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Trump lambastes Clinton: 'She gets rich making you poor'


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Trump lambastes Clinton: 'She gets rich making you poor'

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump launched a blistering attack Wednesday on Hillary Clinton's record and character, slamming his presidential rival as a "world class liar" who raked in personal profits from her tenure at the State Department. The billionaire businessman claimed, "She gets rich making you poor."

Trump's broadside marked his opening salvo in a general election faceoff with Clinton that has already turned bruising and deeply personal. The presumptive Republican nominee called Clinton the "most corrupt" person to ever run for president and accused of her of spreading "death, destruction and terrorism" while serving as the nation's top diplomat.

Clinton, campaigning in North Carolina, called Trump's charges "outlandish lies."

"He's going after me personally because he has no answers on the substance," Clinton said. "All he can try to do is try to distract us."

Trump's tone was pointed yet measured as he ticked through several of Republicans' favorite critiques of Clinton, including her use of private email as secretary of state and her role in responding to the attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya. Several of his claims were inaccurate or exaggerated, including incorrectly saying she wants to spend hundreds of billions to resettle Middle Eastern refugees in the United States.

Wednesday's address came at a pivotal moment for Trump's presidential campaign. The political novice has struggled with the transition to a general election race, getting bogged down by self-created controversies and failing to invest in the staff and infrastructure needed for the fall campaign.

Earlier this week, Trump abruptly fired his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, a move widely viewed as an acknowledgment of a need to recalibrate his organization. A new fundraising report released hours after Lewandowski's firing underscored how much ground Trump has to make up: He started June with just $1.3 million in the bank, a stunningly paltry amount for a major party nominee.

Even as Trump blasted Clinton, he returned to some of the core themes that first powered his surprising presidential campaign. He railed against professional politicians and urged Americans to seize an opportunity to shake up a "rigged" system.

"This election will decide whether we're ruled by the people or the politicians," Trump said, standing before a friendly audience in a ballroom at his hotel in New York's SoHo neighborhood.

While he assailed Hillary Clinton in personal terms, Trump did not make any mention of former President Bill Clinton's indiscretions, despite raising those issues earlier in the campaign.

The real estate mogul did make a direct appeal to supporters of Clinton's primary rival Bernie Sanders, reminding voters that the Vermont senator, too, has raised questions about her judgment. Like Trump, Sanders also generated enormous enthusiasm among voters frustrated with Washington.

Turning to his own plans as president, Trump argued that his opposition to a major Asia Pacific trade pact and his hard-line immigration position would be more beneficial than Clinton's for blacks and Hispanics, two groups that have overwhelmingly voted for Democrats in recent presidential elections.

The Republican said Clinton has pledged to "end virtually all immigration enforcement and thus create totally open borders in the United States." While Clinton has called for a pathway to citizenship for millions of people living in the U.S. illegally, she has also called for focusing enforcement on "detaining and deporting those individuals who pose a violent threat to public safety."

Trump frequently referenced sources of information that have been widely questioned, including the book "Clinton Cash" by Peter Schweizer. The book argues Clinton and her husband used the State Department to enrich their family, but it does not provide evidence of direct connections between business dealings by foreign interests, sometimes involving the Clinton Foundation, and decisions by Clinton when she was secretary of state.

An Associated Press review of State Department calendars did show that she opened her office to dozens of influential Democratic party fundraisers, Clinton loyalists and corporate donors to her family's global charity. The AP found no evidence of legal or ethical conflicts in Clinton's meetings.

Trump's remarks came one day after Clinton launched her own blistering attacks on her White House rival. She moved to undercut Trump's argument that his business record would help him create jobs as president, arguing instead that he had been "reckless" with his companies and "shouldn't have his hands on our economy."


Pace reported from Washington. AP writers Jonathan Lemire in New York and Ken Thomas in Raleigh, North Carolina, contributed.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-23

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I asked this earlier but no reply.

If Hillary is as crooked as the right wing fake news says, how is it the full Senate vetted her as Secretary of State 94-2.

