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Fighting With Other Farang?

Delray Tweed

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As I was taught many years ago and still holds true - a streetfight is lost or won in the initial 10 seconds. (Fight or flee). Anything goes - bite, rip, batter, knife, etc...etc.

No rules.

The other side of the coin is that the locals JUST LOVE to see farangs beasting each other.

The Plods find it even more amusing.

I had occasion to take exception to a couple of louts who groped the 15 year daughter of a mate here a couple of years ago. A very nice young Thai girl.

Said MU tee shirt wearers got well stiffed and I'm only a scrawny git - cops found it hilarious and they paid their own hospital bills.

And 'ahem', the compensatory fee.....................

It's a laugh a minute. :o



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I trained in judo. How does the law react to choke holds and arm locks?

If the person you use your judo on knows a real martial art they will react by snapping you in two.

...and if he knows how to street fight he will bite his nipple or something else off

That's not street fighting - that's 7 year old schoolgirl fighting!

Really? :D

What then is street fighting, according to you?

so serious... :o

totster :D

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We were sitting in a quiet non-girly bar, just about to meet some close friends before going on for a farewell dinner in a quality restaurant

Yes, in a heartbeat...

You must have been a newbie.............or just plain ole stupid,

Maybe you should have just gone straight to the ' quality restaurant ', instead of sitting in a bar during Songkhran. Then you would not have had the need to batter a man in the face with a rambo water gun, enough to hospitalise him I might add.

English by any chance?

I bet your friends were really impressed as you were carted away to the police station, people like you give the many good British people a bad name. :o

And would you do it again, I love your answer, in a heartbeat, of course if the guy was built like a house, then you would just accept it, or get the beating of your life, or are you another internet hard man? :D

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What are the laws on self defense in Thailand? At what point am I allowed to use physical force? What happens at police station after two farangs fight?

I trained in judo. How does the law react to choke holds and arm locks? Is a choke considered deadly force?

No need to fight. Why don't you just kiss and make up. :o

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For those devotees of the martial arts, is it possible to learn how to avoid getting hit by your opponent while never throwing a punch or kick yourself? In other, words let the aggressor tire himself out to the point of exhaustion. Just curious.

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I think the op wants to know if anyone has been in a fight with a farang and been taken down to the MIB (men in brown). If so what happend? He has stated twice he doesnt want to fight he was just curious as to what the outcome would be. Would they kick the crap out of you at the station? fine you? etc

Does anyone know? I think everyone agrees that avoiding it in the first place is the way to go but sometimes it cant always be done.


Going back some ten years or more, I had a slight disagreement with a German who thought it funny to drench my girlfriend, having been warned in no uncertain terms not to.

I was carted off by the Police, whilst the other party had a nap.

The end result after several hours was that I had to pay for his hospital bill, the shattered Rambo water gun that his face accidentally came into contact with a few times, plus 'compensation'.

I have no idea as to whether the money went to him or not, but I now hibernate during Songkran...

Jeez, you beat someone up for throwing water around during Songkran? You need to loosen up a bit...

We were sitting in a quiet non-girly bar, just about to meet some close friends before going on for a farewell dinner in a quality restaurant; they were leaving the following morning. In marched this prat with his gun and began blasting well-dressed people, specifically the females.

As soon as it started, I stood up and warned the fool to back off.

He chose otherwise and proceeded to blast my girlfriend in the face and chest, humiliating her in the process. He suffered the consequences.

Perhaps you would have bought the moron a drink?

I have since made a point of letting the trash you appear to condone get on with it in my absence.

Would I do the same again under similar circumstances?

Yes, in a heartbeat...

Hmm, OK well yes it seems his behavior was quite out of place in those circumstances and your reaction was understandable. I was envisaging the usual Songkran merriment in the appropriate places, I've never actually seen someone chucking the water around in a more formal setting like the one you were in, and certainly not after being asked already to stop doing it. Anyway, apologies for jumping to the wrong conclusion there.

No problem. I can see what you might have thought. :o

I am not actually against Songkran, excepting the oiks and retards who give mental paraplegics a bad name with their puerile antics that would make a dehydrated turd sweat (Thai and farang included).

The needless countrywide death toll is also a crime in itself. :D

Unfortunately it appears that many fail to appreciate that Songkran should be a gentle occasion where respect is shown. I too actually do participate and have a laugh on the designated day each year, but at least I am prepared for it.

That said, I have zero tolerance for those who want to take things to an unacceptable level and cause distress to people close to me.

Staying in for the duration seems the better option and certainly saves me a bundle of cash... :D

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We were sitting in a quiet non-girly bar, just about to meet some close friends before going on for a farewell dinner in a quality restaurant

Yes, in a heartbeat...

You must have been a newbie.............or just plain ole stupid,

Maybe you should have just gone straight to the ' quality restaurant ', instead of sitting in a bar during Songkhran. Then you would not have had the need to batter a man in the face with a rambo water gun, enough to hospitalise him I might add.

