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Fourteen year old English/Thai girl's death - family complain about lack of progress


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Progress? Sorry to tell you. Its fat hope!

It's actually a very thin hope, practically anorexic.

For lack of progress, read lack of care, those few that do care lack any ability to do anything, either by being incapable or being stifled from above.

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A very drunk friend went out on the 13th floor balcony when I was living in Hong Kong. So drunk she couldn't walk straight. Crashed into my bed woke me and managed to stumble out to the balcony. It was the middle of the night so not too happy about being woken up. She dropped her cigarette over the balcony onto a 3 inch metal rain water drip gutter thing. She then started to climb over the balcony to get her cig! She was about drop to her death. I had to jump out of bed and drag her off the balcony wall. Next day she couldn't remember anything.

Point is when you are very very pissed up you can get out onto the balcony and do stuff like climb over and accidentally kill yourself. Probably have no idea you are doing it or any rational part of your brain working. The family believe the girl was too drunk to do this?

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Sadly, I think they are wasting their time. Tragic but these things do happen when youngsters abuse alcohol.

what the hell was a fourteeen year old girl doing in a friends condo in the first place and who got her drunk? as far as I am concerned it is all on the parents for letting this little girl get out alone in Bangkok! parents, look in the mirror!

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...if all they can get is 'the runaround'....what can the 'average Joe' expect....


...anything but the truth......

...and never to cast any blame on any of 'them'.....

really....and we get called 'racist' because we object to such injustices and lack of rights or recourse...for foreigners....

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And to think there is a particular member here on Thai Visa with his fairy tale dream of police reform.

Everybody wants police reform, or do you not?

Being realistic about how or when it will happen is another point.

This is a good case in point where it seems the investigation into this poor girls death has not been progressing. But then again, what do we expect when it appears like the only effective police function is collecting roadside tea money.

However, sooner or later it will happen as it will have to happen. The country cannot continue limping on with its current structure, it just won't survive. It will take time for sure but I have complete faith it will happen, in stages, over a period of time.

If you think this is fairy tale then thats up to you but the more people like myself, and more importantly the local Thai people that highlight and apply pressure the more likely it will come sooner.

Negative thinkers like you just halt any real progress, collective change in consciousness brings about real changes,, read some history if you don't believe.

I guess your advice to this father would be "don't bother", well I would say push on and don't give up.

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Am i missing something here? The girl was drunk and fell of a balcony???

The same thought crossed my mind. I think the point is that all of the people in the apartment are claiming ignorance to what happened, to the the parents that is just not good enough.

Can't say I blame them for that really.

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A very drunk friend went out on the 13th floor balcony when I was living in Hong Kong. So drunk she couldn't walk straight. Crashed into my bed woke me and managed to stumble out to the balcony. It was the middle of the night so not too happy about being woken up. She dropped her cigarette over the balcony onto a 3 inch metal rain water drip gutter thing. She then started to climb over the balcony to get her cig! She was about drop to her death. I had to jump out of bed and drag her off the balcony wall. Next day she couldn't remember anything.

Point is when you are very very pissed up you can get out onto the balcony and do stuff like climb over and accidentally kill yourself. Probably have no idea you are doing it or any rational part of your brain working. The family believe the girl was too drunk to do this?

Blimey, talk about heart in your mouth moment. Did she thank you in the morning?

Suggest she stays off the stuff if this is the state she gets into..

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'Methinee said that they were making the complaint after problems in the investigation and following a lack of progress. She said that the witness statements are full of inconsistences. She said that the autopsy took all of four months to report ...' If they're consistent in nothing else, the RTP are certainly so in the progress (lack of) stakes.

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Sadly, I think they are wasting their time. Tragic but these things do happen when youngsters abuse alcohol.

what the hell was a fourteeen year old girl doing in a friends condo in the first place and who got her drunk? as far as I am concerned it is all on the parents for letting this little girl get out alone in Bangkok! parents, look in the mirror!

14 year old girl on a sleepover if perfectly ok, it's not like she was wandering the streets, it says she was at a friends house. We don't know all the facts such as who else was present in the condo but it's quite possible the parents are not guilty of anything, including any negligence.

I think it sounds more likely that the parents of the girls friend were the negligent ones, but again we don't know and i think that's the point, the parents want to know what and how it happened.

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Here is a link for some refreshing for folks who did not read the article from last year


She was sleeping over at a friends house. Her father said she had psychiatric problems.

Teens nowadays will abuse alcohol, if she had alcohol in her....its very likely she secretly drank in the room with her friends prior to her death.

It is very common for kids to drink and smoke nowadays...a parent can only do so much to supervise until they go to sleep....growing up here, its very common for kids to sneak out at night to go party as well. She was 14 so probably a freshmen in highschool, prime age for kids to start drinking.

Good grief, kids have been drinking and smoking for eons. The parent-child relationship has existed for eons, good, bad, and so-so. Some - probably the majority - never had problems with their kids (beyond the normal issues); others experienced problems on and off; and then there were the few that were never out of trouble. And little has changed.

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Instead of blaming the RTP the parents should look at themselves.

They are responsible for their 14 year old daughter, not the police.

My thoughts exactly! How many 14 year old girls have a 'friend' that owns a condo in Satorn?