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"In a blistering audit released last month, the State Department’s inspector general concluded that Clinton and her team ignored clear internal guidance that her email setup broke federal standards and could leave sensitive material vulnerable to hackers. Her aides twice brushed aside concerns, in one case telling technical staff “the matter was not to be discussed further,” the report said."


The actions of a candidate for the highest office in the land?

Don't think so...wink.png

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Trump Speech Dominates News Cycle… Praise, Respect from Mainstream Outlets

"Donald Trump’s Wednesday morning speech blasting Hillary Clinton’s failed policies and poor judgement rocked conservatives and liberals alike. As NPR News put it, “Trump gave the speech Republicans have been waiting 20 years to hear” – and liberals feared."


Excellent speech, eh?

Where's JT? rolleyes.gif

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I asked this earlier but no reply.

If Hillary is as crooked as the right wing fake news says, how is it the full Senate vetted her as Secretary of State 94-2.

It's called politics.

Maybe you hadn't gotten a reply because it is so obvious.

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I asked this earlier but no reply.

If Hillary is as crooked as the right wing fake news says, how is it the full Senate vetted her as Secretary of State 94-2.

It's called politics.

Maybe you hadn't gotten a reply because it is so obvious.

On top of that most of the criminal activity occurred while she was Sect of State, activities that occurred after her nomination to that position. One word describes most of these libos..DUH!

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I asked this earlier but no reply.

If Hillary is as crooked as the right wing fake news says, how is it the full Senate vetted her as Secretary of State 94-2.

It's called politics.

Maybe you hadn't gotten a reply because it is so obvious.

On top of that most of the criminal activity occurred while she was Sect of State, activities that occurred after her nomination to that position. One word describes most of these libos..DUH!

Actually, from Whitewater thru Travelgate onwards there's a trail of 'malfeasance' many miles long. thumbsup.gif

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The hammer is coming down...lol.

All truth...no fiction. The only thing you need to know when you work for HIllary, is that you will be pleading the 5th at least 125 times a year.

wow. Don't tell me anybody is still voting for her.....what a joke.

JT seen crying in the corner...sad.png

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I asked this earlier but no reply.

If Hillary is as crooked as the right wing fake news says, how is it the full Senate vetted her as Secretary of State 94-2.

I tend to consider the senate to be pretty corrupt as well...

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I asked this earlier but no reply.

If Hillary is as crooked as the right wing fake news says, how is it the full Senate vetted her as Secretary of State 94-2.

I tend to consider the senate to be pretty corrupt as well...

Right. I almost forgot. They are all being paid bid money by the Bilderburg group to destroy America.

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I asked this earlier but no reply.

If Hillary is as crooked as the right wing fake news says, how is it the full Senate vetted her as Secretary of State 94-2.

I tend to consider the senate to be pretty corrupt as well...

That is what the self-appointed "intellectuals" (lol) of ThaiVisa fail to figure into the equation.

No matter how much you try to teach them, they deny everything.

Hillary has serious.....very serious political connections. (Remember Bill?).

The longer you stay in the political circle, the more chance that you will be corrupted.

She feels she is above rules.....that she can do anything she wants.

Then she lies....and makes phone calls so that media and high ranking political figures can cover her krappy trail.

I am keeping to my belief that her game is up....in two weeks.

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Let's have another look at Crooked Hillary after she has listened to Trumps speech detailing her 'inadequacies':



Hmm...she says thinking how is she going to pay back Goldman Sachs & the Saudi's etc after she's indicted on Felony Racketeering charges. whistling.gif


A picture is worth more than 125 pleas of 5th Amendment rights.

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I asked this earlier but no reply.

If Hillary is as crooked as the right wing fake news says, how is it the full Senate vetted her as Secretary of State 94-2.

I tend to consider the senate to be pretty corrupt as well...

Right. I almost forgot. They are all being paid bid money by the Bilderburg group to destroy America.

