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After Capitol all-nighter, US Democrats push on for gun control


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boomerangutang said, "I've resided in Thailand 18 years but have been planning to reside part of each year in SW US. I'm seriously doubting returning because of the intense saturation of guns. If I slightly offend anyone there (who is carrying) then that person can shoot me and get away with it. Let's say I'm driving and pass someone on a hwy. The other person is angered. He shoots me. POW! game over. Or I take a parking spot which someone else thinks should be theirs. POW! the guy shoots me. It's legal now in the US. Or I'm in a grocery story and I look at a pretty girl for a split second. The mother thinks I'm leering. POW! she shoots me. .......you get the picture? The US is so saturated with guns, and then add concealed (or open) carry, then anyone can shoot anyone for any reason. Because NRA and gun-lovers have so dominating the American landscape, they can do no wrong. Lots of people are going to get shot for no good reason, and the NRA will justify it. Already, gun makers are offering to pay for legal cases when purchasers get in trouble for shooting innocents. I shit you not."

Well, if you are that apprehensive, my advice to you is don't go back.

Danger can lurk anywhere. I visit Burma sometimes, and can walk the streets of any town, at any time (3 am, 4 am, no problemo), and not feel a tinge of danger. However, if a shooter shoots someone in Burma or Thailand, the shooter (if caught) will likely stand trial and face legal consequences.

American is headed toward a scenario where shooters can often get legal excuses for shooting others. NRA will back shooters, because (in NRA's view) it's more important for a person to be able to have a gun, than the consequences of shooting that gun. That may not be articulated in their brochures, but that's how their philosophy manifests in the real world. As I mentioned earlier, gun makers/sellers are now adding incentives for gun buyers, telling them they will back them in any legal proceedings stemming from harm caused by their product. That's unprecedented!!!

That's like a stiletto knife company telling prospective customers: "Buy our lethal knives now, and we'll promise that If you're ever brought up on legal charges due to you knifing one or more people using our knife, we will use the full weight of our multi-million dollar legal defense team to side with you, and do all we can to ensure you're not found guilty."

I've been around long enough to know that people have tempers, and tempers erupt. I have never met anyone, among tens of thousands of people, who does not have a point where their temper erupts. Some people, like rednecks and Islamists, erupt at the slightest provocation. Others, like myself and the Dalai Lama, are very cool headed. In the old days, when a redneck erupted in anger in the US, they might give the finger or cuss. They might even shake a stick or a fist in your face. Nowadays, a redneck can pull out a gun and shoot you and, if it's a registered gun, the shooter will have his excuse and quite possibly avoid any legal repercussion. NRA has all gun-loving politicians firmly by the balls (or, if they're women, by their hair). They're changing America, and it's for the worse.

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In related news, a California Democrat who was a champion of gun control has been sent to prison for weapons trafficking...

Ex-Calif. State Sen. Leland Yee, gun control champion, heading to prison for weapons trafficking

Yee also discussed buying weapons overseas and bringing them to the U.S. with two associates and an undercover agent. He accepted $6,800 and a list of arms for purchase in the Philippines.
The maneuvers were not only illegal, but also in stark contrast to what he had long purported to stand for.
Yee told CBS two years before he was arrested: “It is extremely important that individuals in the state of California do not own assault weapons. I mean that is just so crystal clear — there is no debate, no discussion.”


Just more hypocrisy coming from the liberal left democrats.

And it is more dangerous than typical hypocrisy like attacking an industry/country/etc while accepting donations from them.

Here is a guy trying to convince people to disarm themselves while he himself is involved in arming criminals. Jail time is too good for him.

This quote from the article sounds like a prominent Democrat well all know, doesn't it?...

In the words of the Guardian’s Tim Redmond, Yee was a “political puzzle”:
"He’s grown, changed and developed his positions over time. Or he’s become an expert at political pandering, telling every group exactly what it wants to hear. He’s the best chance progressives have of keeping the corrupt old political machine out of City Hall — or he’s a chameleon who will be a nightmare for progressive San Francisco."
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Chortle to your heart's content, and be glad you have a heart that's beating. That's more than the 1st graders at Sandy Hook have......