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What kind of 14 year old girl has 'friends' that own a condo in Satorn?

Weird case from the get-go this one...

You may have a valid point.

It is either incorrect reporting and the correct line should be, "The girls' girlfriend parents are the owners of the condo"....

Also that everybody was asleep can be correct if the girl's girlfriend had invited her to come to her home for some sort of a party or family dinner get-together. At the party in one-way or another the girl got the taste of alcohol and when the party was over everybody went to bed. After a while the girl got the idea to get up and have another zip of this alcohol, so she located the bottle and as like drinking out of a bottle of water, she took a gulp, which gulp got to be more than she really wanted - reason for high percentage of alcohol in the blood - and she may have then walked, better yet tried to walk, to the balcony to spit it in to the wind. Having arrived in her inebriated unsteady condition she may have gone over the balcony railing. The rest is history.

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I lost a 14 y/o daughter in Australia, I know the pain involved as a parent and we cannot watch them 24/7. My daughter went to the movies with a friend and had something put in her soft drink by a druggie, she was then raped and thrown from a train, the worst part is that the druggie was also a police informant and they covered for him, all the evidence mysteriously disappeared to stop any conviction so there are crooked cops everywhere. The biggest problem in this case is where did the alcohol come from and were the adults that lived there aware of it, a 14 y/o cannot buy it by themselves so there had to be someone older to do the buying/supplying, they are the ones that the police should be chasing, the truth needs to come out even if it is not what the parents want to hear. At least I was able to get closure eventually, these parents deserve the same thing

Thank you for your candid post. I cannot begin to comprehend the pain in losing a child let alone in such a way. I pray that in my family things follow their natural meant way. Me first and kids last a very long time from now. Sorry you have had to endure such an event.

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Sadly, I think they are wasting their time. Tragic but these things do happen when youngsters abuse alcohol.

what the hell was a fourteeen year old girl doing in a friends condo in the first place and who got her drunk? as far as I am concerned it is all on the parents for letting this little girl get out alone in Bangkok! parents, look in the mirror!

14 year old girl on a sleepover if perfectly ok, it's not like she was wandering the streets, it says she was at a friends house. We don't know all the facts such as who else was present in the condo but it's quite possible the parents are not guilty of anything, including any negligence.

I think it sounds more likely that the parents of the girls friend were the negligent ones, but again we don't know and i think that's the point, the parents want to know what and how it happened.


Were did this BS come from, never heard such a thing in the start of and all throughout my teenage years. First time I came across the word in the seventies when studying International Law as a foreign student in America, California to be precise. In that case it also was a girl, she had been lured in her intoxicated state out of a bedroom through the open bedroom window. The body was found a couple days later. That was first time I ever heard of SLEEPOVER and discovered it was when early teenagers started to get acquainted with booze while adults were in the house who of course were the ones that had purchased it because alcohol law in California was 18-yeaar of age, which also happen to be the Driver license age, yes you guessed it, drunk driving accidents. The reason given for sleepover, adult parents would introduce their teenagers to alcohol, instead of teenagers experimenting with alcohol outside the house by themselves instead of under parental control. Big JOKE that has turned out to be. Like so many other detrimental subjects originating from Hollywood.

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Sadly, I think they are wasting their time. Tragic but these things do happen when youngsters abuse alcohol.

what the hell was a fourteeen year old girl doing in a friends condo in the first place and who got her drunk? as far as I am concerned it is all on the parents for letting this little girl get out alone in Bangkok! parents, look in the mirror!

14 year old girl on a sleepover if perfectly ok, it's not like she was wandering the streets, it says she was at a friends house. We don't know all the facts such as who else was present in the condo but it's quite possible the parents are not guilty of anything, including any negligence.

I think it sounds more likely that the parents of the girls friend were the negligent ones, but again we don't know and i think that's the point, the parents want to know what and how it happened.


Were did this BS come from, never heard such a thing in the start of and all throughout my teenage years. First time I came across the word in the seventies when studying International Law as a foreign student in America, California to be precise. In that case it also was a girl, she had been lured in her intoxicated state out of a bedroom through the open bedroom window. The body was found a couple days later. That was first time I ever heard of SLEEPOVER and discovered it was when early teenagers started to get acquainted with booze while adults were in the house who of course were the ones that had purchased it because alcohol law in California was 18-yeaar of age, which also happen to be the Driver license age, yes you guessed it, drunk driving accidents. The reason given for sleepover, adult parents would introduce their teenagers to alcohol, instead of teenagers experimenting with alcohol outside the house by themselves instead of under parental control. Big JOKE that has turned out to be. Like so many other detrimental subjects originating from Hollywood.

Sleepover is a very innocent term used when one of your kids stays over a friends house for the night. It has nothing to do with adults introducing kids to alcohol.

Whatever understanding you have it is not how the term is used today.

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If there are no obvious indications of foul play then the police won`t be interested. There are no Detective Columbo`s or Ironside`s in the Thai police force. Even if the police were to have financial incentives to complete a thorough investigation I doubt they would be efficient enough.

The only chance the couple have is a hire their own private detective to investigate the case, that`s if there are any private detectives in Thailand professional enough for the job. As for possible witnesses it`s amazing how a little money can improve people`s memories of events.

Edited by cyberfarang
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