Well, I'll elaborate a bit, but not too much, just to show how I arrived a long time ago to this conclusion...a major complaint among the members of congress is that fund raising is actually their highest priority...they spend hours (literally) every day making calls and trying to secure campaign money for themselves as well as the DNC and RNC...some are able to raise millions, which I'm sure comes with a catch...plus,they themselves have created so many procedural techniques that allow them to quash legislation by burying it in other bills that are sure to fail, or attaching unpopular or self-serving legislation to bills as they fly through congress (a surprising number of highways and construction projects happen to pass through or near land owned by members of congress)...gerrymandering, which deprives citizens in a district of true representation....moreover, most business is not conducted on the senate floor, but with phone calls and personal meetings...if you don't think there is considerable bartering going on (i'll vote for x if you vote for y), then I cannot help...finally, each member of congress feels beholden to their home constituency, rather than the general public, so we get bridges to nowhere, simply because the projects provide work for a select group in the home district... there's more, obviously, but who has the time...?

as for Clinton, her big advantage is that no one is yet able to prove anything against her...but i'm sure she is corrupt to the core...anyone who collects 250000 for a 45 minute speech is selling something of value...and of course there is Chelsea Clinton, who in her 20s secured a 600,000 part time job...obviously based on her talent and experience...

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Hmmm. "Crooked Hillary"? She isn't being sued over making false claims to lure poor suckers into an education scheme at Trump University. She also didn't use the bankruptcy laws to make money while screwing others out of money multiple times. He didn't use bankruptcy protection to save his business, he used it to actually make money. She hasn't used the legal system and her money to sue her detractors knowing that those he is suing will run out of money during trial forcing them to settle. "Crooked Hillary" has only served her country honorably. If you go to fact checking sites on all of the issues the right uses against Hillary, you find that your favorite right wing politicians and news organizations are wrong.

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Crooked Hillary has been too busy with answering (lying) to investigators to have accomplished anything.

There is literally nothing in her resume, besides being investigated all the time, to make people think she has anything on the ball.

Fund-raising may be one thing she can do. However, she has been getting contributions from countries who have the worst civil rights records.

There is no way to compare Trump.....simply because he has not yet been tested while holding a high government position.

He has some class action suits...etc. Civil stuff...not criminal. No FBI involvement like Hillary.

Hillary has been tested and failed. Mediocre at best.....criminal at worst. Lying and placing herself above the law more likely.

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I asked this earlier but no reply.

If Hillary is as crooked as the right wing fake news says, how is it the full Senate vetted her as Secretary of State 94-2.

1) Poor judgment

2) Republican & RINO Obamaphobia

3) They were too tired to fight

4) Everyone wanted her out of the Senate

5) Still recovering from really bad New Year's Eve hangovers

6) Her approval rating was 65% and most actually believed it

7) All of the above

I could go to 10, but I'm tired.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Make no mistake, never underestimate the mindset of the majority of U. S. American Democrats: Poll: 71% of Democrats Think Hillary Clinton Should Keep Running Even If She’s Indicted

Maybe one of my fellow high-information posters can elaborate and educate me a little bit why that is. Of course, only if he counts himself to the above mentioned 71%.

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I asked this earlier but no reply.

If Hillary is as crooked as the right wing fake news says, how is it the full Senate vetted her as Secretary of State 94-2.

Because 97.917% of the U. S. senators have the same mindset as 71% of the U. S. Democrats?

Just guessing, though.

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Lying Trump t is at it again.

In the speech he just read by teleprompter, he said Hillary made $21.6 million from speaking engagements at big banks.

A fact check reveals the number is actually $1.8 million.

Fact checkers reviewing his speeches reveal a lie every 5 minutes. In one speech he lied 76 times in the one hour period.

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Lying Trump said "our Country will be better off when we start making our own products."

According to a Ball State professor, Mr Hicks, 9 out 10 manufacturing jobs have been lost to mechanization, not trade policies.

"No matter how you measure it, 2015 was the record year for manufacturing production in the USA.

US exports reached an all time high.

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Make no mistake, never underestimate the mindset of the majority of U. S. American Democrats: Poll: 71% of Democrats Think Hillary Clinton Should Keep Running Even If She’s Indicted

Maybe one of my fellow high-information posters can elaborate and educate me a little bit why that is. Of course, only if he counts himself to the above mentioned 71%.

Running from the law....is what they all agree she need do.

If I were her...I would run as fast as I could.

Edited by slipperylobster
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