I ever got to know on a day to day basis!

Anyway, this thread is about one horrendous nutter that killed many people sad.png .

The trouble is that even the nice ones brainwash their children, genetically predisposed to believe every thing they say, with this outdated rubbish. The seed is planted, and nurtured, and with a little pruning can produce really violent fruit.

The trouble is, the original migrants remember what a dump they left behind. The next and subsequent generations don't have that comparison, and grow bitter when they don't achieve the success they see others enjoy, and don't see it is a result of their religious based education, lack of social skills and low IQ. 1400 years of marrying cousins HAS had an effect.

This peaceful muslim that killed 50 ppl had a father who was a Taliban supporter.

Edited by FinChin67
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turning into gun control in america....

The ignorance of some people is very disturbing.

As posted over and over....could happen anywhere.

Paris had gun control laws...am I correct?

Helped them not in the least. Belgium...Germany?

State gun control laws in the United States is not what is causing problems in Belgium and France. Anyplace in Europe is now a hotbed.

Before spewing nonsense...attack the real issues.

Yes, exactly.

Let's ban cars too?

At least three killed in Austria after man drives into crowd before 'stabbing passers-by' in Graz
In March 2006, Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, an Iranian-American, intentionally, as he confessed, hit people with a sport utility vehicle on the campus of the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill to "avenge the deaths of Muslims worldwide" and to "punish" the United States government. While no one was killed in the terror ramming attack, nine people were injured (none seriously).
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Condemnation is out there - even my local radio station in Thailand (bbc news link up) played a statement from CAIR this morning condemning both this specific incident and ISIL in general.

I watched the CAIR "condemnation." What they said on CNN was that "homophobia" was linked to "Islamaphobia." So both had to be condemned.

Here’s Your List Of Muslim Leaders Around The World That Condemned The Massacre In Orlando

Check the long list here: http://thinkprogress.org/world/2016/06/13/3787788/muslim-leaders-orlando/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tptop3&utm_term=5&utm_content=43&elqTrackId=b94a7cb429564a939d8d7c1c22132379&elq=d763354326c246258df6c19cfe47988c&elqaid=30427&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=5806

Even this..

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia condemns in the strongest terms the attack on innocent people in Orlando. (PR Service).


The Punishment for Homosexuality in Saudi Arabia: Death.

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yes, that is the thread then why it turns to a muslim bashing one once again?

go bash ISIS. send your armies to Syria to bash ISIS so where are you?

ISIS is a pervert sect and has no relation with Islam.

So do you think all muslim in this world related with ISIS? or ignorance is bliss for you?

I think you're missing something Galactus.

My understanding is that none of the mass killings perpetrated by religions other than muslims have been carried out in the name of religion. This pos was a muslim and swore allegiance to IS.....Islamic State. Islam is the religion, and they want an islamic state.

I don't know of any of the others who have killed masses of people swearing allegiance to Presbyterianism, Hinduism, etc., but you may be able to point out some??

I think there are a good many more who wish success for the islamic state than you will ever know.

i think you are missing holocaust, atomic bombs, world wars, inquisition courts, crusades etc etc. i can count more.

that ISIS you mention is a pervert sect again and again rise of ISIS is in relation with the support US and its partners gave them to fight with Assad before and now it turns and bites their a..s..s..e..s.

everyone is definitely entitled to have and express their opinion (oops... That's not right is it?)... But herein the topic is largely terrorism, and none of your examples pertain to terrorism.... Even though terror was undoubtedly a commonly felt emotion...

Terrorism is deliberately indiscriminate, your examples are not.

The crusaders came as an army, not a band of terrorists... But interestingly, as an occupation force, they were attacked by Muslim terrorists ( hash fueled assassins... Some view these as the first terrorists)

World wars and the atomic bomb were... Wars... Religion was not a factor

The holocost can be viewed as a political weapon, but was, arguably, also a continuation of the persecution of Jews since the death of Christ.... by all and sundry.... For political or financial reward.

Ironically, by and large, the inquisitions saw Christians killing Christians, more than anything else, and was also, arguably, a political tool, vs a religious tool.

And... If you have followed TV enough, you would know that Catholics get the s.h.one.t bashed out of them regularly.... Just mention another pedo priest, and watch this forum light up.

That said.... Muslims should not be persecuted.... Terrorists should.

thanks for your last words. all muslim jihadist terrorists need to be exterminated for once and for all together with other extremists from other religions. And there are good or bad people at every religion.

such a tragic event:( RIP and patience for their families.

topic is about terrorism and condemning such horrible attacks, i agree, but what we see is prejudiced and discriminating Nazi like thoughts here??

and for a massacre, religion is not necessarily a factor. you cannot justify a holocaust or atomic bomb just bc it was war or it was not a religious event. war or peace, a holocaust or an atomic bomb is a massacre or not? plus can we be sure they are not religiously done?

and i believe you are talking about 'Hashshasins' and they count as first assassin organization on Earth not first terrorist one hence word 'assassin' in English comes from them.

crusaders came and they were worst than terrorists. They plundered every city they have been passing including Constantinople where Orthodox Christians living! They killed and raped many orthodox Christians too.

and kudos for a poster here reminding us that the biggest massacre in US history is 'Wounded Knee Massacre' where hundreds of native Americans, women and kids included, were massacred mercilessly.

and keep in mind, this is a terrorist attack for us but for those bloody f ing jihadist, this is war!

