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Teacher caught on video assaulting female student - but many see nothing wrong in that


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UNACCEPTABLE under any circumstances for a teacher to strike a student...period. 1zgarz5.gif

I disagree. Although I have never hit any of my children, I was quite happy to hear that my son was whacked with a ruler on the hand for taking beer to school.

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That teacher is the envy of most teachers in the USA...

Any facts to back this up? I was teacher as career in USA, taught several schools, different levels. I never met one, not one, who wanted to use physical violence as a discipline method. Full stop.

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When my boy will join school, I will inform every teacher and the principle, that he is not to be touched by anyone!

If he needs educating or punishment, it will done by me and only me and I decided, what the the punishment will be and if there will be punishment!

And that is the final word!

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In the sixties in the UK at secondary school I was caned on the backside - trousers on - by the headmaster several times. Once (can't remember if it was three or six !) for "failing to make reasonable academic progress" I kid you not. It didn't improve my academic progress but it did give me a bad a attitude to arbitrary authority: which hasn't done me much good in life.

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When my boy will join school, I will inform every teacher and the principle, that he is not to be touched by anyone!

If he needs educating or punishment, it will done by me and only me and I decided, what the the punishment will be and if there will be punishment!

And that is the final word!

hate to tell you this but if it is in Thailand, you'll not be doing him any favours., The teachers will pick on him is you did this.

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When my boy will join school, I will inform every teacher and the principle, that he is not to be touched by anyone!

If he needs educating or punishment, it will done by me and only me and I decided, what the the punishment will be and if there will be punishment!

And that is the final word!

hate to tell you this but if it is in Thailand, you'll not be doing him any favours., The teachers will pick on him is you did this.

Thai "culture" strikes again...

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Only in Thailand: hitting children is ok at schools. blink.png

There is written law against that at schools. (Mission Impossible theme in the background). I would leave that printed law on their desks surreptitiously and voila! Hitting stopped, for a while.coffee1.gif

A few weeks later, it starts again. Like a dog chasing its tail.bah.gif

I remember getting spanked with a wooden paddle by the principle of our Elem Public School. I remember, when teachers slapped kids around and slammed their heads on their desk because they didn't put their head down fast enough when told too. That occurred, around 55 years ago. Things have changed considerably in the U.S. Now, kids tell teachers, their parents will get a lawyer and prosecute them. Nah, nah, nah, you can't do anything to me.

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I remember a girl here who was often beaten by her boyfriend. She told her friends and they asked "well, what did you do wrong?"

Mentalities need to change. Hitting women and/or children is completely wrong. I don't care what the culture is.

So by not including grown men you mean that is acceptable or the whole concept of self defence goes out of thee window?

It is just too complicated in Thailand, can I defend myself against pocket picking katoeys or angry jealous Toms?

What age do children stop being children in case I somehow get involved in one of these school/college battles?

Edited by jacko45k
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He's a Thai male..he's been allowed to do what he wants (& get away with it) since he could walk+talk..

..If the victim had been a male student then more than likely the teacher would be looking at a possible beating or machette attack from the student & a gang of mates due to loss of face..Thai way nowadays.

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In my country the teachers hands are tied children have to be disciplined most of them are impertinent brats with no discipline at home either. Here we had a little pup break the teachers jaw and he could do nothing about it if this carries on we will have nothing only complete anarchy both at home and in schools

You are confusing discipline with violence.

Schools need discipline, however this does mean they have to use violence.

Edited by Bluespunk
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In my country the teachers hands are tied children have to be disciplined most of them are impertinent brats with no discipline at home either. Here we had a little pup break the teachers jaw and he could do nothing about it if this carries on we will have nothing only complete anarchy both at home and in schools

You are confusing discipline with violence.

Schools need discipline, however this does mean they have to use violence.

Sorry that should read

"does not mean they have to use violence"

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How can discipline start at home when the parents don't care!! Or don't understand the concept. This being said. NO hitting kids

You know this girl and her family personally?

Or are you just another newly minted Thai basher?

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Defending him saying he's a good person.

If it was my daughter I'd be giving him more than a bloody clip over the ear the scumbag.

The school should sack him immediately and assault chargers brought and make an example of him to deter this ongoing practice in Thailand .

Should, but TIT, this guy will probably get a pay rise, and the parents of the child will greet him with a wey for disciplining their child.


Agreed you logic is amazing.

Time to change bar stools.

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This was absolutely nothing compared to the beatings I was given at school. Even in primary school one teacher had a belt with metal studs through it and used to give us six on each hand.

