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First results in UK's historic referendum on EU membership


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... err, let me be the first Brit here to acknowledge that the Americans won the two world wars, certainly the second. We played a big part in keeping it warm for them while they made their mind up. We also had the resolve and intellect not to bend over and take aggressive moves. Those were the days when politicians in the US had no appetite for global warfare! Pity that era passed.

You're bitterness (and down right insulting lies) are oozing from you.

Step away from the computer.

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I have to say I am a bit disappointed with the Northern Irish and some of Wales. Scotland and London was expected along with a few plush England counties. One thing we have learned from the demographics is this. We now know where people don't mind immigration, as this was one of the main issues and we can send them there.thumbsup.gif

Brexit never claimed to cut immigration, but to control it.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

I don't see your point. Remain clearly stated immigration was not an issue. The leave said it was. Those areas who voted for remain are happy with our immigration so they can have it. that is my point.

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I have real hopes that the Scots will see the light, split from the UK and join the EU.

In the end, Britain will end up amputated as well. Loss-loss IMO.

Wrong , an independent Scoland will do better without England and the EU .

Just like Norway the natural resources from gas and oil will turn Scotland into a very richr country .

it won;t happen. We will always be part of Great Britain.

you'll waffle a reply about. wkfhsksd;lvcjea;sdfj.

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Congratulations to Scotland, for the upcoming future. Freeeeeeedoooooommmmm!!!

Not a chance. Jocks are not that stupid.
Can't afford it with oil in the toilet too.

What makes Scotland incapable of balancing its books while other nations can manage their finances? Of course we would need to cut our cloth to suit, but that is role of prudent governance. Don't forget, we would also see the removal of unnecessary burdens such as Trident and HS2 on the Scottish taxpayer.

Higher food prices in remote areas. It came out in the last referendum they were subsidised from the South.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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It's a very sad day for the EU and for the UK too.

We're all, Europeans and Britons, going to pay a lot for this. Talk about durable recession in the region.

We all know that the Atlantic Ocean has always been much narrower than the Channel in the heart of many Britons, but things don't work this way as they'll find out soon.

Anyway, your choice.

This is the crux.

Yes, we will make mistakes, we will fix them.

We will flourish.

2 world wars, 1 world cup and a EU refurendum will be the new chant at the football

Britain 4 Germany 0

... err, let me be the first Brit here to acknowledge that the Americans won the two world wars, certainly the second. We played a big part in keeping it warm for them while they made their mind up. We also had the resolve and intellect not to bend over and take aggressive moves. Those were the days when politicians in the US had no appetite for global warfare! Pity that era passed.

I have never known such much drivel typed on a thread

Edited by Caps
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If we are going to leave the EU (& it is an "IF" as Parliament needs to ratify the decision & as less than 37% (52% of the 72% that voted) of the electorate voted for it, it's under no obligation to do so) then let's hope the EU implodes sooner rather rather than later as that should make negotiating individual trade treaties more urgent for all.

Doubt if parliament has the balls to pull a coup. The people of the UK spoke, politicians better start listening.

They wouldnt dare...democracy has spoken

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Gisela Stuart

This referendum has taken place against the backdrop of all the might of institutions and of money. The people were given the impression that they had no choice but to remain, but they voted to leave. It is now incumbent on all of us to be very calm ... and work together.

It is our opportunity to take back control of democratic decisions but also an opportunity to renew some of those processes. Vote Leave has been a cross party organisation. I think what happens now also has to be a cross party effort, because we have a responsibility to act in the best long term interest of this country.”


We have a responsibility to act in the best long term interest of this Country........AND ITS PEOPLE

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Jeez there some Dumboes here.The Money Men would make the Pound Fall even if You stayed in.They edged for a Fall what ever the result was.facepalm.gif

I strongly disagree, but I will not use derogatory language like you in an area where none of us can be sure and it's all about opinion. Money men would have made money of course - they usually do but they did not need markets to fall to make money.

The markets were so clearly girating around expectations on the result on an hour by hour basis overninght. Had markets and the pound gone down this morning on a Remain result people like me would have pounded in to buy.

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If we are going to leave the EU (& it is an "IF" as Parliament needs to ratify the decision & as less than 37% (52% of the 72% that voted) of the electorate voted for it, it's under no obligation to do so) then let's hope the EU implodes sooner rather rather than later as that should make negotiating individual trade treaties more urgent for all.

Doubt if parliament has the balls to pull a coup. The people of the UK spoke, politicians better start listening.