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True Muslims don't kill people.

Er.. you need to check your copy of the Koran again. The problem is that True Muslims do kill people. Those who claim to be Muslim and also condemn killings of non-Muslims, homosexuals etc are NOT True Muslims. Indeed, they sometimes get murdered by the True Muslims for their 'erronous' views.

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Never hear a word from "innocent" muslims to condone this tragedy or do anything to stop the terrorism.

Apparently Iran is biggest supporter of muslim terrorists. Put a Tesla in every driveway and good riddance to Iran and rest

of Arab countries.

It is high time the west takes the gloves off and cut the snake's head off for good.

That is completely wrong. I read a major apology from a cleric in the USA on Reuters very soon after this story started to unfold. You will find more too.

It is true that apologies by muslims tend to go unreported or underreported but they are there. Of course, you will find the opposite too.

Can I just say to the TV trolls who lurk within, I am NOT an apologist for anyone so that flaming message you were about to send me can safely be deleted now.

Point is, "innocent" muslims do nothing to stop the killing of innocent people. And why don't they? Koran states that anyone who will not convert

to Islam is an infidel and must be eliminated. This is a war of religion as most wars were.

You cannot substantiate your assertion in any way, shape or form. You are just perpetuating your prejudice. If muslims know about a potential problem and do nothing then where are all of the other incidents that would have happened?

What about non muslim atrocities? Take the Irish question. Many people knew about atrocities well in advance yet they went ahead.

YOU are actually the one who's unable to substantiate your assertion in any way, shape, or form, and the one perpetuating a political correctness which is killing innocent people. This scum in Orlando is a perfect example. Read up on what his co-workers had to say about HIS prejudice, hate, and murderous threats, and its utter dismissal by the company for fear of appearing to be anti-Muslim. I wouldn't be surprised if that company doesn't have some litigation by the families of the victims in its future. And the father - who insists his precious was a "good son" - is an Afghan Taliban supporter FPS.

"If muslims know about a potential problem and do nothing then where are all of the other incidents that would have happened?"

On some planet in some bizarro universe in another dimension, that must make some sense. Meanwhile, here on this planet, ask the FBI and other LE agencies around the world about the plans they've managed to successfully thwart if you really want to explore the "would haves". 'Totally irrelevant to the point being made though, as all that's necessary for the Islamist atrocities to keep brewing is for the silent ones to just keep doing what they're doing; play dumb, look the other way, and let the talking heads voice the occasional objection - for consumption by a gullible public - to these atrocities for them, and a little luck. As we've so often heard, the good guys have to detect and thwart every attempt to be successful; these Islamist scum only need succeed once. But Allah forbid that "mainstream Muslims", whatever that really means, should actually get off their butts and out onto the streets in protest, as they seem to have NO trouble doing in cities around the world, when the issue is some comic they object to, or some perceived discrimination, or an exercise of free speech by "infidels" they deem unacceptable. But a Muslim tidal wave in the streets to express outrage and openly & loudly & collectively repudiate these brutal atrocities - nope, that never happens.

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YOU are actually the one who's unable to substantiate your assertion in any way, shape, or form, and the one perpetuating a political correctness which is killing innocent people. This scum in Orlando is a perfect example. Read up on what his co-workers had to say about HIS prejudice, hate, and murderous threats, and its utter dismissal by the company for fear of appearing to be anti-Muslim. I wouldn't be surprised if that company doesn't have some litigation by the families of the victims in its future. And the father - who insists his precious was a "good son" - is an Afghan Taliban supporter FPS.

"If muslims know about a potential problem and do nothing then where are all of the other incidents that would have happened?"

On some planet in some bizarro universe in another dimension, that must make some sense. Meanwhile, here on this planet, ask the FBI and other LE agencies around the world about the plans they've managed to successfully thwart if you really want to explore the "would haves". 'Totally irrelevant to the point being made though, as all that's necessary for the Islamist atrocities to keep brewing is for the silent ones to just keep doing what they're doing; play dumb, look the other way, and let the talking heads voice the occasional objection - for consumption by a gullible public - to these atrocities for them, and a little luck. As we've so often heard, the good guys have to detect and thwart every attempt to be successful; these Islamist scum only need succeed once. But Allah forbid that "mainstream Muslims", whatever that really means, should actually get off their butts and out onto the streets in protest, as they seem to have NO trouble doing in cities around the world, when the issue is some comic they object to, or some perceived discrimination, or an exercise of free speech by "infidels" they deem unacceptable. But a Muslim tidal wave in the streets to express outrage and openly & loudly & collectively repudiate these brutal atrocities - nope, that never happens.

when was the last time you protested a christian bombing a black church or shooting an abortionist? a christian pastor preaching hate of gays from the pulpit??