Slow day for the Thai bashers? maybe they are all worrying if their meagre pensions are now, after brexit, enough to keep up the payment on the pick-up truck they bought Buriram Bertha.

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We all see the result of this hitting students is ok rule these same kids go out each and kill innocent people and society wonders why, Well you got your answer.

Compared to the perfectly adjusted adults who are a result of the western system. How many mass killings in the US this month? How many in Thailand?

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In NO circumstances is it okay for a teacher to hit a student around the head area.

If she was one of my friends or girl friends kin I would break his legs.Promise 100 %

Why does it have to be someone you know?

If you feel that strongly about it do it anyway tough guy...make a stand and be the hero for decades on TVF.

We will visit you in prison....promise

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Now we know why Thais like fighting they grow up being hit and think it's all so normal when in fact it's not.Thais seem to have the nack to be bad liars,why would this girl say she was in the wrong? Scared the only word I can think of.

Remember in the Thais world it is the me,me,me,first attitude and when they have ANY authority they they are compelled to show their power over others .They will not talk to a student or find out a reasonable approach. They first must yell to show that the other person is under them then comes the hitting as they their ignorance overcomes what little since that they may have had..This is why LOS will always be a second rate country in the eyes of the rest of the world.

And yet millions flock here for holidays and many tens of thousands stay here long term. Doesn't say much for the rest of the world does it?

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Why are there so many people supporting what he did?

He strikes her out of his own uncontrolled rage, not as punishment or in any way for her to learn a lesson. Then she is forced to feel shameful and support the mafia goon teacher.

What that teacher did is as bad as raping someone. He should be in jail for a long time.

Just sickening. That teacher did what he did, and the way several members of TV seem to be fantasising about and supporting what he did.

A slap is the equivalent to raping her??

Uncontrollable rage?? Really?? Forced to feel shameful...where does it say that in the OP? Who is forcing her?

Oh dear. Stick to the known facts and not want you wish should be happening.

Someone has been brainwashed big time by the pc/lefties/womens movement.

If you find a slap by a teacher sickening then I cannot imagine what you feel when ISIS carries out mass beheadings and post the videos.

No hope for reasoned discussion here.

By the way I don't condone what the teacher did.

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Actually there are a big proportion of people that still think some discipline is a good thing, both from parents and teachers,, I am one of them..

Hitting her on the 'head' was the mistake he made..

But this has run it's course,, most of us are on to "German woman falls from balcony in BKK" now.. tongue.png

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Now we know why Thais like fighting they grow up being hit and think it's all so normal when in fact it's not.Thais seem to have the nack to be bad liars,why would this girl say she was in the wrong? Scared the only word I can think of.

Remember in the Thais world it is the me,me,me,first attitude and when they have ANY authority they they are compelled to show their power over others .They will not talk to a student or find out a reasonable approach. They first must yell to show that the other person is under them then comes the hitting as they their ignorance overcomes what little since that they may have had..This is why LOS will always be a second rate country in the eyes of the rest of the world.

And yet millions flock here for holidays and many tens of thousands stay here long term. Doesn't say much for the rest of the world does it?
Lol, good answer.
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In my country the teachers hands are tied children have to be disciplined most of them are impertinent brats with no discipline at home either. Here we had a little pup break the teachers jaw and he could do nothing about it if this carries on we will have nothing only complete anarchy both at home and in schools

You are confusing discipline with violence.

Schools need discipline, however this does mean they have to use violence.

Discipline vs violence ... a debate that's been going on awhile now, and not just in schools. Right now there's a mother in Louisiana who's been arrested for "whipping" (with an electrical cord or belt according to the sheriff) her 3 kids because they broke into a neighbor's house and stole stuff. The husband/father is currently doing time in prison, and she says she didn't want that for her kids. She's actually receiving a lot of moral support at the moment, including from state officials praising her for doing the right thing. And so the debate about child discipline rages.

Which is more "damaging"? The effects of a "whipping", or ending up a jailbird. Which is more damaging to society? Appropriate corporal punishment that teaches discipline at an early age, or having to house, clothe and feed (rinse & repeat) career criminals? But WRT discipline in schools, if parents were doing their job at home, it wouldn't even have to come up. It's not enough however that we prevent teachers from exercising any discipline in the classroom, some of us have to stick our noses into family affairs and tell parents that they can't discipline their kids at home. Genuine abuse is one thing, but a few welts from a belt is reasonable and for most kids necessary at one time or another. (If done early enough, I think you find in most cases that any further need for it disappears because the child has learned.)

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Hmm. I was caned at school. In some cases it was just power abuse. Drunken housemaster, appropriately named Mr. Beer!