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And yet, even after viewing this video of a 13yrs old being refused to buy cigarette, porn, and beer but can buy a rifle with a smile, the NRA fanboys, the gun polishers and other still thing everything is ok:




Doesn't look like these kids are old enough to buy a firearm. The obvious irresponsibility is the girl in second photo has her finger on the trigger - a big no no. Ought to take the adults who engineered and posed these photos out behind the wood shed and give them a few smacks for being stupid.

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And yet, even after viewing this video of a 13yrs old being refused to buy cigarette, porn, and beer but can buy a rifle with a smile, the NRA fanboys, the gun polishers and other still thing everything is ok:



Doesn't look like these kids are old enough to buy a firearm. The obvious irresponsibility is the girl in second photo has her finger on the trigger - a big no no. Ought to take the adults who engineered and posed these photos out behind the wood shed and give them a few smacks for being stupid.

Well maybe yoy should watch the video i provided then.. it seems the kid can just bought a rifle.. the stupids are.mostly the ones who still cannot link gun availbility with gun killings...
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boomerangutang said, "I've resided in Thailand 18 years but have been planning to reside part of each year in SW US. I'm seriously doubting returning because of the intense saturation of guns. If I slightly offend anyone there (who is carrying) then that person can shoot me and get away with it. Let's say I'm driving and pass someone on a hwy. The other person is angered. He shoots me. POW! game over. Or I take a parking spot which someone else thinks should be theirs. POW! the guy shoots me. It's legal now in the US. Or I'm in a grocery story and I look at a pretty girl for a split second. The mother thinks I'm leering. POW! she shoots me. .......you get the picture? The US is so saturated with guns, and then add concealed (or open) carry, then anyone can shoot anyone for any reason. Because NRA and gun-lovers have so dominating the American landscape, they can do no wrong. Lots of people are going to get shot for no good reason, and the NRA will justify it. Already, gun makers are offering to pay for legal cases when purchasers get in trouble for shooting innocents. I shit you not."

Well, if you are that apprehensive, my advice to you is don't go back.

Danger can lurk anywhere. I visit Burma sometimes, and can walk the streets of any town, at any time (3 am, 4 am, no problemo), and not feel a tinge of danger. However, if a shooter shoots someone in Burma or Thailand, the shooter (if caught) will likely stand trial and face legal consequences.

American is headed toward a scenario where shooters can often get legal excuses for shooting others. NRA will back shooters, because (in NRA's view) it's more important for a person to be able to have a gun, than the consequences of shooting that gun. That may not be articulated in their brochures, but that's how their philosophy manifests in the real world. As I mentioned earlier, gun makers/sellers are now adding incentives for gun buyers, telling them they will back them in any legal proceedings stemming from harm caused by their product. That's unprecedented!!!

That's like a stiletto knife company telling prospective customers: "Buy our lethal knives now, and we'll promise that If you're ever brought up on legal charges due to you knifing one or more people using our knife, we will use the full weight of our multi-million dollar legal defense team to side with you, and do all we can to ensure you're not found guilty."

I've been around long enough to know that people have tempers, and tempers erupt. I have never met anyone, among tens of thousands of people, who does not have a point where their temper erupts. Some people, like rednecks and Islamists, erupt at the slightest provocation. Others, like myself and the Dalai Lama, are very cool headed. In the old days, when a redneck erupted in anger in the US, they might give the finger or cuss. They might even shake a stick or a fist in your face. Nowadays, a redneck can pull out a gun and shoot you and, if it's a registered gun, the shooter will have his excuse and quite possibly avoid any legal repercussion. NRA has all gun-loving politicians firmly by the balls (or, if they're women, by their hair). They're changing America, and it's for the worse.

You lost me when you referred to the superior legal systems in Burma and Thailand. You need more than NRA backing to justify a shooting in the states.

