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Fly and/or Mosquitotrap

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Somebody have a Idee how to make usefull fly and/or mosquitotrap?

I tryed already this with the heast in the plastikbottle and it's was not not so usefull.

I bought one time this violett light with the fan. After a couple of weeks this 900 Bath joke was broken.

So. This is now the question:

How to fight the flyes and the moskitos.Organic or a chemieway.


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Not sure about the mozzies but my bottle traps work great. I use a can of coke or Fanta mixed with molasses and EM, when I'm on the dregs of my beer I pour that around the rim, they love a bit of it. To speed the death process up every hour or so I go back to the traps put my hand over the entrance and with my other hand tap away to the tune of my favorite song. Just been using this mix for 3 days and it's the best I've used yet. I'll post some picks tomorrow....... Fly killing at it's very best.

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You can trap flies in vinegar with a small amount of dishsoap (try a drop) in it. They are attracted to the vinegar and quickly drown in it because the surface tension of the vinegar is broken by the dishwashing soap.

Do not attempt to trap mosquitoes, unless you are trapping for research. Mosquito traps, of all varieties (black light, CO2, etc) have been found to attract more mosquitoes to an area than were there before and they do not kill them at a higher rate, so you simply attract more mosquitoes to yourself. Now if you were to set it up at your neighbor's house...

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Ok here's one of mine

As you can see the fly's are in.


Put your hand over the top and tap your tune, I'm tapping to a bit of the chilli peppers at the moment but that's up to you.


As you can see they are now in.


Put the lid on and give it a swizzle!


Your trap is now reloaded and ready for the next catch.
Cheers, Bill the flycatcher.

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