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Harold with the adult movie star wife has his brain examined after giving her all his money


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Yeah, most of the money is made from "freelancing," (called compensated dating in Hong Kong), internet marketing/social media, chat rooms...time on the internet prospecting for suckers who will send $200-400 USD per month, etc.

Just like performers don't make money from releasing albums anymore (instead choosing to do more concerts/live performances), there are many other diverse revenue streams to mine for gold.

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This is every "on-line" Thai woman's dream...lasso a foreign husband who will adore her so much that he gives her all his money...a house, car, motorcycle, takes in her parents and children and does not make a fuss when they ignore him around the dinner table by speaking only Thai and never looking his way...

Ah, Yes...Ole Harold is living the dream...every Thai woman's dream...

He has to learn to speak Thai then, He comes to live in Thailand and wants a Thai wife then that is what he should be prepared to do !!!!!!

You forgot to mention they will probably all go out to eat and drink up large, and he will be expected to pick up the tab for the night,, but still that will only be peanuts to a rich business man.. Sure it is every Thai woman's dream, but also every western man's dream that comes here looking for wife.. and she is pretty cute.. as for the porn stuff, what I saw was pretty tame, it was sex but only what we all do.... There weren't 3 guys doing her all at the same time or 20 guys lined up to screw her... In fact, she looked very nice, a sexy body and pretty face..

I think a lot of guys would be very happy to have what Harold has,, enjoy it Harold tongue.png

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And, when you marry someone you know has slept with MANY partners, you're always competing or feeling like you're going to be compared to them.

Any posters on this thread prepared to claim they haven't slept with 'many partners'?

Exactly , but different standards.. Men that have had many woman are called studs, But woman that have done exactly the same thing, are called sluts!!

I remember reading a while ago about some singer (Tom Jones, or was it Englebert Humperdink? ) bragging they had slept with over 1,000 woman..

but if a woman said that, she would be absolutely rubbished, and no one would want to touch her..... same same, but different !!

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And, when you marry someone you know has slept with MANY partners, you're always competing or feeling like you're going to be compared to them.

Any posters on this thread prepared to claim they haven't slept with 'many partners'?

Exactly , but different standards.. Men that have had many woman are called studs, But woman that have done exactly the same thing, are called sluts!!

I remember reading a while ago about some singer (Tom Jones, or was it Englebert Humperdink? ) bragging they had slept with over 1,000 woman..

but if a woman said that, she would be absolutely rubbished, and no one would want to touch her..... same same, but different !!

Yeah, Wilt Chamberlain famously claimed 20,000.

There was a 60ish Japanese principal/teacher who finally got nailed in the Philippines....he didn't live there but made numerous trips over a 28+ year time period, and he claimed 12,000+ and had the photos to prove it (supposedly). Yuhei Takashima...story's at cnn and many websites.

Edited by caulfield2
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And, when you marry someone you know has slept with MANY partners, you're always competing or feeling like you're going to be compared to them.

Any posters on this thread prepared to claim they haven't slept with 'many partners'?

Exactly , but different standards.. Men that have had many woman are called studs, But woman that have done exactly the same thing, are called sluts!!

I remember reading a while ago about some singer (Tom Jones, or was it Englebert Humperdink? ) bragging they had slept with over 1,000 woman..

but if a woman said that, she would be absolutely rubbished, and no one would want to touch her..... same same, but different !!

Yeah, Wilt Chamberlain famously claimed 20,000.

There was a 60ish Japanese principal/teacher who finally got nailed in the Philippines....he didn't live there but made numerous trips over a 20+ year time period, and he claimed 12,000+ and had the photos to prove it (supposedly). Yuhei Takashima...story's at cnn and many websites.

They must have had long belts to put that many nicks in it ! haha, But exactly,,,, for men it's glory, for woman it's whorey,,, (is that a word ?)

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Okay, well, I was just going off the comments of someone who said she was in her late 30's/early 40's.

And had a Japanese b/f, or maybe that was just the actor with her in some of the videos.

If that really is HER, then he's got to spending $5000-7500 USD per month on her, at a minimum. $10,000 wouldn't surprise me. If he's get the money, great!!!

And that whole thing about "having his brain examined," was that a joke/sarcastic humor from the board moderators that he's somehow not acting with his full capacity because of his "smaller brain" or does he really have some type of serious mental illness/problem? If so, that's never something that anyone should make fun of, particularly if it's coming at the cost of a family/children at home losing out on their future/financial support.

We have no idea, just speculation obviously...and he doesn't have an obligation or moral duty to give money to grown up/adults children, or necessarily "owe" them anything, although most American kids would probably be upset by their father if he was Harold in this case and feel she was "tricking" them out of money that could have been hers.

It's no different than the Anna Nicole Smith situation with Mr. Marshall, although he was a billionaire. The only difference here is in economics terms, thousands/$100,000's or millions (unlikely) versus billions of dollars at stake.

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She is very cute. No doubt she is not with him for his good looks. Or his dashing youthfulness. Hopefully, she only has control of a smaller portion of his assets. That would be the smart move.