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Well done Hawaii. See how easy it is?

(CNN)While the issue of gun control has made little headway in Congress, Hawaii this week enacted a series of gun laws, one of which the governor says makes it the first state to put firearm owners into a database.

That database, which is called the "Rap Back" system, is operated by the FBI and would notify police when a gun owner is arrested for a crime anywhere in the United States.
"This will allow county police departments in Hawaii to evaluate whether the firearm owner may continue to legally possess and own firearms," the Hawaii governor's office said in a statement.

A second and separate gun measure signed into Hawaii state law Thursday prohibits offenders who have stalked or committed sexual assault from owning guns. At least 11 other states have some sort of laws restricting people who've been convicted of stalking from possessing guns.
That new law was praised by former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was critically injured in a shooting, and her husband Mark Kelly. They are advocates for tighter gun laws.
"This is a major victory for common sense and another defeat for the gun lobby," they said in a statement from their political action committee, Americans for Responsible Solutions. Giffords and Kelly said the law covering stalkers and sexual-assault offenders "will help guns out of the hands of dangerous people, and make Hawaii a safer place to live."
The third new law requires gun owners to surrender their firearms and ammunition to the police if they've been disqualified to possess the weapons "due to a diagnosis of having a significant behavioral, emotional, or mental disorder, or due to emergency or involuntary admission to a psychiatric facility."
If the person does not voluntarily give up their arms, the police chief has permission to seize the weapons.


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And yet, even after viewing this video of a 13yrs old being refused to buy cigarette, porn, and beer but can buy a rifle with a smile, the NRA fanboys, the gun polishers and other still thing everything is ok:

Doesn't look like these kids are old enough to buy a firearm. The obvious irresponsibility is the girl in second photo has her finger on the trigger - a big no no. Ought to take the adults who engineered and posed these photos out behind the wood shed and give them a few smacks for being stupid.

Well maybe yoy should watch the video i provided then.. it seems the kid can just bought a rifle.. the stupids are.mostly the ones who still cannot link gun availbility with gun killings...

I did watch it. I was commenting on the photos, which are an over the top dramatization apart from the video. There is a link between gun injuries/deaths and untrained kids handling firearms incorrectly, exemplified by the second photo, which is what I was commenting on.

I agree with closing the gun show loop hole though.

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Doesn't look like these kids are old enough to buy a firearm. The obvious irresponsibility is the girl in second photo has her finger on the trigger - a big no no. Ought to take the adults who engineered and posed these photos out behind the wood shed and give them a few smacks for being stupid.

Speaking of irresponsibility, it's beyond irresponsible for any gun owners to have guns anywhere near where kids can access them. Yet it's common in the USA. that's why there are hundreds (thousands?) of deaths each year of/by kids using guns. Sometimes it's a kid shooting a parent. More often it's a kid unwittingly shooting another kid. It gets back to the perverse saturation of guns in the US. Less guns = less harm from guns. 1 + 1 = 2.

boomerangutang said, "I've resided in Thailand 18 years but have been planning to reside part of each year in SW US. I'm seriously doubting returning because of the intense saturation of guns. If I slightly offend anyone there (who is carrying) then that person can shoot me and get away with it. Let's say I'm driving and pass someone on a hwy. The other person is angered. He shoots me. POW! game over. Or I take a parking spot which someone else thinks should be theirs. POW! the guy shoots me. It's legal now in the US. Or I'm in a grocery story and I look at a pretty girl for a split second. The mother thinks I'm leering. POW! she shoots me. .......you get the picture? The US is so saturated with guns, and then add concealed (or open) carry, then anyone can shoot anyone for any reason. Because NRA and gun-lovers have so dominating the American landscape, they can do no wrong. Lots of people are going to get shot for no good reason, and the NRA will justify it. Already, gun makers are offering to pay for legal cases when purchasers get in trouble for shooting innocents. I shit you not."

Well, if you are that apprehensive, my advice to you is don't go back.