English by any chance?

I bet your friends were really impressed as you were carted away to the police station, people like you give the many good British people a bad name. :o

And would you do it again, I love your answer, in a heartbeat, of course if the guy was built like a house, then you would just accept it, or get the beating of your life, or are you another internet hard man? :D

So it was you then!

Did you get paid...? :D

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So it was you then!

Did you get paid...? :D

Not me, guy you violently assaulted was probably 70 years old and had a zimmer frame.

Tell me something, are you one of those Brits that will act all tough, then when you get pulled up and fear the consequences, you whimper " Sorry mate, I was only joking " :D:D

Violent men like you should stay in England were you can go out on a Friday night, get totally slaughtered, beat some poor guy up cos he's better looking than you and can actually get a girlfriend who's sober, then head off to the nearest Indian for a curry and 3 bottles of Blue Nun to eventually throw the whole lot up in the cab home.

The great English night out. :o

Edited by Creeper
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If the person you use your judo on knows a real martial art they will react by snapping you in two. :D

This is unfair, Judo is a real martial art, I train in Taekwondo and a lot of Muay Thai readers will think this is not a 'real martial art' either (but thats another thread)

You will no doubt get a 'strangle hold' on your wallet from the police :o if you partake in anything physical though

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For those devotees of the martial arts, is it possible to learn how to avoid getting hit by your opponent while never throwing a punch or kick yourself? In other, words let the aggressor tire himself out to the point of exhaustion. Just curious.

It is possible.

In Muay THai (which isn't a martial art, but is the one I have learned a bit in), you can drive an opponent nuts by dodging weaving, and most easy, just staying out of distance. So every time the guy steps forward and punches, you simply step back, and the punches fall into thin air.

However, for a reasonably fit person, they will be able to keep throwing punches for a while, and there may be things stopping you from backing up continuously. Still better than standing close enough to get hit, if you value a nice set of teeth.

Most of the martial arts like Aikido probably in theory can do what you are talking about, but a lot of them have fairly ineffective training so you will probably end up getting hit hard. For boxing and muay THai at least you are practising hitting pads and bags full power and also sparring at fairly high force; the biggest thing in a street fight is that first few seconds when it escalates; can you hold it together? Can you see that first shot coming? Can you do something back?

Wingchun might be one of the better techniques for defending against a boxer, as they can do some cool stuff; e.g. deflect a punch, then punch the other person 10 times. Muay Thai or boxing on the other hand are just probably something like block, throw a combo that's it fight over; most fights on the street last just one exchange. Especially an elbow to the face; shove to the throat followed by an elbow, that sort of thing. Blood appears and people start running home to mum.

I would not embarrass myself by ever standing up for my manhood or whatever; it isn't worth the risk that someone could knock out my teeth, I could be called a raving gay or a gay raver, doesn't bother me in the least. Couldn't care less about someone saying something about my family, nor could any of my family, at least not enough to get into a fight. however, if in danger, my mother or family, a different story, I would do what it takes to destroy or slow someone physically threatening them.

In a western country, some sort of equivalent force test applies; if you get hit, you can hit back, but it would be unfair to beat the guy with a crowbar.

In Thailand, for farang vs. farang expect drunken staggering and inept drunken boxing one on one. If it involves a Thai, then do not expect it to end until they have won; if pushed hard enough into a fight, then ganging up, weapons, or an attack a few days later are all 'fair game'. All the more reason not to bother. And in some cases, a nerdy looking wimp might have a weapon, a bunch of friends, or they might be way tougher and stronger than you think.

The types of people that want to fight are an odd bunch anyway. Bullies and kids mostly. If they really wanted to fight, they would do judo, or TKD or K1 or something rather than picking on weaklings around them.

Edited by steveromagnino
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For those devotees of the martial arts, is it possible to learn how to avoid getting hit by your opponent while never throwing a punch or kick yourself? In other, words let the aggressor tire himself out to the point of exhaustion. Just curious.

In a word YES but you would need to do something like Ju Jitsu or kung <deleted> where they use a variety of arm and leg blocks

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So it was you then!

Did you get paid...? :D

Not me, guy you violently assaulted was probably 70 years old and had a zimmer frame.

Tell me something, are you one of those Brits that will act all tough, then when you get pulled up and fear the consequences, you whimper " Sorry mate, I was only joking " :D:D

Violent men like you should stay in England were you can go out on a Friday night, get totally slaughtered, beat some poor guy up cos he's better looking than you and can actually get a girlfriend who's sober, then head off to the nearest Indian for a curry and 3 bottles of Blue Nun to eventually throw the whole lot up in the cab home.

The great English night out. :o

Aaah, so you are German then, hence the irrational response possibly the result of ingrained nationalism.

Just out of idle curiosity,' Creeper', is your first name 'Brothel' or "just plain ole stupid?" :D

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For those devotees of the martial arts, is it possible to learn how to avoid getting hit by your opponent while never throwing a punch or kick yourself? In other, words let the aggressor tire himself out to the point of exhaustion. Just curious.