They wouldnt dare...democracy has spoken

Didn't exactly that happen (twice?) in Ireland?

The "Neverendum" they call it...

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UK pensioners in Thailand better get voting, since their buying power has decreased by 3.5% in just the past hour

only if you hold your pension in UK. Personaly I moved it off shore many years ago

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Geert the Dutch guy has spoken

Geert Wilders, a Dutch far-right politician, said on his website that Brexit has created a precedent for other European countries to exit the EU:

We want be in charge of our own country, our own money, our own borders, and our own immigration policy. If I become prime minister, there will be a referendum in the Netherlands on leaving the European Union as well. Let the Dutch people decide.

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UK pensioners in Thailand better get voting, since their buying power has decreased by 3.5% in just the past hour

only if you hold your pension in UK. Personaly I moved it off shore many years ago

What difference would that make? The pension is still paid out in pounds sterling, isn't it?

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UK pensioners in Thailand better get voting, since their buying power has decreased by 3.5% in just the past hour

only if you hold your pension in UK. Personaly I moved it off shore many years ago

A bit hard to do if the only pension they get is a state pension..its these people who will be hit the hardest as most of them are living hand to mouth on their GBP 155 a week only

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If/When leave wins I think Cameron should stay and get on with sorting the country out, but he will need to work with and listen to the people and other MP's. Calling an election or resigning will be too much at this point in time

I disagree. Cameron would be the last person to sort this out. He made it clear where he stands and the "uneducated" people of the UK made it clear where they stand.

"Boris Johnson next prime minister been quoted on Sky News . . ."

But did he ever actually relinquish his U.S. citizenship, as distinct from saying he was going to do it? Relinquishing your U.S. citizenship is not an over-night procedure.

David Davis would be a better choice.

That's all we need is political uncertainty to add the mammoth amount of economic etc uncertainty we already have.

And why should Cameron leave? He had an overwhelming majority not a year ago to win the general election. Should I quit the UK as I voted for remain? What about Corbin? Everyone just needs to chill.

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... err, let me be the first Brit here to acknowledge that the Americans won the two world wars, certainly the second. We played a big part in keeping it warm for them while they made their mind up.

Admit that you are a poor student of history you mean!

Russia defeated Germany before the USA even joined WW2.

Or should I say the Russian winter destroyed the German army.

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52 % out . I was damn right last day.

so now who laugh?? never make fun of me or of my prognostic. I can see into the future.

Iam curious to hear of " Grouses" plans to move to Denmark or Germany...wonder how the house hunting is going in the "Reich"

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If the out vote holds up, then congratulations to the Brits who have reclaimed their country. In the next election, maybe the UK will also get rid of the liberal bleeding heart politicians. Certainly there is reason for optimism.

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Our July the 4th, I always knew those Geordies were not as stupid as they make out thumbsup.gif Pity about the pound though I expect it will recover somewhat over the next few weeks, or there will be a few having to head home.

Edited by thai3
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Well, what can be said apart from now it looks like we get to see if all those really bad things we said were going to happen actually will happen, you know the ones, the things that you said were all scaremongering.

Sympathies to the 2.8 million UK expats around the world, especially those on UK derived fixed income/pensions.


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It's a very sad day for the EU and for the UK too.

We're all, Europeans and Britons, going to pay a lot for this. Talk about durable recession in the region.

We all know that the Atlantic Ocean has always been much narrower than the Channel in the hearts of many Britons, but things don't work this way as they'll find out soon.

Anyway, your choice.

Exactly, our choice.

You see we have had enough of being told how to live our lives, and being governed, by people we cannot vote out of office.

So WE have made our choice and WE will live with it. And if it means a weak Pound for a while so be it.

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Geert the Dutch guy has spoken

Geert Wilders, a Dutch far-right politician, said on his website that Brexit has created a precedent for other European countries to exit the EU:

We want be in charge of our own country, our own money, our own borders, and our own immigration policy. If I become prime minister, there will be a referendum in the Netherlands on leaving the
as well. Let the Dutch people decide.

Hot on the heels of Geert Wilders

Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s far-right Front National party, has welcomed the result of the referendum. She says she wants a similar referendum in France.

Looks like there may be a few more referendums coming up.

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Well, what can be said apart from now it looks like we get to see if all those really bad things we said were going to happen actually will happen, you know the ones, the things that you said were all scaremongering.

Sympathies to the 2.8 million UK expats around the world, especially those on UK derived fixed income/pensions.


Dont do it changers.

Honestly, give the markets a week.

No need to throw yourself of the balcony

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