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NLA endorses sanatorium draft act


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NLA endorses sanatorium draft act

Thammarat Thadaphrom


BANGKOK, 18 June 2016 (NNT) – The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) has given its approval to legislation that will improve the country’s healthcare services.

The legislature voted 162-0 with two abstentions to approve in principle the sanatorium draft act, and formed a committee to finish revision of the draft in seven days.

Prior to the vote, Minister for Public Health Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn told the lawmakers that the new act would overhaul the healthcare industry and elevate the standard of the country’s medical services in accordance with international standards. When the new law is in place, he said hospitals guilty of deceptive practices and misleading advertising will face harsher penalties.

In the course of their deliberations, members of the NLA suggested that the new law offer reasonable remuneration to personnel working in emergency medical services, as well as promoting green practices in all hospitals and medical centers.

-- NNT 2016-06-19 footer_n.gif

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According to the ideals of Sufficiency Economy which are the correct ideals one should appreciate that healthcare is a privilege based on privilege and is distributed based on one's merit in past lives, including living in hospitals for years upon end because you can't deal with the world you created.

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According to the ideals of Sufficiency Economy which are the correct ideals one should appreciate that education is a privilege based on privilege and is distributed based on one's merit in past lives, including being awarded university degrees when you did not complete the actual degree requirements.

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recently a long term client explained to me how he and his wife christie brinkley and the children had a lovely lunch at shania twain's house the other day.

his reality seems slightly more believable than this nla tripe.

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"When the new law is in place, he said hospitals guilty of deceptive practices and misleading advertising will face harsher penalties."


1. The only thing this wise person can say about a 'Sanatorium Act" is that it will stop hospitals being deceptive.

2. If a law is required to stop it all, hospitals must be rampantly deceptive ay present.

I'm not sure this nonsense should give anyone comfort that the massive issues Thailand has with mental health are even understood, much less being addressed.

More window dressing that will likely be used against political opponents, given the chance - as has happened in multiple other 3rd-world nations.


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Prior to the vote, Minister for Public Health Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn told the lawmakers that the new act would overhaul the healthcare industry and elevate the standard of the country’s medical services in accordance with international standards.

when a hand-picked, puppet assembly representing the interests of the small number of extremely wealthy say something as nice, gentile, and reasonable sounding as this, that is the time to suspect extreme quantities of BS are raining down on you...

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But what about all the CRACK POTS in white coats prescribing medicine doing nothing about serious infectious diseases that will add to the STUPID economy and need for ASYLUM care later?

The idiocy of another draft memo. NET MEMO PLEASE?

I went to the doctor with a THAI friend - actually 4 of them. All had SYPHILIS and the doctors response? Give them medication. Whilst this was ok there was nothing about the partners they had or the people involved who would most likely also be infected.

This is a serious problem I see every week where there is INNACTION where there is a public need

MORE GARBAGE from a country going backwards

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