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PM’s surprised close encounter with a woman who claimed her mind was controlled by someone


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She may be a lot smarter than given credit for in this forum.

After all she managed to make a protest about government efforts to control people's minds, have it on the front page, and not get arrested!

Well done!

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"However, he told police and security guards not to hurt the woman"

Is he not merciful?

Ahh, come on. He handled the matter quite well as far as I can see. It is no secret that I dislike him and hate what he stands for even more, but I am not about to take a cheap swing at him in this instance.

However I will reserve some scorn for those who want to bring members of the previous administration into this for their own demented reasons, as this story does not concern them in any way, shape or form.

Excuse me if I don't celebrate a 'nothing encounter'. He hasn't done anything wrong in helping the woman, but we all know it's just for show and he's insincere.

If he really cared about mental health, he'd be doing something about it. He has magical powers article 44 after all.

There's nothing this man cannot do if you believe the stories.

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Schizophrenia is so crippling...I hope the woman gets some help...inasmuch as she was able to get close to the PM, he really should reconsider his "security"...next time, he may not be so lucky...next time, it could be a knife wielding woman who thinks the PM is working the radio...authorities should keep tabs on her and ensure she sees a psychiatrist ASAP...

it does speak well of the PM and security force that the woman wasn't imprisoned or harmed...good self-control...

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"However, he told police and security guards not to hurt the woman"

Is he not merciful?

Ahh, come on. He handled the matter quite well as far as I can see. It is no secret that I dislike him and hate what he stands for even more, but I am not about to take a cheap swing at him in this instance.

However I will reserve some scorn for those who want to bring members of the previous administration into this for their own demented reasons, as this story does not concern them in any way, shape or form.

You will have to forgive halloween as he is obsessed with the bogeyman in Dubai. According to him he doesn't care who's in power as long as it's not the Shins.blink.png

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this is one of the blue books projects. several mass shooters have also claimed such things by leaving clues, even to go as far as using a sharpie and writing on the weapon its self as a cry for help. this effect can only be used on people who easily sell out. aka, low morals. Supppppooossedly, they are used for black flags. and to divert attention. several "black flags" have been extreme tragedies... which happen on days countries meet to discuss Palestine.

Fun Facts:

Did you know you can get electricity from the radio?

AND WIFI? and you telephone line? (though in smaller amounts)

Some people are allergic to WIFI. are they faking it?

some people are allergic to peanuts... i know they are faking it cause peanuts do nothing to me.

SUre she could be crazy too.

But im sure everyone is already back to normal life. As for me im "curious" on the time and day of her episodes. and what were they telling her to do? if to many coincidences are present would anyone notice them?honestly, id like a remote.


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"However, he told police and security guards not to hurt the woman"

Is he not merciful?

What is sad about this statement is the PM is aware that police and security do hurt people and he condones it So sad just by the very nature of his comment

This should not be the norm anywhere

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The woman later told reporters that her mind had been affected by radio frequency from someone who wanted to control her mind.

Isn't that a project the Thai government has been working on??? whistling.gif

This top secret program was started many years ago, code named the red shirts (Suea Dang), has been successfully controlling a large amout of the population in the Northeast of Thailand, to the amusement of a wanna be Communist Dictator currently residing in Dubai.

Oh Gawd. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water... the dementers appear again.


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My first thought was that this was a new UDD tactic to increase the number of sheeple available for the Boss to use to help him get home eventually as a free man.

Was it? You might want to consider a visit to a mental health professional yourself, that being the case.

Hope this woman gets the help she needs.

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She may be a lot smarter than given credit for in this forum.

After all she managed to make a protest about government efforts to control people's minds, have it on the front page, and not get arrested!

Well done!

and s make a fortune in Surat Thani from now on selling the winning lottery numbers...

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She may be a lot smarter than given credit for in this forum.

After all she managed to make a protest about government efforts to control people's minds, have it on the front page, and not get arrested!

Well done!

and s make a fortune in Surat Thani from now on selling the winning lottery numbers...

The winner is Suthep the brave!!

Twice lottery winner Suthep says he's donating the money to the free the midgets foundation of whom he is patron.

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