Danger can lurk anywhere. I visit Burma sometimes, and can walk the streets of any town, at any time (3 am, 4 am, no problemo), and not feel a tinge of danger. However, if a shooter shoots someone in Burma or Thailand, the shooter (if caught) will likely stand trial and face legal consequences.

American is headed toward a scenario where shooters can often get legal excuses for shooting others. NRA will back shooters, because (in NRA's view) it's more important for a person to be able to have a gun, than the consequences of shooting that gun. That may not be articulated in their brochures, but that's how their philosophy manifests in the real world. As I mentioned earlier, gun makers/sellers are now adding incentives for gun buyers, telling them they will back them in any legal proceedings stemming from harm caused by their product. That's unprecedented!!!

That's like a stiletto knife company telling prospective customers: "Buy our lethal knives now, and we'll promise that If you're ever brought up on legal charges due to you knifing one or more people using our knife, we will use the full weight of our multi-million dollar legal defense team to side with you, and do all we can to ensure you're not found guilty."

I've been around long enough to know that people have tempers, and tempers erupt. I have never met anyone, among tens of thousands of people, who does not have a point where their temper erupts. Some people, like rednecks and Islamists, erupt at the slightest provocation. Others, like myself and the Dalai Lama, are very cool headed. In the old days, when a redneck erupted in anger in the US, they might give the finger or cuss. They might even shake a stick or a fist in your face. Nowadays, a redneck can pull out a gun and shoot you and, if it's a registered gun, the shooter will have his excuse and quite possibly avoid any legal repercussion. NRA has all gun-loving politicians firmly by the balls (or, if they're women, by their hair). They're changing America, and it's for the worse.

You lost me when you referred to the superior legal systems in Burma and Thailand. You need more than NRA backing to justify a shooting in the states.

I wasn't comparing legal systems. I was comparing level of safety. I feel safer walking back streets in Thailand, than I do walking back streets in the US. ....and I feel safer in Burma than in Thailand. Connect the dots.

NRA AND gun manufacturers/dealers will formally back licensed gun owners when that gun owner shoots someone. It's happened and will continue to happen. Look it up. They will back up the shooter with high paid lawyers and possibly also the politicians they bought. Politicians can be influential when speaking with a judge or police chief.

I'll say it again; I don't feel safe visiting the US because any gun owner can shoot me. Even the slightest provocation (a sour look) from me might prompt a gun shot to my face or chest. If there's a court case, the shooter can call on the NRA and the gun maker/dealer to back him/her up with funds and high priced lawyers.

American rednecks are already renown for blowing their temper. Now many of them have guns, so they have that added leverage over the person (like me) who doesn't carry a gun. The same rednecks were brought up watching hundreds of movies where gun shooters prevailed. So they have the psychic fixation that 'the person with the gun is right' - or even if he's not right, he's the last man standing, so (like Trump would say), he's the winner.

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The following brief video news-commentary says what I've been trying to convey on this thread.

A Texan mother of 2 girls, and a strong and vocal advocate of everyone owning guns - gunned down and killed her two daughters. Shot one in the back while the girl was lying prone on the ground, already wounded. The girls were around 20.

I dare any gun lover to watch it. Then watch it a 2nd time and let it sink in to your varicosed veined brain.

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Trump likes winners and chides losers.

Well, gun owners are winners. What's the score thus far this year? I don't know. In the US, it's probably about 17,000 to zero.

Congratulations gun owners. Trump loves you, because your side is winning. The NRA also loves you (particularly when you send in your dues on time), and gun manufactorers/dealers love you also. Keep buying a lot of guns to make them all happy. The more people that get shot, the more you're winning the game, ......and those who get shot are losers. like the young blond Texan girl who just got engaged to get married, ......ooops, she won't get married now, because her gun-loving mom just shot and killed her. Another loser.

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The NRA is NOT the problem.

