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Smoke Column In Bangkok


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After the last fiasco in Sukhumvit, when they made the mistake of giving the Thai army a ton of earth moving equipment, and said go play in the bar area, and don't come home till it's flattened. They confiscated the bulldozers after that one, and now it looks like the "powers" have turned them loose with a box of matches. With strict instructions not to leave any incriminating evidence around that could tie the "mishap" to the army. I'm sure every radical group from the defunct Red Brigades to the poor old muslim extremists will shoulder the blame for this "act of nature"...............

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Fire destroys more than 200 homes in central Bangkok, 7,000 residents homeless

BANGKOK: -- Fire engulfed a slum area in central Bangkok on Friday, destroying more than 200 homes and leaving 7,000 residents homeless.

Huge bellows of smoke fogged Bangkok skies when a major blaze forced nearly 7,000 residents to be evacuated.

The fire spanned 3 square blocks in central Bangkok, near the Australian and German embassies.

Hundreds of firefighters and volunteers and nearly 30 fire trucks fought the blaze but the fire destroyed more than 200 wooden houses.

It also claimed three storeys of a nearby apartment block occupied by police officers.

The fire was finally brought under control after more than three hours and the damage is estimated at some US$3 million.

Fortunately, the blaze did not claim any lives, although some residents were hospitalised for smoke inhalation.

The cause of the fire hasn't been confirmed, but investigators suspect it might be due to a cooking gas tank left out in the burning sun.

Eyewitnesses also reported a small explosion shortly before the blaze started.

Shelters have been set up for the almost 7,000 victims left homeless by the fire.

-- CNA 2004-04-23

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thai.visa should now do its' civic duty and offer a reward...one million thai.visa t-shirts for information leading to the arrest and conviction of arsonists responsible for the conflagration...

thai.visa members out in force on the streets of BKK in full thai.visa regalia...slimy local developers, cops and associated government officials knashing teeth with a lust for the blood of crusading falangs...

tutsi emerges as figurehead of the campaign to remove the present regime...tutsi is assassinated and a monument to our crusading efforts to be raised upon the smouldering embers of the ruined neighborhood...

23 April 2004...'a terrible beauty is born...'

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near the immigration and near Soi 8

Actually I suspect it was one of us. Beings that crooked arrows were used the perps did not strike the Immigration offices but rather the nearby slums. Reasoning was that if the place was gutted not one would know what the immigratiin rules are anymore and a free for all would ensue.

Those that had waited for their residency to be approved would of course be grandfathered if they contributed to the construciton of a new complex.

The list with the towel man would dissappear and things of the like............


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I guess that any of the suggested scenarios (started by person or persons on the payroll of some Mr Big for profit) is quite likely given that most natives of the realm will do anything for money.

As for expecting any Thais to show much concern, you gotta be dreaming, unless that is it is their own arse that is on fire.

Not so long back they murdered 388 mostly young girls when the doll factory in the Big Mango went up in smoke and they locked all the exit doors so people could not steal anything as they rushed out.

Given the nature of these slums it could have started accidently but having some understanding of the locale rationale it's more likely that it was a big box of matchs.

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A couple of years back I reported a similar fire in Chiangmai - but it was a single house in a slum area that had a large plot of land. Official verdict from the house owner was his wife "flashing the oil in the wok when cooking" started the fire as the oil flash cought some nearby fabric and the whole place was tinder dry - nice wooden house to pile of ash in under 5 minutes.

Conspiracy theories are fun to banter over a beer, and I wouldn't be suprised if there were sinister forces behind this one (it's too big and the location makes it suspect) but it's more likely to be an innocent incident started in a similar way to the Chiangmai fire. Example - a streetside barbeque receives a gust of wind and some embers blow over into some litter .... or something similar.

My first reaction admittedly was - Suan Phlu - big fire - police apartment block - who's just had visa renewal rejected?

Similarly, with all them high dive suicides we've had reported lately - anyone ever ask how much visa those people had left? Or if they were getting hassle renewing their work permit?

Food for thought

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