Never complained. He'd be fired today. Hope he died alone.

Totally unacceptable for a male teacher to touch a female student without permission. Let alone beat her over the head, of all places.

The girls have a right to dress in trousers if they suspect their modesty would be compromised.

If he touched my hypothetical daughter he'd want good health insurance.

Edited by dhream
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In my country the teachers hands are tied children have to be disciplined most of them are impertinent brats with no discipline at home either. Here we had a little pup break the teachers jaw and he could do nothing about it if this carries on we will have nothing only complete anarchy both at home and in schools

You are confusing discipline with violence.

Schools need discipline, however this does mean they have to use violence.

Discipline vs violence ... a debate that's been going on awhile now, and not just in schools. Right now there's a mother in Louisiana who's been arrested for "whipping" (with an electrical cord or belt according to the sheriff) her 3 kids because they broke into a neighbor's house and stole stuff. The husband/father is currently doing time in prison, and she says she didn't want that for her kids. She's actually receiving a lot of moral support at the moment, including from state officials praising her for doing the right thing. And so the debate about child discipline rages.

Which is more "damaging"? The effects of a "whipping", or ending up a jailbird. Which is more damaging to society? Appropriate corporal punishment that teaches discipline at an early age, or having to house, clothe and feed (rinse & repeat) career criminals? But WRT discipline in schools, if parents were doing their job at home, it wouldn't even have to come up. It's not enough however that we prevent teachers from exercising any discipline in the classroom, some of us have to stick our noses into family affairs and tell parents that they can't discipline their kids at home. Genuine abuse is one thing, but a few welts from a belt is reasonable and for most kids necessary at one time or another. (If done early enough, I think you find in most cases that any further need for it disappears because the child has learned.)

There are many many ways to impose discipline.

My ex (who went on to have kids with another bloke) talked calmly but firmly to her brood. Further disobedience was punished with removal of allowances. TV etc.

They are now adults anyone would be proud of.

I hate unruly brats.

But whacking is abuse.

I dont care if thats how your folks did it.

Mine did too, they didnt know better but that didnt make it right.

And this US story? Well the location tells you all you need to know.

Cue the 'Deliverance' banjo theme.

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Hmm. I was caned at school. In some cases it was just power abuse. Drunken housemaster, appropriately named Mr. Beer!

Never complained. He'd be fired today. Hope he died alone.

Totally unacceptable for a male teacher to touch a female student without permission. Let alone beat her over the head, of all places.

The girls have a right to dress in trousers if they suspect their modesty would be compromised.

If he touched my hypothetical daughter he'd want good health insurance.

another post that condems violence,, with more violence... Lets all stay on the merry go round folks !!!!

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In my country the teachers hands are tied children have to be disciplined most of them are impertinent brats with no discipline at home either. Here we had a little pup break the teachers jaw and he could do nothing about it if this carries on we will have nothing only complete anarchy both at home and in schools

You are confusing discipline with violence.

Schools need discipline, however this does mean they have to use violence.

Discipline vs violence ... a debate that's been going on awhile now, and not just in schools. Right now there's a mother in Louisiana who's been arrested for "whipping" (with an electrical cord or belt according to the sheriff) her 3 kids because they broke into a neighbor's house and stole stuff. The husband/father is currently doing time in prison, and she says she didn't want that for her kids. She's actually receiving a lot of moral support at the moment, including from state officials praising her for doing the right thing. And so the debate about child discipline rages.

Which is more "damaging"? The effects of a "whipping", or ending up a jailbird. Which is more damaging to society? Appropriate corporal punishment that teaches discipline at an early age, or having to house, clothe and feed (rinse & repeat) career criminals? But WRT discipline in schools, if parents were doing their job at home, it wouldn't even have to come up. It's not enough however that we prevent teachers from exercising any discipline in the classroom, some of us have to stick our noses into family affairs and tell parents that they can't discipline their kids at home. Genuine abuse is one thing, but a few welts from a belt is reasonable and for most kids necessary at one time or another. (If done early enough, I think you find in most cases that any further need for it disappears because the child has learned.)

For me there is no such thing as appropriate corporal punishment. Violence is never the answer.

All you learn from violence is that it hurts and if you are stronger/more powerful than someone who angers you then you can use violence to teach them a lesson. A thought process possessed by bottle merchants the world over on many a Saturday night brawl.

Discipline is a process that involves teaching right from wrong, when done properly it leads to an understanding of why something is wrong. It should teach appropriate behaviour.

Violence does not do that. All it teaches is, as I previously said, that it hurts and in order to avoid pain don't get caught.