The NRA is a big part of the problem of why there's such gun insanity in the US. They're one of the biggest if not THE biggest lobbyists in Congress. They have an enormous war chest which they pay toward sheeple congress individuals who vote their way. They want public access to semi-auto assault weapons. The gun used by the mother to shoot her two daughters was a semi-auto pistol. She even went in her house to re-load while her daughters were lying wounded on the front lawn.

The NRA fully supports such people who legally own weapons. The NRA, more than any other organization is contributing to the worsening of America. Gun huggers can try to explain it away, but they're like kids braying for their mama goat to come and stick an udder in their faces.

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The following brief video news-commentary says what I've been trying to convey on this thread.

A Texan mother of 2 girls, and a strong and vocal advocate of everyone owning guns - gunned down and killed her two daughters. Shot one in the back while the girl was lying prone on the ground, already wounded. The girls were around 20.

I dare any gun lover to watch it. Then watch it a 2nd time and let it sink in to your varicosed veined brain.

You have a disdain for "red necks", which I take to mean stupid people, or perhaps anyone residing in certain southern US states.

This event happened in Texas which obviously makes them red necks. There are now fewer red necks among us and the Sheriff has put the gun into evidence, and it will be destroyed later. This ought to be a win-win situation in your book, moreover that no non-red necks were harmed.

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The following brief video news-commentary says what I've been trying to convey on this thread.

A Texan mother of 2 girls, and a strong and vocal advocate of everyone owning guns - gunned down and killed her two daughters. Shot one in the back while the girl was lying prone on the ground, already wounded. The girls were around 20.

I dare any gun lover to watch it. Then watch it a 2nd time and let it sink in to your varicosed veined brain.

You have a disdain for "red necks", which I take to mean stupid people, or perhaps anyone residing in certain southern US states.

This event happened in Texas which obviously makes them red necks. There are now fewer red necks among us and the Sheriff has put the gun into evidence, and it will be destroyed later. This ought to be a win-win situation in your book, moreover that no non-red necks were harmed.

Rednecks (one word, not two) is a term I use for people with a narrow, hyper-selfish, prejudiced outlook. Perhaps it's non-PC, but then that makes me like Trump, for using the word. ha ha ha.

55Jay asks if I use the word for "...perhaps anyone residing in certain southern US states."

No. I'm sure there are reasonable and decent people living in all 50 US states.

This ought to be a win-win situation in your book,

By no means 'win-win.' Not remotely. Two young women (I think they were 17 and 21) were shot dead. There's nothing 'win' about that.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Just in one US city, there was an average of 30 shootings each day in June. Each day!. On average, two of those resulted in death.

Gun lovers can say, "hey, what's the problem? Only two died each day, so that means 28 lived. I did the math in my head. The most important thing is; every 'Merican who wants guns can get them. As many as they want. That's what it means to be 'Merican. If you don't like it, I'll shoot you too!"

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The following brief video news-commentary says what I've been trying to convey on this thread.

A Texan mother of 2 girls, and a strong and vocal advocate of everyone owning guns - gunned down and killed her two daughters. Shot one in the back while the girl was lying prone on the ground, already wounded. The girls were around 20.

I dare any gun lover to watch it. Then watch it a 2nd time and let it sink in to your varicosed veined brain.

You have a disdain for "red necks", which I take to mean stupid people, or perhaps anyone residing in certain southern US states.

This event happened in Texas which obviously makes them red necks. There are now fewer red necks among us and the Sheriff has put the gun into evidence, and it will be destroyed later. This ought to be a win-win situation in your book, moreover that no non-red necks were harmed.

Rednecks (one word, not two) is a term I use for people with a narrow, hyper-selfish, prejudiced outlook. Perhaps it's non-PC, but then that makes me like Trump, for using the word. ha ha ha.

55Jay asks if I use the word for "...perhaps anyone residing in certain southern US states."

No. I'm sure there are reasonable and decent people living in all 50 US states.

This ought to be a win-win situation in your book,

By no means 'win-win.' Not remotely. Two young women (I think they were 17 and 21) were shot dead. There's nothing 'win' about that.

I agree, you do sound like Trump.

Edited by 55Jay
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