In a word YES but you would need to do something like Ju Jitsu or kung <deleted> where they use a variety of arm and leg blocks

Now don't quote me on this, but I seem to recall reading about an ancient roman boxer who did just that, take all the punishment and not respond, once a bout went on for hours until his opponent dropped dead!

[if it is true, what a great form of self defense]

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Seems like a bit of a silly Topic to start in the first place:

You could end up getting warned as well this goes on record and immigration could be informed and thats your visits to LOS knocked on the head.

As stated earlier sounds like you cant hold your pop or you are very insecure about your self. You take on one Thai man you take on all his mate normally and possible the family.

Advice leave your Judo in the Ludo box and keep your nose clean

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Seems like a bit of a silly Topic to start in the first place:

You could end up getting warned as well this goes on record and immigration could be informed and thats your visits to LOS knocked on the head.

As stated earlier sounds like you cant hold your pop or you are very insecure about your self. You take on one Thai man you take on all his mate normally and possible the family.

Advice leave your Judo in the Ludo box and keep your nose clean

that fighting talk where I'm from :D fortunately I have moved now :o:D

On a serious note, whomever throws the first punch has already 'lost' the fight, mentally. Verbal, calm battling is much more challenging and requires more skill and ability :D

Back to the thread, I have been able to defend myself by blocks, holds etc and each time witnesses have backed me up saying my opponent was the agressor and I was merely defending myself. I rarely strike anyone and this is the last form of my defence. Wherever you are in the world this is unwise for both yourself and your opponent esp if you know how and where to strike someone for maximum effect. Knowing what has been read about the Bangkok Hilton I certainly would not want to do anything to end up in there.

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For those devotees of the martial arts, is it possible to learn how to avoid getting hit by your opponent while never throwing a punch or kick yourself? In other, words let the aggressor tire himself out to the point of exhaustion. Just curious.

The point of Aikido is to use the attackers energy against himself, but one would have to be highly trained and disiplined to do what you have described.

A real master of Tai Chi could easily fend off a puncher in a simular way and tie him up with a hold that he could never break.

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Enough of this "Im a mad fighter" talk etc.

Saying you kicked someones ass on the internet and actually doing it is totally different.

And dantilley the songkran in sydney is sheet, no water and just powder and about 5 people participate

Edited by Donz
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people who street fight have to be extremely careful as one never knows you will pull on.

ive seen some big boys come unstuck and its very frigging scary to witness especially if the other guy is a bad boy.

give it a big miss punters. :o


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I havent't had a fight since I was ten years old, I have been able to maintain my dignity, and kept all my teeth, for more than thirty years.....am I just lucky?

A lot of tough ones on this posts,I am really scared. :o:D:D:D

my post was intended to show that it is possible to avoid fighting .......cwilliam, are you trying to pick a fight ?

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I havent't had a fight since I was ten years old, I have been able to maintain my dignity, and kept all my teeth, for more than thirty years.....am I just lucky?

over 40 huh?

you will be losing your teeth soon enough without a punch being thrown... :o

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May all on here including the cyber warriors live in peace.

Why on earth would you come to live in the LOS if you ae fixated on home town violence.

I'm bigger than you ? I'm harder than you ? So fffin what.

I for one am trying to live my life without this shi--te. Come on gang, let's get back to what this site is about.

Enough is enough. Give this a rest.

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Just make sure you can run very fast.

Whenever you have some brawl with another person just walk away from it.

You can be karate expert whatever, I have learned when I did martial art to just walk away and not use your skills to beat someone to pulp.

If you are looking for some other farang (OP) to practice some UFC skills please say so.

I am sure those so called 'Cyber Warriors" would be more then willing.


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You could end up getting warned as well this goes on record and immigration could be informed and thats your visits to LOS knocked on the head.

Is there a law against asking about self defense? You need to read my post again. I can't hold my Pop?... that is funny stuff, i'm going to steal that one :o

This seems to be an issue which has touched a few nerves on the MB. I am actually considering calling up tourist police or my embassy to get the answers. There was some sound advice and a few amusing antedotes, most of the replies have not been informative.

I'm sure in Thailand as back home ignorance of the law is no excuse, so we are supposed to know the law, but where can we look it up? Show me the book i'll read it.

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and was quite amazed by

grapplers, if this guy got his hands on me i was going down,

Yes indeed,

Ground skills are very important, most fights degrade quickly to the ground by clumsy headlocks and other in an effort to gain apparent control,

Grappling skills are essential in cage fight competitions, Ultimate Fighters like Gracie are Masters,

To knock or choke someone out, when a unrealistic threat assessment is made can lead to law suits, reprisals, etc,

To extricate yourself from some heavy drunken slob with a simple wrist pin is sometimes all that's necessary. Of course staying out of harms way is preferred but not always an option. :o

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