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Never hear a word from "innocent" muslims to condone this tragedy or do anything to stop the terrorism.

Apparently Iran is biggest supporter of muslim terrorists. Put a Tesla in every driveway and good riddance to Iran and rest

of Arab countries.

It is high time the west takes the gloves off and cut the snake's head off for good.

That is completely wrong. I read a major apology from a cleric in the USA on Reuters very soon after this story started to unfold. You will find more too.

It is true that apologies by muslims tend to go unreported or underreported but they are there. Of course, you will find the opposite too.

Can I just say to the TV trolls who lurk within, I am NOT an apologist for anyone so that flaming message you were about to send me can safely be deleted now.

Point is, "innocent" muslims do nothing to stop the killing of innocent people. And why don't they? Koran states that anyone who will not convert

to Islam is an infidel and must be eliminated. This is a war of religion as most wars were.

You cannot substantiate your assertion in any way, shape or form. You are just perpetuating your prejudice. If muslims know about a potential problem and do nothing then where are all of the other incidents that would have happened?

What about non muslim atrocities? Take the Irish question. Many people knew about atrocities well in advance yet they went ahead.

YOU are actually the one who's unable to substantiate your assertion in any way, shape, or form, and the one perpetuating a political correctness which is killing innocent people. This scum in Orlando is a perfect example. Read up on what his co-workers had to say about HIS prejudice, hate, and murderous threats, and its utter dismissal by the company for fear of appearing to be anti-Muslim. I wouldn't be surprised if that company doesn't have some litigation by the families of the victims in its future. And the father - who insists his precious was a "good son" - is an Afghan Taliban supporter FPS.

"If muslims know about a potential problem and do nothing then where are all of the other incidents that would have happened?"

On some planet in some bizarro universe in another dimension, that must make some sense. Meanwhile, here on this planet, ask the FBI and other LE agencies around the world about the plans they've managed to successfully thwart if you really want to explore the "would haves". 'Totally irrelevant to the point being made though, as all that's necessary for the Islamist atrocities to keep brewing is for the silent ones to just keep doing what they're doing; play dumb, look the other way, and let the talking heads voice the occasional objection - for consumption by a gullible public - to these atrocities for them, and a little luck. As we've so often heard, the good guys have to detect and thwart every attempt to be successful; these Islamist scum only need succeed once. But Allah forbid that "mainstream Muslims", whatever that really means, should actually get off their butts and out onto the streets in protest, as they seem to have NO trouble doing in cities around the world, when the issue is some comic they object to, or some perceived discrimination, or an exercise of free speech by "infidels" they deem unacceptable. But a Muslim tidal wave in the streets to express outrage and openly & loudly & collectively repudiate these brutal atrocities - nope, that never happens.

Why don't you go the whole hog and invite all muslims worldwide to come to Orlando and march in the streets to condemn this atrocity.

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YOU are actually the one who's unable to substantiate your assertion in any way, shape, or form, and the one perpetuating a political correctness which is killing innocent people. This scum in Orlando is a perfect example. Read up on what his co-workers had to say about HIS prejudice, hate, and murderous threats, and its utter dismissal by the company for fear of appearing to be anti-Muslim. I wouldn't be surprised if that company doesn't have some litigation by the families of the victims in its future. And the father - who insists his precious was a "good son" - is an Afghan Taliban supporter FPS.

"If muslims know about a potential problem and do nothing then where are all of the other incidents that would have happened?"

On some planet in some bizarro universe in another dimension, that must make some sense. Meanwhile, here on this planet, ask the FBI and other LE agencies around the world about the plans they've managed to successfully thwart if you really want to explore the "would haves". 'Totally irrelevant to the point being made though, as all that's necessary for the Islamist atrocities to keep brewing is for the silent ones to just keep doing what they're doing; play dumb, look the other way, and let the talking heads voice the occasional objection - for consumption by a gullible public - to these atrocities for them, and a little luck. As we've so often heard, the good guys have to detect and thwart every attempt to be successful; these Islamist scum only need succeed once. But Allah forbid that "mainstream Muslims", whatever that really means, should actually get off their butts and out onto the streets in protest, as they seem to have NO trouble doing in cities around the world, when the issue is some comic they object to, or some perceived discrimination, or an exercise of free speech by "infidels" they deem unacceptable. But a Muslim tidal wave in the streets to express outrage and openly & loudly & collectively repudiate these brutal atrocities - nope, that never happens.

when was the last time you protested a christian bombing a black church or shooting an abortionist? a christian pastor preaching hate of gays from the pulpit??

When was the last time someone burst into a bar, a club, a stadium, or coffee shop and shouted "in the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost," and then started to kill everyone?

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