Striking a child in anger or as a form of discipline is wrong.

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In my country the teachers hands are tied children have to be disciplined most of them are impertinent brats with no discipline at home either. Here we had a little pup break the teachers jaw and he could do nothing about it if this carries on we will have nothing only complete anarchy both at home and in schools

You are confusing discipline with violence.

Schools need discipline, however this does mean they have to use violence.

Discipline vs violence ... a debate that's been going on awhile now, and not just in schools. Right now there's a mother in Louisiana who's been arrested for "whipping" (with an electrical cord or belt according to the sheriff) her 3 kids because they broke into a neighbor's house and stole stuff. The husband/father is currently doing time in prison, and she says she didn't want that for her kids. She's actually receiving a lot of moral support at the moment, including from state officials praising her for doing the right thing. And so the debate about child discipline rages.

Which is more "damaging"? The effects of a "whipping", or ending up a jailbird. Which is more damaging to society? Appropriate corporal punishment that teaches discipline at an early age, or having to house, clothe and feed (rinse & repeat) career criminals? But WRT discipline in schools, if parents were doing their job at home, it wouldn't even have to come up. It's not enough however that we prevent teachers from exercising any discipline in the classroom, some of us have to stick our noses into family affairs and tell parents that they can't discipline their kids at home. Genuine abuse is one thing, but a few welts from a belt is reasonable and for most kids necessary at one time or another. (If done early enough, I think you find in most cases that any further need for it disappears because the child has learned.)

For me there is no such thing as appropriate corporal punishment. Violence is never the answer.

All you learn from violence is that it hurts and if you are stronger/more powerful than someone who angers you then you can use violence to teach them a lesson. A thought process possessed by bottle merchants the world over on many a Saturday night brawl.

Discipline is a process that involves teaching right from wrong, when done properly it leads to an understanding of why something is wrong. It should teach appropriate behaviour.

Violence does not do that. All it teaches is, as I previously said, that it hurts and in order to avoid pain don't get caught.

Striking a child in anger or as a form of discipline is wrong.

striking a child in anger, and smacking a child for discipline, are two different things...

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Schools need discipline, however this does mean they have to use violence.

Discipline vs violence ... a debate that's been going on awhile now, and not just in schools. Right now there's a mother in Louisiana who's been arrested for "whipping" (with an electrical cord or belt according to the sheriff) her 3 kids because they broke into a neighbor's house and stole stuff. The husband/father is currently doing time in prison, and she says she didn't want that for her kids. She's actually receiving a lot of moral support at the moment, including from state officials praising her for doing the right thing. And so the debate about child discipline rages.

Which is more "damaging"? The effects of a "whipping", or ending up a jailbird. Which is more damaging to society? Appropriate corporal punishment that teaches discipline at an early age, or having to house, clothe and feed (rinse & repeat) career criminals? But WRT discipline in schools, if parents were doing their job at home, it wouldn't even have to come up. It's not enough however that we prevent teachers from exercising any discipline in the classroom, some of us have to stick our noses into family affairs and tell parents that they can't discipline their kids at home. Genuine abuse is one thing, but a few welts from a belt is reasonable and for most kids necessary at one time or another. (If done early enough, I think you find in most cases that any further need for it disappears because the child has learned.)

For me there is no such thing as appropriate corporal punishment. Violence is never the answer.

All you learn from violence is that it hurts and if you are stronger/more powerful than someone who angers you then you can use violence to teach them a lesson. A thought process possessed by bottle merchants the world over on many a Saturday night brawl.

Discipline is a process that involves teaching right from wrong, when done properly it leads to an understanding of why something is wrong. It should teach appropriate behaviour.

Violence does not do that. All it teaches is, as I previously said, that it hurts and in order to avoid pain don't get caught.

Striking a child in anger or as a form of discipline is wrong.

striking a child in anger, and smacking a child for discipline, are two different things...

I disagree.

They are both violence.

They are both wrong.

They both have no place in any system of discipline.

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I tough just few months in a elementary school, and had a couple of bad behavior boys, 12 to 14 years old, on my class don't responding to my corrections. One morning, after class, I found my motorbike with cutted tires and the boys watching and laughing at me. I complained with the Principal, and nothing was done. Happened again, and I have to quit the job because I knew that I was going to react bad next time......But...if I was Thai...... other history... After many years living here I learned that ...unfortunately...most Thai people are not very inclined to dialog and compromise...and just acts.. provoking and testing a physical response or some kind of confrontation.

I hope you were not teaching English! 2/10

No. I was teaching art.... for free...but my English is better than many Thai teachers... at least in that particular school...

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