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Accidently Stepping On Thai Toes

John K

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Always smile....always.....if you have a difficult time with this consider cosmetic surgery.


While you're kissing his hindside, why don't you give him a reach-around too? :D Geez, grow some nuts man. :o

I am wondering how long this thread has to go on before you catch on.

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Always smile....always.....if you have a difficult time with this consider cosmetic surgery.


Surely you've got to be joking. Always smile?

I'm not a smiley kind of guy, and I'm definitely not going to go around wearing a fake smile just to keep the locals happy.

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the great Stickman in his latest Sunday piece pontificates on the subject of Thais and face.

He was sitting in his car when a young Thai slammed his own car door into Sticks causing considerable damage. Stick expained that if he had tackled the guy it would have made the Thai lose face and therefore he did nothing. :o

What a load of sheer tripe!

I have always found that the rules in Thailand are the same as anywhere in the world.

Be polite and fair and still firm. If you have to take someone aside and give them a talking to-do it one on one and not in public.

In situations where I have been wronged publicy by a Thai and I have been forced into confrontation I have found that fellow Thais have been extremely supportive IF I was in the right.

People think too much about Thai culture and trying to understand it. just folow the basic rules of being polite and speaking quietly-but remain firm and true to your principles. you will be ok

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Whilst by no means being an expert in Thai culture, I joined the Merchant Navy as a trainee officer in the very early eighties with UK Officers and Chinese crew. As such I learned about face very early.

The way it was taught me, from the hardest chinese petty officer ever, was face is, don't put an inferior rank down in front of his crew. If it is one to one then tell them straight that you are the boss.

If you are not the boss then sort it amicably.

If, however, they are disrecpecting you as the boss, i.e. buying or in charge, then dress them down and put the person in their place.

Don't be afraid but don't be an arrogant farang.

Might be wrong but that was my education.

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Good manners are universal.

Good behaviour is universal.

Well said,I totally agree, makes life so much more pleasent.

It is of no difference to me whether i live here or another country, its a contract for 2-4 years and thats it, i have no intention of adapting to the culture as i will move on. If they cannot understand straight forward actions in which people are held accountable then i will not pussy foot around them on the basis they may lose face.

This is so sad, - why is it?

Have you ever read the book "How to win friends and influence people"? - no

I am sure you are missing out on some fantastic experiences during your stay in Thailand due to this attitude - dont see why i am doing everything i want to

Furtermore (is that a german word?) I would suspect your day to day living would be smoother and more enjoyble were you to take on board the local culture and mind set. - i live a smooth and enjoyable life the way it is.

As the old saying goes , When in rome................. - what? :o


Edited by markuk
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Avoid making eye contact.

Nonsense, you need to the amount of eye contact that is appropriate - you sound like a real woos.

I was going to ask about that one. I make eye contact regularly, it is one sure way to show sincerity.

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It is of no difference to me whether i live here or another country, its a contract for 2-4 years and thats it, i have no intention of adapting to the culture as i will move on. If they cannot understand straight forward actions in which people are held accountable then i will not pussy foot around them on the basis they may lose face.

This is so sad, - why is it?

Have you ever read the book "How to win friends and influence people"? - no - Obviously not - MM

I am sure you are missing out on some fantastic experiences during your stay in Thailand due to this attitude - dont see why i am doing everything i want to

Furtermore (is that a german word?)

Thankyou for pointing out my typing error it should read "furthermore" -MM

I would suspect your day to day living would be smoother and more enjoyble were you to take on board the local culture and mind set. - i live a smooth and enjoyable life the way it is.

As the old saying goes , When in rome................. - what? :o

This an old idiom that goes like this:

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do"

and means that when you are visiting a new place, you should try to do as the people do who are from the place.


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I was going to ask about that one. I make eye contact regularly, it is one sure way to show sincerity.


Unless one is in a confrontational situation then eye contact is best avoided.


i take non eye contact as a sign that there is something being hidden.

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I was going to ask about that one. I make eye contact regularly, it is one sure way to show sincerity.


Unless one is in a confrontational situation then eye contact is best avoided.


i take non eye contact as a sign that there is something being hidden.

It is simple body language on eye contact., I think that is true anyplace.

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There is one I am not sure of if someone could help. If a Thai offers you something and you don’t want it what should you do? I think it may be different for different things. Food, a gift and so on. This one is a bit tricky to understand..

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