Many a kingdom has been lost over a lesser woman than that. But, it does take a big man to settle down with a former porn star. Any links to any of her films?

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I find this thread disgusting. The arrogance with which some people judge other relationships ...

Let this 'old geezer' have his fun and enjoy his life! Obviously, she does as well.

As long as both are happy and this man doesn't destroy his own financial future, his decisions are to be respected - though of course everyone's free to make other decisions.

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I'm reminded of a old joke:
An older, white haired man walked into a jewelry store one Friday evening with a beautiful young girl at his side. He told the jeweler he wanted a special ring for his girlfriend.

The jeweler looked through his stock and found a $5,000 ring. The old man said, "No, I'd like to see something much more special."

The jeweler went to his special stock in the safe and brought another ring back. "This one's $40,000." The young lady's eyes sparkled and her whole body trembled with excitement. The old man said, "I'll take it!"

The jeweler asked how payment would be made, and the old man said, "By check, but I know you need to make sure my check is good, so I'll write it now, and you can call the bank on Monday to verify funds. I'll pick up the ring on Monday afternoon."

Monday morning, the jeweler called the old man saying, "There's no money in that account!"

The old man said, "I know, but let me tell you about my weekend!"

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I find this thread disgusting. The arrogance with which some people judge other relationships ...

Let this 'old geezer' have his fun and enjoy his life! Obviously, she does as well.

As long as both are happy and this man doesn't destroy his own financial future, his decisions are to be respected - though of course everyone's free to make other decisions.

old guys with young woman is normal to see living here, You don't see to many ( or any? ) old guys looking for a woman of their own age to marry..

It's great, as young woman in their home country probably would't even give them the time of day....

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I'm reminded of a old joke:

An older, white haired man walked into a jewelry store one Friday evening with a beautiful young girl at his side. He told the jeweler he wanted a special ring for his girlfriend.

The jeweler looked through his stock and found a $5,000 ring. The old man said, "No, I'd like to see something much more special."

The jeweler went to his special stock in the safe and brought another ring back. "This one's $40,000." The young lady's eyes sparkled and her whole body trembled with excitement. The old man said, "I'll take it!"

The jeweler asked how payment would be made, and the old man said, "By check, but I know you need to make sure my check is good, so I'll write it now, and you can call the bank on Monday to verify funds. I'll pick up the ring on Monday afternoon."

Monday morning, the jeweler called the old man saying, "There's no money in that account!"

The old man said, "I know, but let me tell you about my weekend!"

Yeah it is an old joke, I not heard it for a long time, but it still gets a smile..

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The headline could just as easily read,

" Harold blows all his money on expensive Lamborghini, Not worried about servicing or running costs"

Yes, it may have been driven by others, may be unreliable and expensive, It may have even been used in a movie. But if its Harolds dream car, I hope he enjoys it.

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The headline could just as easily read,

" Harold blows all his money on expensive Lamborghini, Not worried about servicing or running costs"

Yes, it may have been driven by others, may be unreliable and expensive, It may have even been used in a movie. But if its Harolds dream car, I hope he enjoys it.

It's possible has a Lamborghini anyway,, hehe actually I wonder what he drives ? we know what he rides !! gigglem.gif

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The headline could just as easily read,

" Harold blows all his money on expensive Lamborghini, Not worried about servicing or running costs"

Yes, it may have been driven by others, may be unreliable and expensive, It may have even been used in a movie. But if its Harolds dream car, I hope he enjoys it.

It's possible has a Lamborghini anyway,, hehe actually I wonder what he drives ? we know what he rides !! gigglem.gif
A clapped out, old rust bucket.

"Hey, Harold we're going to beach, bring yer bucket and spade wid yer"

"Hey, cheeky, you leave my missus out of it"

Edited by Wilsonandson
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Choose your companions from the best; Who draws a bucket with the rest soon topples down the hill.

William Butler Yeats

Seek not for fresher founts afar, just drop you bucket where you are.

Sam Walter Foss

You can lead a team in a lot of different ways. It can be talking to somebody who is down or, during the course of a game, looking to penetrate and then dropping the ball off to someone else for an easy bucket.

Bill Cartwright

If you have only a glass of water, then one person can drink. If you have a bucket, a whole family can benefit.

Chen Guangbiao

One of my favorite things about Tom Waits is not only his songs, but when he does do live shows, it's the theatrics involved. It's like Kabuki theater, really old-fashioned theatrics. Like, standing on top of a piece of plywood lying on some cinderblocks and clapping his hands, banging on a bucket.

Brittany Howard

Dedicated to Harold and Nat may their love echo on to eternity.

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It was revealed that modeling and advertising companies, magazines and television programs have been offering her six-digit sums for modeling work since the accusation made media headlines.[5] She eventually had to pay a fine, received a suspended 6-month sentence, and probation for a year. Harsh punishment was nonexistent due to her popularity and lack of public outcry concerning the matter.[6]


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